1# Notable rationale of wazero
3## Zero dependencies
5Wazero has zero dependencies to differentiate itself from other runtimes which
6have heavy impact usually due to CGO. By avoiding CGO, wazero avoids
7prerequisites such as shared libraries or libc, and lets users keep features
8like cross compilation.
10Avoiding go.mod dependencies reduces interference on Go version support, and
11size of a statically compiled binary. However, doing so brings some
12responsibility into the project.
14Go's native platform support is good: We don't need platform-specific code to
15get monotonic time, nor do we need much work to implement certain features
16needed by our compiler such as `mmap`. That said, Go does not support all
17common operating systems to the same degree. For example, Go 1.18 includes
18`Mprotect` on Linux and Darwin, but not FreeBSD.
20The general tradeoff the project takes from a zero dependency policy is more
21explicit support of platforms (in the compiler runtime), as well a larger and
22more technically difficult codebase.
24At some point, we may allow extensions to supply their own platform-specific
25hooks. Until then, one end user impact/tradeoff is some glitches trying
26untested platforms (with the Compiler runtime).
28### Why do we use CGO to implement system calls on darwin?
30wazero is dependency and CGO free by design. In some cases, we have code that
31can optionally use CGO, but retain a fallback for when that's disabled. The only
32operating system (`GOOS`) we use CGO by default in is `darwin`.
34Unlike other operating systems, regardless of `CGO_ENABLED`, Go always uses
35"CGO" mechanisms in the runtime layer of `darwin`. This is explained in
36[Statically linked binaries on Mac OS X](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1118/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10001666):
38> Apple does not support statically linked binaries on Mac OS X. A statically
39> linked binary assumes binary compatibility at the kernel system call
40> interface, and we do not make any guarantees on that front. Rather, we strive
41> to ensure binary compatibility in each dynamically linked system library and
42> framework.
44This plays to our advantage for system calls that aren't yet exposed in the Go
45standard library, notably `futimens` for nanosecond-precision timestamp
48### Why not x/sys
50Going beyond Go's SDK limitations can be accomplished with their [x/sys library](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/sys/unix).
51For example, this includes `zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go` missing from the Go SDK.
53However, like all dependencies, x/sys is a source of conflict. For example,
54x/sys had to be in order to upgrade to Go 1.18.
56If we depended on x/sys, we could get more precise functionality needed for
57features such as clocks or more platform support for the compiler runtime.
59That said, formally supporting an operating system may still require testing as
60even use of x/sys can require platform-specifics. For example, [mmap-go](https://github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go)
61uses x/sys, but also mentions limitations, some not surmountable with x/sys
64Regardless, we may at some point introduce a separate go.mod for users to use
65x/sys as a platform plugin without forcing all users to maintain that
68## Project structure
70wazero uses internal packages extensively to balance API compatability desires for end users with the need to safely
71share internals between compilers.
73End-user packages include `wazero`, with `Config` structs, `api`, with shared types, and the built-in `wasi` library.
74Everything else is internal.
76We put the main program for wazero into a directory of the same name to match conventions used in `go install`,
77notably the name of the folder becomes the binary name. We chose to use `cmd/wazero` as it is common practice
78and less surprising than `wazero/wazero`.
80### Internal packages
82Most code in wazero is internal, and it is acknowledged that this prevents external implementation of facets such as
83compilers or decoding. It also prevents splitting this code into separate repositories, resulting in a larger monorepo.
84This also adds work as more code needs to be centrally reviewed.
86However, the alternative is neither secure nor viable. To allow external implementation would require exporting symbols
87public, such as the `CodeSection`, which can easily create bugs. Moreover, there's a high drift risk for any attempt at
88external implementations, compounded not just by wazero's code organization, but also the fast moving Wasm and WASI
91For example, implementing a compiler correctly requires expertise in Wasm, Golang and assembly. This requires deep
92insight into how internals are meant to be structured and the various tiers of testing required for `wazero` to result
93in a high quality experience. Even if someone had these skills, supporting external code would introduce variables which
94are constants in the central one. Supporting an external codebase is harder on the project team, and could starve time
95from the already large burden on the central codebase.
97The tradeoffs of internal packages are a larger codebase and responsibility to implement all standard features. It also
98implies thinking about extension more as forking is not viable for reasons above also. The primary mitigation of these
99realities are friendly OSS licensing, high rigor and a collaborative spirit which aim to make contribution in the shared
100codebase productive.
102### Avoiding cyclic dependencies
104wazero shares constants and interfaces with internal code by a sharing pattern described below:
105* shared interfaces and constants go in one package under root: `api`.
106* user APIs and structs depend on `api` and go into the root package `wazero`.
107 * e.g. `InstantiateModule` -> `/wasm.go` depends on the type `api.Module`.
108* implementation code can also depend on `api` in a corresponding package under `/internal`.
109 * Ex package `wasm` -> `/internal/wasm/*.go` and can depend on the type `api.Module`.
111The above guarantees no cyclic dependencies at the cost of having to re-define symbols that exist in both packages.
112For example, if `wasm.Store` is a type the user needs access to, it is narrowed by a cover type in the `wazero`:
115type runtime struct {
116 s *wasm.Store
120This is not as bad as it sounds as mutations are only available via configuration. This means exported functions are
121limited to only a few functions.
123### Avoiding security bugs
125In order to avoid security flaws such as code insertion, nothing in the public API is permitted to write directly to any
126mutable symbol in the internal package. For example, the package `api` is shared with internal code. To ensure
127immutability, the `api` package cannot contain any mutable public symbol, such as a slice or a struct with an exported
130In practice, this means shared functionality like memory mutation need to be implemented by interfaces.
132Here are some examples:
133* `api.Memory` protects access by exposing functions like `WriteFloat64Le` instead of exporting a buffer (`[]byte`).
134* There is no exported symbol for the `[]byte` representing the `CodeSection`
136Besides security, this practice prevents other bugs and allows centralization of validation logic such as decoding Wasm.
138## API Design
140### Why is `context.Context` inconsistent?
142It may seem strange that only certain API have an initial `context.Context`
143parameter. We originally had a `context.Context` for anything that might be
144traced, but it turned out to be only useful for lifecycle and host functions.
146For instruction-scoped aspects like memory updates, a context parameter is too
147fine-grained and also invisible in practice. For example, most users will use
148the compiler engine, and its memory, global or table access will never use go's
151### Why does `api.ValueType` map to uint64?
153WebAssembly allows functions to be defined either by the guest or the host,
154with signatures expressed as WebAssembly types. For example, `i32` is a 32-bit
155type which might be interpreted as signed. Function signatures can have zero or
156more parameters or results even if WebAssembly 1.0 allows up to one result.
158The guest can export functions, so that the host can call it. In the case of
159wazero, the host is Go and an exported function can be called via
160`api.Function`. `api.Function` allows users to supply parameters and read
161results as a slice of uint64. For example, if there are no results, an empty
162slice is returned. The user can learn the signature via `FunctionDescription`,
163which returns the `api.ValueType` corresponding to each parameter or result.
164`api.ValueType` defines the mapping of WebAssembly types to `uint64` values for
165reason described in this section. The special case of `v128` is also mentioned
168wazero maps each value type to a uint64 values because it holds the largest
169type in WebAssembly 1.0 (i64). A slice allows you to express empty (e.g. a
170nullary signature), for example a start function.
172Here's an example of calling a function, noting this syntax works for both a
173signature `(param i32 i32) (result i32)` and `(param i64 i64) (result i64)`
175x, y := uint64(1), uint64(2)
176results, err := mod.ExportedFunction("add").Call(ctx, x, y)
177if err != nil {
178 log.Panicln(err)
180fmt.Printf("%d + %d = %d\n", x, y, results[0])
183WebAssembly does not define an encoding strategy for host defined parameters or
184results. This means the encoding rules above are defined by wazero instead. To
185address this, we clarified mapping both in `api.ValueType` and added helper
186functions like `api.EncodeF64`. This allows users conversions typical in Go
187programming, and utilities to avoid ambiguity and edge cases around casting.
189Alternatively, we could have defined a byte buffer based approach and a binary
190encoding of value types in and out. For example, an empty byte slice would mean
191no values, while a non-empty could use a binary encoding for supported values.
192This could work, but it is more difficult for the normal case of i32 and i64.
193It also shares a struggle with the current approach, which is that value types
194were added after WebAssembly 1.0 and not all of them have an encoding. More on
195this below.
197In summary, wazero chose an approach for signature mapping because there was
198none, and the one we chose biases towards simplicity with integers and handles
199the rest with documentation and utilities.
201#### Post 1.0 value types
203Value types added after WebAssembly 1.0 stressed the current model, as some
204have no encoding or are larger than 64 bits. While problematic, these value
205types are not commonly used in exported (extern) functions. However, some
206decisions were made and detailed below.
208For example `externref` has no guest representation. wazero chose to map
209references to uint64 as that's the largest value needed to encode a pointer on
210supported platforms. While there are two reference types, `externref` and
211`functype`, the latter is an internal detail of function tables, and the former
212is rarely if ever used in function signatures as of the end of 2022.
214The only value larger than 64 bits is used for SIMD (`v128`). Vectorizing via
215host functions is not used as of the end of 2022. Even if it were, it would be
216inefficient vs guest vectorization due to host function overhead. In other
217words, the `v128` value type is unlikely to be in an exported function
218signature. That it requires two uint64 values to encode is an internal detail
219and not worth changing the exported function interface `api.Function`, as doing
220so would break all users.
