(module $spectest (global (export "global_i32") i32 (i32.const 666)) (global (export "global_i64") i64 (i64.const 666)) (global (export "global_f32") f32 (f32.const 666)) (global (export "global_f64") f64 (f64.const 666)) (table (export "table") 10 20 funcref) (memory 1 2) (export "memory" (memory 0)) ;; Note: the following aren't host functions that print to console as it would clutter it. These only drop the inputs. (func) (export "print" (func 0)) (func (param i32) local.get 0 drop) (export "print_i32" (func 1)) (func (param i64) local.get 0 drop) (export "print_i64" (func 2)) (func (param f32) local.get 0 drop) (export "print_f32" (func 3)) (func (param f64) local.get 0 drop) (export "print_f64" (func 4)) (func (param i32 f32) local.get 0 drop local.get 1 drop) (export "print_i32_f32" (func 5)) (func (param f64 f64) local.get 0 drop local.get 1 drop) (export "print_f64_f64" (func 6)) )