
Source file src/github.com/shurcooL/githubv4/enum.go

Documentation: github.com/shurcooL/githubv4

     1  // Code generated by gen.go; DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package githubv4
     5  // ActorType represents the actor's type.
     6  type ActorType string
     8  // The actor's type.
     9  const (
    10  	ActorTypeUser ActorType = "USER" // Indicates a user actor.
    11  	ActorTypeTeam ActorType = "TEAM" // Indicates a team actor.
    12  )
    14  // AuditLogOrderField represents properties by which Audit Log connections can be ordered.
    15  type AuditLogOrderField string
    17  // Properties by which Audit Log connections can be ordered.
    18  const (
    19  	AuditLogOrderFieldCreatedAt AuditLogOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order audit log entries by timestamp.
    20  )
    22  // CheckAnnotationLevel represents represents an annotation's information level.
    23  type CheckAnnotationLevel string
    25  // Represents an annotation's information level.
    26  const (
    27  	CheckAnnotationLevelFailure CheckAnnotationLevel = "FAILURE" // An annotation indicating an inescapable error.
    28  	CheckAnnotationLevelNotice  CheckAnnotationLevel = "NOTICE"  // An annotation indicating some information.
    29  	CheckAnnotationLevelWarning CheckAnnotationLevel = "WARNING" // An annotation indicating an ignorable error.
    30  )
    32  // CheckConclusionState represents the possible states for a check suite or run conclusion.
    33  type CheckConclusionState string
    35  // The possible states for a check suite or run conclusion.
    36  const (
    37  	CheckConclusionStateActionRequired CheckConclusionState = "ACTION_REQUIRED" // The check suite or run requires action.
    38  	CheckConclusionStateTimedOut       CheckConclusionState = "TIMED_OUT"       // The check suite or run has timed out.
    39  	CheckConclusionStateCancelled      CheckConclusionState = "CANCELLED"       // The check suite or run has been cancelled.
    40  	CheckConclusionStateFailure        CheckConclusionState = "FAILURE"         // The check suite or run has failed.
    41  	CheckConclusionStateSuccess        CheckConclusionState = "SUCCESS"         // The check suite or run has succeeded.
    42  	CheckConclusionStateNeutral        CheckConclusionState = "NEUTRAL"         // The check suite or run was neutral.
    43  	CheckConclusionStateSkipped        CheckConclusionState = "SKIPPED"         // The check suite or run was skipped.
    44  	CheckConclusionStateStartupFailure CheckConclusionState = "STARTUP_FAILURE" // The check suite or run has failed at startup.
    45  	CheckConclusionStateStale          CheckConclusionState = "STALE"           // The check suite or run was marked stale by GitHub. Only GitHub can use this conclusion.
    46  )
    48  // CheckRunState represents the possible states of a check run in a status rollup.
    49  type CheckRunState string
    51  // The possible states of a check run in a status rollup.
    52  const (
    53  	CheckRunStateActionRequired CheckRunState = "ACTION_REQUIRED" // The check run requires action.
    54  	CheckRunStateCancelled      CheckRunState = "CANCELLED"       // The check run has been cancelled.
    55  	CheckRunStateCompleted      CheckRunState = "COMPLETED"       // The check run has been completed.
    56  	CheckRunStateFailure        CheckRunState = "FAILURE"         // The check run has failed.
    57  	CheckRunStateInProgress     CheckRunState = "IN_PROGRESS"     // The check run is in progress.
    58  	CheckRunStateNeutral        CheckRunState = "NEUTRAL"         // The check run was neutral.
    59  	CheckRunStatePending        CheckRunState = "PENDING"         // The check run is in pending state.
    60  	CheckRunStateQueued         CheckRunState = "QUEUED"          // The check run has been queued.
    61  	CheckRunStateSkipped        CheckRunState = "SKIPPED"         // The check run was skipped.
    62  	CheckRunStateStale          CheckRunState = "STALE"           // The check run was marked stale by GitHub. Only GitHub can use this conclusion.
    63  	CheckRunStateStartupFailure CheckRunState = "STARTUP_FAILURE" // The check run has failed at startup.
    64  	CheckRunStateSuccess        CheckRunState = "SUCCESS"         // The check run has succeeded.
    65  	CheckRunStateTimedOut       CheckRunState = "TIMED_OUT"       // The check run has timed out.
    66  	CheckRunStateWaiting        CheckRunState = "WAITING"         // The check run is in waiting state.
    67  )
    69  // CheckRunType represents the possible types of check runs.
    70  type CheckRunType string
    72  // The possible types of check runs.
    73  const (
    74  	CheckRunTypeAll    CheckRunType = "ALL"    // Every check run available.
    75  	CheckRunTypeLatest CheckRunType = "LATEST" // The latest check run.
    76  )
    78  // CheckStatusState represents the possible states for a check suite or run status.
    79  type CheckStatusState string
    81  // The possible states for a check suite or run status.
    82  const (
    83  	CheckStatusStateRequested  CheckStatusState = "REQUESTED"   // The check suite or run has been requested.
    84  	CheckStatusStateQueued     CheckStatusState = "QUEUED"      // The check suite or run has been queued.
    85  	CheckStatusStateInProgress CheckStatusState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The check suite or run is in progress.
    86  	CheckStatusStateCompleted  CheckStatusState = "COMPLETED"   // The check suite or run has been completed.
    87  	CheckStatusStateWaiting    CheckStatusState = "WAITING"     // The check suite or run is in waiting state.
    88  	CheckStatusStatePending    CheckStatusState = "PENDING"     // The check suite or run is in pending state.
    89  )
    91  // CollaboratorAffiliation represents collaborators affiliation level with a subject.
    92  type CollaboratorAffiliation string
    94  // Collaborators affiliation level with a subject.
    95  const (
    96  	CollaboratorAffiliationOutside CollaboratorAffiliation = "OUTSIDE" // All outside collaborators of an organization-owned subject.
    97  	CollaboratorAffiliationDirect  CollaboratorAffiliation = "DIRECT"  // All collaborators with permissions to an organization-owned subject, regardless of organization membership status.
    98  	CollaboratorAffiliationAll     CollaboratorAffiliation = "ALL"     // All collaborators the authenticated user can see.
    99  )
   101  // CommentAuthorAssociation represents a comment author association with repository.
   102  type CommentAuthorAssociation string
   104  // A comment author association with repository.
   105  const (
   106  	CommentAuthorAssociationMember               CommentAuthorAssociation = "MEMBER"                 // Author is a member of the organization that owns the repository.
   107  	CommentAuthorAssociationOwner                CommentAuthorAssociation = "OWNER"                  // Author is the owner of the repository.
   108  	CommentAuthorAssociationMannequin            CommentAuthorAssociation = "MANNEQUIN"              // Author is a placeholder for an unclaimed user.
