
Text file src/github.com/vektah/gqlparser/v2/validator/imported/spec/OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule.spec.yml

Documentation: github.com/vektah/gqlparser/v2/validator/imported/spec

     1- name: unique fields
     2  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
     3  schema: 0
     4  query: |2-
     6          fragment uniqueFields on Dog {
     7            name
     8            nickname
     9          }
    11  errors: []
    12- name: identical fields
    13  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    14  schema: 0
    15  query: |2-
    17          fragment mergeIdenticalFields on Dog {
    18            name
    19            name
    20          }
    22  errors: []
    23- name: identical fields with identical args
    24  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    25  schema: 0
    26  query: |2-
    28          fragment mergeIdenticalFieldsWithIdenticalArgs on Dog {
    29            doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
    30            doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
    31          }
    33  errors: []
    34- name: identical fields with identical directives
    35  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    36  schema: 0
    37  query: |2-
    39          fragment mergeSameFieldsWithSameDirectives on Dog {
    40            name @include(if: true)
    41            name @include(if: true)
    42          }
    44  errors: []
    45- name: different args with different aliases
    46  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    47  schema: 0
    48  query: |2-
    50          fragment differentArgsWithDifferentAliases on Dog {
    51            knowsSit: doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
    52            knowsDown: doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: DOWN)
    53          }
    55  errors: []
    56- name: different directives with different aliases
    57  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    58  schema: 0
    59  query: |2-
    61          fragment differentDirectivesWithDifferentAliases on Dog {
    62            nameIfTrue: name @include(if: true)
    63            nameIfFalse: name @include(if: false)
    64          }
    66  errors: []
    67- name: different skip/include directives accepted
    68  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    69  schema: 0
    70  query: |2-
    72          fragment differentDirectivesWithDifferentAliases on Dog {
    73            name @include(if: true)
    74            name @include(if: false)
    75          }
    77  errors: []
    78- name: Same aliases with different field targets
    79  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    80  schema: 0
    81  query: |2-
    83          fragment sameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets on Dog {
    84            fido: name
    85            fido: nickname
    86          }
    88  errors:
    89    - message: Fields "fido" conflict because "name" and "nickname" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
    90      locations:
    91        - {line: 3, column: 9}
    92        - {line: 4, column: 9}
    93- name: Same aliases allowed on non-overlapping fields
    94  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
    95  schema: 0
    96  query: |2-
    98          fragment sameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets on Pet {
    99            ... on Dog {
   100              name
   101            }
   102            ... on Cat {
   103              name: nickname
   104            }
   105          }
   107  errors: []
   108- name: Alias masking direct field access
   109  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   110  schema: 0
   111  query: |2-
   113          fragment aliasMaskingDirectFieldAccess on Dog {
   114            name: nickname
   115            name
   116          }
   118  errors:
   119    - message: Fields "name" conflict because "nickname" and "name" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   120      locations:
   121        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   122        - {line: 4, column: 9}
   123- name: different args, second adds an argument
   124  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   125  schema: 0
   126  query: |2-
   128          fragment conflictingArgs on Dog {
   129            doesKnowCommand
   130            doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: HEEL)
   131          }
   133  errors:
   134    - message: Fields "doesKnowCommand" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   135      locations:
   136        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   137        - {line: 4, column: 9}
   138- name: different args, second missing an argument
   139  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   140  schema: 0
   141  query: |2-
   143          fragment conflictingArgs on Dog {
   144            doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
   145            doesKnowCommand
   146          }
   148  errors:
   149    - message: Fields "doesKnowCommand" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   150      locations:
   151        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   152        - {line: 4, column: 9}
   153- name: conflicting arg values
   154  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   155  schema: 0
   156  query: |2-
   158          fragment conflictingArgs on Dog {
   159            doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
   160            doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: HEEL)
   161          }
   163  errors:
   164    - message: Fields "doesKnowCommand" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   165      locations:
   166        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   167        - {line: 4, column: 9}
   168- name: conflicting arg names