222### Interfaces, not structs
224All exported types in public packages, regardless of configuration vs runtime, are interfaces. The primary benefits are
225internal flexibility and avoiding people accidentally mis-initializing by instantiating the types on their own vs using
226the `NewXxx` constructor functions. In other words, there's less support load when things can't be done incorrectly.
228Here's an example:
230rt := &RuntimeConfig{} // not initialized properly (fields are nil which shouldn't be)
231rt := RuntimeConfig{} // not initialized properly (should be a pointer)
232rt := wazero.NewRuntimeConfig() // initialized properly
235There are a few drawbacks to this, notably some work for maintainers.
236* Interfaces are decoupled from the structs implementing them, which means the signature has to be repeated twice.
237* Interfaces have to be documented and guarded at time of use, that 3rd party implementations aren't supported.
238* As of Golang 1.21, interfaces are still [not well supported](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/5860) in godoc.
240## Config
242wazero configures scopes such as Runtime and Module using `XxxConfig` types. For example, `RuntimeConfig` configures
243`Runtime` and `ModuleConfig` configure `Module` (instantiation). In all cases, config types begin defaults and can be
244customized by a user, e.g., selecting features or a module name override.
246### Why don't we make each configuration setting return an error?
247No config types create resources that would need to be closed, nor do they return errors on use. This helps reduce
248resource leaks, and makes chaining easier. It makes it possible to parse configuration (ex by parsing yaml) independent
249of validating it.
251Instead of:
253cfg, err = cfg.WithFS(fs)
254if err != nil {
255 return err
257cfg, err = cfg.WithName(name)
258if err != nil {
259 return err
261mod, err = rt.InstantiateModuleWithConfig(ctx, code, cfg)
262if err != nil {
263 return err
267There's only one call site to handle errors:
269cfg = cfg.WithFS(fs).WithName(name)
270mod, err = rt.InstantiateModuleWithConfig(ctx, code, cfg)
271if err != nil {
272 return err
276This allows users one place to look for errors, and also the benefit that if anything internally opens a resource, but
277errs, there's nothing they need to close. In other words, users don't need to track which resources need closing on
278partial error, as that is handled internally by the only code that can read configuration fields.
280### Why are configuration immutable?
281While it seems certain scopes like `Runtime` won't repeat within a process, they do, possibly in different goroutines.
282For example, some users create a new runtime for each module, and some re-use the same base module configuration with
283only small updates (ex the name) for each instantiation. Making configuration immutable allows them to be safely used in
284any goroutine.
286Since config are immutable, changes apply via return val, similar to `append` in a slice.
288For example, both of these are the same sort of error:
290append(slice, element) // bug as only the return value has the updated slice.
291cfg.WithName(next) // bug as only the return value has the updated name.
294Here's an example of correct use: re-assigning explicitly or via chaining.
296cfg = cfg.WithName(name) // explicit
298mod, err = rt.InstantiateModuleWithConfig(ctx, code, cfg.WithName(name)) // implicit
299if err != nil {
300 return err
304### Why aren't configuration assigned with option types?
305The option pattern is a familiar one in Go. For example, someone defines a type `func (x X) err` and uses it to update
306the target. For example, you could imagine wazero could choose to make `ModuleConfig` from options vs chaining fields.
308Ex instead of:
310type ModuleConfig interface {
311 WithName(string) ModuleConfig
312 WithFS(fs.FS) ModuleConfig
315struct moduleConfig {
316 name string
317 fs fs.FS
320func (c *moduleConfig) WithName(name string) ModuleConfig {
321 ret := *c // copy
322 ret.name = name
323 return &ret
326func (c *moduleConfig) WithFS(fs fs.FS) ModuleConfig {
327 ret := *c // copy
328 ret.setFS("/", fs)
329 return &ret
332config := r.NewModuleConfig().WithFS(fs)
333configDerived := config.WithName("name")
336An option function could be defined, then refactor each config method into an name prefixed option function:
338type ModuleConfig interface {
340struct moduleConfig {
341 name string
342 fs fs.FS
345type ModuleConfigOption func(c *moduleConfig)
347func ModuleConfigName(name string) ModuleConfigOption {
348 return func(c *moduleConfig) {
349 c.name = name
350 }
353func ModuleConfigFS(fs fs.FS) ModuleConfigOption {
354 return func(c *moduleConfig) {
355 c.fs = fs
356 }
359func (r *runtime) NewModuleConfig(opts ...ModuleConfigOption) ModuleConfig {
360 ret := newModuleConfig() // defaults
361 for _, opt := range opts {
362 opt(&ret.config)
363 }
364 return ret
367func (c *moduleConfig) WithOptions(opts ...ModuleConfigOption) ModuleConfig {
368 ret := *c // copy base config
369 for _, opt := range opts {
370 opt(&ret.config)
371 }
372 return ret
375config := r.NewModuleConfig(ModuleConfigFS(fs))
376configDerived := config.WithOptions(ModuleConfigName("name"))
379wazero took the path of the former design primarily due to:
380* interfaces provide natural namespaces for their methods, which is more direct than functions with name prefixes.
381* parsing config into function callbacks is more direct vs parsing config into a slice of functions to do the same.
382* in either case derived config is needed and the options pattern is more awkward to achieve that.
384There are other reasons such as test and debug being simpler without options: the above list is constrained to conserve
385space. It is accepted that the options pattern is common in Go, which is the main reason for documenting this decision.
387### Why aren't config types deeply structured?
388wazero's configuration types cover the two main scopes of WebAssembly use:
389* `RuntimeConfig`: This is the broadest scope, so applies also to compilation
390 and instantiation. e.g. This controls the WebAssembly Specification Version.
391* `ModuleConfig`: This affects modules instantiated after compilation and what
392 resources are allowed. e.g. This defines how or if STDOUT is captured. This
393 also allows sub-configuration of `FSConfig`.
395These default to a flat definition each, with lazy sub-configuration only after
396proven to be necessary. A flat structure is easier to work with and is also
397easy to discover. Unlike the option pattern described earlier, more
398configuration in the interface doesn't taint the package namespace, only
401We default to a flat structure to encourage simplicity. If we eagerly broke out
402all possible configurations into sub-types (e.g. ClockConfig), it would be hard
403to notice configuration sprawl. By keeping the config flat, it is easy to see
404the cognitive load we may be adding to our users.
406In other words, discomfort adding more configuration is a feature, not a bug.
407We should only add new configuration rarely, and before doing so, ensure it
408will be used. In fact, this is why we support using context fields for
409experimental configuration. By letting users practice, we can find out if a
410configuration was a good idea or not before committing to it, and potentially
411sprawling our types.
413In reflection, this approach worked well for the nearly 1.5 year period leading
414to version 1.0. We've only had to create a single sub-configuration, `FSConfig`,
415and it was well understood why when it occurred.
417## Why does `ModuleConfig.WithStartFunctions` default to `_start`?
419We formerly had functions like `StartWASICommand` that would verify
420preconditions and start WASI's `_start` command. However, this caused confusion
421because both many languages compiled a WASI dependency, and many did so
424The conflict is that exported functions need to use features the language
425runtime provides, such as garbage collection. There's a "chicken-egg problem"
426where `_start` needs to complete in order for exported behavior to work.
428For example, unlike `GOOS=wasip1` in Go 1.21, TinyGo's "wasi" target supports
429function exports. So, the only way to use FFI style is via the "wasi" target.
430Not explicitly calling `_start` before an ABI such as wapc-go, would crash, due
431to setup not happening (e.g. to implement `panic`). Other embedders such as
432Envoy also called `_start` for the same reason. To avoid a common problem for
433users unaware of WASI, and also to simplify normal use of WASI (e.g. `main`),
434we added `_start` to `ModuleConfig.WithStartFunctions`.
436In cases of multiple initializers, such as in wapc-go, users can override this
437to add the others *after* `_start`. Users who want to explicitly control
438`_start`, such as some of our unit tests, can clear the start functions and
439remove it.
441This decision was made in 2022, and holds true in 2023, even with the
442introduction of "wasix". It holds because "wasix" is backwards compatible with
443"wasip1". In the future, there will be other ways to start applications, and
444may not be backwards compatible with "wasip1".
446Most notably WASI "Preview 2" is not implemented in a way compatible with
447wasip1. Its start function is likely to be different, and defined in the
448wasi-cli "world". When the design settles, and it is implemented by compilers,
449wazero will attempt to support "wasip2". However, it won't do so in a way that
450breaks existing compilers.
452In other words, we won't remove `_start` if "wasip2" continues a path of an
453alternate function name. If we did, we'd break existing users despite our
454compatibility promise saying we don't. The most likely case is that when we
455build-in something incompatible with "wasip1", that start function will be
456added to the start functions list in addition to `_start`.
458See http://wasix.org
459See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-cli
461## Runtime == Engine+Store
462wazero defines a single user-type which combines the specification concept of `Store` with the unspecified `Engine`
463which manages them.
465### Why not multi-store?
466Multi-store isn't supported as the extra tier complicates lifecycle and locking. Moreover, in practice it is unusual for
467there to be an engine that has multiple stores which have multiple modules. More often, it is the case that there is
468either 1 engine with 1 store and multiple modules, or 1 engine with many stores, each having 1 non-host module. In worst
469case, a user can use multiple runtimes until "multi-store" is better understood.
