package formatter import ( "fmt" "io" "sort" "strings" "" ) type Formatter interface { FormatSchema(schema *ast.Schema) FormatSchemaDocument(doc *ast.SchemaDocument) FormatQueryDocument(doc *ast.QueryDocument) } //nolint:revive // Ignore "stuttering" name format.FormatterOption type FormatterOption func(*formatter) // WithIndent uses the given string for indenting block bodies in the output, // instead of the default, `"\t"`. func WithIndent(indent string) FormatterOption { return func(f *formatter) { f.indent = indent } } // WithComments includes comments from the source/AST in the formatted output. func WithComments() FormatterOption { return func(f *formatter) { f.emitComments = true } } func NewFormatter(w io.Writer, options ...FormatterOption) Formatter { f := &formatter{ indent: "\t", writer: w, } for _, opt := range options { opt(f) } return f } type formatter struct { writer io.Writer indent string indentSize int emitBuiltin bool emitComments bool padNext bool lineHead bool } func (f *formatter) writeString(s string) { _, _ = f.writer.Write([]byte(s)) } func (f *formatter) writeIndent() *formatter { if f.lineHead { f.writeString(strings.Repeat(f.indent, f.indentSize)) } f.lineHead = false f.padNext = false return f } func (f *formatter) WriteNewline() *formatter { f.writeString("\n") f.lineHead = true f.padNext = false return f } func (f *formatter) WriteWord(word string) *formatter { if f.lineHead { f.writeIndent() } if f.padNext { f.writeString(" ") } f.writeString(strings.TrimSpace(word)) f.padNext = true return f } func (f *formatter) WriteString(s string) *formatter { if f.lineHead { f.writeIndent() } if f.padNext { f.writeString(" ") } f.writeString(s) f.padNext = false return f } func (f *formatter) WriteDescription(s string) *formatter { if s == "" { return f } f.WriteString(`"""`) ss := strings.Split(s, "\n") f.WriteNewline() for _, s := range ss { f.WriteString(s).WriteNewline() } f.WriteString(`"""`).WriteNewline() return f } func (f *formatter) IncrementIndent() { f.indentSize++ } func (f *formatter) DecrementIndent() { f.indentSize-- } func (f *formatter) NoPadding() *formatter { f.padNext = false return f } func (f *formatter) NeedPadding() *formatter { f.padNext = true return f } func (f *formatter) FormatSchema(schema *ast.Schema) { if schema == nil { return } f.FormatCommentGroup(schema.Comment) var inSchema bool startSchema := func() { if !inSchema { inSchema = true f.WriteWord("schema").WriteString("{").WriteNewline() f.IncrementIndent() } } if schema.Query != nil && schema.Query.Name != "Query" { startSchema() f.WriteWord("query").NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.WriteWord(schema.Query.Name).WriteNewline() } if schema.Mutation != nil && schema.Mutation.Name != "Mutation" { startSchema() f.WriteWord("mutation").NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.WriteWord(schema.Mutation.Name).WriteNewline() } if schema.Subscription != nil && schema.Subscription.Name != "Subscription" { startSchema() f.WriteWord("subscription").NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.WriteWord(schema.Subscription.Name).WriteNewline() } if inSchema { f.DecrementIndent() f.WriteString("}").WriteNewline() } directiveNames := make([]string, 0, len(schema.Directives)) for name := range schema.Directives { directiveNames = append(directiveNames, name) } sort.Strings(directiveNames) for _, name := range directiveNames { f.FormatDirectiveDefinition(schema.Directives[name]) } typeNames := make([]string, 0, len(schema.Types)) for name := range schema.Types { typeNames = append(typeNames, name) } sort.Strings(typeNames) for _, name := range typeNames { f.FormatDefinition(schema.Types[name], false) } } func (f *formatter) FormatSchemaDocument(doc *ast.SchemaDocument) { // TODO emit by position based order if doc == nil { return } f.FormatSchemaDefinitionList(doc.Schema, false) f.FormatSchemaDefinitionList(doc.SchemaExtension, true) f.FormatDirectiveDefinitionList(doc.Directives) f.FormatDefinitionList(doc.Definitions, false) f.FormatDefinitionList(doc.Extensions, true) // doc.Comment is end of file comment, so emit last f.FormatCommentGroup(doc.Comment) } func (f *formatter) FormatQueryDocument(doc *ast.QueryDocument) { // TODO emit by position based order if doc == nil { return } f.FormatCommentGroup(doc.Comment) f.FormatOperationList(doc.Operations) f.FormatFragmentDefinitionList(doc.Fragments) } func (f *formatter) FormatSchemaDefinitionList(lists ast.SchemaDefinitionList, extension bool) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } var ( beforeDescComment = new(ast.CommentGroup) afterDescComment = new(ast.CommentGroup) endOfDefinitionComment = new(ast.CommentGroup) description string ) for _, def := range lists { if def.BeforeDescriptionComment != nil { beforeDescComment.List = append(beforeDescComment.List, def.BeforeDescriptionComment.List...) } if def.AfterDescriptionComment != nil { afterDescComment.List = append(afterDescComment.List, def.AfterDescriptionComment.List...) } if def.EndOfDefinitionComment != nil { endOfDefinitionComment.List = append(endOfDefinitionComment.List, def.EndOfDefinitionComment.List...) } description += def.Description } f.FormatCommentGroup(beforeDescComment) f.WriteDescription(description) f.FormatCommentGroup(afterDescComment) if extension { f.WriteWord("extend") } f.WriteWord("schema").WriteString("{").WriteNewline() f.IncrementIndent() for _, def := range lists { f.FormatSchemaDefinition(def) } f.FormatCommentGroup(endOfDefinitionComment) f.DecrementIndent() f.WriteString("}").WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatSchemaDefinition(def *ast.SchemaDefinition) { f.FormatDirectiveList(def.Directives) f.FormatOperationTypeDefinitionList(def.OperationTypes) } func (f *formatter) FormatOperationTypeDefinitionList(lists ast.OperationTypeDefinitionList) { for _, def := range lists { f.FormatOperationTypeDefinition(def) } } func (f *formatter) FormatOperationTypeDefinition(def *ast.OperationTypeDefinition) { f.FormatCommentGroup(def.Comment) f.WriteWord(string(def.Operation)).NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.WriteWord(def.Type) f.WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatFieldList(fieldList ast.FieldList, endOfDefComment *ast.CommentGroup) { if len(fieldList) == 0 { return } f.WriteString("{").WriteNewline() f.IncrementIndent() for _, field := range fieldList { f.FormatFieldDefinition(field) } f.FormatCommentGroup(endOfDefComment) f.DecrementIndent() f.WriteString("}") } func (f *formatter) FormatFieldDefinition(field *ast.FieldDefinition) { if !f.emitBuiltin && strings.HasPrefix(field.Name, "__") { return } f.FormatCommentGroup(field.BeforeDescriptionComment) f.WriteDescription(field.Description) f.FormatCommentGroup(field.AfterDescriptionComment) f.WriteWord(field.Name).NoPadding() f.FormatArgumentDefinitionList(field.Arguments) f.NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.FormatType(field.Type) if field.DefaultValue != nil { f.WriteWord("=") f.FormatValue(field.DefaultValue) } f.FormatDirectiveList(field.Directives) f.WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatArgumentDefinitionList(lists ast.ArgumentDefinitionList) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } f.WriteString("(") for idx, arg := range lists { f.FormatArgumentDefinition(arg) // Skip emitting (insignificant) comma in case it is the // last argument, or we printed a new line in its definition. if idx != len(lists)-1 && arg.Description == "" { f.NoPadding().WriteWord(",") } } f.NoPadding().WriteString(")").NeedPadding() } func (f *formatter) FormatArgumentDefinition(def *ast.ArgumentDefinition) { f.FormatCommentGroup(def.BeforeDescriptionComment) if def.Description != "" { f.WriteNewline().IncrementIndent() f.WriteDescription(def.Description) } f.FormatCommentGroup(def.AfterDescriptionComment) f.WriteWord(def.Name).NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.FormatType(def.Type) if def.DefaultValue != nil { f.WriteWord("=") f.FormatValue(def.DefaultValue) } f.NeedPadding().FormatDirectiveList(def.Directives) if def.Description != "" { f.DecrementIndent() f.WriteNewline() } } func (f *formatter) FormatDirectiveLocation(location ast.DirectiveLocation) { f.WriteWord(string(location)) } func (f *formatter) FormatDirectiveDefinitionList(lists ast.DirectiveDefinitionList) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } for _, dec := range lists { f.FormatDirectiveDefinition(dec) } } func (f *formatter) FormatDirectiveDefinition(def *ast.DirectiveDefinition) { if !f.emitBuiltin { if def.Position.Src.BuiltIn { return } } f.FormatCommentGroup(def.BeforeDescriptionComment) f.WriteDescription(def.Description) f.FormatCommentGroup(def.AfterDescriptionComment) f.WriteWord("directive").WriteString("@").WriteWord(def.Name) if len(def.Arguments) != 0 { f.NoPadding() f.FormatArgumentDefinitionList(def.Arguments) } if def.IsRepeatable { f.WriteWord("repeatable") } if len(def.Locations) != 0 { f.WriteWord("on") for idx, dirLoc := range def.Locations { f.FormatDirectiveLocation(dirLoc) if idx != len(def.Locations)-1 { f.WriteWord("|") } } } f.WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatDefinitionList(lists ast.DefinitionList, extend bool) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } for _, dec := range lists { f.FormatDefinition(dec, extend) } } func (f *formatter) FormatDefinition(def *ast.Definition, extend bool) { if !f.emitBuiltin && def.BuiltIn { return } f.FormatCommentGroup(def.BeforeDescriptionComment) f.WriteDescription(def.Description) f.FormatCommentGroup(def.AfterDescriptionComment) if extend { f.WriteWord("extend") } switch def.Kind { case ast.Scalar: f.WriteWord("scalar").WriteWord(def.Name) case ast.Object: f.WriteWord("type").WriteWord(def.Name) case ast.Interface: f.WriteWord("interface").WriteWord(def.Name) case ast.Union: f.WriteWord("union").WriteWord(def.Name) case ast.Enum: f.WriteWord("enum").WriteWord(def.Name) case ast.InputObject: f.WriteWord("input").WriteWord(def.Name) } if len(def.Interfaces) != 0 { f.WriteWord("implements").WriteWord(strings.Join(def.Interfaces, " & ")) } f.FormatDirectiveList(def.Directives) if len(def.Types) != 0 { f.WriteWord("=").WriteWord(strings.Join(def.Types, " | ")) } f.FormatFieldList(def.Fields, def.EndOfDefinitionComment) f.FormatEnumValueList(def.EnumValues, def.EndOfDefinitionComment) f.WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatEnumValueList(lists ast.EnumValueList, endOfDefComment *ast.CommentGroup) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } f.WriteString("{").WriteNewline() f.IncrementIndent() for _, v := range lists { f.FormatEnumValueDefinition(v) } f.FormatCommentGroup(endOfDefComment) f.DecrementIndent() f.WriteString("}") } func (f *formatter) FormatEnumValueDefinition(def *ast.EnumValueDefinition) { f.FormatCommentGroup(def.BeforeDescriptionComment) f.WriteDescription(def.Description) f.FormatCommentGroup(def.AfterDescriptionComment) f.WriteWord(def.Name) f.FormatDirectiveList(def.Directives) f.WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatOperationList(lists ast.OperationList) { for _, def := range lists { f.FormatOperationDefinition(def) } } func (f *formatter) FormatOperationDefinition(def *ast.OperationDefinition) { f.FormatCommentGroup(def.Comment) f.WriteWord(string(def.Operation)) if def.Name != "" { f.WriteWord(def.Name) } f.FormatVariableDefinitionList(def.VariableDefinitions) f.FormatDirectiveList(def.Directives) if len(def.SelectionSet) != 0 { f.FormatSelectionSet(def.SelectionSet) f.WriteNewline() } } func (f *formatter) FormatDirectiveList(lists ast.DirectiveList) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } for _, dir := range lists { f.FormatDirective(dir) } } func (f *formatter) FormatDirective(dir *ast.Directive) { f.WriteString("@").WriteWord(dir.Name) f.FormatArgumentList(dir.Arguments) } func (f *formatter) FormatArgumentList(lists ast.ArgumentList) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } f.NoPadding().WriteString("(") for idx, arg := range lists { f.FormatArgument(arg) if idx != len(lists)-1 { f.NoPadding().WriteWord(",") } } f.WriteString(")").NeedPadding() } func (f *formatter) FormatArgument(arg *ast.Argument) { f.FormatCommentGroup(arg.Comment) f.WriteWord(arg.Name).NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.WriteString(arg.Value.String()) } func (f *formatter) FormatFragmentDefinitionList(lists ast.FragmentDefinitionList) { for _, def := range lists { f.FormatFragmentDefinition(def) } } func (f *formatter) FormatFragmentDefinition(def *ast.FragmentDefinition) { f.FormatCommentGroup(def.Comment) f.WriteWord("fragment").WriteWord(def.Name) f.FormatVariableDefinitionList(def.VariableDefinition) f.WriteWord("on").WriteWord(def.TypeCondition) f.FormatDirectiveList(def.Directives) if len(def.SelectionSet) != 0 { f.FormatSelectionSet(def.SelectionSet) f.WriteNewline() } } func (f *formatter) FormatVariableDefinitionList(lists ast.VariableDefinitionList) { if len(lists) == 0 { return } f.WriteString("(") for idx, def := range lists { f.FormatVariableDefinition(def) if idx != len(lists)-1 { f.NoPadding().WriteWord(",") } } f.NoPadding().WriteString(")").NeedPadding() } func (f *formatter) FormatVariableDefinition(def *ast.VariableDefinition) { f.FormatCommentGroup(def.Comment) f.WriteString("$").WriteWord(def.Variable).NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() f.FormatType(def.Type) if def.DefaultValue != nil { f.WriteWord("=") f.FormatValue(def.DefaultValue) } // TODO // VariableDefinition : Variable : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]? } func (f *formatter) FormatSelectionSet(sets ast.SelectionSet) { if len(sets) == 0 { return } f.WriteString("{").WriteNewline() f.IncrementIndent() for _, sel := range sets { f.FormatSelection(sel) } f.DecrementIndent() f.WriteString("}") } func (f *formatter) FormatSelection(selection ast.Selection) { switch v := selection.(type) { case *ast.Field: f.FormatField(v) case *ast.FragmentSpread: f.FormatFragmentSpread(v) case *ast.InlineFragment: f.FormatInlineFragment(v) default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Selection type: %T", selection)) } f.WriteNewline() } func (f *formatter) FormatField(field *ast.Field) { f.FormatCommentGroup(field.Comment) if field.Alias != "" && field.Alias != field.Name { f.WriteWord(field.Alias).NoPadding().WriteString(":").NeedPadding() } f.WriteWord(field.Name) if len(field.Arguments) != 0 { f.NoPadding() f.FormatArgumentList(field.Arguments) f.NeedPadding() } f.FormatDirectiveList(field.Directives) f.FormatSelectionSet(field.SelectionSet) } func (f *formatter) FormatFragmentSpread(spread *ast.FragmentSpread) { f.FormatCommentGroup(spread.Comment) f.WriteWord("...").WriteWord(spread.Name) f.FormatDirectiveList(spread.Directives) } func (f *formatter) FormatInlineFragment(inline *ast.InlineFragment) { f.FormatCommentGroup(inline.Comment) f.WriteWord("...") if inline.TypeCondition != "" { f.WriteWord("on").WriteWord(inline.TypeCondition) } f.FormatDirectiveList(inline.Directives) f.FormatSelectionSet(inline.SelectionSet) } func (f *formatter) FormatType(t *ast.Type) { f.WriteWord(t.String()) } func (f *formatter) FormatValue(value *ast.Value) { f.FormatCommentGroup(value.Comment) f.WriteString(value.String()) } func (f *formatter) FormatCommentGroup(group *ast.CommentGroup) { if !f.emitComments || group == nil { return } for _, comment := range group.List { f.FormatComment(comment) } } func (f *formatter) FormatComment(comment *ast.Comment) { if !f.emitComments || comment == nil { return } f.WriteString("#").WriteString(comment.Text()).WriteNewline() }