   169  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   170  schema: 0
   171  query: |2-
   173          fragment conflictingArgs on Dog {
   174            isAtLocation(x: 0)
   175            isAtLocation(y: 0)
   176          }
   178  errors:
   179    - message: Fields "isAtLocation" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   180      locations:
   181        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   182        - {line: 4, column: 9}
   183- name: allows different args where no conflict is possible
   184  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   185  schema: 0
   186  query: |2-
   188          fragment conflictingArgs on Pet {
   189            ... on Dog {
   190              name(surname: true)
   191            }
   192            ... on Cat {
   193              name
   194            }
   195          }
   197  errors: []
   198- name: allows different order of args
   199  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   200  schema: 10
   201  query: |2-
   203            {
   204              someField(a: null, b: null)
   205              someField(b: null, a: null)
   206            }
   208  errors: []
   209- name: allows different order of input object fields in arg values
   210  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   211  schema: 11
   212  query: |2-
   214            {
   215              someField(arg: { a: null, b: null })
   216              someField(arg: { b: null, a: null })
   217            }
   219  errors: []
   220- name: encounters conflict in fragments
   221  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   222  schema: 0
   223  query: |2-
   225          {
   226            ...A
   227            ...B
   228          }
   229          fragment A on Type {
   230            x: a
   231          }
   232          fragment B on Type {
   233            x: b
   234          }
   236  errors:
   237    - message: Fields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   238      locations:
   239        - {line: 7, column: 9}
   240        - {line: 10, column: 9}
   241- name: reports each conflict once
   242  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   243  schema: 0
   244  query: |2-
   246          {
   247            f1 {
   248              ...A
   249              ...B
   250            }
   251            f2 {
   252              ...B
   253              ...A
   254            }
   255            f3 {
   256              ...A
   257              ...B
   258              x: c
   259            }
   260          }
   261          fragment A on Type {
   262            x: a
   263          }
   264          fragment B on Type {
   265            x: b
   266          }
   268  errors:
   269    - message: Fields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   270      locations:
   271        - {line: 18, column: 9}
   272        - {line: 21, column: 9}
   273    - message: Fields "x" conflict because "c" and "a" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   274      locations:
   275        - {line: 14, column: 11}
   276        - {line: 18, column: 9}
   277    - message: Fields "x" conflict because "c" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   278      locations:
   279        - {line: 14, column: 11}
   280        - {line: 21, column: 9}
   281- name: deep conflict
   282  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   283  schema: 0
   284  query: |2-
   286          {
   287            field {
   288              x: a
   289            },
   290            field {
   291              x: b
   292            }
   293          }
   295  errors:
   296    - message: Fields "field" conflict because subfields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   297      locations:
   298        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   299        - {line: 4, column: 11}
   300        - {line: 6, column: 9}
   301        - {line: 7, column: 11}
   302- name: deep conflict with multiple issues
   303  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   304  schema: 0
   305  query: |2-
   307          {
   308            field {
   309              x: a
   310              y: c
   311            },
   312            field {
   313              x: b
   314              y: d
   315            }
   316          }
   318  errors:
   319    - message: Fields "field" conflict because subfields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields and subfields "y" conflict because "c" and "d" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   320      locations:
   321        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   322        - {line: 4, column: 11}
   323        - {line: 5, column: 11}
   324        - {line: 7, column: 9}
   325        - {line: 8, column: 11}
   326        - {line: 9, column: 11}
   327- name: very deep conflict
   328  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   329  schema: 0
   330  query: |2-
   332          {
   333            field {
   334              deepField {
   335                x: a
   336              }
   337            },
   338            field {
   339              deepField {
   340                x: b
   341              }
   342            }
   343          }
   345  errors:
   346    - message: Fields "field" conflict because subfields "deepField" conflict because subfields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   347      locations:
   348        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   349        - {line: 4, column: 11}
   350        - {line: 5, column: 13}
   351        - {line: 8, column: 9}
   352        - {line: 9, column: 11}
   353        - {line: 10, column: 13}
   354- name: reports deep conflict to nearest common ancestor
   355  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   356  schema: 0
   357  query: |2-
   359          {
   360            field {
   361              deepField {
   362                x: a
   363              }
