schema { # query comment query: Query } extend schema { # subscription comment subscription: Subscription } # query extends comment type Query @extends { # dogs comment dogs: [Dog!]! # end of type comment } # subscription comment type Subscription { # dogEvents comment dogEvents: [Dog!]! # end of type comment } # Dog comment type Dog { # Dog name comment name: String! # end of type comment } # Person comment type Person @key(fields: "name") { # Person name comment name: String! # end of type comment } # extend type Dog comment extend type Dog { # Dog owner comment owner: Person! @permission(permission: "admin") # end of type comment } # directive @persmission comment directive @permission(permission: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION # directive @extends comment directive @extends on OBJECT # directive @key comment directive @key(fields: String!) on OBJECT | INTERFACE # end of file comment # end of file comment 2