   109  	CommentAuthorAssociationCollaborator         CommentAuthorAssociation = "COLLABORATOR"           // Author has been invited to collaborate on the repository.
   110  	CommentAuthorAssociationContributor          CommentAuthorAssociation = "CONTRIBUTOR"            // Author has previously committed to the repository.
   111  	CommentAuthorAssociationFirstTimeContributor CommentAuthorAssociation = "FIRST_TIME_CONTRIBUTOR" // Author has not previously committed to the repository.
   112  	CommentAuthorAssociationFirstTimer           CommentAuthorAssociation = "FIRST_TIMER"            // Author has not previously committed to GitHub.
   113  	CommentAuthorAssociationNone                 CommentAuthorAssociation = "NONE"                   // Author has no association with the repository.
   114  )
   116  // CommentCannotUpdateReason represents the possible errors that will prevent a user from updating a comment.
   117  type CommentCannotUpdateReason string
   119  // The possible errors that will prevent a user from updating a comment.
   120  const (
   121  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonArchived              CommentCannotUpdateReason = "ARCHIVED"                // Unable to create comment because repository is archived.
   122  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonInsufficientAccess    CommentCannotUpdateReason = "INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS"     // You must be the author or have write access to this repository to update this comment.
   123  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonLocked                CommentCannotUpdateReason = "LOCKED"                  // Unable to create comment because issue is locked.
   124  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonLoginRequired         CommentCannotUpdateReason = "LOGIN_REQUIRED"          // You must be logged in to update this comment.
   125  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonMaintenance           CommentCannotUpdateReason = "MAINTENANCE"             // Repository is under maintenance.
   126  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonVerifiedEmailRequired CommentCannotUpdateReason = "VERIFIED_EMAIL_REQUIRED" // At least one email address must be verified to update this comment.
   127  	CommentCannotUpdateReasonDenied                CommentCannotUpdateReason = "DENIED"                  // You cannot update this comment.
   128  )
   130  // CommitContributionOrderField represents properties by which commit contribution connections can be ordered.
   131  type CommitContributionOrderField string
   133  // Properties by which commit contribution connections can be ordered.
   134  const (
   135  	CommitContributionOrderFieldOccurredAt  CommitContributionOrderField = "OCCURRED_AT"  // Order commit contributions by when they were made.
   136  	CommitContributionOrderFieldCommitCount CommitContributionOrderField = "COMMIT_COUNT" // Order commit contributions by how many commits they represent.
   137  )
   139  // ComparisonStatus represents the status of a git comparison between two refs.
   140  type ComparisonStatus string
   142  // The status of a git comparison between two refs.
   143  const (
   144  	ComparisonStatusDiverged  ComparisonStatus = "DIVERGED"  // The head ref is both ahead and behind of the base ref, indicating git history has diverged.
   145  	ComparisonStatusAhead     ComparisonStatus = "AHEAD"     // The head ref is ahead of the base ref.
   146  	ComparisonStatusBehind    ComparisonStatus = "BEHIND"    // The head ref is behind the base ref.
   147  	ComparisonStatusIdentical ComparisonStatus = "IDENTICAL" // The head ref and base ref are identical.
   148  )
   150  // ContributionLevel represents varying levels of contributions from none to many.
   151  type ContributionLevel string
   153  // Varying levels of contributions from none to many.
   154  const (
   155  	ContributionLevelNone           ContributionLevel = "NONE"            // No contributions occurred.
   156  	ContributionLevelFirstQuartile  ContributionLevel = "FIRST_QUARTILE"  // Lowest 25% of days of contributions.
   157  	ContributionLevelSecondQuartile ContributionLevel = "SECOND_QUARTILE" // Second lowest 25% of days of contributions. More contributions than the first quartile.
   158  	ContributionLevelThirdQuartile  ContributionLevel = "THIRD_QUARTILE"  // Second highest 25% of days of contributions. More contributions than second quartile, less than the fourth quartile.
   159  	ContributionLevelFourthQuartile ContributionLevel = "FOURTH_QUARTILE" // Highest 25% of days of contributions. More contributions than the third quartile.
   160  )
   162  // DefaultRepositoryPermissionField represents the possible base permissions for repositories.
   163  type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField string
   165  // The possible base permissions for repositories.
   166  const (
   167  	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldNone  DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "NONE"  // No access.
   168  	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldRead  DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "READ"  // Can read repos by default.
   169  	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldWrite DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "WRITE" // Can read and write repos by default.
   170  	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldAdmin DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "ADMIN" // Can read, write, and administrate repos by default.
   171  )
   173  // DependencyGraphEcosystem represents the possible ecosystems of a dependency graph package.
   174  type DependencyGraphEcosystem string
   176  // The possible ecosystems of a dependency graph package.
   177  const (
   178  	DependencyGraphEcosystemRubygems DependencyGraphEcosystem = "RUBYGEMS" // Ruby gems hosted at RubyGems.org.
   179  	DependencyGraphEcosystemNpm      DependencyGraphEcosystem = "NPM"      // JavaScript packages hosted at npmjs.com.
   180  	DependencyGraphEcosystemPip      DependencyGraphEcosystem = "PIP"      // Python packages hosted at PyPI.org.
   181  	DependencyGraphEcosystemMaven    DependencyGraphEcosystem = "MAVEN"    // Java artifacts hosted at the Maven central repository.
   182  	DependencyGraphEcosystemNuget    DependencyGraphEcosystem = "NUGET"    // .NET packages hosted at the NuGet Gallery.
   183  	DependencyGraphEcosystemComposer DependencyGraphEcosystem = "COMPOSER" // PHP packages hosted at packagist.org.
   184  	DependencyGraphEcosystemGo       DependencyGraphEcosystem = "GO"       // Go modules.
   185  	DependencyGraphEcosystemActions  DependencyGraphEcosystem = "ACTIONS"  // GitHub Actions.
   186  	DependencyGraphEcosystemRust     DependencyGraphEcosystem = "RUST"     // Rust crates.
   187  	DependencyGraphEcosystemPub      DependencyGraphEcosystem = "PUB"      // Dart packages hosted at pub.dev.
   188  	DependencyGraphEcosystemSwift    DependencyGraphEcosystem = "SWIFT"    // Swift packages.
   189  )
   191  // DeploymentOrderField represents properties by which deployment connections can be ordered.
   192  type DeploymentOrderField string
   194  // Properties by which deployment connections can be ordered.
   195  const (
   196  	DeploymentOrderFieldCreatedAt DeploymentOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order collection by creation time.
   197  )
   199  // DeploymentProtectionRuleType represents the possible protection rule types.
   200  type DeploymentProtectionRuleType string
   202  // The possible protection rule types.
   203  const (
   204  	DeploymentProtectionRuleTypeRequiredReviewers DeploymentProtectionRuleType = "REQUIRED_REVIEWERS" // Required reviewers.
