
Text file src/github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/.goreleaser/tuf.yml

Documentation: github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/.goreleaser

     1project_name: tuf
     3  - ldflags:
     4      - "-s -w"
     5      - "-extldflags=-zrelro"
     6      - "-extldflags=-znow"
     7    env:
     8      - "CGO_ENABLED=0"
     9      - "GO111MODULE=on"
    10    flags:
    11      - -mod=readonly
    12      - -trimpath
    13    goos:
    14      - linux
    15      - darwin
    16      - windows
    17    goarch:
    18      - amd64
    19      - arm64
    20    main: ./cmd/tuf/
    22  enabled: true
    24  use: github
    25  groups:
    26    - title: "Breaking changes"
    27      regexp: "^.*(?:BREAKING CHANGE)|![(\\w)]*:+.*$"
    28      order: 0
    29    - title: Features
    30      regexp: "^.*feat[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
    31      order: 1
    32    - title: "Bug fixes"
    33      regexp: "^.*fix[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
    34      order: 2
    35    - title: Others
    36      order: 999
    38  # If set to auto, will mark the release as not ready for production
    39  # in case there is an indicator for this in the tag e.g. v1.0.0-rc1
    40  prerelease: auto

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