471If later, we have demand for multiple stores, that can be accomplished by overload. e.g. `Runtime.InstantiateInStore` or
472`Runtime.Store(name) Store`.
474## wazeroir
475wazero's intermediate representation (IR) is called `wazeroir`. Lowering into an IR provides us a faster interpreter
476and a closer to assembly representation for used by our compiler.
478### Intermediate Representation (IR) design
479`wazeroir`'s initial design borrowed heavily from the defunct `microwasm` format (a.k.a. LightbeamIR). Notably,
480`wazeroir` doesn't have block operations: this simplifies the implementation.
482Note: `microwasm` was never specified formally, and only exists in a historical codebase of wasmtime:
485## Exit
487### Why do we only return a `sys.ExitError` on a non-zero exit code?
489It is reasonable to think an exit error should be returned, even if the code is
490success (zero). Even on success, the module is no longer functional. For
491example, function exports would error later. However, wazero does not. The only
492time `sys.ExitError` is on error (non-zero).
494This decision was to improve performance and ergonomics for guests that both
495use WASI (have a `_start` function), and also allow custom exports.
496Specifically, Rust, TinyGo and normal wasi-libc, don't exit the module during
497`_start`. If they did, it would invalidate their function exports. This means
498it is unlikely most compilers will change this behavior.
500`GOOS=waspi1` from Go 1.21 does exit during `_start`. However, it doesn't
501support other exports besides `_start`, and `_start` is not defined to be
502called multiple times anyway.
504Since `sys.ExitError` is not always returned, we added `Module.IsClosed` for
505defensive checks. This helps integrators avoid calling functions which will
506always fail.
508### Why panic with `sys.ExitError` after a host function exits?
510Currently, the only portable way to stop processing code is via panic. For
511example, WebAssembly "trap" instructions, such as divide by zero, are
512implemented via panic. This ensures code isn't executed after it.
514When code reaches the WASI `proc_exit` instruction, we need to stop processing.
515Regardless of the exit code, any code invoked after exit would be in an
516inconsistent state. This is likely why unreachable instructions are sometimes
517inserted after exit: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/issues/12322
519## WASI
521Unfortunately, (WASI Snapshot Preview 1)[https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/snapshot-01/phases/snapshot/docs.md] is not formally defined enough, and has APIs with ambiguous semantics.
522This section describes how Wazero interprets and implements the semantics of several WASI APIs that may be interpreted differently by different wasm runtimes.
523Those APIs may affect the portability of a WASI application.
525### Why don't we attempt to pass wasi-testsuite on user-defined `fs.FS`?
527While most cases work fine on an `os.File` based implementation, we won't
528promise wasi-testsuite compatibility on user defined wrappers of `os.DirFS`.
529The only option for real systems is to use our `sysfs.FS`.
531There are a lot of areas where windows behaves differently, despite the
532`os.File` abstraction. This goes well beyond file locking concerns (e.g.
533`EBUSY` errors on open files). For example, errors like `ACCESS_DENIED` aren't
534properly mapped to `EPERM`. There are trickier parts too. `FileInfo.Sys()`
535doesn't return enough information to build inodes needed for WASI. To rebuild
536them requires the full path to the underlying file, not just its directory
537name, and there's no way for us to get that information. At one point we tried,
538but in practice things became tangled and functionality such as read-only
539wrappers became untenable. Finally, there are version-specific behaviors which
540are difficult to maintain even in our own code. For example, go 1.20 opens
541files in a different way than versions before it.
543### Why aren't WASI rules enforced?
545The [snapshot-01](https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/snapshot-01/phases/snapshot/docs.md) version of WASI has a
546number of rules for a "command module", but only the memory export rule is enforced. If a "_start" function exists, it
547is enforced to be the correct signature and succeed, but the export itself isn't enforced. It follows that this means
548exports are not required to be contained to a "_start" function invocation. Finally, the "__indirect_function_table"
549export is also not enforced.
551The reason for the exceptions are that implementations aren't following the rules. For example, TinyGo doesn't export
552"__indirect_function_table", so crashing on this would make wazero unable to run TinyGo modules. Similarly, modules
553loaded by wapc-go don't always define a "_start" function. Since "snapshot-01" is not a proper version, and certainly
554not a W3C recommendation, there's no sense in breaking users over matters like this.
556### Why is I/O configuration not coupled to WASI?
558WebAssembly System Interfaces (WASI) is a formalization of a practice that can be done anyway: Define a host function to
559access a system interface, such as writing to STDOUT. WASI stalled at snapshot-01 and as of early 2023, is being
560rewritten entirely.
562This instability implies a need to transition between WASI specs, which places wazero in a position that requires
563decoupling. For example, if code uses two different functions to call `fd_write`, the underlying configuration must be
564centralized and decoupled. Otherwise, calls using the same file descriptor number will end up writing to different
567In short, wazero defined system configuration in `ModuleConfig`, not a WASI type. This allows end-users to switch from
568one spec to another with minimal impact. This has other helpful benefits, as centralized resources are simpler to close
569coherently (ex via `Module.Close`).
571In reflection, this worked well as more ABI became usable in wazero. For example, `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm` code uses the
572same `ModuleConfig` (and `FSConfig`) WASI uses, and in compatible ways.
574### Background on `ModuleConfig` design
576WebAssembly 1.0 (20191205) specifies some aspects to control isolation between modules ([sandboxing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbox_(computer_security))).
577For example, `wasm.Memory` has size constraints and each instance of it is isolated from each other. While `wasm.Memory`
578can be shared, by exporting it, it is not exported by default. In fact a WebAssembly Module (Wasm) has no memory by
581While memory is defined in WebAssembly 1.0 (20191205), many aspects are not. Let's use an example of `exec.Cmd` as for
582example, a WebAssembly System Interfaces (WASI) command is implemented as a module with a `_start` function, and in many
583ways acts similar to a process with a `main` function.
585To capture "hello world" written to the console (stdout a.k.a. file descriptor 1) in `exec.Cmd`, you would set the
586`Stdout` field accordingly, perhaps to a buffer. In WebAssembly 1.0 (20191205), the only way to perform something like
587this is via a host function (ex `HostModuleFunctionBuilder`) and internally copy memory corresponding to that string
588to a buffer.
590WASI implements system interfaces with host functions. Concretely, to write to console, a WASI command `Module` imports
591"fd_write" from "wasi_snapshot_preview1" and calls it with the `fd` parameter set to 1 (STDOUT).
593The [snapshot-01](https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/snapshot-01/phases/snapshot/docs.md) version of WASI has no
594means to declare configuration, although its function definitions imply configuration for example if fd 1 should exist,
595and if so where should it write. Moreover, snapshot-01 was last updated in late 2020 and the specification is being
596completely rewritten as of early 2022. This means WASI as defined by "snapshot-01" will not clarify aspects like which
597file descriptors are required. While it is possible a subsequent version may, it is too early to tell as no version of
598WASI has reached a stage near W3C recommendation. Even if it did, module authors are not required to only use WASI to
599write to console, as they can define their own host functions, such as they did before WASI existed.
601wazero aims to serve Go developers as a primary function, and help them transition between WASI specifications. In
602order to do this, we have to allow top-level configuration. To ensure isolation by default, `ModuleConfig` has WithXXX
603that override defaults to no-op or empty. One `ModuleConfig` instance is used regardless of how many times the same WASI
604functions are imported. The nil defaults allow safe concurrency in these situations, as well lower the cost when they
605are never used. Finally, a one-to-one mapping with `Module` allows the module to close the `ModuleConfig` instead of
606confusing users with another API to close.
608Naming, defaults and validation rules of aspects like `STDIN` and `Environ` are intentionally similar to other Go
609libraries such as `exec.Cmd` or `syscall.SetEnv`, and differences called out where helpful. For example, there's no goal
610to emulate any operating system primitive specific to Windows (such as a 'c:\' drive). Moreover, certain defaults
611working with real system calls are neither relevant nor safe to inherit: For example, `exec.Cmd` defaults to read STDIN
612from a real file descriptor ("/dev/null"). Defaulting to this, vs reading `io.EOF`, would be unsafe as it can exhaust
613file descriptors if resources aren't managed properly. In other words, blind copying of defaults isn't wise as it can
614violate isolation or endanger the embedding process. In summary, we try to be similar to normal Go code, but often need
615act differently and document `ModuleConfig` is more about emulating, not necessarily performing real system calls.
617## File systems
619### Motivation on `sys.FS`
621The `sys.FS` abstraction in wazero was created because of limitations in
622`fs.FS`, and `fs.File` in Go. Compilers targeting `wasip1` may access
623functionality that writes new files. The ability to overcome this was requested
624even before wazero was named this, via issue #21 in March 2021.
626A month later, golang/go#45757 was raised by someone else on the same topic. As
627of July 2023, this has not resolved to a writeable file system abstraction.
629Over the next year more use cases accumulated, consolidated in March 2022 into
630#390. This closed in January 2023 with a milestone of providing more
631functionality, limited to users giving a real directory. This didn't yet expose
632a file abstraction for general purpose use. Internally, this used `os.File`.
633However, a wasm module instance is a virtual machine. Only supporting `os.File`
634breaks sand-boxing use cases. Moreover, `os.File` is not an interface. Even
635though this abstracts functionality, it does allow interception use cases.
637Hence, a few days later in January 2023, we had more issues asking to expose an
638abstraction, #1013 and later #1532, on use cases like masking access to files.
639In other words, the use case requests never stopped, and aren't solved by
640exposing only real files.
