
Source file src/github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/cache/cache.go

Documentation: github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/cache

     1  // Copyright (c) 2012, Suryandaru Triandana <syndtr@gmail.com>
     2  // All rights reserved.
     3  //
     4  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
     5  // found in the LICENSE file.
     7  // Package cache provides interface and implementation of a cache algorithms.
     8  package cache
    10  import (
    11  	"sort"
    12  	"sync"
    13  	"sync/atomic"
    14  	"unsafe"
    16  	"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/util"
    17  )
    19  // Cacher provides interface to implements a caching functionality.
    20  // An implementation must be safe for concurrent use.
    21  type Cacher interface {
    22  	// Capacity returns cache capacity.
    23  	Capacity() int
    25  	// SetCapacity sets cache capacity.
    26  	SetCapacity(capacity int)
    28  	// Promote promotes the 'cache node'.
    29  	Promote(n *Node)
    31  	// Ban evicts the 'cache node' and prevent subsequent 'promote'.
    32  	Ban(n *Node)
    34  	// Evict evicts the 'cache node'.
    35  	Evict(n *Node)
    36  }
    38  // Value is a 'cache-able object'. It may implements util.Releaser, if
    39  // so the the Release method will be called once object is released.
    40  type Value interface{}
    42  // NamespaceGetter provides convenient wrapper for namespace.
    43  type NamespaceGetter struct {
    44  	Cache *Cache
    45  	NS    uint64
    46  }
    48  // Get simply calls Cache.Get() method.
    49  func (g *NamespaceGetter) Get(key uint64, setFunc func() (size int, value Value)) *Handle {
    50  	return g.Cache.Get(g.NS, key, setFunc)
    51  }
    53  // The hash tables implementation is based on:
    54  // "Dynamic-Sized Nonblocking Hash Tables", by Yujie Liu,
    55  // Kunlong Zhang, and Michael Spear.
    56  // ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Jul 2014.
    58  const (
    59  	mInitialSize           = 1 << 4
    60  	mOverflowThreshold     = 1 << 5
    61  	mOverflowGrowThreshold = 1 << 7
    62  )
    64  const (
    65  	bucketUninitialized = iota
    66  	bucketInitialized
    67  	bucketFrozen
    68  )
    70  type mNodes []*Node
    72  func (x mNodes) Len() int { return len(x) }
    73  func (x mNodes) Less(i, j int) bool {
    74  	a, b := x[i].ns, x[j].ns
    75  	if a == b {
    76  		return x[i].key < x[j].key
    77  	}
    78  	return a < b
    79  }
    80  func (x mNodes) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
    82  func (x mNodes) sort() { sort.Sort(x) }
    84  func (x mNodes) search(ns, key uint64) int {
    85  	return sort.Search(len(x), func(i int) bool {
    86  		a := x[i].ns
    87  		if a == ns {
    88  			return x[i].key >= key
    89  		}
    90  		return a > ns
    91  	})
    92  }
    94  type mBucket struct {
    95  	mu    sync.Mutex
    96  	nodes mNodes
    97  	state int8
    98  }
   100  func (b *mBucket) freeze() mNodes {
   101  	b.mu.Lock()
   102  	defer b.mu.Unlock()
   103  	if b.state == bucketInitialized {
   104  		b.state = bucketFrozen
   105  	} else if b.state == bucketUninitialized {
   106  		panic("BUG: freeze uninitialized bucket")
   107  	}
   108  	return b.nodes
   109  }
   111  func (b *mBucket) frozen() bool {
   112  	if b.state == bucketFrozen {
   113  		return true
   114  	}
   115  	if b.state == bucketUninitialized {
   116  		panic("BUG: accessing uninitialized bucket")
   117  	}
   118  	return false
   119  }
   121  func (b *mBucket) get(r *Cache, h *mHead, hash uint32, ns, key uint64, getOnly bool) (done, created bool, n *Node) {
   122  	b.mu.Lock()
   124  	if b.frozen() {
   125  		b.mu.Unlock()
   126  		return
   127  	}
   129  	// Find the node.
   130  	i := b.nodes.search(ns, key)
   131  	if i < len(b.nodes) {
   132  		n = b.nodes[i]
   133  		if n.ns == ns && n.key == key {
   134  			atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, 1)
   135  			b.mu.Unlock()
   136  			return true, false, n
   137  		}
   138  	}
   140  	// Get only.
