gofumpt := mvdan.cc/gofumpt@v0.5.0 gosimports := github.com/rinchsan/gosimports/cmd/gosimports@v0.3.8 golangci_lint := github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.55.2 asmfmt := github.com/klauspost/asmfmt/cmd/asmfmt@v1.3.2 # sync this with netlify.toml! hugo := github.com/gohugoio/hugo@v0.115.2 # Make 3.81 doesn't support '**' globbing: Set explicitly instead of recursion. all_sources := $(wildcard *.go */*.go */*/*.go */*/*/*.go */*/*/*.go */*/*/*/*.go) all_testdata := $(wildcard testdata/* */testdata/* */*/testdata/* */*/testdata/*/* */*/*/testdata/*) all_testing := $(wildcard internal/testing/* internal/testing/*/* internal/testing/*/*/*) all_examples := $(wildcard examples/* examples/*/* examples/*/*/* */*/example/* */*/example/*/* */*/example/*/*/*) all_it := $(wildcard internal/integration_test/* internal/integration_test/*/* internal/integration_test/*/*/*) # main_sources exclude any test or example related code main_sources := $(wildcard $(filter-out %_test.go $(all_testdata) $(all_testing) $(all_examples) $(all_it), $(all_sources))) # main_packages collect the unique main source directories (sort will dedupe). # Paths need to all start with ./, so we do that manually vs foreach which strips it. main_packages := $(sort $(foreach f,$(dir $(main_sources)),$(if $(findstring ./,$(f)),./,./$(f)))) go_test_options ?= -timeout 300s ensureCompilerFastest := -ldflags '-X github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/internal/integration_test/vs.ensureCompilerFastest=true' .PHONY: bench bench: @go test -run=NONE -benchmem -bench=. ./internal/engine/compiler/... @go build ./internal/integration_test/bench/... @# Don't use -test.benchmem as it isn't accurate when comparing against CGO libs @for d in vs/time vs/wasmedge vs/wasmtime ; do \ cd ./internal/integration_test/$$d ; \ go test -bench=. . -tags='wasmedge' $(ensureCompilerFastest) ; \ cd - ;\ done bench_testdata_dir := internal/integration_test/bench/testdata .PHONY: build.bench build.bench: @tinygo build -o $(bench_testdata_dir)/case.wasm -scheduler=none --no-debug -target=wasi $(bench_testdata_dir)/case.go .PHONY: test.examples test.examples: @go test $(go_test_options) ./examples/... ./imports/assemblyscript/example/... ./imports/emscripten/... ./experimental/gojs/example/... ./imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/example/... .PHONY: build.examples.as build.examples.as: @cd ./imports/assemblyscript/example/testdata && npm install && npm run build %.wasm: %.zig @(cd $(@D); zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSmall) @mv $(@D)/zig-out/*/$(@F) $(@D) .PHONY: build.examples.zig build.examples.zig: examples/allocation/zig/testdata/greet.wasm imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/example/testdata/zig/cat.wasm imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/testdata/zig/wasi.wasm @cd internal/testing/dwarftestdata/testdata/zig; zig build; mv zig-out/*/main.wasm ./ # Need DWARF custom sections. tinygo_sources := examples/basic/testdata/add.go examples/allocation/tinygo/testdata/greet.go examples/cli/testdata/cli.go imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/example/testdata/tinygo/cat.go imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/testdata/tinygo/wasi.go .PHONY: build.examples.tinygo build.examples.tinygo: $(tinygo_sources) @for f in $^; do \ tinygo build -o $$(echo $$f | sed -e 's/\.go/\.wasm/') -scheduler=none --no-debug --target=wasi $$f; \ done # We use zig to build C as it is easy to install and embeds a copy of zig-cc. # Note: Don't use "-Oz" as that breaks our wasi sock example. c_sources := imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/example/testdata/zig-cc/cat.c imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/testdata/zig-cc/wasi.c internal/testing/dwarftestdata/testdata/zig-cc/main.c .PHONY: build.examples.zig-cc build.examples.zig-cc: $(c_sources) @for f in $^; do \ zig cc --target=wasm32-wasi -o $$(echo $$f | sed -e 's/\.c/\.wasm/') $$f; \ done # Here are the emcc args we use: # # * `-Oz` - most optimization for code size. # * `--profiling` - adds the name section. # * `-s STANDALONE_WASM` - ensures wasm is built for a non-js runtime. # * `-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_malloc,_free` - export allocation functions so that # they can be used externally as "malloc" and "free". # * `-s WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0` - imports not defined in JavaScript error # otherwise. See https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/issues/13641 # * `-s TOTAL_STACK=8KB -s TOTAL_MEMORY=64KB` - reduce memory default from 16MB # to one page (64KB). To do this, we have to reduce the stack size. # * `-s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH` - allows "memory.grow" instructions to succeed, but # requires a function import "emscripten_notify_memory_growth". emscripten_sources := $(wildcard imports/emscripten/testdata/*.cc) .PHONY: build.examples.emscripten build.examples.emscripten: $(emscripten_sources) @for f in $^; do \ em++ -Oz --profiling \ -s STANDALONE_WASM \ -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_malloc,_free \ -s WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 \ -s TOTAL_STACK=8KB -s TOTAL_MEMORY=64KB \ -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH \ --std=c++17 -o $$(echo $$f | sed -e 's/\.cc/\.wasm/') $$f; \ done %/greet.wasm : cargo_target := wasm32-unknown-unknown %/cat.wasm : cargo_target := wasm32-wasi %/wasi.wasm : cargo_target := wasm32-wasi .PHONY: build.examples.rust build.examples.rust: examples/allocation/rust/testdata/greet.wasm imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/example/testdata/cargo-wasi/cat.wasm imports/wasi_snapshot_preview1/testdata/cargo-wasi/wasi.wasm internal/testing/dwarftestdata/testdata/rust/main.wasm.xz # Normally, we build release because it is smaller. Testing dwarf requires the debug build. internal/testing/dwarftestdata/testdata/rust/main.wasm.xz: cd $(@D) && cargo wasi build mv $(@D)/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/main.wasm $(@D) cd $(@D) && xz -k -f ./main.wasm # Rust's DWARF section is huge, so compress it. # Builds rust using cargo normally, or cargo-wasi. %.wasm: %.rs @(cd $(@D); cargo $(if $(findstring wasi,$(cargo_target)),wasi build,build --target $(cargo_target)) --release) @mv $(@D)/target/$(cargo_target)/release/$(@F) $(@D) spectest_base_dir := internal/integration_test/spectest spectest_v1_dir := $(spectest_base_dir)/v1 spectest_v1_testdata_dir := $(spectest_v1_dir)/testdata spec_version_v1 := wg-1.0 spectest_v2_dir := $(spectest_base_dir)/v2 spectest_v2_testdata_dir := $(spectest_v2_dir)/testdata # Latest draft state as of May 23, 2023. spec_version_v2 := 2e8912e88a3118a46b90e8ccb659e24b4e8f3c23 .PHONY: build.spectest build.spectest: @$(MAKE) build.spectest.v1 @$(MAKE) build.spectest.v2 .PHONY: build.spectest.v1 build.spectest.v1: # Note: wabt by default uses >1.0 features, so wast2json flags might drift as they include more. See WebAssembly/wabt#1878 @rm -rf $(spectest_v1_testdata_dir) @mkdir -p $(spectest_v1_testdata_dir) @cd $(spectest_v1_testdata_dir) \ && curl -sSL 'https://api.github.com/repos/WebAssembly/spec/contents/test/core?ref=$(spec_version_v1)' | jq -r '.[]| .download_url' | grep -E ".wast" | xargs -Iurl curl -sJL url -O @cd $(spectest_v1_testdata_dir) && for f in `find . -name '*.wast'`; do \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_canonical_nan\s(\(invoke\s"f32.demote_f64"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \(f32.const nan:canonical\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_arithmetic_nan\s(\(invoke\s"f32.demote_f64"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \(f32.const nan:arithmetic\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_canonical_nan\s(\(invoke\s"f64\.promote_f32"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \(f64.const