#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2022 The Sigstore Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e testdir=$(dirname "$0") echo "* starting services" docker-compose up -d echo "* building CLI" go build -o rekor-cli ./cmd/rekor-cli REKOR_CLI=$(pwd)/rekor-cli function waitForRekorServer () { echo -n "* waiting up to 60 sec for system to start" count=0 until [ $(docker ps -a | grep -c "(healthy)") == 3 ]; do if [ $count -eq 6 ]; then echo "! timeout reached" exit 1 else echo -n "." sleep 10 let 'count+=1' fi done echo } REKORTMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t rekor_test.XXXXXX)" touch $REKORTMPDIR.rekor.yaml trap "rm -rf $REKORTMPDIR" EXIT waitForRekorServer echo "* stopping rekor to test issue #872" docker-compose stop rekor-server docker volume rm -f issue872_attestations || true ATT_VOLUME=$(docker volume create --name issue872_attestations) # set permissions on docker volume to be friendly to non-root since v0.6.0 container is based on distroless docker run --rm -v $ATT_VOLUME:/att:z busybox /bin/sh -c 'touch /att/.initialized && chown -R 65532:65532 /att && chmod 777 /att' V060_COMPOSE_FILE=$REKORTMPDIR/docker-compose-issue872-v060.yaml cat << EOF > $V060_COMPOSE_FILE version: '3.4' services: rekor-server-issue-872-v060: # this container image is built on v0.6.0 with the fix for issue #800 image: gcr.io/projectsigstore/rekor/ci/rekor/rekor-server@sha256:568aee99574e6d796d70b7b1fd59438bd54b3b9f44cc2c9a086629597c66d324 user: "65532:65532" command: [ "serve", "--trillian_log_server.address=trillian-log-server", "--trillian_log_server.port=8090", "--redis_server.address=redis-server", "--redis_server.port=6379", "--rekor_server.address=", "--rekor_server.signer=memory", "--enable_attestation_storage", "--attestation_storage_bucket=file:///ko-app/attestations", # Uncomment this for production logging # "--log_type=prod", ] volumes: - "$ATT_VOLUME:/ko-app/attestations:z" restart: always # keep the server running ports: - "" - "" volumes: $ATT_VOLUME: external: true EOF echo "* starting rekor v0.6.0 to test issue #872" docker-compose -f $V060_COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD up -d rekor-server-issue-872-v060 sleep 5 # this rekor-cli image is based on v0.6.0 and has the fix for issue #800 ISSUE800_CONTAINER=gcr.io/projectsigstore/rekor/ci/rekor/rekor-cli@sha256:34f6ec6324a6f32f118dc14d33e5cc081fb8b49a5026d388f782a3566afa2ca8 ISSUE800_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker create $ISSUE800_CONTAINER) ISSUE800_CLI=$REKORTMPDIR/rekor-cli-issue-800 docker cp "$ISSUE800_CONTAINER_ID:/ko-app/rekor-cli" $ISSUE800_CLI docker rm $ISSUE800_CONTAINER_ID >/dev/null V060_UPLOAD_OUTPUT=$REKORTMPDIR/issue-872-upload-output echo "* inserting intoto entry into Rekor v0.6.0" if ! $ISSUE800_CLI upload --type intoto --artifact tests/intoto_dsse.json --public-key tests/intoto_dsse.pem --format=json --rekor_server=http://localhost:3000 > $V060_UPLOAD_OUTPUT; then echo "* failed to insert intoto entry to test issue #872, exiting" docker-compose logs --no-color > /tmp/docker-compose.log docker-compose -f $V060_COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD logs rekor-server-issue-872-v060 > /tmp/post-insert-docker-compose.log exit 1 fi ISSUE872_UPLOAD_INDEX=$(jq -r .Index $V060_UPLOAD_OUTPUT) V060_GET_OUTPUT=$REKORTMPDIR/issue-872-get-output echo "* read back entry from Rekor v0.6.0" if ! $ISSUE800_CLI get --log-index=$ISSUE872_UPLOAD_INDEX --format=json --rekor_server=http://localhost:3000 > $V060_GET_OUTPUT; then echo "* failed to retrieve entry from rekor v0.6.0 to test issue #872, exiting" docker-compose logs --no-color > /tmp/docker-compose.log docker-compose -f $V060_COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD logs rekor-server-issue-872-v060 > /tmp/post-insert-docker-compose.log exit 1 fi echo "* checking to ensure attestation is successfully returned from rekor v0.6.0" V060_ATT_LENGTH=$(jq -r '.Attestation | length' $V060_GET_OUTPUT) if [ $V060_ATT_LENGTH -eq 0 ]; then echo "* failed to read back attestation while testing issue #872 against rekor v0.6.0, exiting" cat $V060_GET_OUTPUT docker-compose logs --no-color > /tmp/docker-compose.log docker-compose -f $V060_COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD logs rekor-server-issue-872-v060 > /tmp/post-insert-docker-compose.log exit 1 fi echo "* grabbing TreeID to use when starting older version" REKOR_TRILLIAN_LOG_SERVER_TLOG_ID=$($ISSUE800_CLI loginfo --rekor_server=http://localhost:3000 --format=json | jq -r .TreeID) echo "* stopping rekor v0.6.0 to test issue #872" docker-compose -f $V060_COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD logs rekor-server-issue-872-v060 > /tmp/post-insert-docker-compose.log docker-compose -f $V060_COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD stop rekor-server-issue-872-v060 COMPOSE_FILE=$REKORTMPDIR/docker-compose-issue872.yaml cat << EOF > $COMPOSE_FILE version: '3.4' services: rekor-server: build: context: . target: "deploy" command: [ "rekor-server", "serve", "--trillian_log_server.address=trillian-log-server", "--trillian_log_server.port=8090", "--redis_server.address=redis-server", "--redis_server.port=6379", "--rekor_server.address=", "--rekor_server.signer=memory", "--enable_attestation_storage", "--attestation_storage_bucket=file:///var/run/attestations", "--trillian_log_server.tlog_id=$REKOR_TRILLIAN_LOG_SERVER_TLOG_ID", # Uncomment this for production logging # "--log_type=prod", ] volumes: - "$ATT_VOLUME:/var/run/attestations:z" restart: always # keep the server running ports: - "3000:3000" - "2112:2112" healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:3000/ping"] interval: 10s timeout: 3s retries: 3 start_period: 5s volumes: $ATT_VOLUME: external: true EOF docker network prune -f echo "* starting rekor under test to ensure attestation inserted in old version is successfully returned" docker-compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE --project-directory=$PWD up -d waitForRekorServer ISSUE872_GET_ENTRY=$REKORTMPDIR/issue-872-get-entry echo "* fetching previous entry made under v0.6.0" if ! $REKOR_CLI get --log-index=$ISSUE872_UPLOAD_INDEX --rekor_server=http://localhost:3000 --format=json > $ISSUE872_GET_ENTRY; then echo "* failed to read back intoto entry while testing issue #872, exiting" docker-compose logs --no-color > /tmp/docker-compose.log exit 1 fi #ensure attestation of len() > 0 returned echo "* checking to ensure attestation is successfully returned" ATT_LENGTH=$(jq -r '.Attestation | length' $ISSUE872_GET_ENTRY) if [ $ATT_LENGTH -eq 0 ]; then echo "* failed to read back attestation while testing issue #872, exiting" cat $ISSUE872_GET_ENTRY docker-compose logs --no-color > /tmp/docker-compose.log exit 1 else echo "* tests succeeded!" fi