2 - name: disallows uncommon control characters
3 input: "\u0007"
4 error:
5 message: 'Cannot contain the invalid character "\u0007"'
6 locations: [{line: 1, column: 1}]
8 - name: accepts BOM header
9 input: "\uFEFF foo"
10 tokens:
11 -
12 kind: NAME
13 start: 2
14 end: 5
15 value: 'foo'
17simple tokens:
18 - name: records line and column
19 input: "\n \r\n \r foo\n"
20 tokens:
21 -
22 kind: NAME
23 start: 8
24 end: 11
25 line: 4
26 column: 3
27 value: 'foo'
29 - name: skips whitespace
30 input: "\n\n foo\n\n\n"
31 tokens:
32 -
33 kind: NAME
34 start: 6
35 end: 9
36 value: 'foo'
38 - name: skips comments
39 input: "\n #comment\n foo#comment\n"
40 tokens:
41 -
42 kind: NAME
43 start: 18
44 end: 21
45 value: 'foo'
47 - name: skips commas
48 input: ",,,foo,,,"
49 tokens:
50 -
51 kind: NAME
52 start: 3
53 end: 6
54 value: 'foo'
56 - name: errors respect whitespace
57 input: "\n\n ?\n\n\n"
58 error:
59 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".'
60 locations: [{line: 3, column: 5}]
61 string: |
62 Syntax Error: Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".
63 GraphQL request (3:5)
64 2:
65 3: ?
66 ^
67 4:
69 - name: lex reports useful information for dashes in names
70 input: "a-b"
71 error:
72 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: "b".'
73 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 3 }]
74 tokens:
75 -
76 kind: Name
77 start: 0
78 end: 1
79 value: a
81lexes strings:
82 - name: basic
83 input: '"simple"'
84 tokens:
85 -
86 kind: STRING
87 start: 0
88 end: 8
89 value: 'simple'
91 - name: whitespace
92 input: '" white space "'
93 tokens:
94 -
95 kind: STRING
96 start: 0
97 end: 15
98 value: ' white space '
100 - name: quote
101 input: '"quote \""'
102 tokens:
103 -
104 kind: STRING
105 start: 0
106 end: 10
107 value: 'quote "'
109 - name: escaped
110 input: '"escaped \n\r\b\t\f"'
111 tokens:
112 -
113 kind: STRING
114 start: 0
115 end: 20
116 value: "escaped \n\r\b\t\f"
118 - name: slashes
119 input: '"slashes \\ \/"'
120 tokens:
121 -
122 kind: STRING
123 start: 0
124 end: 15
125 value: 'slashes \ /'
127 - name: unicode
128 input: '"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"'
129 tokens:
130 -
131 kind: STRING
132 start: 0
133 end: 34
134 value: "unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"
136lex reports useful string errors:
137 - name: unterminated
138 input: '"'
139 error:
140 message: "Unterminated string."
141 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 2 }]
143 - name: no end quote
144 input: '"no end quote'
145 error:
146 message: 'Unterminated string.'
147 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 14 }]
149 - name: single quotes
150 input: "'single quotes'"
151 error:
152 message: "Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use a double quote (\")?"
153 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
155 - name: control characters
156 input: "\"contains unescaped \u0007 control char\""
157 error:
158 message: 'Invalid character within String: "\u0007".'
159 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 21 }]
161 - name: null byte
162 input: "\"null-byte is not \u0000 end of file\""
163 error:
164 message: 'Invalid character within String: "\u0000".'
165 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 19 }]
167 - name: unterminated newline
168 input: "\"multi\nline\""
169 error:
170 message: 'Unterminated string.'
171 locations: [{line: 1, column: 7 }]
173 - name: unterminated carriage return
174 input: "\"multi\rline\""
175 error:
176 message: 'Unterminated string.'
177 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
179 - name: bad escape character
180 input: '"bad \z esc"'
181 error:
182 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \z.'
183 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
185 - name: hex escape sequence
186 input: '"bad \x esc"'
187 error:
188 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \x.'
189 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
191 - name: short escape sequence
192 input: '"bad \u1 esc"'
193 error:
194 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \u1 es.'
195 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
197 - name: invalid escape sequence 1
198 input: '"bad \u0XX1 esc"'
199 error:
200 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \u0XX1.'
201 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
203 - name: invalid escape sequence 2
204 input: '"bad \uXXXX esc"'
205 error:
206 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \uXXXX.'
