
Text file src/github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions/32_describe_configs

Documentation: github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions

     1// DescribeConfigsRequest issues a request to describe configs that Kafka
     2// currently has. These are the key/value pairs that one uses to configure
     3// brokers and topics.
     4DescribeConfigsRequest => key 32, max version 4, flexible v4+
     5  // Resources is a list of resources to describe.
     6  Resources: [=>]
     7    // ResourceType is an enum corresponding to the type of config to describe.
     8    ResourceType: enum-ConfigResourceType
     9    // ResourceName is the name of config to describe.
    10    //
    11    // If the requested type is a topic, this corresponds to a topic name.
    12    //
    13    // If the requested type if a broker, this should either be empty or be
    14    // the ID of the broker this request is issued to. If it is empty, this
    15    // returns all broker configs, but only the dynamic configuration values.
    16    // If a specific ID, this returns all broker config values.
    17    ResourceName: string
    18    // ConfigNames is a list of config entries to return. Null requests all.
    19    ConfigNames: nullable[string]
    20  // IncludeSynonyms signifies whether to return config entry synonyms for
    21  // all config entries.
    22  IncludeSynonyms: bool // v1+
    23  // IncludeDocumentation signifies whether to return documentation for
    24  // config entries.
    25  IncludeDocumentation: bool // v3+
    27// DescribeConfigsResponse is returned from a DescribeConfigsRequest.
    28DescribeConfigsResponse =>
    29  ThrottleMillis(2)
    30  // Resources are responses for each resource in the describe config request.
    31  Resources: [=>]
    32    // ErrorCode is the error code returned for describing configs.
    33    //
    34    // INVALID_REQUEST is returned if asking to descibe an invalid resource
    35    // type.
    36    //
    37    // CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED is returned if asking to describe broker
    38    // configs but the client is not authorized to do so.
    39    //
    40    // TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED is returned if asking to describe topic
    41    // configs but the client is not authorized to do so.
    42    //
    43    // INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION is returned if the requested topic was invalid.
    44    //
    45    // UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION is returned if the broker does not know of
    46    // the requested topic.
    47    ErrorCode: int16
    48    // ErrorMessage is an informative message if the describe config failed.
    49    ErrorMessage: nullable-string
    50    // ResourceType is the enum corresponding to the type of described config.
    51    ResourceType: enum-ConfigResourceType
    52    // ResourceName is the name corresponding to the describe config request.
    53    ResourceName: string
    54    // Configs contains information about key/value config pairs for
    55    // the requested resource.
    56    Configs: [=>]
    57      // Name is a key this entry corresponds to (e.g. segment.bytes).
    58      Name: string
    59      // Value is the value for this config key. If the key is sensitive,
    60      // the value will be null.
    61      Value: nullable-string
    62      // ReadOnly signifies whether this is not a dynamic config option.
    63      //
    64      // Note that this field is not always correct, and you may need to check
    65      // whether the Source is any dynamic enum. See franz-go#91 for more details.
    66      ReadOnly: bool
    67      // IsDefault is whether this is a default config option. This has been
    68      // replaced in favor of Source.
    69      IsDefault: bool // v0-v0
    70      // Source is where this config entry is from.
    71      Source: enum-ConfigSource(-1) // v1+
    72      // IsSensitive signifies whether this is a sensitive config key, which
    73      // is either a password or an unknown type.
    74      IsSensitive: bool
    75      // ConfigSynonyms contains fallback key/value pairs for this config
    76      // entry, in order of preference. That is, if a config entry is both
    77      // dynamically configured and has a default, the top level return will be
    78      // the dynamic configuration, while its "synonym" will be the default.
    79      ConfigSynonyms: [=>] // v1+
    80        Name: string
    81        Value: nullable-string
    82        Source: enum-ConfigSource
    83      // ConfigType specifies the configuration data type.
    84      ConfigType: enum-ConfigType // v3+
    85      // Documentation is optional documentation for the config entry.
    86      Documentation: nullable-string // v3+

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