
Welcome to urfave/cli

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urfave/cli is a simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go. The goal is to enable developers to write fast and distributable command line applications in an expressive way.

These are the guides for each major supported version:

In addition to the version-specific guides, these other documents are available:


Using this package requires a working Go environment. See the install instructions for Go.

Go Modules are required when using this package. See the go blog guide on using Go Modules.

Using v2 releases

$ go get github.com/urfave/cli/v2
import (
  "github.com/urfave/cli/v2" // imports as package "cli"

Using v1 releases

$ go get github.com/urfave/cli
import (

Build tags

You can use the following build tags:


When set, this removes ToMarkdown and ToMan methods, so your application won't be able to call those. This reduces the resulting binary size by about 300-400 KB (measured using Go 1.18.1 on Linux/amd64), due to fewer dependencies.

Supported platforms

cli is tested against multiple versions of Go on Linux, and against the latest released version of Go on OS X and Windows. This project uses GitHub Actions for builds. To see our currently supported go versions and platforms, look at the github workflow configuration.