   141  	if getOnly {
   142  		b.mu.Unlock()
   143  		return true, false, nil
   144  	}
   146  	// Create node.
   147  	n = &Node{
   148  		r:    r,
   149  		hash: hash,
   150  		ns:   ns,
   151  		key:  key,
   152  		ref:  1,
   153  	}
   154  	// Add node to bucket.
   155  	if i == len(b.nodes) {
   156  		b.nodes = append(b.nodes, n)
   157  	} else {
   158  		b.nodes = append(b.nodes[:i+1], b.nodes[i:]...)
   159  		b.nodes[i] = n
   160  	}
   161  	bLen := len(b.nodes)
   162  	b.mu.Unlock()
   164  	// Update counter.
   165  	grow := atomic.AddInt64(&r.statNodes, 1) >= h.growThreshold
   166  	if bLen > mOverflowThreshold {
   167  		grow = grow || atomic.AddInt32(&h.overflow, 1) >= mOverflowGrowThreshold
   168  	}
   170  	// Grow.
   171  	if grow && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&h.resizeInProgress, 0, 1) {
   172  		nhLen := len(h.buckets) << 1
   173  		nh := &mHead{
   174  			buckets:         make([]mBucket, nhLen),
   175  			mask:            uint32(nhLen) - 1,
   176  			predecessor:     unsafe.Pointer(h),
   177  			growThreshold:   int64(nhLen * mOverflowThreshold),
   178  			shrinkThreshold: int64(nhLen >> 1),
   179  		}
   180  		ok := atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&r.mHead, unsafe.Pointer(h), unsafe.Pointer(nh))
   181  		if !ok {
   182  			panic("BUG: failed swapping head")
   183  		}
   184  		atomic.AddInt32(&r.statGrow, 1)
   185  		go nh.initBuckets()
   186  	}
   188  	return true, true, n
   189  }
   191  func (b *mBucket) delete(r *Cache, h *mHead, hash uint32, ns, key uint64) (done, deleted bool) {
   192  	b.mu.Lock()
   194  	if b.frozen() {
   195  		b.mu.Unlock()
   196  		return
   197  	}
   199  	// Find the node.
   200  	i := b.nodes.search(ns, key)
   201  	if i == len(b.nodes) {
   202  		b.mu.Unlock()
   203  		return true, false
   204  	}
   205  	n := b.nodes[i]
   206  	var bLen int
   207  	if n.ns == ns && n.key == key {
   208  		if atomic.LoadInt32(&n.ref) == 0 {
   209  			deleted = true
   211  			// Save and clear value.
   212  			if n.value != nil {
   213  				// Call releaser.
   214  				if r, ok := n.value.(util.Releaser); ok {
   215  					r.Release()
   216  				}
   217  				n.value = nil
   218  			}
   220  			// Remove node from bucket.
   221  			b.nodes = append(b.nodes[:i], b.nodes[i+1:]...)
   222  			bLen = len(b.nodes)
   223  		}
   224  	}
   225  	b.mu.Unlock()
   227  	if deleted {
   228  		// Call delete funcs.
   229  		for _, f := range n.delFuncs {
   230  			f()
   231  		}
   233  		// Update counter.
   234  		atomic.AddInt64(&r.statSize, int64(n.size)*-1)
   235  		shrink := atomic.AddInt64(&r.statNodes, -1) < h.shrinkThreshold
   236  		if bLen >= mOverflowThreshold {
   237  			atomic.AddInt32(&h.overflow, -1)
   238  		}
   240  		// Shrink.
   241  		if shrink && len(h.buckets) > mInitialSize && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&h.resizeInProgress, 0, 1) {
   242  			nhLen := len(h.buckets) >> 1
   243  			nh := &mHead{
   244  				buckets:         make([]mBucket, nhLen),
   245  				mask:            uint32(nhLen) - 1,
   246  				predecessor:     unsafe.Pointer(h),
   247  				growThreshold:   int64(nhLen * mOverflowThreshold),
   248  				shrinkThreshold: int64(nhLen >> 1),
   249  			}
   250  			ok := atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&r.mHead, unsafe.Pointer(h), unsafe.Pointer(nh))
   251  			if !ok {
   252  				panic("BUG: failed swapping head")
   253  			}
   254  			atomic.AddInt32(&r.statShrink, 1)
   255  			go nh.initBuckets()
   256  		}
   257  	}
   259  	return true, deleted
   260  }
   262  type mHead struct {
   263  	buckets          []mBucket
   264  	mask             uint32
   265  	predecessor      unsafe.Pointer // *mNode
   266  	resizeInProgress int32
   268  	overflow        int32
   269  	growThreshold   int64
   270  	shrinkThreshold int64
   271  }
   273  func (h *mHead) initBucket(i uint32) *mBucket {
   274  	b := &h.buckets[i]
   275  	b.mu.Lock()
   276  	if b.state >= bucketInitialized {
   277  		b.mu.Unlock()
   278  		return b
   279  	}
   281  	p := (*mHead)(atomic.LoadPointer(&h.predecessor))
   282  	if p == nil {
   283  		panic("BUG: uninitialized bucket doesn't have predecessor")
   284  	}
   286  	var nodes mNodes
   287  	if h.mask > p.mask {
   288  		// Grow.