   364              deepField {
   365                x: b
   366              }
   367            },
   368            field {
   369              deepField {
   370                y
   371              }
   372            }
   373          }
   375  errors:
   376    - message: Fields "deepField" conflict because subfields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   377      locations:
   378        - {line: 4, column: 11}
   379        - {line: 5, column: 13}
   380        - {line: 7, column: 11}
   381        - {line: 8, column: 13}
   382- name: reports deep conflict to nearest common ancestor in fragments
   383  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   384  schema: 0
   385  query: |2-
   387          {
   388            field {
   389              ...F
   390            }
   391            field {
   392              ...F
   393            }
   394          }
   395          fragment F on T {
   396            deepField {
   397              deeperField {
   398                x: a
   399              }
   400              deeperField {
   401                x: b
   402              }
   403            },
   404            deepField {
   405              deeperField {
   406                y
   407              }
   408            }
   409          }
   411  errors:
   412    - message: Fields "deeperField" conflict because subfields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   413      locations:
   414        - {line: 12, column: 11}
   415        - {line: 13, column: 13}
   416        - {line: 15, column: 11}
   417        - {line: 16, column: 13}
   418- name: reports deep conflict in nested fragments
   419  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   420  schema: 0
   421  query: |2-
   423          {
   424            field {
   425              ...F
   426            }
   427            field {
   428              ...I
   429            }
   430          }
   431          fragment F on T {
   432            x: a
   433            ...G
   434          }
   435          fragment G on T {
   436            y: c
   437          }
   438          fragment I on T {
   439            y: d
   440            ...J
   441          }
   442          fragment J on T {
   443            x: b
   444          }
   446  errors:
   447    - message: Fields "field" conflict because subfields "x" conflict because "a" and "b" are different fields and subfields "y" conflict because "c" and "d" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   448      locations:
   449        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   450        - {line: 11, column: 9}
   451        - {line: 15, column: 9}
   452        - {line: 6, column: 9}
   453        - {line: 22, column: 9}
   454        - {line: 18, column: 9}
   455- name: ignores unknown fragments
   456  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   457  schema: 0
   458  query: |2-
   460          {
   461            field
   462            ...Unknown
   463            ...Known
   464          }
   466          fragment Known on T {
   467            field
   468            ...OtherUnknown
   469          }
   471  errors: []
   472- name: return types must be unambiguous/conflicting return types which potentially overlap
   473  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   474  schema: 12
   475  query: |2-
   477              {
   478                someBox {
   479                  ...on IntBox {
   480                    scalar
   481                  }
   482                  ...on NonNullStringBox1 {
   483                    scalar
   484                  }
   485                }
   486              }
   488  errors:
   489    - message: Fields "scalar" conflict because they return conflicting types "Int" and "String!". Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   490      locations:
   491        - {line: 5, column: 17}
   492        - {line: 8, column: 17}
   493- name: return types must be unambiguous/compatible return shapes on different return types
   494  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   495  schema: 12
   496  query: |2-
   498              {
   499                someBox {
   500                  ... on SomeBox {
   501                    deepBox {
   502                      unrelatedField
   503                    }
   504                  }
   505                  ... on StringBox {
   506                    deepBox {
   507                      unrelatedField
   508                    }
   509                  }
   510                }
   511              }
   513  errors: []
   514- name: return types must be unambiguous/disallows differing return types despite no overlap
   515  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   516  schema: 12
   517  query: |2-
   519              {
   520                someBox {
   521                  ... on IntBox {
   522                    scalar
   523                  }
   524                  ... on StringBox {
   525                    scalar
   526                  }
   527                }
   528              }
   530  errors:
   531    - message: Fields "scalar" conflict because they return conflicting types "Int" and "String". Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   532      locations:
   533        - {line: 5, column: 17}
   534        - {line: 8, column: 17}
   535- name: return types must be unambiguous/reports correctly when a non-exclusive follows an exclusive
   536  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   537  schema: 12
   538  query: |2-
   540              {
   541                someBox {
   542                  ... on IntBox {
   543                    deepBox {
   544                      ...X
   545                    }
   546                  }
   547                }
   548                someBox {
   549                  ... on StringBox {
   550                    deepBox {
   551                      ...Y
   552                    }
