# before schema description comment "schema description" # after schema description comment schema { # before query comment query: TopQuery # before mutation comment mutation: TopMutation # before subscription comment subscription: TopSubscription # end of schema comment } type TopMutation { noop: Boolean noop2(""" noop2 foo bar """ arg: String ): Boolean noop3("noop3 foo bar" arg: String ): Boolean } type TopQuery { noop: Boolean noop2(""" noop2 foo bar """ arg: String ): Boolean noop3( "noop3 foo bar" arg: String ): Boolean } type TopSubscription { noop: Boolean noop2( """noop2 foo bar""" arg: String ): Boolean noop3( "noop3 foo bar" arg1: String "noop3 foo bar" arg2: String ): Boolean } # end of file comment # end of file comment 2