   205  	DeploymentProtectionRuleTypeWaitTimer         DeploymentProtectionRuleType = "WAIT_TIMER"         // Wait timer.
   206  	DeploymentProtectionRuleTypeBranchPolicy      DeploymentProtectionRuleType = "BRANCH_POLICY"      // Branch policy.
   207  )
   209  // DeploymentReviewState represents the possible states for a deployment review.
   210  type DeploymentReviewState string
   212  // The possible states for a deployment review.
   213  const (
   214  	DeploymentReviewStateApproved DeploymentReviewState = "APPROVED" // The deployment was approved.
   215  	DeploymentReviewStateRejected DeploymentReviewState = "REJECTED" // The deployment was rejected.
   216  )
   218  // DeploymentState represents the possible states in which a deployment can be.
   219  type DeploymentState string
   221  // The possible states in which a deployment can be.
   222  const (
   223  	DeploymentStateAbandoned  DeploymentState = "ABANDONED"   // The pending deployment was not updated after 30 minutes.
   224  	DeploymentStateActive     DeploymentState = "ACTIVE"      // The deployment is currently active.
   225  	DeploymentStateDestroyed  DeploymentState = "DESTROYED"   // An inactive transient deployment.
   226  	DeploymentStateError      DeploymentState = "ERROR"       // The deployment experienced an error.
   227  	DeploymentStateFailure    DeploymentState = "FAILURE"     // The deployment has failed.
   228  	DeploymentStateInactive   DeploymentState = "INACTIVE"    // The deployment is inactive.
   229  	DeploymentStatePending    DeploymentState = "PENDING"     // The deployment is pending.
   230  	DeploymentStateSuccess    DeploymentState = "SUCCESS"     // The deployment was successful.
   231  	DeploymentStateQueued     DeploymentState = "QUEUED"      // The deployment has queued.
   232  	DeploymentStateInProgress DeploymentState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The deployment is in progress.
   233  	DeploymentStateWaiting    DeploymentState = "WAITING"     // The deployment is waiting.
   234  )
   236  // DeploymentStatusState represents the possible states for a deployment status.
   237  type DeploymentStatusState string
   239  // The possible states for a deployment status.
   240  const (
   241  	DeploymentStatusStatePending    DeploymentStatusState = "PENDING"     // The deployment is pending.
   242  	DeploymentStatusStateSuccess    DeploymentStatusState = "SUCCESS"     // The deployment was successful.
   243  	DeploymentStatusStateFailure    DeploymentStatusState = "FAILURE"     // The deployment has failed.
   244  	DeploymentStatusStateInactive   DeploymentStatusState = "INACTIVE"    // The deployment is inactive.
   245  	DeploymentStatusStateError      DeploymentStatusState = "ERROR"       // The deployment experienced an error.
   246  	DeploymentStatusStateQueued     DeploymentStatusState = "QUEUED"      // The deployment is queued.
   247  	DeploymentStatusStateInProgress DeploymentStatusState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The deployment is in progress.
   248  	DeploymentStatusStateWaiting    DeploymentStatusState = "WAITING"     // The deployment is waiting.
   249  )
   251  // DiffSide represents the possible sides of a diff.
   252  type DiffSide string
   254  // The possible sides of a diff.
   255  const (
   256  	DiffSideLeft  DiffSide = "LEFT"  // The left side of the diff.
   257  	DiffSideRight DiffSide = "RIGHT" // The right side of the diff.
   258  )
   260  // DiscussionCloseReason represents the possible reasons for closing a discussion.
   261  type DiscussionCloseReason string
   263  // The possible reasons for closing a discussion.
   264  const (
   265  	DiscussionCloseReasonResolved  DiscussionCloseReason = "RESOLVED"  // The discussion has been resolved.
   266  	DiscussionCloseReasonOutdated  DiscussionCloseReason = "OUTDATED"  // The discussion is no longer relevant.
   267  	DiscussionCloseReasonDuplicate DiscussionCloseReason = "DUPLICATE" // The discussion is a duplicate of another.
   268  )
   270  // DiscussionOrderField represents properties by which discussion connections can be ordered.
   271  type DiscussionOrderField string
   273  // Properties by which discussion connections can be ordered.
   274  const (
   275  	DiscussionOrderFieldCreatedAt DiscussionOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order discussions by creation time.
   276  	DiscussionOrderFieldUpdatedAt DiscussionOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order discussions by most recent modification time.
   277  )
   279  // DiscussionPollOptionOrderField represents properties by which discussion poll option connections can be ordered.
   280  type DiscussionPollOptionOrderField string
   282  // Properties by which discussion poll option connections can be ordered.
   283  const (
   284  	DiscussionPollOptionOrderFieldAuthoredOrder DiscussionPollOptionOrderField = "AUTHORED_ORDER" // Order poll options by the order that the poll author specified when creating the poll.
   285  	DiscussionPollOptionOrderFieldVoteCount     DiscussionPollOptionOrderField = "VOTE_COUNT"     // Order poll options by the number of votes it has.
   286  )
   288  // DiscussionState represents the possible states of a discussion.
   289  type DiscussionState string
   291  // The possible states of a discussion.
   292  const (
   293  	DiscussionStateOpen   DiscussionState = "OPEN"   // A discussion that is open.
   294  	DiscussionStateClosed DiscussionState = "CLOSED" // A discussion that has been closed.
   295  )
   297  // DiscussionStateReason represents the possible state reasons of a discussion.
   298  type DiscussionStateReason string
   300  // The possible state reasons of a discussion.
   301  const (
   302  	DiscussionStateReasonResolved  DiscussionStateReason = "RESOLVED"  // The discussion has been resolved.
   303  	DiscussionStateReasonOutdated  DiscussionStateReason = "OUTDATED"  // The discussion is no longer relevant.
   304  	DiscussionStateReasonDuplicate DiscussionStateReason = "DUPLICATE" // The discussion is a duplicate of another.
   305  	DiscussionStateReasonReopened  DiscussionStateReason = "REOPENED"  // The discussion was reopened.
   306  )
   308  // DismissReason represents the possible reasons that a Dependabot alert was dismissed.
   309  type DismissReason string
   311  // The possible reasons that a Dependabot alert was dismissed.
   312  const (
   313  	DismissReasonFixStarted    DismissReason = "FIX_STARTED"    // A fix has already been started.
   314  	DismissReasonNoBandwidth   DismissReason = "NO_BANDWIDTH"   // No bandwidth to fix this.
   315  	DismissReasonTolerableRisk DismissReason = "TOLERABLE_RISK" // Risk is tolerable to this project.
   316  	DismissReasonInaccurate    DismissReason = "INACCURATE"     // This alert is inaccurate or incorrect.
   317  	DismissReasonNotUsed       DismissReason = "NOT_USED"       // Vulnerable code is not actually used.
   318  )
   320  // EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderField represents properties by which enterprise administrator invitation connections can be ordered.