   289  		m := p.initBucket(i & p.mask).freeze()
   290  		// Split nodes.
   291  		for _, x := range m {
   292  			if x.hash&h.mask == i {
   293  				nodes = append(nodes, x)
   294  			}
   295  		}
   296  	} else {
   297  		// Shrink.
   298  		m0 := p.initBucket(i).freeze()
   299  		m1 := p.initBucket(i + uint32(len(h.buckets))).freeze()
   300  		// Merge nodes.
   301  		nodes = make(mNodes, 0, len(m0)+len(m1))
   302  		nodes = append(nodes, m0...)
   303  		nodes = append(nodes, m1...)
   304  		nodes.sort()
   305  	}
   306  	b.nodes = nodes
   307  	b.state = bucketInitialized
   308  	b.mu.Unlock()
   309  	return b
   310  }
   312  func (h *mHead) initBuckets() {
   313  	for i := range h.buckets {
   314  		h.initBucket(uint32(i))
   315  	}
   316  	atomic.StorePointer(&h.predecessor, nil)
   317  }
   319  func (h *mHead) enumerateNodesWithCB(f func([]*Node)) {
   320  	var nodes []*Node
   321  	for x := range h.buckets {
   322  		b := h.initBucket(uint32(x))
   324  		b.mu.Lock()
   325  		nodes = append(nodes, b.nodes...)
   326  		b.mu.Unlock()
   327  		f(nodes)
   328  	}
   329  }
   331  func (h *mHead) enumerateNodesByNS(ns uint64) []*Node {
   332  	var nodes []*Node
   333  	for x := range h.buckets {
   334  		b := h.initBucket(uint32(x))
   336  		b.mu.Lock()
   337  		i := b.nodes.search(ns, 0)
   338  		for ; i < len(b.nodes); i++ {
   339  			n := b.nodes[i]
   340  			if n.ns != ns {
   341  				break
   342  			}
   343  			nodes = append(nodes, n)
   344  		}
   345  		b.mu.Unlock()
   346  	}
   347  	return nodes
   348  }
   350  type Stats struct {
   351  	Buckets     int
   352  	Nodes       int64
   353  	Size        int64
   354  	GrowCount   int32
   355  	ShrinkCount int32
   356  	HitCount    int64
   357  	MissCount   int64
   358  	SetCount    int64
   359  	DelCount    int64
   360  }
   362  // Cache is a 'cache map'.
   363  type Cache struct {
   364  	mu     sync.RWMutex
   365  	mHead  unsafe.Pointer // *mNode
   366  	cacher Cacher
   367  	closed bool
   369  	statNodes  int64
   370  	statSize   int64
   371  	statGrow   int32
   372  	statShrink int32
   373  	statHit    int64
   374  	statMiss   int64
   375  	statSet    int64
   376  	statDel    int64
   377  }
   379  // NewCache creates a new 'cache map'. The cacher is optional and
   380  // may be nil.