207 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
209 - name: invalid escape sequence 3
210 input: '"bad \uFXXX esc"'
211 error:
212 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \uFXXX.'
213 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
215 - name: invalid character escape sequence
216 input: '"bad \uXXXF esc"'
217 error:
218 message: 'Invalid character escape sequence: \uXXXF.'
219 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 7 }]
221lexes block strings:
222 - name: simple
223 input: '"""simple"""'
224 tokens:
225 -
226 kind: BLOCK_STRING
227 start: 0
228 end: 12
229 value: 'simple'
231 - name: white space
232 input: '""" white space """'
233 tokens:
234 -
235 kind: BLOCK_STRING
236 start: 0
237 end: 19
238 value: ' white space '
240 - name: contains quote
241 input: '"""contains " quote"""'
242 tokens:
243 -
244 kind: BLOCK_STRING
245 start: 0
246 end: 22
247 value: 'contains " quote'
249 - name: contains triplequote
250 input: "\"\"\"contains \\\"\"\" triplequote\"\"\""
251 tokens:
252 -
253 kind: BLOCK_STRING
254 start: 0
255 end: 31
256 value: 'contains """ triplequote'
258 - name: multi line
259 input: "\"\"\"multi\nline\"\"\""
260 tokens:
261 -
262 kind: BLOCK_STRING
263 start: 0
264 end: 16
265 value: "multi\nline"
267 - name: multi line normalized
268 input: "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
269 tokens:
270 -
271 kind: BLOCK_STRING
272 start: 0
273 end: 28
274 value: "multi\nline\nnormalized"
276 - name: unescaped
277 input: '"""unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234"""'
278 tokens:
279 -
280 kind: BLOCK_STRING
281 start: 0
282 end: 32
283 value: 'unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234'
285 - name: slashes
286 input: '"""slashes \\ \/"""'
287 tokens:
288 -
289 kind: BLOCK_STRING
290 start: 0
291 end: 19
292 value: 'slashes \\ \/'
294 - name: multiple lines
295 input: |
296 """
298 spans
299 multiple
300 lines
302 """
303 tokens:
304 -
305 kind: BLOCK_STRING
306 start: 0
307 end: 36
308 value: "spans\n multiple\n lines"
310lex reports useful block string errors:
311 - name: unterminated string
312 input: '"""'
313 error:
314 message: "Unterminated string."
315 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 4 }]
317 - name: unescaped control characters
318 input: "\"\"\"contains unescaped \u0007 control char\"\"\""
319 error:
320 message: 'Invalid character within String: "\u0007".'
321 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 23 }]
323 - name: null byte
324 input: "\"\"\"null-byte is not \u0000 end of file\"\"\""
325 error:
326 message: 'Invalid character within String: "\u0000".'
327 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 21 }]
329lexes numbers:
330 - name: integer
331 input: "4"
332 tokens:
333 -
334 kind: INT
335 start: 0
336 end: 1
337 value: '4'
339 - name: float
340 input: "4.123"
341 tokens:
342 -
343 kind: FLOAT
344 start: 0
345 end: 5
346 value: '4.123'
348 - name: negative
349 input: "-4"
350 tokens:
351 -
352 kind: INT
353 start: 0
354 end: 2
355 value: '-4'
357 - name: nine
358 input: "9"
359 tokens:
360 -
361 kind: INT
362 start: 0
363 end: 1
364 value: '9'
366 - name: zero
367 input: "0"
368 tokens:
369 -
370 kind: INT
371 start: 0
372 end: 1
373 value: '0'
375 - name: negative float
376 input: "-4.123"
377 tokens:
378 -
379 kind: FLOAT
380 start: 0
381 end: 6
382 value: '-4.123'
384 - name: float leading zero
385 input: "0.123"
386 tokens:
387 -
388 kind: FLOAT
389 start: 0
390 end: 5
391 value: '0.123'
393 - name: exponent whole
394 input: "123e4"
395 tokens:
396 -
397 kind: FLOAT
398 start: 0
399 end: 5
400 value: '123e4'
402 - name: exponent uppercase
403 input: "123E4"
404 tokens:
405 -
406 kind: FLOAT
407 start: 0
408 end: 5
409 value: '123E4'
411 - name: exponent negative power
412 input: "123e-4"
413 tokens:
414 -
415 kind: FLOAT
416 start: 0
417 end: 6
418 value: '123e-4'
420 - name: exponent positive power
421 input: "123e+4"
422 tokens:
423 -
424 kind: FLOAT
425 start: 0
426 end: 6
427 value: '123e+4'
429 - name: exponent negative base
430 input: "-1.123e4"
431 tokens:
432 -
433 kind: FLOAT
434 start: 0
435 end: 8
436 value: '-1.123e4'
438 - name: exponent negative base upper
439 input: "-1.123E4"
440 tokens:
441 -
442 kind: FLOAT
443 start: 0
444 end: 8
445 value: '-1.123E4'
447 - name: exponent negative base negative power
448 input: "-1.123e-4"
449 tokens:
450 -
451 kind: FLOAT
452 start: 0
453 end: 9
454 value: '-1.123e-4'
456 - name: exponent negative base positive power
457 input: "-1.123e+4"
458 tokens:
459 -
460 kind: FLOAT
461 start: 0
462 end: 9
463 value: '-1.123e+4'
465 - name: exponent negative base large power
466 input: "-1.123e4567"
467 tokens:
468 -
469 kind: FLOAT
470 start: 0
471 end: 11
472 value: '-1.123e4567'
474lex reports useful number errors:
475 - name: zero
476 input: "00"
477 error:
478 message: 'Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: "0".'