642In summary, the primary motivation for exposing a replacement for `fs.FS` and
643`fs.File` was around repetitive use case requests for years, around
644interception and the ability to create new files, both virtual and real files.
645While some use cases are solved with real files, not all are. Regardless, an
646interface approach is necessary to ensure users can intercept I/O operations.
648### Why doesn't `sys.File` have a `Fd()` method?
650There are many features we could expose. We could make File expose underlying
651file descriptors in case they are supported, for integration of system calls
652that accept multiple ones, namely `poll` for multiplexing. This special case is
653described in a subsequent section.
655As noted above, users have been asking for a file abstraction for over two
656years, and a common answer was to wait. Making users wait is a problem,
657especially so long. Good reasons to make people wait are stabilization. Edge
658case features are not a great reason to hold abstractions from users.
660Another reason is implementation difficulty. Go did not attempt to abstract
661file descriptors. For example, unlike `fs.ReadFile` there is no `fs.FdFile`
662interface. Most likely, this is because file descriptors are an implementation
663detail of common features. Programming languages, including Go, do not require
664end users to know about file descriptors. Types such as `fs.File` can be used
665without any knowledge of them. Implementations may or may not have file
666descriptors. For example, in Go, `os.DirFS` has underlying file descriptors
667while `embed.FS` does not.
669Despite this, some may want to expose a non-standard interface because
670`os.File` has `Fd() uintptr` to return a file descriptor. Mainly, this is
671handy to integrate with `syscall` package functions (on `GOOS` values that
672declare them). Notice, though that `uintptr` is unsafe and not an abstraction.
673Close inspection will find some `os.File` types internally use `poll.FD`
674instead, yet this is not possible to use abstractly because that type is not
675exposed. For example, `plan9` uses a different type than `poll.FD`. In other
676words, even in real files, `Fd()` is not wholly portable, despite it being
677useful on many operating systems with the `syscall` package.
679The reasons above, why Go doesn't abstract `FdFile` interface are a subset of
680reasons why `sys.File` does not. If we exposed `File.Fd()` we not only would
681have to declare all the edge cases that Go describes including impact of
682finalizers, we would have to describe these in terms of virtualized files.
683Then, we would have to reason with this value vs our existing virtualized
684`sys.FileTable`, mapping whatever type we return to keys in that table, also
685in consideration of garbage collection impact. The combination of issues like
686this could lead down a path of not implementing a file system abstraction at
687all, and instead a weak key mapped abstraction of the `syscall` package. Once
688we finished with all the edge cases, we would have lost context of the original
689reason why we started.. simply to allow file write access!
691When wazero attempts to do more than what the Go programming language team, it
692has to be carefully evaluated, to:
693* Be possible to implement at least for `os.File` backed files
694* Not be confusing or cognitively hard for virtual file systems and normal use.
695* Affordable: custom code is solely the responsible by the core team, a much
696 smaller group of individuals than who maintain the Go programming language.
698Due to problems well known in Go, consideration of the end users who constantly
699ask for basic file system functionality, and the difficulty virtualizing file
700descriptors at multiple levels, we don't expose `Fd()` and likely won't ever
701expose `Fd()` on `sys.File`.
703### Why does `sys.File` have a `Poll()` method, while `sys.FS` does not?
705wazero exposes `File.Poll` which allows one-at-a-time poll use cases,
706requested by multiple users. This not only includes abstract tests such as
707Go 1.21 `GOOS=wasip1`, but real use cases including python and container2wasm
708repls, as well listen sockets. The main use cases is non-blocking poll on a
709single file. Being a single file, this has no risk of problems such as
710head-of-line blocking, even when emulated.
712The main use case of multi-poll are bidirectional network services, something
713not used in `GOOS=wasip1` standard libraries, but could be in the future.
714Moving forward without a multi-poller allows wazero to expose its file system
715abstraction instead of continuing to hold back it back for edge cases. We'll
716continue discussion below regardless, as rationale was requested.
718You can loop through multiple `sys.File`, using `File.Poll` to see if an event
719is ready, but there is a head-of-line blocking problem. If a long timeout is
720used, bad luck could have a file that has nothing to read or write before one
721that does. This could cause more blocking than necessary, even if you could
722poll the others just after with a zero timeout. What's worse than this is if
723unlimited blocking was used (`timeout=-1`). The host implementations could use
724goroutines to avoid this, but interrupting a "forever" poll is problematic. All
725of these are reasons to consider a multi-poll API, but do not require exporting
728Should multi-poll becomes critical, `sys.FS` could expose a `Poll` function
729like below, despite it being the non-portable, complicated if possible to
730implement on all platforms and virtual file systems.
732ready, errno := fs.Poll([]sys.PollFile{{f1, sys.POLLIN}, {f2, sys.POLLOUT}}, timeoutMillis)
735A real filesystem could handle this by using an approach like the internal
736`unix.Poll` function in Go, passing file descriptors on unix platforms, or
737returning `sys.ENOSYS` for unsupported operating systems. Implementation for
738virtual files could have a strategy around timeout to avoid the worst case of
739head-of-line blocking (unlimited timeout).
741Let's remember that when designing abstractions, it is not best to add an
742interface for everything. Certainly, Go doesn't, as evidenced by them not
743exposing `poll.FD` in `os.File`! Such a multi-poll could be limited to
744built-in filesystems in the wazero repository, avoiding complexity of trying to
745support and test this abstractly. This would still permit multiplexing for CLI
746users, and also permit single file polling as exists now.
748### Why doesn't wazero implement the working directory?
750An early design of wazero's API included a `WithWorkDirFS` which allowed
751control over which file a relative path such as "./config.yml" resolved to,
752independent of the root file system. This intended to help separate concerns
753like mutability of files, but it didn't work and was removed.
755Compilers that target wasm act differently with regard to the working
756directory. For example, while `GOOS=js` uses host functions to track the
757working directory, WASI host functions do not. wasi-libc, used by TinyGo,
758tracks working directory changes in compiled wasm instead: initially "/" until
759code calls `chdir`. Zig assumes the first pre-opened file descriptor is the
760working directory.
762The only place wazero can standardize a layered concern is via a host function.
763Since WASI doesn't use host functions to track the working directory, we can't
764standardize the storage and initial value of it.
766Meanwhile, code may be able to affect the working directory by compiling
767`chdir` into their main function, using an argument or ENV for the initial
768value (possibly `PWD`). Those unable to control the compiled code should only
769use absolute paths in configuration.
772* https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/src/syscall/fs_js.go#L324
773* https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/pull/214#issue-673090117
774* https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/53a9ee699a35a3d245ab6d1dac1f0687a4dcb42c/src/main.zig#L32
776### Why ignore the error returned by io.Reader when n > 1?
778Per https://pkg.go.dev/io#Reader, if we receive an error, any bytes read should
779be processed first. At the syscall abstraction (`fd_read`), the caller is the
780processor, so we can't process the bytes inline and also return the error (as
783Let's assume we want to return the bytes read on error to the caller. This
784implies we at least temporarily ignore the error alongside them. The choice
785remaining is whether to persist the error returned with the read until a
786possible next call, or ignore the error.
788If we persist an error returned, it would be coupled to a file descriptor, but
789effectively it is boolean as this case coerces to `EIO`. If we track a "last
790error" on a file descriptor, it could be complicated for a couple reasons
791including whether the error is transient or permanent, or if the error would
792apply to any FD operation, or just read. Finally, there may never be a
793subsequent read as perhaps the bytes leading up to the error are enough to
794satisfy the processor.
796This decision boils down to whether or not to track an error bit per file
797descriptor or not. If not, the assumption is that a subsequent operation would
798also error, this time without reading any bytes.
800The current opinion is to go with the simplest path, which is to return the
801bytes read and ignore the error the there were any. Assume a subsequent
802operation will err if it needs to. This helps reduce the complexity of the code
803in wazero and also accommodates the scenario where the bytes read are enough to
804satisfy its processor.
806### File descriptor allocation strategy
808File descriptor allocation currently uses a strategy similar the one implemented
809by unix systems: when opening a file, the lowest unused number is picked.
811The WASI standard documents that programs cannot expect that file descriptor
812numbers will be allocated with a lowest-first strategy, and they should instead
813assume the values will be random. Since _random_ is a very imprecise concept in
814computers, we technically satisfying the implementation with the descriptor
815allocation strategy we use in Wazero. We could imagine adding more _randomness_
816to the descriptor selection process, however this should never be used as a
817security measure to prevent applications from guessing the next file number so
818there are no strong incentives to complicate the logic.
820### Why does `FSConfig.WithDirMount` not match behaviour with `os.DirFS`?
822It may seem that we should require any feature that seems like a standard
823library in Go, to behave the same way as the standard library. Doing so would
824present least surprise to Go developers. In the case of how we handle
825filesystems, we break from that as it is incompatible with the expectations of
826WASI, the most commonly implemented filesystem ABI.
828The main reason is that `os.DirFS` is a virtual filesystem abstraction while
829WASI is an abstraction over syscalls. For example, the signature of `fs.Open`
830does not permit use of flags. This creates conflict on what default behaviors
831to take when Go implemented `os.DirFS`. On the other hand, `path_open` can pass
832flags, and in fact tests require them to be honored in specific ways. This
833extends beyond WASI as even `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm` compiled code requires
834certain flags passed to `os.OpenFile` which are impossible to pass due to the
835signature of `fs.FS`.
