- rule: 'ExecutableDefinitionsRule/.*' skip: "These are impossible to generate because the parser is split between Query and Schema" - rule: 'FieldsOnCorrectType/Defined on implementors but not on interface' errors: - message: Cannot query field "nickname" on type "Pet". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "Cat" or "Dog"? locations: - {line: 3, column: 9} - rule: 'KnownDirectivesRule/within schema language/with misplaced directives' skip: "When the syntax of schema is mixed in query, parser can't consume schema syntax and ignore it" - rule: 'KnownTypeNamesRule/ignores type definitions' skip: "When the syntax of schema is mixed in query, parser can't consume schema syntax and ignore it" - rule: 'OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule/return types must be unambiguous/reports correctly when a non-exclusive follows an exclusive' skip: "Spec issue? scalar is not exists on SomeBox" - rule: 'ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule/.*custom scalar.*' skip: "Custom scalars are a runtime feature, maybe they dont belong in here?" - rule: 'NoDeprecatedCustomRule/.*' skip: "This rule is optional and is not part of the Validation section of the GraphQL Specification" - rule: 'NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule/.*' skip: "This rule is optional and is not part of the Validation section of the GraphQL Specification" - rule: 'KnownTypeNamesRule/references to standard scalars that are missing in schema' skip: "standard scalars must be exists in schema"