   321  type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderField string
   323  // Properties by which enterprise administrator invitation connections can be ordered.
   324  const (
   325  	EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderFieldCreatedAt EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order enterprise administrator member invitations by creation time.
   326  )
   328  // EnterpriseAdministratorRole represents the possible administrator roles in an enterprise account.
   329  type EnterpriseAdministratorRole string
   331  // The possible administrator roles in an enterprise account.
   332  const (
   333  	EnterpriseAdministratorRoleOwner          EnterpriseAdministratorRole = "OWNER"           // Represents an owner of the enterprise account.
   334  	EnterpriseAdministratorRoleBillingManager EnterpriseAdministratorRole = "BILLING_MANAGER" // Represents a billing manager of the enterprise account.
   335  )
   337  // EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue represents the possible values for the enterprise allow private repository forking policy value.
   338  type EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue string
   340  // The possible values for the enterprise allow private repository forking policy value.
   341  const (
   342  	EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValueEnterpriseOrganizations             EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue = "ENTERPRISE_ORGANIZATIONS"               // Members can fork a repository to an organization within this enterprise.
   343  	EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValueSameOrganization                    EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue = "SAME_ORGANIZATION"                      // Members can fork a repository only within the same organization (intra-org).
   344  	EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValueSameOrganizationUserAccounts        EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue = "SAME_ORGANIZATION_USER_ACCOUNTS"        // Members can fork a repository to their user account or within the same organization.
   345  	EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValueEnterpriseOrganizationsUserAccounts EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue = "ENTERPRISE_ORGANIZATIONS_USER_ACCOUNTS" // Members can fork a repository to their enterprise-managed user account or an organization inside this enterprise.
   346  	EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValueUserAccounts                        EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue = "USER_ACCOUNTS"                          // Members can fork a repository to their user account.
   347  	EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValueEverywhere                          EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue = "EVERYWHERE"                             // Members can fork a repository to their user account or an organization, either inside or outside of this enterprise.
   348  )
   350  // EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue represents the possible values for the enterprise base repository permission setting.
   351  type EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue string
   353  // The possible values for the enterprise base repository permission setting.
   354  const (
   355  	EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValueNoPolicy EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue = "NO_POLICY" // Organizations in the enterprise choose base repository permissions for their members.
   356  	EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValueAdmin    EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue = "ADMIN"     // Organization members will be able to clone, pull, push, and add new collaborators to all organization repositories.
   357  	EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValueWrite    EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue = "WRITE"     // Organization members will be able to clone, pull, and push all organization repositories.
   358  	EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValueRead     EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue = "READ"      // Organization members will be able to clone and pull all organization repositories.
   359  	EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValueNone     EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue = "NONE"      // Organization members will only be able to clone and pull public repositories.
   360  )
   362  // EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue represents the possible values for an enabled/disabled enterprise setting.
   363  type EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue string
   365  // The possible values for an enabled/disabled enterprise setting.
   366  const (
   367  	EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValueEnabled  EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue = "ENABLED"   // The setting is enabled for organizations in the enterprise.
   368  	EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValueDisabled EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue = "DISABLED"  // The setting is disabled for organizations in the enterprise.
   369  	EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValueNoPolicy EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue = "NO_POLICY" // There is no policy set for organizations in the enterprise.
   370  )
   372  // EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue represents the possible values for an enabled/no policy enterprise setting.
   373  type EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue string
   375  // The possible values for an enabled/no policy enterprise setting.
   376  const (
   377  	EnterpriseEnabledSettingValueEnabled  EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue = "ENABLED"   // The setting is enabled for organizations in the enterprise.
   378  	EnterpriseEnabledSettingValueNoPolicy EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue = "NO_POLICY" // There is no policy set for organizations in the enterprise.
   379  )
   381  // EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrderField represents properties by which enterprise member invitation connections can be ordered.
   382  type EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrderField string
   384  // Properties by which enterprise member invitation connections can be ordered.
   385  const (
   386  	EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrderFieldCreatedAt EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order enterprise member invitations by creation time.
   387  )
   389  // EnterpriseMemberOrderField represents properties by which enterprise member connections can be ordered.
   390  type EnterpriseMemberOrderField string
   392  // Properties by which enterprise member connections can be ordered.
   393  const (
   394  	EnterpriseMemberOrderFieldLogin     EnterpriseMemberOrderField = "LOGIN"      // Order enterprise members by login.
   395  	EnterpriseMemberOrderFieldCreatedAt EnterpriseMemberOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order enterprise members by creation time.
   396  )
   398  // EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue represents the possible values for the enterprise members can create repositories setting.
   399  type EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue string
   401  // The possible values for the enterprise members can create repositories setting.
   402  const (
   403  	EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValueNoPolicy EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "NO_POLICY" // Organization owners choose whether to allow members to create repositories.
   404  	EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValueAll      EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "ALL"       // Members will be able to create public and private repositories.
   405  	EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValuePublic   EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "PUBLIC"    // Members will be able to create only public repositories.
   406  	EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValuePrivate  EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "PRIVATE"   // Members will be able to create only private repositories.
   407  	EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValueDisabled EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "DISABLED"  // Members will not be able to create public or private repositories.
   408  )
   410  // EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue represents the possible values for the members can make purchases setting.
   411  type EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue string
   413  // The possible values for the members can make purchases setting.
   414  const (
   415  	EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValueEnabled  EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue = "ENABLED"  // The setting is enabled for organizations in the enterprise.
   416  	EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValueDisabled EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue = "DISABLED" // The setting is disabled for organizations in the enterprise.
   417  )
   419  // EnterpriseMembershipType represents the possible values we have for filtering Platform::Objects::User#enterprises.
   420  type EnterpriseMembershipType string
   422  // The possible values we have for filtering Platform::Objects::User#enterprises.
   423  const (
   424  	EnterpriseMembershipTypeAll            EnterpriseMembershipType = "ALL"             // Returns all enterprises in which the user is a member, admin, or billing manager.
   425  	EnterpriseMembershipTypeAdmin          EnterpriseMembershipType = "ADMIN"           // Returns all enterprises in which the user is an admin.
   426  	EnterpriseMembershipTypeBillingManager EnterpriseMembershipType = "BILLING_MANAGER" // Returns all enterprises in which the user is a billing manager.
   427  	EnterpriseMembershipTypeOrgMembership  EnterpriseMembershipType = "ORG_MEMBERSHIP"  // Returns all enterprises in which the user is a member of an org that is owned by the enterprise.
   428  )
   430  // EnterpriseOrderField represents properties by which enterprise connections can be ordered.
   431  type EnterpriseOrderField string
   433  // Properties by which enterprise connections can be ordered.
