use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::io::{Read,Write}; use std::net::{TcpListener}; use std::os::wasi::io::FromRawFd; use std::process::exit; use std::str::from_utf8; // Until NotADirectory is implemented, read the underlying error raised by // wasi-libc. See use libc::ENOTDIR; fn main() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); match args[1].as_str() { "ls" => { main_ls(&args[2]); if args.len() == 4 && args[3].as_str() == "repeat" { main_ls(&args[2]); } } "stat" => main_stat(), "sock" => main_sock(), _ => { writeln!(io::stderr(), "unknown command: {}", args[1]).unwrap(); exit(1); } } } fn main_ls(dir_name: &String) { match fs::read_dir(dir_name) { Ok(paths) => { for ent in paths.into_iter() { println!("{}", ent.unwrap().path().display()); } } Err(e) => { if let Some(error_code) = e.raw_os_error() { if error_code == ENOTDIR { println!("ENOTDIR"); } else { println!("errno=={}", error_code); } } else { writeln!(io::stderr(), "failed to read directory: {}", e).unwrap(); } } } } extern crate libc; fn main_stat() { unsafe { println!("stdin isatty: {}", libc::isatty(0) != 0); println!("stdout isatty: {}", libc::isatty(1) != 0); println!("stderr isatty: {}", libc::isatty(2) != 0); println!("/ isatty: {}", libc::isatty(3) != 0); } } fn main_sock() { // Get a listener from the pre-opened file descriptor. // The listener is the first pre-open, with a file-descriptor of 3. let listener = unsafe { TcpListener::from_raw_fd(3) }; for conn in listener.incoming() { match conn { Ok(mut conn) => { // Do a blocking read of up to 32 bytes. // Note: the test should write: "wazero", so that's all we should read. let mut data = [0 as u8; 32]; match data) { Ok(size) => { let text = from_utf8(&data[0..size]).unwrap(); println!("{}", text); // Exit instead of accepting another connection. exit(0); }, Err(e) => writeln!(io::stderr(), "failed to read data: {}", e).unwrap(), } {} } Err(e) => writeln!(io::stderr(), "failed to read connection: {}", e).unwrap(), } } }