   381  func NewCache(cacher Cacher) *Cache {
   382  	h := &mHead{
   383  		buckets:         make([]mBucket, mInitialSize),
   384  		mask:            mInitialSize - 1,
   385  		growThreshold:   int64(mInitialSize * mOverflowThreshold),
   386  		shrinkThreshold: 0,
   387  	}
   388  	for i := range h.buckets {
   389  		h.buckets[i].state = bucketInitialized
   390  	}
   391  	r := &Cache{
   392  		mHead:  unsafe.Pointer(h),
   393  		cacher: cacher,
   394  	}
   395  	return r
   396  }
   398  func (r *Cache) getBucket(hash uint32) (*mHead, *mBucket) {
   399  	h := (*mHead)(atomic.LoadPointer(&r.mHead))
   400  	i := hash & h.mask
   401  	return h, h.initBucket(i)
   402  }
   404  func (r *Cache) enumerateNodesWithCB(f func([]*Node)) {
   405  	h := (*mHead)(atomic.LoadPointer(&r.mHead))
   406  	h.enumerateNodesWithCB(f)
   407  }
   409  func (r *Cache) enumerateNodesByNS(ns uint64) []*Node {
   410  	h := (*mHead)(atomic.LoadPointer(&r.mHead))
   411  	return h.enumerateNodesByNS(ns)
   412  }
   414  func (r *Cache) delete(n *Node) bool {
   415  	for {
   416  		h, b := r.getBucket(n.hash)
   417  		done, deleted := b.delete(r, h, n.hash, n.ns, n.key)
   418  		if done {
   419  			return deleted
   420  		}
   421  	}
   422  }
   424  // GetStats returns cache statistics.
   425  func (r *Cache) GetStats() Stats {
   426  	return Stats{
   427  		Buckets:     len((*mHead)(atomic.LoadPointer(&r.mHead)).buckets),
   428  		Nodes:       atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statNodes),
   429  		Size:        atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statSize),
   430  		GrowCount:   atomic.LoadInt32(&r.statGrow),
   431  		ShrinkCount: atomic.LoadInt32(&r.statShrink),
   432  		HitCount:    atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statHit),
   433  		MissCount:   atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statMiss),
   434  		SetCount:    atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statSet),
   435  		DelCount:    atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statDel),
   436  	}
   437  }
   439  // Nodes returns number of 'cache node' in the map.
   440  func (r *Cache) Nodes() int {
   441  	return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statNodes))
   442  }
   444  // Size returns sums of 'cache node' size in the map.
   445  func (r *Cache) Size() int {
   446  	return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&r.statSize))
   447  }
   449  // Capacity returns cache capacity.
   450  func (r *Cache) Capacity() int {
   451  	if r.cacher == nil {
   452  		return 0
   453  	}
   454  	return r.cacher.Capacity()
   455  }
   457  // SetCapacity sets cache capacity.
   458  func (r *Cache) SetCapacity(capacity int) {
   459  	if r.cacher != nil {
   460  		r.cacher.SetCapacity(capacity)
   461  	}
   462  }
   464  // Get gets 'cache node' with the given namespace and key.
   465  // If cache node is not found and setFunc is not nil, Get will atomically creates
   466  // the 'cache node' by calling setFunc. Otherwise Get will returns nil.
   467  //
   468  // The returned 'cache handle' should be released after use by calling Release
   469  // method.
   470  func (r *Cache) Get(ns, key uint64, setFunc func() (size int, value Value)) *Handle {
   471  	r.mu.RLock()
   472  	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
   473  	if r.closed {
   474  		return nil
   475  	}
   477  	hash := murmur32(ns, key, 0xf00)
   478  	for {
   479  		h, b := r.getBucket(hash)
   480  		done, created, n := b.get(r, h, hash, ns, key, setFunc == nil)
   481  		if done {
   482  			if created || n == nil {
   483  				atomic.AddInt64(&r.statMiss, 1)
   484  			} else {
   485  				atomic.AddInt64(&r.statHit, 1)
   486  			}
   488  			if n != nil {
   489  				n.mu.Lock()
   490  				if n.value == nil {
   491  					if setFunc == nil {
   492  						n.mu.Unlock()
   493  						n.unRefInternal(false)
   494  						return nil
   495  					}
   497  					n.size, n.value = setFunc()
   498  					if n.value == nil {
   499  						n.size = 0
   500  						n.mu.Unlock()
   501  						n.unRefInternal(false)
   502  						return nil
   503  					}
   504  					atomic.AddInt64(&r.statSet, 1)
   505  					atomic.AddInt64(&r.statSize, int64(n.size))
   506  				}
   507  				n.mu.Unlock()
   508  				if r.cacher != nil {
   509  					r.cacher.Promote(n)
   510  				}
   511  				return &Handle{unsafe.Pointer(n)}
   512  			}
   514  			break
   515  		}
   516  	}
   517  	return nil
   518  }
   520  // Delete removes and ban 'cache node' with the given namespace and key.
   521  // A banned 'cache node' will never inserted into the 'cache tree'. Ban
   522  // only attributed to the particular 'cache node', so when a 'cache node'
   523  // is recreated it will not be banned.