   434  const (
   435  	EnterpriseOrderFieldName EnterpriseOrderField = "NAME" // Order enterprises by name.
   436  )
   438  // EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField represents properties by which Enterprise Server installation connections can be ordered.
   439  type EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField string
   441  // Properties by which Enterprise Server installation connections can be ordered.
   442  const (
   443  	EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderFieldHostName     EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField = "HOST_NAME"     // Order Enterprise Server installations by host name.
   444  	EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderFieldCustomerName EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField = "CUSTOMER_NAME" // Order Enterprise Server installations by customer name.
   445  	EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderFieldCreatedAt    EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField = "CREATED_AT"    // Order Enterprise Server installations by creation time.
   446  )
   448  // EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderField represents properties by which Enterprise Server user account email connections can be ordered.
   449  type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderField string
   451  // Properties by which Enterprise Server user account email connections can be ordered.
   452  const (
   453  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderFieldEmail EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderField = "EMAIL" // Order emails by email.
   454  )
   456  // EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField represents properties by which Enterprise Server user account connections can be ordered.
   457  type EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField string
   459  // Properties by which Enterprise Server user account connections can be ordered.
   460  const (
   461  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderFieldLogin           EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField = "LOGIN"             // Order user accounts by login.
   462  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderFieldRemoteCreatedAt EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField = "REMOTE_CREATED_AT" // Order user accounts by creation time on the Enterprise Server installation.
   463  )
   465  // EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderField represents properties by which Enterprise Server user accounts upload connections can be ordered.
   466  type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderField string
   468  // Properties by which Enterprise Server user accounts upload connections can be ordered.
   469  const (
   470  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderFieldCreatedAt EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order user accounts uploads by creation time.
   471  )
   473  // EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState represents synchronization state of the Enterprise Server user accounts upload.
   474  type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState string
   476  // Synchronization state of the Enterprise Server user accounts upload.
   477  const (
   478  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncStatePending EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState = "PENDING" // The synchronization of the upload is pending.
   479  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncStateSuccess EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState = "SUCCESS" // The synchronization of the upload succeeded.
   480  	EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncStateFailure EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState = "FAILURE" // The synchronization of the upload failed.
   481  )
   483  // EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole represents the possible roles for enterprise membership.
   484  type EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole string
   486  // The possible roles for enterprise membership.
   487  const (
   488  	EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRoleMember       EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole = "MEMBER"       // The user is a member of an organization in the enterprise.
   489  	EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRoleOwner        EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole = "OWNER"        // The user is an owner of an organization in the enterprise.
   490  	EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRoleUnaffiliated EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole = "UNAFFILIATED" // The user is not an owner of the enterprise, and not a member or owner of any organizations in the enterprise; only for EMU-enabled enterprises.
   491  )
   493  // EnterpriseUserDeployment represents the possible GitHub Enterprise deployments where this user can exist.
   494  type EnterpriseUserDeployment string
   496  // The possible GitHub Enterprise deployments where this user can exist.
   497  const (
   498  	EnterpriseUserDeploymentCloud  EnterpriseUserDeployment = "CLOUD"  // The user is part of a GitHub Enterprise Cloud deployment.
   499  	EnterpriseUserDeploymentServer EnterpriseUserDeployment = "SERVER" // The user is part of a GitHub Enterprise Server deployment.
   500  )
   502  // EnvironmentOrderField represents properties by which environments connections can be ordered.
   503  type EnvironmentOrderField string
   505  // Properties by which environments connections can be ordered.
   506  const (
   507  	EnvironmentOrderFieldName EnvironmentOrderField = "NAME" // Order environments by name.
   508  )
   510  // EnvironmentPinnedFilterField represents properties by which environments connections can be ordered.
   511  type EnvironmentPinnedFilterField string
   513  // Properties by which environments connections can be ordered.
   514  const (
   515  	EnvironmentPinnedFilterFieldAll  EnvironmentPinnedFilterField = "ALL"  // All environments will be returned.
   516  	EnvironmentPinnedFilterFieldOnly EnvironmentPinnedFilterField = "ONLY" // Only pinned environment will be returned.
   517  	EnvironmentPinnedFilterFieldNone EnvironmentPinnedFilterField = "NONE" // Environments exclude pinned will be returned.
   518  )
   520  // FileViewedState represents the possible viewed states of a file .
   521  type FileViewedState string
   523  // The possible viewed states of a file .
   524  const (
   525  	FileViewedStateDismissed FileViewedState = "DISMISSED" // The file has new changes since last viewed.
   526  	FileViewedStateViewed    FileViewedState = "VIEWED"    // The file has been marked as viewed.
   527  	FileViewedStateUnviewed  FileViewedState = "UNVIEWED"  // The file has not been marked as viewed.
   528  )
   530  // FundingPlatform represents the possible funding platforms for repository funding links.
   531  type FundingPlatform string
   533  // The possible funding platforms for repository funding links.
   534  const (
   535  	FundingPlatformGitHub          FundingPlatform = "GITHUB"           // GitHub funding platform.
   536  	FundingPlatformPatreon         FundingPlatform = "PATREON"          // Patreon funding platform.
   537  	FundingPlatformOpenCollective  FundingPlatform = "OPEN_COLLECTIVE"  // Open Collective funding platform.
   538  	FundingPlatformKoFi            FundingPlatform = "KO_FI"            // Ko-fi funding platform.
   539  	FundingPlatformTidelift        FundingPlatform = "TIDELIFT"         // Tidelift funding platform.
   540  	FundingPlatformCommunityBridge FundingPlatform = "COMMUNITY_BRIDGE" // Community Bridge funding platform.
   541  	FundingPlatformLiberapay       FundingPlatform = "LIBERAPAY"        // Liberapay funding platform.
   542  	FundingPlatformIssueHunt       FundingPlatform = "ISSUEHUNT"        // IssueHunt funding platform.
   543  	FundingPlatformLFXCrowdfunding FundingPlatform = "LFX_CROWDFUNDING" // LFX Crowdfunding funding platform.
   544  	FundingPlatformPolar           FundingPlatform = "POLAR"            // Polar funding platform.
   545  	FundingPlatformBuyMeACoffee    FundingPlatform = "BUY_ME_A_COFFEE"  // Buy Me a Coffee funding platform.
   546  	FundingPlatformCustom          FundingPlatform = "CUSTOM"           // Custom funding platform.
   547  )
   549  // GistOrderField represents properties by which gist connections can be ordered.
   550  type GistOrderField string
   552  // Properties by which gist connections can be ordered.
   553  const (
   554  	GistOrderFieldCreatedAt GistOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order gists by creation time.
   555  	GistOrderFieldUpdatedAt GistOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order gists by update time.
   556  	GistOrderFieldPushedAt  GistOrderField = "PUSHED_AT"  // Order gists by push time.
   557  )
   559  // GistPrivacy represents the privacy of a Gist.
