// Part of KIP-595 to replace Kafka's dependence on Zookeeper with a // Kafka-only raft protocol, // BeginQuorumEpochRequest is sent by a leader (once it has enough votes) // to all voters in the election. // // Since this is relatively Kafka internal, most fields are left undocumented. BeginQuorumEpochRequest => key 53, max version 0, admin ClusterID: nullable-string Topics: [=>] Topic: string Partitions: [=>] Partition: int32 // The ID of the newly elected leader. LeaderID: int32 // The epoch of the newly elected leader. LeaderEpoch: int32 BeginQuorumEpochResponse => ErrorCode: int16 Topics: [=>] Topic: string Partitions: [=>] Partition: int32 ErrorCode: int16 // The ID of the current leader, or -1 if the leader is unknown. LeaderID: int32 // The latest known leader epoch. LeaderEpoch: int32