
Text file src/github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions/29_describe_acls

Documentation: github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions

     1// DescribeACLsRequest describes ACLs. Describing ACLs works on a filter basis:
     2// anything that matches the filter is described. Note that there are two
     3// "types" of filters in this request: the resource filter and the entry
     4// filter, with entries corresponding to users. The first three fields form the
     5// resource filter, the last four the entry filter.
     6DescribeACLsRequest => key 29, max version 3, flexible v2+
     7  // ResourceType is the type of resource to describe.
     8  ResourceType: enum-ACLResourceType
     9  // ResourceName is the name to filter out. For the CLUSTER resource type,
    10  // this must be "kafka-cluster".
    11  ResourceName: nullable-string
    12  // ResourcePatternType is how ResourceName is understood.
    13  ResourcePatternType: enum-ACLResourcePatternType(3) // v1+
    14  // Principal is the user to filter for. In Kafka with the simple authorizor,
    15  // all principals begin with "User:". Pluggable authorizors are allowed, but
    16  // Kafka still expects principals to lead with a principal type ("User") and
    17  // have a colon separating the principal name ("bob" in "User:bob").
    18  Principal: nullable-string
    19  // Host is a host to filter for.
    20  Host: nullable-string
    21  // Operation is an operation to filter for.
    22  //
    23  // Note that READ, WRITE, DELETE, and ALTER imply DESCRIBE, and ALTER_CONFIGS
    24  // implies DESCRIBE_CONFIGS.
    25  Operation: enum-ACLOperation
    26  // PermissionType is the permission type to filter for. UNKNOWN is 0.
    27  PermissionType: enum-ACLPermissionType
    29// DescribeACLsResponse is a response to a describe acls request.
    30DescribeACLsResponse =>
    31  ThrottleMillis(1)
    32  // ErrorCode is the error code returned on request failure.
    33  //
    34  // SECURITY_DISABLED is returned if there is no authorizer configured on the
    35  // broker.
    36  //
    37  // There can be other authorization failures.
    38  ErrorCode: int16
    39  // ErrorMessage is a message for an error.
    40  ErrorMessage: nullable-string
    41  // Resources are the describe resources.
    42  Resources: [=>]
    43    // ResourceType is the resource type being described.
    44    ResourceType: enum-ACLResourceType
    45    // ResourceName is the resource name being described.
    46    ResourceName: string
    47    // ResourcePatternType is the pattern type being described.
    48    ResourcePatternType: enum-ACLResourcePatternType(3) // v1+
    49    // ACLs contains users / entries being described.
    50    ACLs: [=>]
    51      // Principal is who this ACL applies to.
    52      Principal: string
    53      // Host is on which host this ACL applies.
    54      Host: string
    55      // Operation is the operation being described.
    56      Operation: enum-ACLOperation
    57      // PermissionType is the permission being described.
    58      PermissionType: enum-ACLPermissionType

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