go-funk changelog ================= 0.1 (2017-01-18) ---------------- Changes can be seen [here](https://github.com/thoas/go-funk/compare/73b8ae1f6443c9d4acbdc612bbb2ca804bb39b1d...master) * Better test suite * Better documentation * Add typesafe implementations: * ``Contains`` * ``Sum`` * ``Reverse`` * ``IndexOf`` * ``Uniq`` * ``Shuffle`` * Add benchmarks * ``Contains`` * ``Uniq`` * ``Sum`` * Fix ``redirectValue`` when using a circular reference * Add ``Sum`` generic implementation which computes the sum of values in an array * Add ``Tail`` generic implementation to retrieve all but the first element of array * Add ``Initial`` generic implementation to retrieve all but the last element of array * Add ``Last`` generic implementation to retrieve the last element of an array * Add ``Head`` generic implementation to retrieve the first element of an array