   524  //
   525  // If delFunc is not nil, then it will be executed if such 'cache node'
   526  // doesn't exist or once the 'cache node' is released.
   527  //
   528  // Delete return true is such 'cache node' exist.
   529  func (r *Cache) Delete(ns, key uint64, delFunc func()) bool {
   530  	r.mu.RLock()
   531  	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
   532  	if r.closed {
   533  		return false
   534  	}
   536  	hash := murmur32(ns, key, 0xf00)
   537  	for {
   538  		h, b := r.getBucket(hash)
   539  		done, _, n := b.get(r, h, hash, ns, key, true)
   540  		if done {
   541  			if n != nil {
   542  				if delFunc != nil {
   543  					n.mu.Lock()
   544  					n.delFuncs = append(n.delFuncs, delFunc)
   545  					n.mu.Unlock()
   546  				}
   547  				if r.cacher != nil {
   548  					r.cacher.Ban(n)
   549  				}
   550  				n.unRefInternal(true)
   551  				return true
   552  			}
   554  			break
   555  		}
   556  	}
   558  	if delFunc != nil {
   559  		delFunc()
   560  	}
   562  	return false
   563  }
   565  // Evict evicts 'cache node' with the given namespace and key. This will
   566  // simply call Cacher.Evict.
   567  //
   568  // Evict return true is such 'cache node' exist.
   569  func (r *Cache) Evict(ns, key uint64) bool {
   570  	r.mu.RLock()
   571  	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
   572  	if r.closed {
   573  		return false
   574  	}
   576  	hash := murmur32(ns, key, 0xf00)
   577  	for {
   578  		h, b := r.getBucket(hash)
   579  		done, _, n := b.get(r, h, hash, ns, key, true)
   580  		if done {
   581  			if n != nil {
   582  				if r.cacher != nil {
   583  					r.cacher.Evict(n)
   584  				}
   585  				n.unRefInternal(true)
   586  				return true
   587  			}
   589  			break
   590  		}
   591  	}
   593  	return false
   594  }
   596  // EvictNS evicts 'cache node' with the given namespace. This will
   597  // simply call Cacher.Evict on all nodes with the given namespace.
   598  func (r *Cache) EvictNS(ns uint64) {
   599  	r.mu.RLock()
   600  	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
   601  	if r.closed {
   602  		return
   603  	}
   605  	if r.cacher != nil {
   606  		nodes := r.enumerateNodesByNS(ns)
   607  		for _, n := range nodes {
   608  			r.cacher.Evict(n)
   609  		}
   610  	}
   611  }
   613  func (r *Cache) evictAll() {
   614  	r.enumerateNodesWithCB(func(nodes []*Node) {
   615  		for _, n := range nodes {
   616  			r.cacher.Evict(n)
   617  		}
   618  	})
   619  }
   621  // EvictAll evicts all 'cache node'. This will simply call Cacher.EvictAll.
   622  func (r *Cache) EvictAll() {
   623  	r.mu.RLock()
   624  	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
   625  	if r.closed {
   626  		return
   627  	}
   629  	if r.cacher != nil {
   630  		r.evictAll()
   631  	}
   632  }
   634  // Close closes the 'cache map'.
   635  // All 'Cache' method is no-op after 'cache map' is closed.
   636  // All 'cache node' will be evicted from 'cacher'.
   637  //
   638  // If 'force' is true then all 'cache node' will be forcefully released
   639  // even if the 'node ref' is not zero.
   640  func (r *Cache) Close(force bool) {
   641  	var head *mHead
   642  	// Hold RW-lock to make sure no more in-flight operations.
   643  	r.mu.Lock()
   644  	if !r.closed {
   645  		r.closed = true
   646  		head = (*mHead)(atomic.LoadPointer(&r.mHead))
   647  		atomic.StorePointer(&r.mHead, nil)
   648  	}
   649  	r.mu.Unlock()
   651  	if head != nil {
   652  		head.enumerateNodesWithCB(func(nodes []*Node) {
   653  			for _, n := range nodes {
   654  				// Zeroing ref. Prevent unRefExternal to call finalizer.
   655  				if force {
   656  					atomic.StoreInt32(&n.ref, 0)
   657  				}
   659  				// Evict from cacher.