837This conflict requires us to choose what to be more compatible with, and which
838type of user to surprise the least. We assume there will be more developers
839compiling code to wasm than developers of custom filesystem plugins, and those
840compiling code to wasm will be better served if we are compatible with WASI.
841Hence on conflict, we prefer WASI behavior vs the behavior of `os.DirFS`.
843Meanwhile, it is possible that Go will one day compile to `GOOS=wasi` in
844addition to `GOOS=js`. When there is shared stake in WASI, we expect gaps like
845these to be easier to close.
847See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-testsuite
848See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/58141
850## Why is our `Readdir` function more like Go's `os.File` than POSIX `readdir`?
852At one point we attempted to move from a bulk `Readdir` function to something
853more like the POSIX `DIR` struct, exposing functions like `telldir`, `seekdir`
854and `readdir`. However, we chose the design more like `os.File.Readdir`,
855because it performs and fits wasip1 better.
857### wasip1/wasix
859`fd_readdir` in wasip1 (and so also wasix) is like `getdents` in Linux, not
860`readdir` in POSIX. `getdents` is more like Go's `os.File.Readdir`.
862We currently have an internal type `sys.DirentCache` which only is used by
863wasip1 or wasix. When `HostModuleBuilder` adds support for instantiation state,
864we could move this to the `wasi_snapshot_preview1` package. Meanwhile, all
865filesystem code is internal anyway, so this special-case is acceptable.
867### wasip2
869`directory-entry-stream` in wasi-filesystem preview2 is defined in component
870model, not an ABI, but in wasmtime it is a consuming iterator. A consuming
871iterator is easy to support with anything (like `Readdir(1)`), even if it is
872inefficient as you can neither bulk read nor skip. The implementation of the
873preview1 adapter (uses preview2) confirms this. They use a dirent cache similar
874in some ways to our `sysfs.DirentCache`. As there is no seek concept in
875preview2, they interpret the cookie as numeric and read on repeat entries when
876a cache wasn't available. Note: we currently do not skip-read like this as it
877risks buffering large directories, and no user has requested entries before the
878cache, yet.
880Regardless, wasip2 is not complete until the end of 2023. We can defer design
881discussion until after it is stable and after the reference impl wasmtime
882implements it.
885 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-filesystem/blob/ef9fc87c07323a6827632edeb6a7388b31266c8e/example-world.md#directory_entry_stream
886 * https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/b741f7c79d72492d17ab8a29c8ffe4687715938e/crates/wasi/src/preview2/preview2/filesystem.rs#L286-L296
887 * https://github.com/bytecodealliance/preview2-prototyping/blob/e4c04bcfbd11c42c27c28984948d501a3e168121/crates/wasi-preview1-component-adapter/src/lib.rs#L2131-L2137
888 * https://github.com/bytecodealliance/preview2-prototyping/blob/e4c04bcfbd11c42c27c28984948d501a3e168121/crates/wasi-preview1-component-adapter/src/lib.rs#L936
890### wasip3
892`directory-entry-stream` is documented to change significantly in wasip3 moving
893from synchronous to synchronous streams. This is dramatically different than
894POSIX `readdir` which is synchronous.
896Regardless, wasip3 is not complete until after wasip2, which means 2024 or
897later. We can defer design discussion until after it is stable and after the
898reference impl wasmtime implements it.
901 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/ddfe3d1dda5d1473f37ecebc552ae20ce5fd319a/docs/WitInWasi.md#Streams
902 * https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MNVOZ8hdofO3tI0szg_i-Yoy0N2QPU2C--LzVuoGSlE/edit#slide=id.g1270ef7d5b6_0_662
904### How do we implement `Pread` with an `fs.File`?
906`ReadAt` is the Go equivalent to `pread`: it does not affect, and is not
907affected by, the underlying file offset. Unfortunately, `io.ReaderAt` is not
908implemented by all `fs.File`. For example, as of Go 1.19, `embed.openFile` does
911The initial implementation of `fd_pread` instead used `Seek`. To avoid a
912regression, we fall back to `io.Seeker` when `io.ReaderAt` is not supported.
914This requires obtaining the initial file offset, seeking to the intended read
915offset, and resetting the file offset the initial state. If this final seek
916fails, the file offset is left in an undefined state. This is not thread-safe.
918While seeking per read seems expensive, the common case of `embed.openFile` is
919only accessing a single int64 field, which is cheap.
921### Pre-opened files
923WASI includes `fd_prestat_get` and `fd_prestat_dir_name` functions used to
924learn any directory paths for file descriptors open at initialization time.
926For example, `__wasilibc_register_preopened_fd` scans any file descriptors past
927STDERR (1) and invokes `fd_prestat_dir_name` to learn any path prefixes they
928correspond to. Zig's `preopensAlloc` does similar. These pre-open functions are
929not used again after initialization.
931wazero supports stdio pre-opens followed by any mounts e.g `.:/`. The guest
932path is a directory and its name, e.g. "/" is returned by `fd_prestat_dir_name`
933for file descriptor 3 (STDERR+1). The first longest match wins on multiple
934pre-opens, which allows a path like "/tmp" to match regardless of order vs "/".
937 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/blob/a02298043ff551ce1157bc2ee7ab74c3bffe7144/libc-bottom-half/sources/preopens.c
938 * https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/9cb06f3b8bf9ea6b5e5307711bc97328762d6a1d/lib/std/fs/wasi.zig#L50-L53
940### fd_prestat_dir_name
942`fd_prestat_dir_name` is a WASI function to return the path of the pre-opened
943directory of a file descriptor. It has the following three parameters, and the
944third `path_len` has ambiguous semantics.
946* `fd`: a file descriptor
947* `path`: the offset for the result path
948* `path_len`: In wazero, `FdPrestatDirName` writes the result path string to
949 `path` offset for the exact length of `path_len`.
951Wasmer considers `path_len` to be the maximum length instead of the exact
952length that should be written.
953See https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/3463c51268ed551933392a4063bd4f8e7498b0f6/lib/wasi/src/syscalls/mod.rs#L764
955The semantics in wazero follows that of wasmtime.
956See https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/2ca01ae9478f199337cf743a6ab543e8c3f3b238/crates/wasi-common/src/snapshots/preview_1.rs#L578-L582
958Their semantics match when `path_len` == the length of `path`, so in practice
959this difference won't matter match.
961## fd_readdir
963### Why does "wasi_snapshot_preview1" require dot entries when POSIX does not?
965In October 2019, WASI project knew requiring dot entries ("." and "..") was not
966documented in preview1, not required by POSIX and problematic to synthesize.
967For example, Windows runtimes backed by `FindNextFileW` could not return these.
968A year later, the tag representing WASI preview 1 (`snapshot-01`) was made.
969This did not include the requested change of making dot entries optional.
971The `phases/snapshot/docs.md` document was altered in subsequent years in
972significant ways, often in lock-step with wasmtime or wasi-libc. In January
9732022, `sock_accept` was added to `phases/snapshot/docs.md`, a document later
974renamed to later renamed to `legacy/preview1/docs.md`.
976As a result, the ABI and behavior remained unstable: The `snapshot-01` tag was
977not an effective basis of portability. A test suite was requested well before
978this tag, in April 2019. Meanwhile, compliance had no meaning. Developers had
979to track changes to the latest doc, while clarifying with wasi-libc or wasmtime
980behavior. This lack of stability could have permitted a fix to the dot entries
981problem, just as it permitted changes desired by other users.
983In November 2022, the wasi-testsuite project began and started solidifying
984expectations. This quickly led to changes in runtimes and the spec doc. WASI
985began importing tests from wasmtime as required behaviors for all runtimes.
986Some changes implied changes to wasi-libc. For example, `readdir` began to
987imply inode fan-outs, which caused performance regressions. Most notably a
988test merged in January required dot entries. Tests were merged without running
989against any runtime, and even when run ad-hoc only against Linux. Hence,
990portability issues mentioned over three years earlier did not trigger any
991failure until wazero (which tests Windows) noticed.
993In the same month, wazero requested to revert this change primarily because
994Go does not return them from `os.ReadDir`, and materializing them is
995complicated due to tests also requiring inodes. Moreover, they are discarded by
996not just Go, but other common programming languages. This was rejected by the
997WASI lead for preview1, but considered for the completely different ABI named
1000In February 2023, the WASI chair declared that new rule requiring preview1 to
1001return dot entries "was decided by the subgroup as a whole", citing meeting
1002notes. According to these notes, the WASI lead stated incorrectly that POSIX
1003conformance required returning dot entries, something it explicitly says are
1004optional. In other words, he said filtering them out would make Preview1
1005non-conforming, and asked if anyone objects to this. The co-chair was noted to
1006say "Because there are existing P1 programs, we shouldn’t make changes like
1007this." No other were recorded to say anything.
1009In summary, preview1 was changed retrospectively to require dot entries and
1010preview2 was changed to require their absence. This rule was reverse engineered
1011from wasmtime tests, and affirmed on two false premises:
1013* POSIX compliance requires dot entries
1014 * POSIX literally says these are optional
1015* WASI cannot make changes because there are existing P1 programs.
1016 * Changes to Preview 1 happened before and after this topic.
1018As of June 2023, wasi-testsuite still only runs on Linux, so compliance of this
1019rule on Windows is left to runtimes to decide to validate. The preview2 adapter
1020uses fake cookies zero and one to refer to dot dirents, uses a real inode for
1021the dot(".") entry and zero inode for dot-dot("..").