   553                  }
   554                }
   555                memoed: someBox {
   556                  ... on IntBox {
   557                    deepBox {
   558                      ...X
   559                    }
   560                  }
   561                }
   562                memoed: someBox {
   563                  ... on StringBox {
   564                    deepBox {
   565                      ...Y
   566                    }
   567                  }
   568                }
   569                other: someBox {
   570                  ...X
   571                }
   572                other: someBox {
   573                  ...Y
   574                }
   575              }
   576              fragment X on SomeBox {
   577                scalar
   578              }
   579              fragment Y on SomeBox {
   580                scalar: unrelatedField
   581              }
   583  errors:
   584    - message: Fields "other" conflict because subfields "scalar" conflict because "scalar" and "unrelatedField" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   585      locations:
   586        - {line: 31, column: 13}
   587        - {line: 39, column: 13}
   588        - {line: 34, column: 13}
   589        - {line: 42, column: 13}
   590- name: return types must be unambiguous/disallows differing return type nullability despite no overlap
   591  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   592  schema: 12
   593  query: |2-
   595              {
   596                someBox {
   597                  ... on NonNullStringBox1 {
   598                    scalar
   599                  }
   600                  ... on StringBox {
   601                    scalar
   602                  }
   603                }
   604              }
   606  errors:
   607    - message: Fields "scalar" conflict because they return conflicting types "String!" and "String". Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   608      locations:
   609        - {line: 5, column: 17}
   610        - {line: 8, column: 17}
   611- name: return types must be unambiguous/disallows differing return type list despite no overlap
   612  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   613  schema: 12
   614  query: |2-
   616              {
   617                someBox {
   618                  ... on IntBox {
   619                    box: listStringBox {
   620                      scalar
   621                    }
   622                  }
   623                  ... on StringBox {
   624                    box: stringBox {
   625                      scalar
   626                    }
   627                  }
   628                }
   629              }
   631  errors:
   632    - message: Fields "box" conflict because they return conflicting types "[StringBox]" and "StringBox". Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   633      locations:
   634        - {line: 5, column: 17}
   635        - {line: 10, column: 17}
   636- name: return types must be unambiguous/disallows differing return type list despite no overlap
   637  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   638  schema: 12
   639  query: |2-
   641              {
   642                someBox {
   643                  ... on IntBox {
   644                    box: stringBox {
   645                      scalar
   646                    }
   647                  }
   648                  ... on StringBox {
   649                    box: listStringBox {
   650                      scalar
   651                    }
   652                  }
   653                }
   654              }
   656  errors:
   657    - message: Fields "box" conflict because they return conflicting types "StringBox" and "[StringBox]". Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   658      locations:
   659        - {line: 5, column: 17}
   660        - {line: 10, column: 17}
   661- name: return types must be unambiguous/disallows differing subfields
   662  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   663  schema: 12
   664  query: |2-
   666              {
   667                someBox {
   668                  ... on IntBox {
   669                    box: stringBox {
   670                      val: scalar
   671                      val: unrelatedField
   672                    }
   673                  }
   674                  ... on StringBox {
   675                    box: stringBox {
   676                      val: scalar
   677                    }
   678                  }
   679                }
   680              }
   682  errors:
   683    - message: Fields "val" conflict because "scalar" and "unrelatedField" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   684      locations:
   685        - {line: 6, column: 19}
   686        - {line: 7, column: 19}
   687- name: return types must be unambiguous/disallows differing deep return types despite no overlap
   688  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   689  schema: 12
   690  query: |2-
   692              {
   693                someBox {
   694                  ... on IntBox {
   695                    box: stringBox {
   696                      scalar
   697                    }
   698                  }
   699                  ... on StringBox {
   700                    box: intBox {
   701                      scalar
   702                    }
   703                  }
   704                }
   705              }
   707  errors:
   708    - message: Fields "box" conflict because subfields "scalar" conflict because they return conflicting types "String" and "Int". Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   709      locations:
   710        - {line: 5, column: 17}
   711        - {line: 6, column: 19}
   712        - {line: 10, column: 17}
   713        - {line: 11, column: 19}
   714- name: return types must be unambiguous/allows non-conflicting overlapping types
