// For KIP-500 / KIP-631, BrokerRegistrationRequest is an internal // broker-to-broker only request. BrokerRegistrationRequest => key 62, max version 1, flexible v0+ // The broker ID. BrokerID: int32 // The cluster ID of the broker process. ClusterID: string // The incarnation ID of the broker process. IncarnationID: uuid // The listeners for this broker. Listeners: [=>] // The name of this endpoint. Name: string // The hostname. Host: string // The port. Port: uint16 // The security protocol. SecurityProtocol: int16 // Features on this broker. Features: [=>] // The name of the feature. Name: string // The minimum supported feature level. MinSupportedVersion: int16 // The maximum supported feature level. MaxSupportedVersion: int16 // The rack that this broker is in, if any. Rack: nullable-string // If the required configurations for ZK migration are present, this value is // set to true. IsMigratingZkBroker: bool // v1+ // BrokerRegistrationResponse is a response to a BrokerRegistrationRequest. BrokerRegistrationResponse => ThrottleMillis // Any error code, or 0. ErrorCode: int16 // The broker's assigned epoch, or -1 if none was assigned. BrokerEpoch: int64(-1)