   560  type GistPrivacy string
   562  // The privacy of a Gist.
   563  const (
   564  	GistPrivacyPublic GistPrivacy = "PUBLIC" // Public.
   565  	GistPrivacySecret GistPrivacy = "SECRET" // Secret.
   566  	GistPrivacyAll    GistPrivacy = "ALL"    // Gists that are public and secret.
   567  )
   569  // GitSignatureState represents the state of a Git signature.
   570  type GitSignatureState string
   572  // The state of a Git signature.
   573  const (
   574  	GitSignatureStateValid                GitSignatureState = "VALID"                 // Valid signature and verified by GitHub.
   575  	GitSignatureStateInvalid              GitSignatureState = "INVALID"               // Invalid signature.
   576  	GitSignatureStateMalformedSig         GitSignatureState = "MALFORMED_SIG"         // Malformed signature.
   577  	GitSignatureStateUnknownKey           GitSignatureState = "UNKNOWN_KEY"           // Key used for signing not known to GitHub.
   578  	GitSignatureStateBadEmail             GitSignatureState = "BAD_EMAIL"             // Invalid email used for signing.
   579  	GitSignatureStateUnverifiedEmail      GitSignatureState = "UNVERIFIED_EMAIL"      // Email used for signing unverified on GitHub.
   580  	GitSignatureStateNoUser               GitSignatureState = "NO_USER"               // Email used for signing not known to GitHub.
   581  	GitSignatureStateUnknownSigType       GitSignatureState = "UNKNOWN_SIG_TYPE"      // Unknown signature type.
   582  	GitSignatureStateUnsigned             GitSignatureState = "UNSIGNED"              // Unsigned.
   583  	GitSignatureStateGpgverifyUnavailable GitSignatureState = "GPGVERIFY_UNAVAILABLE" // Internal error - the GPG verification service is unavailable at the moment.
   584  	GitSignatureStateGpgverifyError       GitSignatureState = "GPGVERIFY_ERROR"       // Internal error - the GPG verification service misbehaved.
   585  	GitSignatureStateNotSigningKey        GitSignatureState = "NOT_SIGNING_KEY"       // The usage flags for the key that signed this don't allow signing.
   586  	GitSignatureStateExpiredKey           GitSignatureState = "EXPIRED_KEY"           // Signing key expired.
   587  	GitSignatureStateOcspPending          GitSignatureState = "OCSP_PENDING"          // Valid signature, pending certificate revocation checking.
   588  	GitSignatureStateOcspError            GitSignatureState = "OCSP_ERROR"            // Valid signature, though certificate revocation check failed.
   589  	GitSignatureStateBadCert              GitSignatureState = "BAD_CERT"              // The signing certificate or its chain could not be verified.
   590  	GitSignatureStateOcspRevoked          GitSignatureState = "OCSP_REVOKED"          // One or more certificates in chain has been revoked.
   591  )
   593  // IdentityProviderConfigurationState represents the possible states in which authentication can be configured with an identity provider.
   594  type IdentityProviderConfigurationState string
   596  // The possible states in which authentication can be configured with an identity provider.
   597  const (
   598  	IdentityProviderConfigurationStateEnforced     IdentityProviderConfigurationState = "ENFORCED"     // Authentication with an identity provider is configured and enforced.
   599  	IdentityProviderConfigurationStateConfigured   IdentityProviderConfigurationState = "CONFIGURED"   // Authentication with an identity provider is configured but not enforced.
   600  	IdentityProviderConfigurationStateUnconfigured IdentityProviderConfigurationState = "UNCONFIGURED" // Authentication with an identity provider is not configured.
   601  )
   603  // IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue represents the possible values for the IP allow list enabled setting.
   604  type IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue string
   606  // The possible values for the IP allow list enabled setting.
   607  const (
   608  	IpAllowListEnabledSettingValueEnabled  IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue = "ENABLED"  // The setting is enabled for the owner.
   609  	IpAllowListEnabledSettingValueDisabled IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue = "DISABLED" // The setting is disabled for the owner.
   610  )
   612  // IpAllowListEntryOrderField represents properties by which IP allow list entry connections can be ordered.
   613  type IpAllowListEntryOrderField string
   615  // Properties by which IP allow list entry connections can be ordered.
   616  const (
   617  	IpAllowListEntryOrderFieldCreatedAt      IpAllowListEntryOrderField = "CREATED_AT"       // Order IP allow list entries by creation time.
   618  	IpAllowListEntryOrderFieldAllowListValue IpAllowListEntryOrderField = "ALLOW_LIST_VALUE" // Order IP allow list entries by the allow list value.
   619  )
   621  // IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue represents the possible values for the IP allow list configuration for installed GitHub Apps setting.
   622  type IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue string
   624  // The possible values for the IP allow list configuration for installed GitHub Apps setting.
   625  const (
   626  	IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValueEnabled  IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue = "ENABLED"  // The setting is enabled for the owner.
   627  	IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValueDisabled IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue = "DISABLED" // The setting is disabled for the owner.
   628  )
   630  // IssueClosedStateReason represents the possible state reasons of a closed issue.
   631  type IssueClosedStateReason string
   633  // The possible state reasons of a closed issue.
   634  const (
   635  	IssueClosedStateReasonCompleted  IssueClosedStateReason = "COMPLETED"   // An issue that has been closed as completed.
   636  	IssueClosedStateReasonNotPlanned IssueClosedStateReason = "NOT_PLANNED" // An issue that has been closed as not planned.
   637  )
   639  // IssueCommentOrderField represents properties by which issue comment connections can be ordered.
   640  type IssueCommentOrderField string
   642  // Properties by which issue comment connections can be ordered.
   643  const (
   644  	IssueCommentOrderFieldUpdatedAt IssueCommentOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order issue comments by update time.
   645  )
   647  // IssueOrderField represents properties by which issue connections can be ordered.
   648  type IssueOrderField string
   650  // Properties by which issue connections can be ordered.
   651  const (
   652  	IssueOrderFieldCreatedAt IssueOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order issues by creation time.
   653  	IssueOrderFieldUpdatedAt IssueOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order issues by update time.
   654  	IssueOrderFieldComments  IssueOrderField = "COMMENTS"   // Order issues by comment count.
   655  )
   657  // IssueState represents the possible states of an issue.
   658  type IssueState string
   660  // The possible states of an issue.
   661  const (
   662  	IssueStateOpen   IssueState = "OPEN"   // An issue that is still open.
   663  	IssueStateClosed IssueState = "CLOSED" // An issue that has been closed.
   664  )
   666  // IssueStateReason represents the possible state reasons of an issue.
   667  type IssueStateReason string
   669  // The possible state reasons of an issue.