1023See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-filesystem/issues/3
1024See https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/tree/snapshot-01
1025See https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/issues/9
1026See https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/pull/458
1027See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-testsuite/pull/32
1028See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/pull/345
1029See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-testsuite/issues/52
1030See https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/pull/516
1031See https://github.com/WebAssembly/meetings/blob/main/wasi/2023/WASI-02-09.md#should-preview1-fd_readdir-filter-out--and-
1032See https://github.com/bytecodealliance/preview2-prototyping/blob/e4c04bcfbd11c42c27c28984948d501a3e168121/crates/wasi-preview1-component-adapter/src/lib.rs#L1026-L1041
1034### Why are dot (".") and dot-dot ("..") entries problematic?
1036When reading a directory, dot (".") and dot-dot ("..") entries are problematic.
1037For example, Go does not return them from `os.ReadDir`, and materializing them
1038is complicated (at least dot-dot is).
1040A directory entry has stat information in it. The stat information includes
1041inode which is used for comparing file equivalence. In the simple case of dot,
1042we could materialize a special entry to expose the same info as stat on the fd
1043would return. However, doing this and not doing dot-dot would cause confusion,
1044and dot-dot is far more tricky. To back-fill inode information about a parent
1045directory would be costly and subtle. For example, the pre-open (mount) of the
1046directory may be different than its logical parent. This is easy to understand
1047when considering the common case of mounting "/" and "/tmp" as pre-opens. To
1048implement ".." from "/tmp" requires information from a separate pre-open, this
1049includes state to even know the difference. There are easier edge cases as
1050well, such as the decision to not return ".." from a root path. In any case,
1051this should start to explain that faking entries when underlying stdlib doesn't
1052return them is tricky and requires quite a lot of state.
1054Another issue is around the `Dirent.Off` value of a directory entry, sometimes
1055called a "cookie" in Linux man pagers. When the host operating system or
1056library function does not return dot entries, to support functions such as
1057`seekdir`, you still need a value for `Dirent.Off`. Naively, you can synthesize
1058these by choosing sequential offsets zero and one. However, POSIX strictly says
1059offsets should be treated opaquely. The backing filesystem could use these to
1060represent real entries. For example, a directory with one entry could use zero
1061as the `Dirent.Off` value. If you also used zero for the "." dirent, there
1062would be a clash. This means if you synthesize `Dirent.Off` for any entry, you
1063need to synthesize this value for all entries. In practice, the simplest way is
1064using an incrementing number, such as done in the WASI preview2 adapter.
1066Working around these issues causes expense to all users of wazero, so we'd
1067then look to see if that would be justified or not. However, the most common
1068compilers involved in end user questions, as of early 2023 are TinyGo, Rust and
1069Zig. All of these compile code which ignores dot and dot-dot entries. In other
1070words, faking these entries would not only cost our codebase with complexity,
1071but it would also add unnecessary overhead as the values aren't commonly used.
1073The final reason why we might do this, is an end users or a specification
1074requiring us to. As of early 2023, no end user has raised concern over Go and
1075by extension wazero not returning dot and dot-dot. The snapshot-01 spec of WASI
1076does not mention anything on this point. Also, POSIX has the following to say,
1077which summarizes to "these are optional"
1079> The readdir() function shall not return directory entries containing empty names. If entries for dot or dot-dot exist, one entry shall be returned for dot and one entry shall be returned for dot-dot; otherwise, they shall not be returned.
1081Unfortunately, as described above, the WASI project decided in early 2023 to
1082require dot entries in both the spec and the wasi-testsuite. For only this
1083reason, wazero adds overhead to synthesize dot entries despite it being
1084unnecessary for most users.
1086See https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/readdir.html
1087See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/src/os/dir_unix.go#L108-L110
1088See https://github.com/bytecodealliance/preview2-prototyping/blob/e4c04bcfbd11c42c27c28984948d501a3e168121/crates/wasi-preview1-component-adapter/src/lib.rs#L1026-L1041
1090### Why don't we pre-populate an inode for the dot-dot ("..") entry?
1092We only populate an inode for dot (".") because wasi-testsuite requires it, and
1093we likely already have it (because we cache it). We could attempt to populate
1094one for dot-dot (".."), but chose not to.
1096Firstly, wasi-testsuite does not require the inode of dot-dot, possibly because
1097the wasip2 adapter doesn't populate it (but we don't really know why).
1099The only other reason to populate it would be to avoid wasi-libc's stat fanout
1100when it is missing. However, wasi-libc explicitly doesn't fan-out to lstat on
1101the ".." entry on a zero ino.
1103Fetching dot-dot's inode despite the above not only doesn't help wasi-libc, but
1104it also hurts languages that don't use it, such as Go. These languages would
1105pay a stat syscall penalty even if they don't need the inode. In fact, Go
1106discards both dot entries!
1108In summary, there are no significant upsides in attempting to pre-fetch
1109dot-dot's inode, and there are downsides to doing it anyway.
1112 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/blob/bd950eb128bff337153de217b11270f948d04bb4/libc-bottom-half/cloudlibc/src/libc/dirent/readdir.c#L87-L94
1113 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-testsuite/blob/main/tests/rust/src/bin/fd_readdir.rs#L108
1114 * https://github.com/bytecodealliance/preview2-prototyping/blob/e4c04bcfbd11c42c27c28984948d501a3e168121/crates/wasi-preview1-component-adapter/src/lib.rs#L1037
1116### Why don't we require inodes to be non-zero?
1118We don't require a non-zero value for `Dirent.Ino` because doing so can prevent
1119a real one from resolving later via `Stat_t.Ino`.
1121We define `Ino` like `d_ino` in POSIX which doesn't special-case zero. It can
1122be zero for a few reasons:
1124* The file is not a regular file or directory.
1125* The underlying filesystem does not support inodes. e.g. embed:fs
1126* A directory doesn't include inodes, but a later stat can. e.g. Windows
1127* The backend is based on wasi-filesystem (a.k.a wasip2), which has
1128 `directory_entry.inode` optional, and might remove it entirely.
1130There are other downsides to returning a zero inode in widely used compilers:
1132* File equivalence utilities, like `os.SameFile` will not work.
1133* wasi-libc's `wasip1` mode will call `lstat` and attempt to retrieve a
1134 non-zero value (unless the entry is named "..").
1136A new compiler may accidentally skip a `Dirent` with a zero `Ino` if emulating
1137a non-POSIX function and re-using `Dirent.Ino` for `d_fileno`.
1139* Linux `getdents` doesn't define `d_fileno` must be non-zero
1140* BSD `getdirentries` is implementation specific. For example, OpenBSD will
1141 return dirents with a zero `d_fileno`, but Darwin will skip them.
1143The above shouldn't be a problem, even in the case of BSD, because `wasip1` is
1144defined more in terms of `getdents` than `getdirentries`. The bottom half of
1145either should treat `wasip1` (or any similar ABI such as wasix or wasip2) as a
1146different operating system and either use different logic that doesn't skip, or
1147synthesize a fake non-zero `d_fileno` when `d_ino` is zero.
1149However, this has been a problem. Go's `syscall.ParseDirent` utility is shared
1150for all `GOOS=unix`. For simplicity, this abstracts `direntIno` with data from
1151`d_fileno` or `d_ino`, and drops if either are zero, even if `d_fileno` is the
1152only field with zero explicitly defined. This led to a change to special case
1153`GOOS=wasip1` as otherwise virtual files would be unconditionally skipped.
1155In practice, this problem is rather unique due to so many compilers relying on
1156wasi-libc, which tolerates a zero inode. For example, while issues were
1157reported about the performance regression when wasi-libc began doing a fan-out
1158on zero `Dirent.Ino`, no issues were reported about dirents being dropped as a
1161In summary, rather than complicating implementation and forcing non-zero inodes
1162for a rare case, we permit zero. We instead document this topic thoroughly, so
1163that emerging compilers can re-use the research and reference it on conflict.
1164We also document that `Ino` should be non-zero, so that users implementing that
1165field will attempt to get it.
1168 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-filesystem/pull/81
1169 * https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/blob/bd950eb128bff337153de217b11270f948d04bb4/libc-bottom-half/cloudlibc/src/libc/dirent/readdir.c#L87-L94
1170 * https://linux.die.net/man/3/getdents
1171 * https://www.unix.com/man-page/osx/2/getdirentries/
1172 * https://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-5.4/getdirentries.2
1173 * https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/src/syscall/dirent.go#L60-L102
1174 * https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/507915
1176## sys.Walltime and Nanotime
1178The `sys` package has two function types, `Walltime` and `Nanotime` for real
1179and monotonic clock exports. The naming matches conventions used in Go.
1182func time_now() (sec int64, nsec int32, mono int64) {
1183 sec, nsec = walltime()
1184 return sec, nsec, nanotime()
1188Splitting functions for wall and clock time allow implementations to choose
1189whether to implement the clock once (as in Go), or split them out.
1191Each can be configured with a `ClockResolution`, although is it usually
1192incorrect as detailed in a sub-heading below. The only reason for exposing this
1193is to satisfy WASI:
1195See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-clocks
1197### Why default to fake time?
1199WebAssembly has an implicit design pattern of capabilities based security. By
1200defaulting to a fake time, we reduce the chance of timing attacks, at the cost
1201of requiring configuration to opt-into real clocks.
1203See https://gruss.cc/files/fantastictimers.pdf for an example attacks.
