// Copyright (c) 2013, Suryandaru Triandana // All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package leveldb import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "math/rand" "testing" "time" "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/filter" "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/opt" "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/storage" ) const ctValSize = 1000 type dbCorruptHarness struct { dbHarness } func newDbCorruptHarnessWopt(t *testing.T, o *opt.Options) *dbCorruptHarness { h := new(dbCorruptHarness) h.init(t, o) return h } func newDbCorruptHarness(t *testing.T) *dbCorruptHarness { return newDbCorruptHarnessWopt(t, &opt.Options{ BlockCacheCapacity: 100, Strict: opt.StrictJournalChecksum, }) } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) recover() { p := &h.dbHarness t := p.t var err error p.db, err = Recover(h.stor, h.o) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Repair: got error: ", err) } } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) build(n int) { p := &h.dbHarness t := p.t db := p.db batch := new(Batch) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { batch.Reset() batch.Put(tkey(i), tval(i, ctValSize)) err := db.Write(batch, p.wo) if err != nil { t.Fatal("write error: ", err) } } } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) buildShuffled(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) { p := &h.dbHarness t := p.t db := p.db batch := new(Batch) for i := range rnd.Perm(n) { batch.Reset() batch.Put(tkey(i), tval(i, ctValSize)) err := db.Write(batch, p.wo) if err != nil { t.Fatal("write error: ", err) } } } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) deleteRand(n, max int, rnd *rand.Rand) { p := &h.dbHarness t := p.t db := p.db batch := new(Batch) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { batch.Reset() batch.Delete(tkey(rnd.Intn(max))) err := db.Write(batch, p.wo) if err != nil { t.Fatal("write error: ", err) } } } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) corrupt(ft storage.FileType, fi, offset, n int) { p := &h.dbHarness t := p.t fds, _ := p.stor.List(ft) sortFds(fds) if fi < 0 { fi = len(fds) - 1 } if fi >= len(fds) { t.Fatalf("no such file with type %q with index %d", ft, fi) } fd := fds[fi] r, err := h.stor.Open(fd) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot open file: ", err) } x, err := r.Seek(0, 2) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot query file size: ", err) } m := int(x) if _, err := r.Seek(0, 0); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if offset < 0 { if -offset > m { offset = 0 } else { offset = m + offset } } if offset > m { offset = m } if offset+n > m { n = m - offset } buf := make([]byte, m) _, err = io.ReadFull(r, buf) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot read file: ", err) } r.Close() for i := 0; i < n; i++ { buf[offset+i] ^= 0x80 } err = h.stor.Remove(fd) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot remove old file: ", err) } w, err := h.stor.Create(fd) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot create new file: ", err) } _, err = w.Write(buf) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot write new file: ", err) } w.Close() } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) forceRemoveAll(ft storage.FileType) { fds, err := h.stor.List(ft) if err != nil { h.t.Fatal("get files: ", err) } for _, fd := range fds { if err := h.stor.ForceRemove(fd); err != nil { h.t.Error("remove file: ", err) } } } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) removeOne(ft storage.FileType) { fds, err := h.stor.List(ft) if err != nil { h.t.Fatal("get files: ", err) } fd := fds[rand.Intn(len(fds))] h.t.Logf("removing file @%d", fd.Num) if err := h.stor.Remove(fd); err != nil { h.t.Error("remove file: ", err) } } func (h *dbCorruptHarness) check(min, max int) { p := &h.dbHarness t := p.t db := p.db var n, badk, badv, missed, good int iter := db.NewIterator(nil, p.ro) for iter.Next() { k := 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(iter.Key()), "%d", &k) if k < n { badk++ continue } missed += k - n n = k + 1 if !bytes.Equal(iter.Value(), tval(k, ctValSize)) { badv++ } else { good++ } } err := iter.Error() iter.Release() t.Logf("want=%d..