   670  const (
   671  	IssueStateReasonReopened   IssueStateReason = "REOPENED"    // An issue that has been reopened.
   672  	IssueStateReasonNotPlanned IssueStateReason = "NOT_PLANNED" // An issue that has been closed as not planned.
   673  	IssueStateReasonCompleted  IssueStateReason = "COMPLETED"   // An issue that has been closed as completed.
   674  )
   676  // IssueTimelineItemsItemType represents the possible item types found in a timeline.
   677  type IssueTimelineItemsItemType string
   679  // The possible item types found in a timeline.
   680  const (
   681  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeIssueComment               IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "ISSUE_COMMENT"                  // Represents a comment on an Issue.
   682  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeCrossReferencedEvent       IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CROSS_REFERENCED_EVENT"         // Represents a mention made by one issue or pull request to another.
   683  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeAddedToProjectEvent        IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "ADDED_TO_PROJECT_EVENT"         // Represents a 'added_to_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
   684  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeAssignedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "ASSIGNED_EVENT"                 // Represents an 'assigned' event on any assignable object.
   685  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeClosedEvent                IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CLOSED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'closed' event on any `Closable`.
   686  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeCommentDeletedEvent        IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "COMMENT_DELETED_EVENT"          // Represents a 'comment_deleted' event on a given issue or pull request.
   687  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeConnectedEvent             IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CONNECTED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'connected' event on a given issue or pull request.
   688  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertedNoteToIssueEvent  IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERTED_NOTE_TO_ISSUE_EVENT"  // Represents a 'converted_note_to_issue' event on a given issue or pull request.
   689  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertedToDiscussionEvent IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERTED_TO_DISCUSSION_EVENT"  // Represents a 'converted_to_discussion' event on a given issue.
   690  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeDemilestonedEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "DEMILESTONED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'demilestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
   691  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeDisconnectedEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "DISCONNECTED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'disconnected' event on a given issue or pull request.
   692  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeLabeledEvent               IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "LABELED_EVENT"                  // Represents a 'labeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
   693  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeLockedEvent                IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "LOCKED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'locked' event on a given issue or pull request.
   694  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMarkedAsDuplicateEvent     IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT"      // Represents a 'marked_as_duplicate' event on a given issue or pull request.
   695  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMentionedEvent             IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MENTIONED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'mentioned' event on a given issue or pull request.
   696  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMilestonedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MILESTONED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'milestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
   697  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMovedColumnsInProjectEvent IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MOVED_COLUMNS_IN_PROJECT_EVENT" // Represents a 'moved_columns_in_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
   698  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypePinnedEvent                IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "PINNED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'pinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
   699  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeReferencedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "REFERENCED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'referenced' event on a given `ReferencedSubject`.
   700  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeRemovedFromProjectEvent    IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "REMOVED_FROM_PROJECT_EVENT"     // Represents a 'removed_from_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
   701  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeRenamedTitleEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "RENAMED_TITLE_EVENT"            // Represents a 'renamed' event on a given issue or pull request.
   702  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeReopenedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "REOPENED_EVENT"                 // Represents a 'reopened' event on any `Closable`.
   703  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeSubscribedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "SUBSCRIBED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'subscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.
   704  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeTransferredEvent           IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "TRANSFERRED_EVENT"              // Represents a 'transferred' event on a given issue or pull request.
   705  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnassignedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNASSIGNED_EVENT"               // Represents an 'unassigned' event on any assignable object.
   706  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlabeledEvent             IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLABELED_EVENT"                // Represents an 'unlabeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
   707  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlockedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLOCKED_EVENT"                 // Represents an 'unlocked' event on a given issue or pull request.
   708  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUserBlockedEvent           IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "USER_BLOCKED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'user_blocked' event on a given user.
   709  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent   IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT"    // Represents an 'unmarked_as_duplicate' event on a given issue or pull request.
   710  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnpinnedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNPINNED_EVENT"                 // Represents an 'unpinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
   711  	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnsubscribedEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNSUBSCRIBED_EVENT"             // Represents an 'unsubscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.
   712  )
   714  // LabelOrderField represents properties by which label connections can be ordered.
   715  type LabelOrderField string
   717  // Properties by which label connections can be ordered.
   718  const (
   719  	LabelOrderFieldName      LabelOrderField = "NAME"       // Order labels by name.
   720  	LabelOrderFieldCreatedAt LabelOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order labels by creation time.
   721  )
   723  // LanguageOrderField represents properties by which language connections can be ordered.
   724  type LanguageOrderField string
   726  // Properties by which language connections can be ordered.
   727  const (
   728  	LanguageOrderFieldSize LanguageOrderField = "SIZE" // Order languages by the size of all files containing the language.
   729  )
   731  // LockReason represents the possible reasons that an issue or pull request was locked.
   732  type LockReason string
   734  // The possible reasons that an issue or pull request was locked.
   735  const (
   736  	LockReasonOffTopic  LockReason = "OFF_TOPIC"  // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was off-topic.
   737  	LockReasonTooHeated LockReason = "TOO_HEATED" // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was too heated.
   738  	LockReasonResolved  LockReason = "RESOLVED"   // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was resolved.
   739  	LockReasonSpam      LockReason = "SPAM"       // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was spam.
   740  )
   742  // MannequinOrderField represents properties by which mannequins can be ordered.
   743  type MannequinOrderField string
   745  // Properties by which mannequins can be ordered.
   746  const (
   747  	MannequinOrderFieldLogin     MannequinOrderField = "LOGIN"      // Order mannequins alphabetically by their source login.
   748  	MannequinOrderFieldCreatedAt MannequinOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order mannequins why when they were created.
   749  )
   751  // MergeCommitMessage represents the possible default commit messages for merges.
   752  type MergeCommitMessage string
   754  // The possible default commit messages for merges.
   755  const (
   756  	MergeCommitMessagePrTitle MergeCommitMessage = "PR_TITLE" // Default to the pull request's title.
   757  	MergeCommitMessagePrBody  MergeCommitMessage = "PR_BODY"  // Default to the pull request's body.
   758  	MergeCommitMessageBlank   MergeCommitMessage = "BLANK"    // Default to a blank commit message.
   759  )
   761  // MergeCommitTitle represents the possible default commit titles for merges.
   762  type MergeCommitTitle string
   764  // The possible default commit titles for merges.
   765  const (
   766  	MergeCommitTitlePrTitle      MergeCommitTitle = "PR_TITLE"      // Default to the pull request's title.
   767  	MergeCommitTitleMergeMessage MergeCommitTitle = "MERGE_MESSAGE" // Default to the classic title for a merge message (e.g., Merge pull request #123 from branch-name).
   768  )
   770  // MergeQueueEntryState represents the possible states for a merge queue entry.
   771  type MergeQueueEntryState string
   773  // The possible states for a merge queue entry.
