
Text file src/github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions/01_fetch

Documentation: github.com/twmb/franz-go/generate/definitions

     1// FetchRequest is a long-poll request of records from Kafka.
     3// Kafka released v4 and changed the returned RecordBatches to contain
     4// the RecordBatch type. Prior, Kafka used the MessageSet type (and, for v0 and
     5// v1, Kafka used a different type).
     7// Note that starting in v3, Kafka began processing partitions in order,
     8// meaning the order of partitions in the fetch request is important due to
     9// potential size constraints.
    11// Starting in v13, topics must use UUIDs rather than their string name
    12// identifiers.
    14// Version 15 adds the ReplicaState which includes new field ReplicaEpoch and
    15// the ReplicaID, and deprecates the old ReplicaID (KIP-903).
    16FetchRequest => key 1, max version 15, flexible v12+
    17  // The cluster ID, if known. This is used to validate metadata fetches
    18  // prior to broker registration.
    19  ClusterID: nullable-string(null) // tag 0
    20  // ReplicaID is the broker ID of performing the fetch request. Standard
    21  // clients should use -1. To be a "debug" replica, use -2. The debug
    22  // replica can be used to fetch messages from non-leaders.
    23  ReplicaID: int32(-1) // v0-v14
    24  // ReplicaState is a broker-only tag for v15+, see KIP-903 for more details.
    25  ReplicaState: => // tag 1
    26    // The replica ID of the follower, or -1 if this request is from a consumer.
    27    ID: int32(-1)
    28    // The epoch of this follower, or -1 if not available.
    29    Epoch: int64(-1)
    30  // MaxWaitMillis is how long to wait for MinBytes to be hit before a broker
    31  // responds to a fetch request.
    32  MaxWaitMillis: int32
    33  // MinBytes is the minimum amount of bytes to attempt to read before a broker
    34  // responds to a fetch request.
    35  MinBytes: int32
    36  // MaxBytes is the maximum amount of bytes to read in a fetch request. The
    37  // response can exceed MaxBytes if the first record in the first non-empty
    38  // partition is larger than MaxBytes.
    39  MaxBytes: int32(0x7fffffff) // v3+
    40  // IsolationLevel changes which messages are fetched. Follower replica ID's
    41  // (non-negative, non-standard-client) fetch from the end.
    42  //
    43  // Standard clients fetch from the high watermark, which corresponds to
    44  // IsolationLevel 0, READ_UNCOMMITTED.
    45  //
    46  // To only read committed records, use IsolationLevel 1, corresponding to
    47  // READ_COMMITTED.
    48  IsolationLevel: int8 // v4+
    49  // SessionID is used to potentially reduce the amount of back and forth
    50  // data between a client and a broker. If opting in to sessions, the first
    51  // ID used should be 0, and thereafter (until session resets) the ID should
    52  // be the ID returned in the fetch response.
    53  //
    54  // Read KIP-227 for more details. Use -1 if you want to disable sessions.
    55  SessionID: int32 // v7+
    56  // SessionEpoch is the session epoch for this request if using sessions.
    57  //
    58  // Read KIP-227 for more details. Use -1 if you are not using sessions.
    59  SessionEpoch: int32(-1) // v7+
    60  // Topic contains topics to try to fetch records for.
    61  Topics: [=>]
    62    // Topic is a topic to try to fetch records for.
    63    Topic: string // v0-v12
    64    // TopicID is the uuid of the topic to fetch records for.
    65    TopicID: uuid // v13+
    66    // Partitions contains partitions in a topic to try to fetch records for.
    67    Partitions: [=>]
    68      // Partition is a partition in a topic to try to fetch records for.
    69      Partition: int32
    70      // CurrentLeaderEpoch, proposed in KIP-320 and introduced in Kafka 2.1.0,
    71      // allows brokers to check if the client is fenced (has an out of date
    72      // leader) or is using an unknown leader.
    73      //
    74      // The initial leader epoch can be determined from a MetadataResponse.
    75      // To skip log truncation checking, use -1.
    76      CurrentLeaderEpoch: int32(-1) // v9+
    77      // FetchOffset is the offset to begin the fetch from. Kafka will
    78      // return records at and after this offset.
    79      FetchOffset: int64
    80      // The epoch of the last fetched record, or -1 if there is none.
    81      LastFetchedEpoch: int32(-1) // v12+
    82      // LogStartOffset is a broker-follower only field added for KIP-107.
    83      // This is the start offset of the partition in a follower.
    84      LogStartOffset: int64(-1) // v5+
    85      // PartitionMaxBytes is the maximum bytes to return for this partition.
    86      // This can be used to limit how many bytes an individual partition in
    87      // a request is allotted so that it does not dominate all of MaxBytes.
    88      PartitionMaxBytes: int32
    89  // ForgottenTopics contains topics and partitions that a fetch session
    90  // wants to remove from its session.
    91  //
    92  // See KIP-227 for more details.
    93  ForgottenTopics: [=>] // v7+
    94    // Topic is a topic to remove from being tracked (with the partitions below).
    95    Topic: string // v7-v12
    96    // TopicID is the uuid of a topic to remove from being tracked (with the
    97    // partitions below).
    98    TopicID: uuid // v13+
    99    // Partitions are partitions to remove from tracking for a topic.
   100    Partitions: [int32]
   101  // Rack of the consumer making this request (see KIP-392; introduced in
   102  // Kafka 2.2.0).
   103  Rack: string // v11+
   105// FetchResponse is returned from a FetchRequest.
   106FetchResponse =>
   107  ThrottleMillis(8) // v1+
   108  // ErrorCode is a full-response error code for a fetch request. This was
   109  // added in support of KIP-227. This error is only non-zero if using fetch
   110  // sessions.
   111  //
   112  // FETCH_SESSION_ID_NOT_FOUND is returned if the request used a
   113  // session ID that the broker does not know of.
   114  //
   115  // INVALID_FETCH_SESSION_EPOCH is returned if the request used an
   116  // invalid session epoch.
   117  ErrorCode: int16 // v7+