%d got=%d badkeys=%d badvalues=%d missed=%d, err=%v", min, max, good, badk, badv, missed, err) if good < min || good > max { t.Errorf("good entries number not in range") } } func TestCorruptDB_Journal(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.build(100) h.check(100, 100) h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeJournal, -1, 19, 1) h.corrupt(storage.TypeJournal, -1, 32*1024+1000, 1) h.openDB() h.check(36, 36) } func TestCorruptDB_Table(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.build(100) h.compactMem() h.compactRangeAt(0, "", "") h.compactRangeAt(1, "", "") h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, -1, 100, 1) h.openDB() h.check(99, 99) } func TestCorruptDB_TableIndex(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.build(10000) h.compactMem() h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, -1, -2000, 500) h.openDB() h.check(5000, 9999) } func TestCorruptDB_MissingManifest(t *testing.T) { rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0x0badda7a)) h := newDbCorruptHarnessWopt(t, &opt.Options{ BlockCacheCapacity: 100, Strict: opt.StrictJournalChecksum, WriteBuffer: 1000 * 60, }) defer h.close() h.build(1000) h.compactMem() h.buildShuffled(1000, rnd) h.compactMem() h.deleteRand(500, 1000, rnd) h.compactMem() h.buildShuffled(1000, rnd) h.compactMem() h.deleteRand(500, 1000, rnd) h.compactMem() h.buildShuffled(1000, rnd) h.compactMem() h.closeDB() h.forceRemoveAll(storage.TypeManifest) h.openAssert(false) h.recover() h.check(1000, 1000) h.build(1000) h.compactMem() h.compactRange("", "") h.closeDB() h.recover() h.check(1000, 1000) } func TestCorruptDB_SequenceNumberRecovery(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.put("foo", "v1") h.put("foo", "v2") h.put("foo", "v3") h.put("foo", "v4") h.put("foo", "v5") h.closeDB() h.recover() h.getVal("foo", "v5") h.put("foo", "v6") h.getVal("foo", "v6") h.reopenDB() h.getVal("foo", "v6") } func TestCorruptDB_SequenceNumberRecoveryTable(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.put("foo", "v1") h.put("foo", "v2") h.put("foo", "v3") h.compactMem() h.put("foo", "v4") h.put("foo", "v5") h.compactMem() h.closeDB() h.recover() h.getVal("foo", "v5") h.put("foo", "v6") h.getVal("foo", "v6") h.reopenDB() h.getVal("foo", "v6") } func TestCorruptDB_CorruptedManifest(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.put("foo", "hello") h.compactMem() h.compactRange("", "") h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeManifest, -1, 0, 1000) h.openAssert(false) h.recover() h.getVal("foo", "hello") } func TestCorruptDB_CompactionInputError(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.build(10) h.compactMem() h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, -1, 100, 1) h.openDB() h.check(9, 9) h.build(10000) h.check(10000, 10000) } func TestCorruptDB_UnrelatedKeys(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.build(10) h.compactMem() h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, -1, 100, 1) h.openDB() h.put(string(tkey(1000)), string(tval(1000, ctValSize))) h.getVal(string(tkey(1000)), string(tval(1000, ctValSize))) h.compactMem() h.getVal(string(tkey(1000)), string(tval(1000, ctValSize))) } func TestCorruptDB_Level0NewerFileHasOlderSeqnum(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.put("a", "v1") h.put("b", "v1") h.compactMem() h.put("a", "v2") h.put("b", "v2") h.compactMem() h.put("a", "v3") h.put("b", "v3") h.compactMem() h.put("c", "v0") h.put("d", "v0") h.compactMem() h.compactRangeAt(1, "", "") h.closeDB() h.recover() h.getVal("a", "v3") h.getVal("b", "v3") h.getVal("c", "v0") h.getVal("d", "v0") } func TestCorruptDB_RecoverInvalidSeq_Issue53(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.put("a", "v1") h.put("b", "v1") h.compactMem() h.put("a", "v2") h.put("b", "v2") h.compactMem() h.put("a", "v3") h.put("b", "v3") h.compactMem() h.put("c", "v0") h.put("d", "v0") h.compactMem() h.compactRangeAt(0, "", "") h.closeDB() h.recover() h.getVal("a", "v3") h.getVal("b", "v3") h.getVal("c", "v0") h.getVal("d", "v0") } func TestCorruptDB_MissingTableFiles(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarness(t) defer h.close() h.put("a", "v1") h.put("b", "v1") h.compactMem() h.put("c", "v2") h.put("d", "v2") h.compactMem() h.put("e", "v3") h.put("f", "v3") h.closeDB() h.removeOne(storage.TypeTable) h.openAssert(false) } func TestCorruptDB_RecoverTable(t *testing.T) { h := newDbCorruptHarnessWopt(t, &opt.Options{ WriteBuffer: 112 * opt.KiB, CompactionTableSize: 90 * opt.KiB, Filter: filter.NewBloomFilter(10), }) defer h.close() h.build(1000) h.compactMem() h.compactRangeAt(0, "", "") h.compactRangeAt(1, "", "") seq := h.db.seq time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // Wait lazy reference finish tasks h.closeDB() h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, 0, 1000, 1) h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, 3, 10000, 1) // Corrupted filter shouldn't affect recovery. h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, 3, 113888, 10) h.corrupt(storage.TypeTable, -1, 20000, 1) h.recover() if h.db.seq != seq { t.Errorf("invalid seq, want=%d got=%d", seq, h.db.seq) } h.check(985, 985) }