1205### Why does fake time increase on reading?
1207Both the fake nanotime and walltime increase by 1ms on reading. Particularly in
1208the case of nanotime, this prevents spinning. For example, when Go compiles
1209`time.Sleep` using `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm`, nanotime is used in a loop. If that
1210never increases, the gouroutine is mistaken for being busy. This would be worse
1211if a compiler implement sleep using nanotime, yet doesn't check for spinning!
1213### Why not `time.Clock`?
1215wazero can't use `time.Clock` as a plugin for clock implementation as it is
1216only substitutable with build flags (`faketime`) and conflates wall and
1217monotonic time in the same call.
1219Go's `time.Clock` was added monotonic time after the fact. For portability with
1220prior APIs, a decision was made to combine readings into the same API call.
1222See https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/12914-monotonic.md
1224WebAssembly time imports do not have the same concern. In fact even Go's
1225imports for clocks split walltime from nanotime readings.
1227See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js#L243-L255
1229Finally, Go's clock is not an interface. WebAssembly users who want determinism
1230or security need to be able to substitute an alternative clock implementation
1231from the host process one.
1233### `ClockResolution`
1235A clock's resolution is hardware and OS dependent so requires a system call to retrieve an accurate value.
1236Go does not provide a function for getting resolution, so without CGO we don't have an easy way to get an actual
1237value. For now, we return fixed values of 1us for realtime and 1ns for monotonic, assuming that realtime clocks are
1238often lower precision than monotonic clocks. In the future, this could be improved by having OS+arch specific assembly
1239to make syscalls.
1241For example, Go implements time.Now for linux-amd64 with this [assembly](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/src/runtime/time_linux_amd64.s).
1242Because retrieving resolution is not generally called often, unlike getting time, it could be appropriate to only
1243implement the fallback logic that does not use VDSO (executing syscalls in user mode). The syscall for clock_getres
1244is 229 and should be usable. https://pkg.go.dev/syscall#pkg-constants.
1246If implementing similar for Windows, [mingw](https://github.com/mirror/mingw-w64/blob/6a0e9165008f731bccadfc41a59719cf7c8efc02/mingw-w64-libraries/winpthreads/src/clock.c#L77
1247) is often a good source to find the Windows API calls that correspond
1248to a POSIX method.
1250Writing assembly would allow making syscalls without CGO, but comes with the cost that it will require implementations
1251across many combinations of OS and architecture.
1253## sys.Nanosleep
1255All major programming languages have a `sleep` mechanism to block for a
1256duration. Sleep is typically implemented by a WASI `poll_oneoff` relative clock
1259For example, the below ends up calling `wasi_snapshot_preview1.poll_oneoff`:
1262const std = @import("std");
1263pub fn main() !void {
1264 std.time.sleep(std.time.ns_per_s * 5);
1268Besides Zig, this is also the case with TinyGo (`-target=wasi`) and Rust
1269(`--target wasm32-wasi`). This isn't the case with Go (`GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm`),
1270though. In the latter case, wasm loops on `sys.Nanotime`.
1272We decided to expose `sys.Nanosleep` to allow overriding the implementation
1273used in the common case, even if it isn't used by Go, because this gives an
1274easy and efficient closure over a common program function. We also documented
1275`sys.Nanotime` to warn users that some compilers don't optimize sleep.
1277## sys.Osyield
1279We expose `sys.Osyield`, to allow users to control the behavior of WASI's
1280`sched_yield` without a new build of wazero. This is mainly for parity with
1281all other related features which we allow users to implement, including
1282`sys.Nanosleep`. Unlike others, we don't provide an out-of-box implementation
1283primarily because it will cause performance problems when accessed.
1285For example, the below implementation uses CGO, which might result in a 1us
1286delay per invocation depending on the platform.
1288See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19409#issuecomment-284788196
1291//go:linkname osyield runtime.osyield
1292func osyield()
1295In practice, a request to customize this is unlikely to happen until other
1296thread based functions are implemented. That said, as of early 2023, there are
1297a few signs of implementation interest and cross-referencing:
1299See https://github.com/WebAssembly/stack-switching/discussions/38
1300See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-threads#what-can-be-skipped
1301See https://slinkydeveloper.com/Kubernetes-controllers-A-New-Hope/
1303## sys.Stat_t
1305We expose `stat` information as `sys.Stat_t`, like `syscall.Stat_t` except
1306defined without build constraints. For example, you can use `sys.Stat_t` on
1307`GOOS=windows` which doesn't define `syscall.Stat_t`.
1309The first use case of this is to return inodes from `fs.FileInfo` without
1310relying on platform-specifics. For example, a user could return `*sys.Stat_t`
1311from `info.Sys()` and define a non-zero inode for a virtual file, or map a
1312real inode to a virtual one.
1314Notable choices per field are listed below, where `sys.Stat_t` is unlike
1315`syscall.Stat_t` on `GOOS=linux`, or needs clarification. One common issue
1316not repeated below is that numeric fields are 64-bit when at least one platform
1317defines it that large. Also, zero values are equivalent to nil or absent.
1319* `Dev` and `Ino` (`Inode`) are both defined unsigned as they are defined
1320 opaque, and most `syscall.Stat_t` also defined them unsigned. There are
1321 separate sections in this document discussing the impact of zero in `Ino`.
1322* `Mode` is defined as a `fs.FileMode` even though that is not defined in POSIX
1323 and will not map to all possible values. This is because the current use is
1324 WASI, which doesn't define any types or features not already supported. By
1325 using `fs.FileMode`, we can re-use routine experience in Go.
1326* `NLink` is unsigned because it is defined that way in `syscall.Stat_t`: there
1327 can never be less than zero links to a file. We suggest defaulting to 1 in
1328 conversions when information is not knowable because at least that many links
1329 exist.
1330* `Size` is signed because it is defined that way in `syscall.Stat_t`: while
1331 regular files and directories will always be non-negative, irregular files
1332 are possibly negative or not defined. Notably sparse files are known to
1333 return negative values.
1334* `Atim`, `Mtim` and `Ctim` are signed because they are defined that way in
1335 `syscall.Stat_t`: Negative values are time before 1970. The resolution is
1336 nanosecond because that's the maximum resolution currently supported in Go.
1338### Why do we use `sys.EpochNanos` instead of `time.Time` or similar?
1340To simplify documentation, we defined a type alias `sys.EpochNanos` for int64.
1341`time.Time` is a data structure, and we could have used this for
1342`syscall.Stat_t` time values. The most important reason we do not is conversion
1343penalty deriving time from common types.
1345The most common ABI used in `wasip2`. This, and compatible ABI such as `wasix`,
1346encode timestamps in memory as a 64-bit number. If we used `time.Time`, we
1347would have to convert an underlying type like `syscall.Timespec` to `time.Time`
1348only to later have to call `.UnixNano()` to convert it back to a 64-bit number.
1350In the future, the component model module "wasi-filesystem" may represent stat
1351timestamps with a type shared with "wasi-clocks", abstractly structured similar
1352to `time.Time`. However, component model intentionally does not define an ABI.
1353It is likely that the canonical ABI for timestamp will be in two parts, but it
1354is not required for it to be intermediately represented this way. A utility
1355like `syscall.NsecToTimespec` could split an int64 so that it could be written
1356to memory as 96 bytes (int64, int32), without allocating a struct.
1358Finally, some may confuse epoch nanoseconds with 32-bit epoch seconds. While
135932-bit epoch seconds has "The year 2038" problem, epoch nanoseconds has
1360"The Year 2262" problem, which is even less concerning for this library. If
1361the Go programming language and wazero exist in the 2200's, we can make a major
1362version increment to adjust the `sys.EpochNanos` approach. Meanwhile, we have
1363faster code.
1365## poll_oneoff
1367`poll_oneoff` is a WASI API for waiting for I/O events on multiple handles.
1368It is conceptually similar to the POSIX `poll(2)` syscall.
1369The name is not `poll`, because it references [“the fact that this function is not efficient
1370when used repeatedly with the same large set of handles”][poll_oneoff].
1372We chose to support this API in a handful of cases that work for regular files
1373and standard input. We currently do not support other types of file descriptors such
1374as socket handles.
1376### Clock Subscriptions
1378As detailed above in [sys.Nanosleep](#sysnanosleep), `poll_oneoff` handles
1379relative clock subscriptions. In our implementation we use `sys.Nanosleep()`
1380for this purpose in most cases, except when polling for interactive input
1381from `os.Stdin` (see more details below).
1383### FdRead and FdWrite Subscriptions
1385When subscribing a file descriptor (except `Stdin`) for reads or writes,
1386the implementation will generally return immediately with success, unless
1387the file descriptor is unknown. The file descriptor is not checked further
1388for new incoming data. Any timeout is cancelled, and the API call is able
1389to return, unless there are subscriptions to `Stdin`: these are handled
1392### FdRead and FdWrite Subscription to Stdin
1394Subscribing `Stdin` for reads (writes make no sense and cause an error),
1395requires extra care: wazero allows to configure a custom reader for `Stdin`.
1397In general, if a custom reader is found, the behavior will be the same
1398as for regular file descriptors: data is assumed to be present and
1399a success is written back to the result buffer.
1401However, if the reader is detected to read from `os.Stdin`,
1402a special code path is followed, invoking `sysfs.poll()`.
1404`sysfs.poll()` is a wrapper for `poll(2)` on POSIX systems,
1405and it is emulated on Windows.
