#!/bin/bash REPO_DIR=./graphql-js EXPORTER_ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" cd "$EXPORTER_ROOT" || exit GIT_REF=origin/main if [[ -f "$EXPORTER_ROOT/graphql-js-commit.log" ]] ; then GIT_REF=$(cat "$EXPORTER_ROOT/graphql-js-commit.log") fi echo $GIT_REF if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] ; then echo "fetching graphql-js with ${GIT_REF}" cd "$REPO_DIR" || exit git fetch origin master git checkout "$GIT_REF" git reset --hard else echo "cloning graphql-js with ${GIT_REF}" git clone --no-tags --single-branch -- https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js $REPO_DIR cd "$REPO_DIR" || exit git checkout "$GIT_REF" fi git rev-parse HEAD > $EXPORTER_ROOT/graphql-js-commit.log cd "$EXPORTER_ROOT" || exit echo "installing js dependencies" npm ci echo "exporting tests" npx babel-node -x ".ts,.js" ./export.js