// ElectLeadersRequest begins a leader election for all given topic
// partitions. This request was added in Kafka 2.2.0 to replace the zookeeper
// only option of triggering leader elections before. See KIP-183 for more
// details. KIP-460 introduced the ElectionType field with Kafka 2.4.0.
ElectLeadersRequest => key 43, max version 2, flexible v2+, admin
  // ElectionType is the type of election to conduct. 0 elects the preferred
  // replica, 1 elects the first live replica if there are no in-sync replicas
  // (i.e., unclean leader election).
  ElectionType: int8 // v1+
  // Topics is an array of topics and corresponding partitions to
  // trigger leader elections for, or null for all.
  Topics: nullable[=>]
    // Topic is a topic to trigger leader elections for (but only for the
    // partitions below).
    Topic: string
    // Partitions is an array of partitions in a topic to trigger leader
    // elections for.
    Partitions: [int32]

// ElectLeadersResponse is a response for an ElectLeadersRequest.
ElectLeadersResponse =>
  // ErrorCode is any error that applies to all partitions.
  // CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED is returned if the client is not
  // authorized to reassign partitions.
  ErrorCode: int16 // v1+
  // Topics contains leader election results for each requested topic.
  Topics: [=>]
    // Topic is topic for the given partition results below.
    Topic: string
    // Partitions contains election results for a topic's partitions.
    Partitions: [=>]
      // Partition is the partition for this result.
      Partition: int32
      // ErrorCode is the error code returned for this topic/partition leader
      // election.
      // CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED is returned if the client is not
      // authorized to trigger leader elections.
      // NOT_CONTROLLER is returned if the request was not issued to a Kafka
      // controller.
      // UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION is returned if the topic/partition does
      // not exist on any broker in the cluster (this is slightly different
      // from the usual meaning of a single broker not knowing of the topic
      // partition).
      // PREFERRED_LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned if the preferred leader
      // could not be elected (for example, the preferred leader was not in
      // the ISR).
      ErrorCode: int16
      // ErrorMessage is an informative message if the leader election failed.
      ErrorMessage: nullable-string