   715  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   716  schema: 12
   717  query: |2-
   719              {
   720                someBox {
   721                  ... on IntBox {
   722                    scalar: unrelatedField
   723                  }
   724                  ... on StringBox {
   725                    scalar
   726                  }
   727                }
   728              }
   730  errors: []
   731- name: return types must be unambiguous/same wrapped scalar return types
   732  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   733  schema: 12
   734  query: |2-
   736              {
   737                someBox {
   738                  ...on NonNullStringBox1 {
   739                    scalar
   740                  }
   741                  ...on NonNullStringBox2 {
   742                    scalar
   743                  }
   744                }
   745              }
   747  errors: []
   748- name: return types must be unambiguous/allows inline fragments without type condition
   749  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   750  schema: 12
   751  query: |2-
   753              {
   754                a
   755                ... {
   756                  a
   757                }
   758              }
   760  errors: []
   761- name: return types must be unambiguous/compares deep types including list
   762  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   763  schema: 12
   764  query: |2-
   766              {
   767                connection {
   768                  ...edgeID
   769                  edges {
   770                    node {
   771                      id: name
   772                    }
   773                  }
   774                }
   775              }
   777              fragment edgeID on Connection {
   778                edges {
   779                  node {
   780                    id
   781                  }
   782                }
   783              }
   785  errors:
   786    - message: Fields "edges" conflict because subfields "node" conflict because subfields "id" conflict because "name" and "id" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   787      locations:
   788        - {line: 5, column: 15}
   789        - {line: 6, column: 17}
   790        - {line: 7, column: 19}
   791        - {line: 14, column: 13}
   792        - {line: 15, column: 15}
   793        - {line: 16, column: 17}
   794- name: return types must be unambiguous/ignores unknown types
   795  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   796  schema: 12
   797  query: |2-
   799              {
   800                someBox {
   801                  ...on UnknownType {
   802                    scalar
   803                  }
   804                  ...on NonNullStringBox2 {
   805                    scalar
   806                  }
   807                }
   808              }
   810  errors: []
   811- name: return types must be unambiguous/works for field names that are JS keywords
   812  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   813  schema: 13
   814  query: |2-
   816              {
   817                foo {
   818                  constructor
   819                }
   820              }
   822  errors: []
   823- name: does not infinite loop on recursive fragment
   824  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   825  schema: 0
   826  query: |2-
   828          {
   829            ...fragA
   830          }
   832          fragment fragA on Human { name, relatives { name, ...fragA } }
   834  errors: []
   835- name: does not infinite loop on immediately recursive fragment
   836  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   837  schema: 0
   838  query: |2-
   840          {
   841            ...fragA
   842          }
   844          fragment fragA on Human { name, ...fragA }
   846  errors: []
   847- name: does not infinite loop on recursive fragment with a field named after fragment
   848  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   849  schema: 0
   850  query: |2-
   852          {
   853            ...fragA
   854            fragA
   855          }
   857          fragment fragA on Query { ...fragA }
   859  errors: []
   860- name: finds invalid cases even with field named after fragment
   861  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   862  schema: 0
   863  query: |2-
   865          {
   866            fragA
   867            ...fragA
   868          }
   870          fragment fragA on Type {
   871            fragA: b
   872          }
   874  errors:
   875    - message: Fields "fragA" conflict because "fragA" and "b" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   876      locations:
   877        - {line: 3, column: 9}
   878        - {line: 8, column: 9}
   879- name: does not infinite loop on transitively recursive fragment
   880  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   881  schema: 0
   882  query: |2-
   884          {
   885            ...fragA
   886            fragB
   887          }
   889          fragment fragA on Human { name, ...fragB }
   890          fragment fragB on Human { name, ...fragC }
   891          fragment fragC on Human { name, ...fragA }
   893  errors: []
   894- name: finds invalid case even with immediately recursive fragment
   895  rule: OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
   896  schema: 0
   897  query: |2-
   899          fragment sameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets on Dog {
   900            ...sameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets
   901            fido: name
   902            fido: nickname
   903          }
   905  errors:
   906    - message: Fields "fido" conflict because "name" and "nickname" are different fields. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
   907      locations:
   908        - {line: 4, column: 9}
   909        - {line: 5, column: 9}

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