.nh .TH greet 8 .SH NAME .PP greet - Some app .SH SYNOPSIS .PP greet .PP .RS .nf [--another-flag|-b] [--flag|--fl|-f]=[value] [--socket|-s]=[value] .fi .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Description of the application. .PP \fBUsage\fP: .PP .RS .nf app [first_arg] [second_arg] .fi .RE .SH GLOBAL OPTIONS .PP \fB--another-flag, -b\fP: another usage text .PP \fB--flag, --fl, -f\fP="": .PP \fB--socket, -s\fP="": some 'usage' text (default: /some/path) .SH COMMANDS .SH config, c .PP another usage test .PP \fB--another-flag, -b\fP: another usage text .PP \fB--flag, --fl, -f\fP="": .SS sub-config, s, ss .PP another usage test .PP \fB--sub-command-flag, -s\fP: some usage text .PP \fB--sub-flag, --sub-fl, -s\fP="": .SH info, i, in .PP retrieve generic information .SH some-command .SH usage, u .PP standard usage text .PP .RS .nf Usage for the usage text - formatted: Based on the specified ConfigMap and summon secrets.yml - list: Inspect the environment for a specific process running on a Pod - for_effect: Compare 'namespace' environment with 'local' ``` func() { ... } ``` Should be a part of the same code block .fi .RE .PP \fB--another-flag, -b\fP: another usage text .PP \fB--flag, --fl, -f\fP="": .SS sub-usage, su .PP standard usage text .PP .RS .PP Single line of UsageText .RE .PP \fB--sub-command-flag, -s\fP: some usage text