   660  				if r.cacher != nil {
   661  					r.cacher.Evict(n)
   662  				}
   664  				if force {
   665  					n.callFinalizer()
   666  				}
   667  			}
   668  		})
   669  	}
   670  }
   672  // Node is a 'cache node'.
   673  type Node struct {
   674  	r *Cache
   676  	hash    uint32
   677  	ns, key uint64
   679  	mu    sync.Mutex
   680  	size  int
   681  	value Value
   683  	ref      int32
   684  	delFuncs []func()
   686  	CacheData unsafe.Pointer
   687  }
   689  // NS returns this 'cache node' namespace.
   690  func (n *Node) NS() uint64 {
   691  	return n.ns
   692  }
   694  // Key returns this 'cache node' key.
   695  func (n *Node) Key() uint64 {
   696  	return n.key
   697  }
   699  // Size returns this 'cache node' size.
   700  func (n *Node) Size() int {
   701  	return n.size
   702  }
   704  // Value returns this 'cache node' value.
   705  func (n *Node) Value() Value {
   706  	return n.value
   707  }
   709  // Ref returns this 'cache node' ref counter.
   710  func (n *Node) Ref() int32 {
   711  	return atomic.LoadInt32(&n.ref)
   712  }
   714  // GetHandle returns an handle for this 'cache node'.
   715  func (n *Node) GetHandle() *Handle {
   716  	if atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, 1) <= 1 {
   717  		panic("BUG: Node.GetHandle on zero ref")
   718  	}
   719  	return &Handle{unsafe.Pointer(n)}
   720  }
   722  func (n *Node) callFinalizer() {
   723  	// Call releaser.
   724  	if n.value != nil {
   725  		if r, ok := n.value.(util.Releaser); ok {
   726  			r.Release()
   727  		}
   728  		n.value = nil
   729  	}
   731  	// Call delete funcs.
   732  	for _, f := range n.delFuncs {
   733  		f()
   734  	}
   735  	n.delFuncs = nil
   736  }
   738  func (n *Node) unRefInternal(updateStat bool) {
   739  	if atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, -1) == 0 {
   740  		n.r.delete(n)
   741  		if updateStat {
   742  			atomic.AddInt64(&n.r.statDel, 1)
   743  		}
   744  	}
   745  }
   747  func (n *Node) unRefExternal() {
   748  	if atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, -1) == 0 {
   749  		n.r.mu.RLock()
   750  		if n.r.closed {
   751  			n.callFinalizer()
   752  		} else {
   753  			n.r.delete(n)
   754  			atomic.AddInt64(&n.r.statDel, 1)
   755  		}
   756  		n.r.mu.RUnlock()
   757  	}
   758  }
   760  // Handle is a 'cache handle' of a 'cache node'.
   761  type Handle struct {
   762  	n unsafe.Pointer // *Node
   763  }
   765  // Value returns the value of the 'cache node'.
   766  func (h *Handle) Value() Value {
   767  	n := (*Node)(atomic.LoadPointer(&h.n))
   768  	if n != nil {
   769  		return n.value
   770  	}
   771  	return nil
   772  }
   774  // Release releases this 'cache handle'.
   775  // It is safe to call release multiple times.
   776  func (h *Handle) Release() {
   777  	nPtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&h.n)
   778  	if nPtr != nil && atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&h.n, nPtr, nil) {
   779  		n := (*Node)(nPtr)
   780  		n.unRefExternal()
   781  	}
   782  }
   784  func murmur32(ns, key uint64, seed uint32) uint32 {
   785  	const (
   786  		m = uint32(0x5bd1e995)
   787  		r = 24
   788  	)
   790  	k1 := uint32(ns >> 32)
   791  	k2 := uint32(ns)
   792  	k3 := uint32(key >> 32)
   793  	k4 := uint32(key)
   795  	k1 *= m
   796  	k1 ^= k1 >> r
   797  	k1 *= m
   799  	k2 *= m
   800  	k2 ^= k2 >> r
   801  	k2 *= m
   803  	k3 *= m
   804  	k3 ^= k3 >> r
   805  	k3 *= m
   807  	k4 *= m
   808  	k4 ^= k4 >> r
   809  	k4 *= m
   811  	h := seed
   813  	h *= m
   814  	h ^= k1
   815  	h *= m
   816  	h ^= k2
   817  	h *= m
   818  	h ^= k3
   819  	h *= m
   820  	h ^= k4
   822  	h ^= h >> 13
   823  	h *= m
   824  	h ^= h >> 15
   826  	return h
   827  }

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