package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "time" tuf "" "" "" ) var expirationDate = time.Date(2100, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) type persistedKeys struct { Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` Data []*data.PrivateKey `json:"data"` } func assertNoError(err error) { if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("assertion failed: %s", err)) } } func copyRepo(src string, dst string) { cmd := exec.Command("cp", "-r", src, dst) assertNoError(cmd.Run()) } func newRepo(dir string) *tuf.Repo { repo, err := tuf.NewRepoIndent(tuf.FileSystemStore(dir, nil), "", "\t") assertNoError(err) return repo } func commit(dir string, repo *tuf.Repo) { assertNoError(repo.SnapshotWithExpires(expirationDate)) assertNoError(repo.TimestampWithExpires(expirationDate)) assertNoError(repo.Commit()) // Remove the keys directory to make sure we don't accidentally use a key. assertNoError(os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(dir, "keys"))) } func addKeys(repo *tuf.Repo, roleKeys map[string][]*data.PrivateKey) { for role, keyList := range roleKeys { for _, key := range keyList { signer, err := keys.GetSigner(key) assertNoError(err) assertNoError(repo.AddPrivateKeyWithExpires(role, signer, expirationDate)) } } } func addTargets(repo *tuf.Repo, dir string, files map[string][]byte) { paths := []string{} for file, data := range files { path := filepath.Join(dir, "staged", "targets", file) assertNoError(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755)) assertNoError(os.WriteFile(path, data, 0644)) paths = append(paths, file) } assertNoError(repo.AddTargetsWithExpires(paths, nil, expirationDate)) } func revokeKeys(repo *tuf.Repo, role string, keyList []*data.PrivateKey) { for _, key := range keyList { signer, err := keys.GetSigner(key) assertNoError(err) assertNoError(repo.RevokeKeyWithExpires(role, signer.PublicData().IDs()[0], expirationDate)) } } func generateRepos(dir string, consistentSnapshot bool) { f, err := os.Open("../keys.json") assertNoError(err) var roleKeys map[string][][]*data.PrivateKey assertNoError(json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&roleKeys)) // Collect all the initial keys we'll use when creating repositories. // We'll modify this to reflect rotated keys. keys := map[string][]*data.PrivateKey{ "root": roleKeys["root"][0], "targets": roleKeys["targets"][0], "snapshot": roleKeys["snapshot"][0], "timestamp": roleKeys["timestamp"][0], } // Create the initial repo. dir0 := filepath.Join(dir, "0") repo0 := newRepo(dir0) repo0.Init(consistentSnapshot) addKeys(repo0, keys) addTargets(repo0, dir0, map[string][]byte{"0": []byte("0")}) commit(dir0, repo0) // Rotate all the keys to make sure that works. oldDir := dir0 i := 1 for _, role := range []string{"root", "targets", "snapshot", "timestamp"} { // Setup the repo. stepName := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) d := filepath.Join(dir, stepName) copyRepo(oldDir, d) repo := newRepo(d) addKeys(repo, keys) // Actually rotate the keys revokeKeys(repo, role, roleKeys[role][0]) addKeys(repo, map[string][]*data.PrivateKey{ role: roleKeys[role][1], }) keys[role] = roleKeys[role][1] // Add a target to make sure that works, then commit. addTargets(repo, d, map[string][]byte{stepName: []byte(stepName)}) commit(d, repo) i += 1 oldDir = d } // Add another target file to make sure the workflow worked. stepName := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) d := filepath.Join(dir, stepName) copyRepo(oldDir, d) repo := newRepo(d) addKeys(repo, keys) addTargets(repo, d, map[string][]byte{stepName: []byte(stepName)}) commit(d, repo) } func main() { cwd, err := os.Getwd() assertNoError(err) for _, consistentSnapshot := range []bool{false, true} { name := fmt.Sprintf("consistent-snapshot-%t", consistentSnapshot) log.Printf("generating %s", name) generateRepos(filepath.Join(cwd, name), consistentSnapshot) } }