479 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 2 }]
481 - name: positive
482 input: "+1"
483 error:
484 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character "+".'
485 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
487 - name: trailing dot
488 input: "1."
489 error:
490 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: <EOF>.'
491 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 3 }]
493 - name: traililng dot exponent
494 input: "1.e1"
495 error:
496 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: "e".'
497 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 3 }]
499 - name: missing leading zero
500 input: ".123"
501 error:
502 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character ".".'
503 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
505 - name: characters
506 input: "1.A"
507 error:
508 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: "A".'
509 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 3 }]
511 - name: negative characters
512 input: "-A"
513 error:
514 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: "A".'
515 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 2 }]
517 - name: missing exponent
518 input: '1.0e'
519 error:
520 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: <EOF>.'
521 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 5 }]
523 - name: character exponent
524 input: "1.0eA"
525 error:
526 message: 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: "A".'
527 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 5 }]
529lexes punctuation:
530 - name: bang
531 input: "!"
532 tokens:
533 -
534 kind: BANG
535 start: 0
536 end: 1
537 value: undefined
539 - name: dollar
540 input: "$"
541 tokens:
542 -
543 kind: DOLLAR
544 start: 0
545 end: 1
546 value: undefined
548 - name: open paren
549 input: "("
550 tokens:
551 -
552 kind: PAREN_L
553 start: 0
554 end: 1
555 value: undefined
557 - name: close paren
558 input: ")"
559 tokens:
560 -
561 kind: PAREN_R
562 start: 0
563 end: 1
564 value: undefined
566 - name: spread
567 input: "..."
568 tokens:
569 -
570 kind: SPREAD
571 start: 0
572 end: 3
573 value: undefined
575 - name: colon
576 input: ":"
577 tokens:
578 -
579 kind: COLON
580 start: 0
581 end: 1
582 value: undefined
584 - name: equals
585 input: "="
586 tokens:
587 -
588 kind: EQUALS
589 start: 0
590 end: 1
591 value: undefined
593 - name: at
594 input: "@"
595 tokens:
596 -
597 kind: AT
598 start: 0
599 end: 1
600 value: undefined
602 - name: open bracket
603 input: "["
604 tokens:
605 -
606 kind: BRACKET_L
607 start: 0
608 end: 1
609 value: undefined
611 - name: close bracket
612 input: "]"
613 tokens:
614 -
615 kind: BRACKET_R
616 start: 0
617 end: 1
618 value: undefined
620 - name: open brace
621 input: "{"
622 tokens:
623 -
624 kind: BRACE_L
625 start: 0
626 end: 1
627 value: undefined
629 - name: close brace
630 input: "}"
631 tokens:
632 -
633 kind: BRACE_R
634 start: 0
635 end: 1
636 value: undefined
638 - name: pipe
639 input: "|"
640 tokens:
641 -
642 kind: PIPE
643 start: 0
644 end: 1
645 value: undefined
647lex reports useful unknown character error:
648 - name: not a spread
649 input: ".."
650 error:
651 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character ".".'
652 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
654 - name: question mark
655 input: "?"
656 error:
657 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".'
658 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".'
659 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
661 - name: unicode 203
662 input: "\u203B"
663 error:
664 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character "â".'
665 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
667 - name: unicode 200
668 input: "\u200b"
669 error:
670 message: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character "â".'
671 locations: [{ line: 1, column: 1 }]
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