# # Copyright 2021 The Sigstore Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. timeout: 3600s steps: - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/git dir: "go/src/sigstore" args: - "clone" - "https://github.com/${_TOOL_ORG}/${_TOOL_REPO}" - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/git entrypoint: "bash" dir: "go/src/sigstore/cosign" args: - '-c' - | git fetch echo "Checking out ${_GIT_TAG}" git checkout ${_GIT_TAG} - name: 'gcr.io/projectsigstore/cosign:v2.2.3-dev@sha256:0d795fa145b03026b7bc2a35e33068cdb75e1c1f974e604c17408bf7bd174967' dir: "go/src/sigstore/cosign" env: - TUF_ROOT=/tmp args: - 'verify' - 'ghcr.io/gythialy/golang-cross:v1.21.8-0@sha256:9c86fc6c6763cd5cd9a07f25083fc5a87f3525b5f8d7ff886822e2153f0c8405' - '--certificate-oidc-issuer' - "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com" - '--certificate-identity' - "https://github.com/gythialy/golang-cross/.github/workflows/release-golang-cross.yml@refs/tags/v1.21.8-0" # maybe we can build our own image and use that to be more in a safe side - name: ghcr.io/gythialy/golang-cross:v1.21.8-0@sha256:9c86fc6c6763cd5cd9a07f25083fc5a87f3525b5f8d7ff886822e2153f0c8405 entrypoint: /bin/sh dir: "go/src/sigstore/cosign" env: - "GOPATH=/workspace/go" - "GOBIN=/workspace/bin" - PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} - KEY_LOCATION=${_KEY_LOCATION} - KEY_RING=${_KEY_RING} - KEY_NAME=${_KEY_NAME} - KEY_VERSION=${_KEY_VERSION} - GIT_TAG=${_GIT_TAG} - GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=keyless@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com - COSIGN_YES=true - KO_PREFIX=gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID} secretEnv: - GITHUB_TOKEN args: - '-c' - | gcloud auth configure-docker \ && make release - name: ghcr.io/gythialy/golang-cross:v1.21.8-0@sha256:9c86fc6c6763cd5cd9a07f25083fc5a87f3525b5f8d7ff886822e2153f0c8405 entrypoint: 'bash' dir: "go/src/sigstore/cosign" env: - "GOPATH=/workspace/go" - "GOBIN=/workspace/bin" - PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} - KEY_LOCATION=${_KEY_LOCATION} - KEY_RING=${_KEY_RING} - KEY_NAME=${_KEY_NAME} - KEY_VERSION=${_KEY_VERSION} - GIT_TAG=${_GIT_TAG} - KO_PREFIX=gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID} - COSIGN_YES=true - GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=keyless@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com - GITHUB_USER=${_GITHUB_USER} secretEnv: - GITHUB_TOKEN args: - '-c' - | echo $$GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login ghcr.io -u $$GITHUB_USER --password-stdin \ && make sign-release-images && make copy-signed-release-to-ghcr || true availableSecrets: secretManager: - versionName: projects/${PROJECT_NUMBER}/secrets/GITHUB_TOKEN/versions/latest env: GITHUB_TOKEN artifacts: objects: location: 'gs://${_STORAGE_LOCATION}/${_GIT_TAG}' paths: - "go/src/sigstore/cosign/dist/*" - "go/src/sigstore/cosign/release/release-cosign.pub" options: machineType: E2_HIGHCPU_32 tags: - cosign-release - ${_GIT_TAG} - ${_TOOL_ORG} - ${_TOOL_REPO} substitutions: _GIT_TAG: 'v1.23.45' _TOOL_ORG: 'honk' _TOOL_REPO: 'honk-repo' _STORAGE_LOCATION: 'honk' _KEY_RING: 'honk-ring' _KEY_NAME: 'honk-crypto' _KEY_VERSION: '1' _KEY_LOCATION: 'global' _GITHUB_USER: 'placeholder'