   118  // SessionID is the id for this session if using sessions.
   119  //
   120  // See KIP-227 for more details.
   121  SessionID: int32 // v7+
   122  // Topics contains an array of topic partitions and the records received
   123  // for them.
   124  Topics: [=>]
   125    // Topic is a topic that records may have been received for.
   126    Topic: string // v0-v12
   127    // TopicID is the uuid of a topic that records may have been received for.
   128    TopicID: uuid // v13+
   129    // Partitions contains partitions in a topic that records may have
   130    // been received for.
   131    Partitions: [=>]
   132      // Partition is a partition in a topic that records may have been
   133      // received for.
   134      Partition: int32
   135      // ErrorCode is an error returned for an individual partition in a
   136      // fetch request.
   137      //
   138      // TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED is returned if the client is not
   139      // authorized to read the partition.
   140      //
   141      // UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION is returned if the topic or partition
   142      // does not exist on this broker.
   143      //
   144      // UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION_TYPE is returned if the request version was
   145      // under 10 and the batch is compressed with zstd.
   146      //
   147      // UNSUPPORTED_VERSION is returned if the broker has records newer than
   148      // the client can support (magic value) and the broker has disabled
   149      // message downconversion.
   150      //
   151      // NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION is returned if requesting data for this
   152      // partition as a follower (non-negative ReplicaID) and the broker
   153      // is not the leader for this partition.
   154      //
   155      // REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned if the partition exists but
   156      // the requested broker is not the leader for it.
   157      //
   158      // KAFKA_STORAGE_EXCEPTION is returned if the requested partition is
   159      // offline.
   160      //
   161      // UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH is returned if the request used a larger leader
   162      // epoch than the broker knows of.
   163      //
   164      // FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH is returned if the request used a smaller leader
   165      // epoch than the broker is at (see KIP-320).
   166      //
   167      // OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned if requesting an offset past the
   168      // current end offset or before the beginning offset.
   169      //
   170      // UNKNOWN_TOPIC_ID is returned if using uuid's and the uuid is unknown
   171      // (v13+ / Kafka 3.1+).
   172      //
   173      // OFFSET_MOVED_TO_TIERED_STORAGE is returned if a follower is trying to
   174      // fetch from an offset that is now in tiered storage.
   175      ErrorCode: int16
   176      // HighWatermark is the current high watermark for this partition,
   177      // that is, the current offset that is on all in sync replicas.
   178      HighWatermark: int64
   179      // LastStableOffset is the offset at which all prior offsets have
   180      // been "decided". Non transactional records are always decided
   181      // immediately, but transactional records are only decided once
   182      // they are commited or aborted.
   183      //
   184      // The LastStableOffset will always be at or under the HighWatermark.
   185      LastStableOffset: int64(-1) // v4+
   186      // LogStartOffset is the beginning offset for this partition.
   187      // This field was added for KIP-107.
   188      LogStartOffset: int64(-1) // v5+
   189      // In case divergence is detected based on the LastFetchedEpoch and
   190      // FetchOffset in the request, this field indicates the largest epoch and
   191      // its end offset such that subsequent records are known to diverge.
   192      DivergingEpoch: => // tag 0
   193        Epoch: int32(-1)
   194        EndOffset: int64(-1)
   195      // CurrentLeader is the currently known leader ID and epoch for this
   196      // partition.
   197      CurrentLeader: => // tag 1
   198        // The ID of the current leader, or -1 if unknown.
   199        LeaderID: int32(-1)
   200        // The latest known leader epoch.
   201        LeaderEpoch: int32(-1)
   202      // In the case of fetching an offset less than the LogStartOffset, this
   203      // is the end offset and epoch that should be used in the FetchSnapshot
   204      // request.
   205      SnapshotID: => // tag 2
   206        EndOffset: int64(-1)
   207        Epoch: int32(-1)
   208      // AbortedTransactions is an array of aborted transactions within the
   209      // returned offset range. This is only returned if the requested
   210      // isolation level was READ_COMMITTED.
   211      AbortedTransactions: nullable[=>] // v4+
   212        // ProducerID is the producer ID that caused this aborted transaction.
   213        ProducerID: int64
   214        // FirstOffset is the offset where this aborted transaction began.
   215        FirstOffset: int64
   216      // PreferredReadReplica is the preferred replica for the consumer
   217      // to use on its next fetch request. See KIP-392.
   218      PreferredReadReplica: int32(-1) // v11+
   219      // RecordBatches is an array of record batches for a topic partition.
   220      //
   221      // This is encoded as a raw byte array, with the standard int32 size
   222      // prefix. One important catch to note is that the final element of the
   223      // array may be **partial**. This is an optimization in Kafka that
   224      // clients must deal with by discarding a partial trailing batch.
   225      //
   226      // Starting v2, this transitioned to the MessageSet v1 format (and this
   227      // would contain many MessageV1 structs).
   228      //
   229      // Starting v4, this transitioned to the RecordBatch format (thus this
   230      // contains many RecordBatch structs).
   231      RecordBatches: nullable-bytes

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