
Text file src/github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions/11_join_group

Documentation: github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions

     1// JoinGroupRequest issues a request to join a Kafka group. This will create a
     2// group if one does not exist. If joining an existing group, this may trigger
     3// a group rebalance.
     5// This will trigger a group rebalance if the request is from the group leader,
     6// or if the request is from a group member with different metadata, or if the
     7// request is with a new group member.
     9// Version 4 introduced replying to joins of existing groups with
    10// MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED, which requires re-issuing the join group with the
    11// returned member ID. See KIP-394 for more details.
    13// Version 5 introduced InstanceID, allowing for more "static" membership.
    14// See KIP-345 for more details.
    15JoinGroupRequest => key 11, max version 9, flexible v6+, group coordinator
    16  // Group is the group to join.
    17  Group: string
    18  // SessionTimeoutMillis is how long a member in the group can go between
    19  // heartbeats. If a member does not send a heartbeat within this timeout,
    20  // the broker will remove the member from the group and initiate a rebalance.
    21  SessionTimeoutMillis: int32
    22  // RebalanceTimeoutMillis is how long the broker waits for members to join a group
    23  // once a rebalance begins. Kafka waits for the longest rebalance of all
    24  // members in the group. Member sessions are still alive; heartbeats will be
    25  // replied to with REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS. Those members must transition to
    26  // joining within this rebalance timeout. Members that do not rejoin within
    27  // this timeout will be removed from the group. Members must commit offsets
    28  // within this timeout.
    29  //
    30  // The first join for a new group has a 3 second grace period for other
    31  // members to join; this grace period is extended until the RebalanceTimeoutMillis
    32  // is up or until 3 seconds lapse with no new members.
    33  RebalanceTimeoutMillis: int32(-1) // v1+
    34  // MemberID is the member ID to join the group with. When joining a group for
    35  // the first time, use the empty string. The response will contain the member
    36  // ID that should be used going forward.
    37  MemberID: string
    38  // InstanceID is a user configured ID that is used for making a group
    39  // member "static", allowing many rebalances to be avoided.
    40  InstanceID: nullable-string // v5+
    41  // ProtocolType is the "type" of protocol being used for the join group.
    42  // The initial group creation sets the type; all additional members must
    43  // have the same type or they will be rejected.
    44  //
    45  // This is completely arbitrary, but the Java client and everything else
    46  // uses "consumer" as the protocol type.
    47  ProtocolType: string
    48  // Protocols contains arbitrary information that group members use
    49  // for rebalancing. All group members must agree on at least one protocol
    50  // name.
    51  Protocols: [=>]
    52    // Name is a name of a protocol. This is arbitrary, but is used
    53    // in the official client to agree on a partition balancing strategy.
    54    //
    55    // The official client uses range, roundrobin, or sticky (which was
    56    // introduced in KIP-54).
    57    Name: string
    58    // Metadata is arbitrary information to pass along with this
    59    // protocol name for this member.
    60    //
    61    // Note that while this is not documented in any protocol page,
    62    // this is usually a serialized GroupMemberMetadata as described in
    63    // https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+Client-side+Assignment+Proposal.
    64    //
    65    // The protocol metadata is where group members will communicate which
    66    // topics they collectively as a group want to consume.
    67    Metadata: bytes
    68  // Reason is an optional reason the member is joining (or rejoining) the
    69  // group (KIP-800, Kafka 3.2+).
    70  Reason: nullable-string // v8+
    72// JoinGroupResponse is returned from a JoinGroupRequest.
    73JoinGroupResponse =>
    74  ThrottleMillis(3) // v2+
    75  // ErrorCode is the error for the join group request.
    76  //
    77  // GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED is returned if the client is not authorized
    78  // to the group (no read perms).
    79  //
    80  // INVALID_GROUP_ID is returned in the requested group ID is invalid.
    81  //
    82  // COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned if the coordinator is not available
    83  // (due to the requested broker shutting down or it has not completed startup).
    84  //
    85  // COORDINATOR_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS is returned if the group is loading.
    86  //
    87  // NOT_COORDINATOR is returned if the requested broker is not the coordinator
    88  // for the requested group.
    89  //
    90  // INVALID_SESSION_TIMEOUT is returned if the requested SessionTimeout is
    91  // not within the broker's group.{min,max}.session.timeout.ms.
    92  //
    93  // INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL is returned if the requested protocols are
    94  // incompatible with the existing group member's protocols, or if the join
    95  // was for a new group but contained no protocols.
    96  //
    97  // UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID is returned is the requested group is dead (likely
    98  // just migrated to another coordinator or the group is temporarily unstable),
    99  // or if the request was for a new group but contained a non-empty member ID,
   100  // or if the group does not have the requested member ID (and the client must
   101  // do the new-join-group dance).
   102  //
   103  // MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED is returned on the initial join of an existing group.
   104  // This error was proposed in KIP-394 and introduced in Kafka 2.2.0 to
   105  // prevent flaky clients from continually triggering rebalances and prevent
   106  // these clients from consuming RAM with metadata. If a client sees
   107  // this error, it should re-issue the join with the MemberID in the response.
   108  // Non-flaky clients will join with this new member ID, but flaky clients
   109  // will not join quickly enough before the pending member ID is rotated out
   110  // due to hitting the session.timeout.ms.
   111  //
   112  // GROUP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED is returned as of Kafka 2.2.0 if the group has
   113  // reached a broker's group.max.size.
   114  ErrorCode: int16
   115  // Generation is the current "generation" of this group.
   116  Generation: int32(-1)
   117  // ProtocolType is the "type" of protocol being used for this group.
   118  ProtocolType: nullable-string // v7+
   119  // Protocol is the agreed upon protocol name (i.e. "sticky", "range").
   120  //
   121  // v7 of this response changed this field to be nullable.
   122  Protocol: nullable-string-v7+
   123  // LeaderID is the leader member.
   124  LeaderID: string
   125  // True if the leader must skip running the assignment (KIP-814, Kafka 3.2+).
   126  SkipAssignment: bool // v9+
   127  // MemberID is the member of the receiving client.
   128  MemberID: string
   129  // Members contains all other members of this group. Only the group leader
   130  // receives the members. The leader is responsible for balancing subscribed
   131  // topic partitions and replying appropriately in a SyncGroup request.
   132  Members: [=>]
   133    // MemberID is a member in this group.
   134    MemberID: string
   135    // InstanceID is an instance ID of a member in this group (KIP-345).
   136    InstanceID: nullable-string // v5+
   137    // ProtocolMetadata is the metadata for this member for this protocol.
   138    // This is usually of type GroupMemberMetadata.
   139    ProtocolMetadata: bytes

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