nan:canonical\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_arithmetic_nan\s(\(invoke\s"f64\.promote_f32"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \(f64.const nan:arithmetic\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_canonical_nan\s(\(invoke\s"[a-z._0-9]+"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \($$2.const nan:canonical\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_arithmetic_nan\s(\(invoke\s"[a-z._0-9]+"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \($$2.const nan:arithmetic\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_canonical_nan\s(\(invoke\s"[a-z._0-9]+"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\s\([a-z0-9.\s+-:]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \($$2.const nan:canonical\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_arithmetic_nan\s(\(invoke\s"[a-z._0-9]+"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\s\([a-z0-9.\s+-:]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \($$2.const nan:arithmetic\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_canonical_nan\s(\(invoke\s"[a-z._0-9]+"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \($$2.const nan:canonical\)\)/g' $$f; \ perl -pi -e 's/\(assert_return_arithmetic_nan\s(\(invoke\s"[a-z._0-9]+"\s\((f[0-9]{2})\.const\s[a-z0-9.+:-]+\)\))\)/\(assert_return $$1 \($$2.const nan:arithmetic\)\)/g' $$f; \ wast2json \ --disable-saturating-float-to-int \ --disable-sign-extension \ --disable-simd \ --disable-multi-value \ --disable-bulk-memory \ --disable-reference-types \ --debug-names $$f; \ done .PHONY: build.spectest.v2 build.spectest.v2: # Note: SIMD cases are placed in the "simd" subdirectory. @mkdir -p $(spectest_v2_testdata_dir) @cd $(spectest_v2_testdata_dir) \ && curl -sSL 'https://api.github.com/repos/WebAssembly/spec/contents/test/core?ref=$(spec_version_v2)' | jq -r '.[]| .download_url' | grep -E ".wast" | xargs -Iurl curl -sJL url -O @cd $(spectest_v2_testdata_dir) \ && curl -sSL 'https://api.github.com/repos/WebAssembly/spec/contents/test/core/simd?ref=$(spec_version_v2)' | jq -r '.[]| .download_url' | grep -E ".wast" | xargs -Iurl curl -sJL url -O @cd $(spectest_v2_testdata_dir) && for f in `find . -name '*.wast'`; do \ wast2json --debug-names --no-check $$f; \ done .PHONY: test test: @go test $(go_test_options) $$(go list ./... | grep -vE '$(spectest_v1_dir)|$(spectest_v2_dir)') @cd internal/version/testdata && go test $(go_test_options) ./... .PHONY: coverage # replace spaces with commas coverpkg = $(shell echo $(main_packages) | tr ' ' ',') coverage: ## Generate test coverage @go test -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic --coverpkg=$(coverpkg) $(main_packages) @go tool cover -func coverage.txt .PHONY: spectest spectest: @$(MAKE) spectest.v1 @$(MAKE) spectest.v2 spectest.v1: @go test $(go_test_options) $$(go list ./... | grep $(spectest_v1_dir)) spectest.v2: @go test $(go_test_options) $$(go list ./... | grep $(spectest_v2_dir)) golangci_lint_path := $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/golangci-lint $(golangci_lint_path): @go install $(golangci_lint) golangci_lint_goarch ?= $(shell go env GOARCH) .PHONY: lint lint: $(golangci_lint_path) @GOARCH=$(golangci_lint_goarch) CGO_ENABLED=0 $(golangci_lint_path) run --timeout 5m .PHONY: format format: @go run $(gofumpt) -l -w . @go run $(gosimports) -local github.com/tetratelabs/ -w $(shell find . -name '*.go' -type f) @go run $(asmfmt) -w $(shell find . -name '*.s' -type f) .PHONY: check # Pre-flight check for pull requests check: # The following checks help ensure our platform-specific code used for system # calls safely falls back on a platform unsupported by the compiler engine. # This makes sure the intepreter can be used. Most often the package that can # drift here is "platform" or "sysfs": # # Ensure we build on plan9. See #1578 @GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=plan9 go build ./... # Ensure we build on gojs. See #1526. @GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build ./... # Ensure we build on