1407### Poll on POSIX
1409On POSIX systems, `poll(2)` allows to wait for incoming data on a file
1410descriptor, and block until either data becomes available or the timeout
1413Usage of `syfs.poll()` is currently only reserved for standard input, because
14151. it is really only necessary to handle interactive input: otherwise,
1416 there is no way in Go to peek from Standard Input without actually
1417 reading (and thus consuming) from it;
14192. if `Stdin` is connected to a pipe, it is ok in most cases to return
1420 with success immediately;
14223. `syfs.poll()` is currently a blocking call, irrespective of goroutines,
1423 because the underlying syscall is; thus, it is better to limit its usage.
1425So, if the subscription is for `os.Stdin` and the handle is detected
1426to correspond to an interactive session, then `sysfs.poll()` will be
1427invoked with a the `Stdin` handle *and* the timeout.
1429This also means that in this specific case, the timeout is uninterruptible,
1430unless data becomes available on `Stdin` itself.
1432### Select on Windows
1434On Windows `sysfs.poll()` cannot be delegated to a single
1435syscall, because there is no single syscall to handle sockets,
1436pipes and regular files.
1438Instead, we emulate its behavior for the cases that are currently
1439of interest.
1441- For regular files, we _always_ report them as ready, as
1442[most operating systems do anyway][async-io-windows].
1444- For pipes, we invoke [`PeekNamedPipe`][peeknamedpipe]
1445for each file handle we detect is a pipe open for reading.
1446We currently ignore pipes open for writing.
1448- Notably, we include also support for sockets using the [WinSock
1449implementation of `poll`][wsapoll], but instead
1450of relying on the timeout argument of the `WSAPoll` function,
1451we set a 0-duration timeout so that it behaves like a peek.
1453This way, we can check for regular files all at once,
1454at the beginning of the function, then we poll pipes and
1455sockets periodically using a cancellable `time.Tick`,
1456which plays nicely with the rest of the Go runtime.
1458### Impact of blocking
1460Because this is a blocking syscall, it will also block the carrier thread of
1461the goroutine, preventing any means to support context cancellation directly.
1463There are ways to obviate this issue. We outline here one idea, that is however
1464not currently implemented. A common approach to support context cancellation is
1465to add a signal file descriptor to the set, e.g. the read-end of a pipe or an
1466eventfd on Linux. When the context is canceled, we may unblock a Select call by
1467writing to the fd, causing it to return immediately. This however requires to
1468do a bit of housekeeping to hide the "special" FD from the end-user.
1470[poll_oneoff]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-poll#why-is-the-function-called-poll_oneoff
1471[async-io-windows]: https://tinyclouds.org/iocp_links
1472[peeknamedpipe]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/namedpipeapi/nf-namedpipeapi-peeknamedpipe
1473[wsapoll]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-wsapoll
1475## Signed encoding of integer global constant initializers
1477wazero treats integer global constant initializers signed as their interpretation is not known at declaration time. For
1478example, there is no signed integer [value type](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#value-types%E2%91%A0).
1480To get at the problem, let's use an example.
1482(global (export "start_epoch") i64 (i64.const 1620216263544))
1485In both signed and unsigned LEB128 encoding, this value is the same bit pattern. The problem is that some numbers are
1486not. For example, 16256 is `807f` encoded as unsigned, but `80ff00` encoded as signed.
1488While the specification mentions uninterpreted integers are in abstract [unsigned values](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#integers%E2%91%A0),
1489the binary encoding is clear that they are encoded [signed](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#integers%E2%91%A4).
1491For consistency, we go with signed encoding in the special case of global constant initializers.
1493## Implementation limitations
1495WebAssembly 1.0 (20191205) specification allows runtimes to [limit certain aspects of Wasm module or execution](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#a2-implementation-limitations).
1497wazero limitations are imposed pragmatically and described below.
1499### Number of functions in a module
1501The possible number of function instances in [a module](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#module-instances%E2%91%A0) is not specified in the WebAssembly specifications since [`funcaddr`](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#syntax-funcaddr) corresponding to a function instance in a store can be arbitrary number.
1502wazero limits the maximum function instances to 2^27 as even that number would occupy 1GB in function pointers.
1504That is because not only we _believe_ that all use cases are fine with the limitation, but also we have no way to test wazero runtimes under these unusual circumstances.
1506### Number of function types in a store
1508There's no limitation on the number of function types in [a store](https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#store%E2%91%A0) according to the spec. In wazero implementation, we assign each function type to a unique ID, and choose to use `uint32` to represent the IDs.
1509Therefore the maximum number of function types a store can have is limited to 2^27 as even that number would occupy 512MB just to reference the function types.
1511This is due to the same reason for the limitation on the number of functions above.
1513### Number of values on the stack in a function
1515While the the spec does not clarify a limitation of function stack values, wazero limits this to 2^27 = 134,217,728.
1516The reason is that we internally represent all the values as 64-bit integers regardless of its types (including f32, f64), and 2^27 values means
15171 GiB = (2^30). 1 GiB is the reasonable for most applications [as we see a Goroutine has 250 MB as a limit on the stack for 32-bit arch](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/src/runtime/proc.go#L152-L159), considering that WebAssembly is (currently) 32-bit environment.
1519All the functions are statically analyzed at module instantiation phase, and if a function can potentially reach this limit, an error is returned.
1521### Number of globals in a module
1523Theoretically, a module can declare globals (including imports) up to 2^32 times. However, wazero limits this to 2^27(134,217,728) per module.
1524That is because internally we store globals in a slice with pointer types (meaning 8 bytes on 64-bit platforms), and therefore 2^27 globals
1525means that we have 1 GiB size of slice which seems large enough for most applications.
1527### Number of tables in a module
1529While the the spec says that a module can have up to 2^32 tables, wazero limits this to 2^27 = 134,217,728.
1530One of the reasons is even that number would occupy 1GB in the pointers tables alone. Not only that, we access tables slice by
1531table index by using 32-bit signed offset in the compiler implementation, which means that the table index of 2^27 can reach 2^27 * 8 (pointer size on 64-bit machines) = 2^30 offsets in bytes.
1533We _believe_ that all use cases are fine with the limitation, but also note that we have no way to test wazero runtimes under these unusual circumstances.
1535If a module reaches this limit, an error is returned at the compilation phase.
1537## Compiler engine implementation
1539See [compiler/RATIONALE.md](internal/engine/compiler/RATIONALE.md).
1541## Golang patterns
1543### Hammer tests
1544Code that uses concurrency primitives, such as locks or atomics, should include "hammer tests", which run large loops
1545inside a bounded amount of goroutines, run by half that many `GOMAXPROCS`. These are named consistently "hammer", so
1546they are easy to find. The name inherits from some existing tests in [golang/go](https://github.com/golang/go/search?q=hammer&type=code).
1548Here is an annotated description of the key pieces of a hammer test:
15491. `P` declares the count of goroutines to use, defaulting to 8 or 4 if `testing.Short`.
1550 * Half this amount are the cores used, and 4 is less than a modern laptop's CPU. This allows multiple "hammer" tests to run in parallel.
15512. `N` declares the scale of work (loop) per goroutine, defaulting to value that finishes in ~0.1s on a modern laptop.
1552 * When in doubt, try 1000 or 100 if `testing.Short`
1553 * Remember, there are multiple hammer tests and CI nodes are slow. Slower tests hurt feedback loops.
15543. `defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(P/2))` makes goroutines switch cores, testing visibility of shared data.
15554. To ensure goroutines execute at the same time, block them with `sync.WaitGroup`, initialized to `Add(P)`.
1556 * `sync.WaitGroup` internally uses `runtime_Semacquire` not available in any other library.
1557 * `sync.WaitGroup.Add` with a negative value can unblock many goroutines at the same time, e.g. without a for loop.
15585. Track goroutines progress via `finished := make(chan int)` where each goroutine in `P` defers `finished <- 1`.
1559 1. Tests use `require.XXX`, so `recover()` into `t.Fail` in a `defer` function before `finished <- 1`.
1560 * This makes it easier to spot larger concurrency problems as you see each failure, not just the first.
1561 2. After the `defer` function, await unblocked, then run the stateful function `N` times in a normal loop.
1562 * This loop should trigger shared state problems as locks or atomics are contended by `P` goroutines.
15636. After all `P` goroutines launch, atomically release all of them with `WaitGroup.Add(-P)`.
15647. Block the runner on goroutine completion, by (`<-finished`) for each `P`.
15658. When all goroutines complete, `return` if `t.Failed()`, otherwise perform follow-up state checks.
1567This is implemented in wazero in [hammer.go](internal/testing/hammer/hammer.go)
1569### Lock-free, cross-goroutine observations of updates
1571How to achieve cross-goroutine reads of a variable are not explicitly defined in https://go.dev/ref/mem. wazero uses
1572atomics to implement this following unofficial practice. For example, a `Close` operation can be guarded to happen only
1573once via compare-and-swap (CAS) against a zero value. When we use this pattern, we consistently use atomics to both
1574read and update the same numeric field.
1576In lieu of formal documentation, we infer this pattern works from other sources (besides tests):
1577 * `sync.WaitGroup` by definition must support calling `Add` from other goroutines. Internally, it uses atomics.
1578 * rsc in golang/go#5045 writes "atomics guarantee sequential consistency among the atomic variables".
1580See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.20/src/sync/waitgroup.go#L64
1581See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/5045#issuecomment-252730563
1582See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrEG-3bWyM
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