// Copyright 2022 The Sigstore Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
backfill-redis is a script to populate the Redis index with entries
from Rekor. This is sometimes necessary because Redis caching is best
effort. If Redis returns an error, Rekor will not, and so sometimes
we need to backfill missing entries into Redis for the search API.
To run:
go run cmd/backfill-redis/main.go --rekor-address
--hostname --port --concurrency \
--start --end [--dry-run]
package main
import (
// these imports are to call the packages' init methods
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/alpine/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/cose/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/dsse/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/hashedrekord/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/helm/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/intoto/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/intoto/v0.0.2"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/jar/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/rekord/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/rfc3161/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/rpm/v0.0.1"
_ "github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/tuf/v0.0.1"
var (
redisHostname = flag.String("hostname", "", "Hostname for Redis application")
redisPort = flag.String("port", "", "Port to Redis application")
redisPassword = flag.String("password", "", "Password for Redis authentication")
startIndex = flag.Int("start", -1, "First index to backfill")
endIndex = flag.Int("end", -1, "Last index to backfill")
enableTLS = flag.Bool("enable-tls", false, "Enable TLS for Redis client")
insecureSkipVerify = flag.Bool("insecure-skip-verify", false, "Whether to skip TLS verification for Redis client or not")
rekorAddress = flag.String("rekor-address", "", "Address for Rekor, e.g. https://rekor.sigstore.dev")
versionFlag = flag.Bool("version", false, "Print the current version of Backfill Redis")
concurrency = flag.Int("concurrency", 1, "Number of workers to use for backfill")
dryRun = flag.Bool("dry-run", false, "Dry run - don't actually insert into Redis")
func main() {
versionInfo := version.GetVersionInfo()
if *versionFlag {
if *redisHostname == "" {
log.Fatal("address must be set")
if *redisPort == "" {
log.Fatal("port must be set")
if *startIndex == -1 {
log.Fatal("start must be set to >=0")
if *endIndex == -1 {
log.Fatal("end must be set to >=0")
if *rekorAddress == "" {
log.Fatal("rekor-address must be set")
log.Printf("running backfill redis Version: %s GitCommit: %s BuildDate: %s", versionInfo.GitVersion, versionInfo.GitCommit, versionInfo.BuildDate)
redisClient := redisClient()
rekorClient, err := client.GetRekorClient(*rekorAddress)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("creating rekor client: %v", err)
ctx, _ := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
type result struct {
index int
parseErrs []error
insertErrs []error
var resultChan = make(chan result)
parseErrs := make([]int, 0)
insertErrs := make([]int, 0)
go func() {
for r := range resultChan {
if len(r.parseErrs) > 0 {
parseErrs = append(parseErrs, r.index)
if len(r.insertErrs) > 0 {
insertErrs = append(insertErrs, r.index)
for i := *startIndex; i <= *endIndex; i++ {
index := i // capture loop variable for closure
group.Go(func() error {
params := entries.NewGetLogEntryByIndexParamsWithContext(ctx)
resp, err := rekorClient.Entries.GetLogEntryByIndex(params)
if err != nil {
// in case of sigterm, just return to exit gracefully
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return nil
log.Fatalf("retrieving log uuid by index: %v", err)
var parseErrs []error
var insertErrs []error
for uuid, entry := range resp.Payload {
// uuid is the global UUID - tree ID and entry UUID
e, _, _, err := unmarshalEntryImpl(entry.Body.(string))
if err != nil {
parseErrs = append(parseErrs, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling entry for %s: %w", uuid, err))
keys, err := e.IndexKeys()
if err != nil {
parseErrs = append(parseErrs, fmt.Errorf("error building index keys for %s: %w", uuid, err))
for _, key := range keys {
// remove the key-value pair from the index in case it already exists
if err := removeFromIndex(ctx, redisClient, key, uuid); err != nil {
insertErrs = append(insertErrs, fmt.Errorf("error removing UUID %s with key %s: %w", uuid, key, err))
if err := addToIndex(ctx, redisClient, key, uuid); err != nil {
insertErrs = append(insertErrs, fmt.Errorf("error inserting UUID %s with key %s: %w", uuid, key, err))
fmt.Printf("Uploaded Redis entry %s, index %d, key %s\n", uuid, index, key)
if len(insertErrs) != 0 || len(parseErrs) != 0 {
fmt.Printf("Errors with log index %d:\n", index)
for _, e := range insertErrs {
for _, e := range parseErrs {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Completed log index %d\n", index)
resultChan <- result{
index: index,
parseErrs: parseErrs,
insertErrs: insertErrs,
return nil
err = group.Wait()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error running backfill: %v", err)
fmt.Println("Backfill complete")
if len(parseErrs) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Failed to parse %d entries: %v\n", len(parseErrs), parseErrs)
if len(insertErrs) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Failed to insert/remove %d entries: %v\n", len(insertErrs), insertErrs)
func redisClient() *redis.Client {
opts := &redis.Options{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", *redisHostname, *redisPort),
Password: *redisPassword,
Network: "tcp",
DB: 0, // default DB
// #nosec G402
if *enableTLS {
opts.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: *insecureSkipVerify, //nolint: gosec
return redis.NewClient(opts)
// unmarshalEntryImpl decodes the base64-encoded entry to a specific entry type (types.EntryImpl).
// Taken from Cosign
func unmarshalEntryImpl(e string) (types.EntryImpl, string, string, error) {
b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", err
pe, err := models.UnmarshalProposedEntry(bytes.NewReader(b), runtime.JSONConsumer())
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", err
entry, err := types.UnmarshalEntry(pe)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", err
return entry, pe.Kind(), entry.APIVersion(), nil
// removeFromIndex removes all occurrences of a value from a given key. This guards against
// multiple invocations of backfilling creating duplicates.
func removeFromIndex(ctx context.Context, redisClient *redis.Client, key, value string) error {
if *dryRun {
return nil
_, err := redisClient.LRem(ctx, key, 0, value).Result()
return err
// addToIndex pushes a value onto a key of type list.
func addToIndex(ctx context.Context, redisClient *redis.Client, key, value string) error {
if *dryRun {
return nil
_, err := redisClient.LPush(ctx, key, value).Result()
return err