gojs. See #1526. @GOARCH=wasm GOOS=wasip1 go build ./... # Ensure we build on aix. See #1723 @GOARCH=ppc64 GOOS=aix go build ./... # Ensure we build on windows: @GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=windows go build ./... # Ensure we build on an arbitrary operating system: @GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=dragonfly go build ./... # Ensure we build on solaris/illumos: @GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=illumos go build ./... @GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=solaris go build ./... # Ensure we build on linux arm for Dapr: # gh release view -R dapr/dapr --json assets --jq 'first(.assets[] | select(.name = "daprd_linux_arm.tar.gz") | {url, downloadCount})' @GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build ./... # Ensure we build on linux 386 for Trivy: # gh release view -R aquasecurity/trivy --json assets --jq 'first(.assets[] | select(.name| test("Linux-32bit.*tar.gz")) | {url, downloadCount})' @GOARCH=386 GOOS=linux go build ./... # Ensure we build on FreeBSD amd64 for Trivy: # gh release view -R aquasecurity/trivy --json assets --jq 'first(.assets[] | select(.name| test("FreeBSD-64bit.*tar.gz")) | {url, downloadCount})' @GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=freebsd go build ./... @$(MAKE) lint golangci_lint_goarch=arm64 @$(MAKE) lint golangci_lint_goarch=amd64 @$(MAKE) format @go mod tidy @if [ ! -z "`git status -s`" ]; then \ echo "The following differences will fail CI until committed:"; \ git diff --exit-code; \ fi .PHONY: site site: ## Serve website content @git submodule update --init @cd site && go run $(hugo) server --minify --disableFastRender --baseURL localhost:1313 --cleanDestinationDir -D .PHONY: clean clean: ## Ensure a clean build @rm -rf dist build coverage.txt @go clean -testcache fuzz_timeout_seconds ?= 10 .PHONY: fuzz fuzz: @cd internal/integration_test/fuzz && cargo test @cd internal/integration_test/fuzz && cargo fuzz run no_diff --sanitizer=none -- -rss_limit_mb=8192 -max_total_time=$(fuzz_timeout_seconds) @cd internal/integration_test/fuzz && cargo fuzz run memory_no_diff --sanitizer=none -- -rss_limit_mb=8192 -max_total_time=$(fuzz_timeout_seconds) @cd internal/integration_test/fuzz && cargo fuzz run validation --sanitizer=none -- -rss_limit_mb=8192 -max_total_time=$(fuzz_timeout_seconds) #### CLI release related #### VERSION ?= dev # Default to a dummy version, which is always lower than a real release. # Legal version values should look like 'x.x.x.x' where x is an integer from 0 to 65534. # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/productversion?redirectedfrom=MSDN # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9312221/msi-version-numbers MSI_VERSION ?= non_windows_platforms := darwin_amd64 darwin_arm64 linux_amd64 linux_arm64 non_windows_archives := $(non_windows_platforms:%=dist/wazero_$(VERSION)_%.tar.gz) windows_platforms := windows_amd64 # TODO: add arm64 windows once we start testing on it. windows_archives := $(windows_platforms:%=dist/wazero_$(VERSION)_%.zip) $(windows_platforms:%=dist/wazero_$(VERSION)_%.msi) checksum_txt := dist/wazero_$(VERSION)_checksums.txt # define macros for multi-platform builds. these parse the filename being built go-arch = $(if $(findstring amd64,$1),amd64,arm64) go-os = $(if $(findstring .exe,$1),windows,$(if $(findstring linux,$1),linux,darwin)) # msi-arch is a macro so we can detect it based on the file naming convention msi-arch = $(if $(findstring amd64,$1),x64,arm64) build/wazero_%/wazero: $(call go-build,$@,$<) build/wazero_%/wazero.exe: $(call go-build,$@,$<) dist/wazero_$(VERSION)_%.tar.gz: build/wazero_%/wazero @echo tar.gz "tarring $@" @mkdir -p $(@D) # On Windows, we pass the special flag `--mode='+rx' to ensure that we set the executable flag. # This is only supported by GNU Tar, so we set it conditionally. @tar -C $(> $(@F) dist: $(non_windows_archives) $(if $(findstring Windows_NT,$(OS)),$(windows_archives),) $(checksum_txt)