
Text file src/github.com/twmb/franz-go/examples/goroutine_per_partition_consuming/README.md

Documentation: github.com/twmb/franz-go/examples/goroutine_per_partition_consuming

     1Group consuming, using a goroutine per partition
     4This directory contains three examples that demonstrate different ways to
     5have per-partition processing as a group consumer. Because each file is
     6invoked the same way, this one readme serves all three examples.
     8These examples consume from a group and start a goroutine to process each
     9partition concurrently. This type of code may be useful if processing each
    10record per partition is slow, such that processing records in a single
    11`PollFetches` loop is not as fast as you want it to be.
    13A simpler solution would be to have a pool of goroutines selecting from a
    14channel and then sending all records from your `PollFetches` loop down this
    15channel. However, the simple solution does not preserve per-partition ordering.
    17## Auto committing
    19The autocommitting example is the simplest, but is the most prone to duplicate
    20consuming due to rebalances. This solution consumes and processes each
    21partition individually, but does nothing about a behind-the-scenes rebalance.
    22If a rebalance happens after records are sent to the partition goroutines,
    23those partition goroutines will process records for partitions that may have
    24been lost.
    26## Auto committing marks
    28This example adds a few things to the simpler auto-committing example. First,
    29we switch to `BlockRebalanceOnPoll` and uses some locking to avoid rebalances
    30while the partition goroutines are processing, and we switch to
    31`AutoCommitMarks` to have more control over what will actually be committed.
    32This example uses `CommitUncommittedOffsets` at the end of being revoked to
    33ensure that marked records are committed before revoking is allowed to
    34continue. Lastly, we use `EachPartition` rather than `EachTopic` to avoid the
    35internal allocations that `EachTopic` may do.
    37Blocking rebalance while polling allows for a lot of simplifications in
    38comparison to plain autocommitting. Compare the differences: we worry less
    39about whether partition consumers have gone away, and we are more sure of what
    40is actually happening. These simplifications are commented within the file.
    42The main downside with `BlockRebalanceOnPoll` is that your application is more
    43at risk of blocking the rebalance so long that the member is booted from the
    44group. You must ensure that your goroutine workers are fast enough to not block
    45rebalancing for all of `RebalanceTimeout`.
    47## Manually commit
    49This example is a small extension of the autocommit marks example: rather than
    50marking records for commit and forcing a commit when revoked, we issue a
    51synchronous commit in each partition consumer whenever a partition batch is
    54This example will have more blocking commits, but has even tighter guarantees
    55around what is committed when. Because this also uses `BlockRebalanceOnPoll`,
    56like above, you must ensure that your partition processing is fast enough to
    57not block a rebalance too long.
    59## Flags
    61The flags in each example are the same:
    63`-b` can be specified to override the default localhost:9092 broker to any
    64comma delimited set of brokers.
    66`-t` specifies the topic to consume (required)
    68`-g` specifies the group to consume in (required)

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