
Text file src/github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/internal/engine/compiler/arch_arm64.s

Documentation: github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/internal/engine/compiler

     1#include "funcdata.h"
     2#include "textflag.h"
     4// nativecall(codeSegment, ce, moduleInstanceAddress)
     5TEXT ·nativecall(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-24
     6	// Load the address of *callEngine into arm64ReservedRegisterForCallEngine.
     7	MOVD ce+8(FP), R0
     9	// In arm64, return address is stored in R30 after jumping into the code.
    10	// We save the return address value into archContext.compilerReturnAddress in Engine.
    11	// Note that the const 144 drifts after editting Engine or archContext struct. See TestArchContextOffsetInEngine.
    12	MOVD R30, 144(R0)
    14	// Load the address of *wasm.ModuleInstance into arm64CallingConventionModuleInstanceAddressRegister.
    15	MOVD moduleInstanceAddress+16(FP), R29
    17	// Load the address of native code.
    18	MOVD codeSegment+0(FP), R1
    20	// Jump to native code.
    21	JMP (R1)

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