   774  const (
   775  	MergeQueueEntryStateQueued         MergeQueueEntryState = "QUEUED"          // The entry is currently queued.
   776  	MergeQueueEntryStateAwaitingChecks MergeQueueEntryState = "AWAITING_CHECKS" // The entry is currently waiting for checks to pass.
   777  	MergeQueueEntryStateMergeable      MergeQueueEntryState = "MERGEABLE"       // The entry is currently mergeable.
   778  	MergeQueueEntryStateUnmergeable    MergeQueueEntryState = "UNMERGEABLE"     // The entry is currently unmergeable.
   779  	MergeQueueEntryStateLocked         MergeQueueEntryState = "LOCKED"          // The entry is currently locked.
   780  )
   782  // MergeQueueGroupingStrategy represents when set to ALLGREEN, the merge commit created by merge queue for each PR in the group must pass all required checks to merge. When set to HEADGREEN, only the commit at the head of the merge group, i.e. the commit containing changes from all of the PRs in the group, must pass its required checks to merge.
   783  type MergeQueueGroupingStrategy string
   785  // When set to ALLGREEN, the merge commit created by merge queue for each PR in the group must pass all required checks to merge. When set to HEADGREEN, only the commit at the head of the merge group, i.e. the commit containing changes from all of the PRs in the group, must pass its required checks to merge.
   786  const (
   787  	MergeQueueGroupingStrategyAllgreen  MergeQueueGroupingStrategy = "ALLGREEN"  // The merge commit created by merge queue for each PR in the group must pass all required checks to merge.
   788  	MergeQueueGroupingStrategyHeadgreen MergeQueueGroupingStrategy = "HEADGREEN" // Only the commit at the head of the merge group must pass its required checks to merge.
   789  )
   791  // MergeQueueMergeMethod represents method to use when merging changes from queued pull requests.
   792  type MergeQueueMergeMethod string
   794  // Method to use when merging changes from queued pull requests.
   795  const (
   796  	MergeQueueMergeMethodMerge  MergeQueueMergeMethod = "MERGE"  // Merge commit.
   797  	MergeQueueMergeMethodSquash MergeQueueMergeMethod = "SQUASH" // Squash and merge.
   798  	MergeQueueMergeMethodRebase MergeQueueMergeMethod = "REBASE" // Rebase and merge.
   799  )
   801  // MergeQueueMergingStrategy represents the possible merging strategies for a merge queue.
   802  type MergeQueueMergingStrategy string
   804  // The possible merging strategies for a merge queue.
   805  const (
   806  	MergeQueueMergingStrategyAllgreen  MergeQueueMergingStrategy = "ALLGREEN"  // Entries only allowed to merge if they are passing.
   807  	MergeQueueMergingStrategyHeadgreen MergeQueueMergingStrategy = "HEADGREEN" // Failing Entires are allowed to merge if they are with a passing entry.
   808  )
   810  // MergeStateStatus represents detailed status information about a pull request merge.
   811  type MergeStateStatus string
   813  // Detailed status information about a pull request merge.
   814  const (
   815  	MergeStateStatusDirty    MergeStateStatus = "DIRTY"     // The merge commit cannot be cleanly created.
   816  	MergeStateStatusUnknown  MergeStateStatus = "UNKNOWN"   // The state cannot currently be determined.
   817  	MergeStateStatusBlocked  MergeStateStatus = "BLOCKED"   // The merge is blocked.
   818  	MergeStateStatusBehind   MergeStateStatus = "BEHIND"    // The head ref is out of date.
   819  	MergeStateStatusDraft    MergeStateStatus = "DRAFT"     // The merge is blocked due to the pull request being a draft.
   820  	MergeStateStatusUnstable MergeStateStatus = "UNSTABLE"  // Mergeable with non-passing commit status.
   821  	MergeStateStatusHasHooks MergeStateStatus = "HAS_HOOKS" // Mergeable with passing commit status and pre-receive hooks.
   822  	MergeStateStatusClean    MergeStateStatus = "CLEAN"     // Mergeable and passing commit status.
   823  )
   825  // MergeableState represents whether or not a PullRequest can be merged.
   826  type MergeableState string
   828  // Whether or not a PullRequest can be merged.
   829  const (
   830  	MergeableStateMergeable   MergeableState = "MERGEABLE"   // The pull request can be merged.
   831  	MergeableStateConflicting MergeableState = "CONFLICTING" // The pull request cannot be merged due to merge conflicts.
   832  	MergeableStateUnknown     MergeableState = "UNKNOWN"     // The mergeability of the pull request is still being calculated.
   833  )
   835  // MigrationSourceType represents represents the different GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) migration sources.
   836  type MigrationSourceType string
   838  // Represents the different GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) migration sources.
   839  const (
   840  	MigrationSourceTypeAzureDevOps     MigrationSourceType = "AZURE_DEVOPS"     // An Azure DevOps migration source.
   841  	MigrationSourceTypeBitbucketServer MigrationSourceType = "BITBUCKET_SERVER" // A Bitbucket Server migration source.
   842  	MigrationSourceTypeGitHubArchive   MigrationSourceType = "GITHUB_ARCHIVE"   // A GitHub Migration API source.
   843  )
   845  // MigrationState represents the GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) migration state.
   846  type MigrationState string
   848  // The GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) migration state.
   849  const (
   850  	MigrationStateNotStarted        MigrationState = "NOT_STARTED"        // The migration has not started.
   851  	MigrationStateQueued            MigrationState = "QUEUED"             // The migration has been queued.
   852  	MigrationStateInProgress        MigrationState = "IN_PROGRESS"        // The migration is in progress.
   853  	MigrationStateSucceeded         MigrationState = "SUCCEEDED"          // The migration has succeeded.
   854  	MigrationStateFailed            MigrationState = "FAILED"             // The migration has failed.
   855  	MigrationStatePendingValidation MigrationState = "PENDING_VALIDATION" // The migration needs to have its credentials validated.
   856  	MigrationStateFailedValidation  MigrationState = "FAILED_VALIDATION"  // The migration has invalid credentials.
   857  )
   859  // MilestoneOrderField represents properties by which milestone connections can be ordered.
   860  type MilestoneOrderField string
   862  // Properties by which milestone connections can be ordered.
   863  const (
   864  	MilestoneOrderFieldDueDate   MilestoneOrderField = "DUE_DATE"   // Order milestones by when they are due.
   865  	MilestoneOrderFieldCreatedAt MilestoneOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order milestones by when they were created.
   866  	MilestoneOrderFieldUpdatedAt MilestoneOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order milestones by when they were last updated.
   867  	MilestoneOrderFieldNumber    MilestoneOrderField = "NUMBER"     // Order milestones by their number.
   868  )
   870  // MilestoneState represents the possible states of a milestone.
   871  type MilestoneState string
   873  // The possible states of a milestone.
   874  const (
   875  	MilestoneStateOpen   MilestoneState = "OPEN"   // A milestone that is still open.
   876  	MilestoneStateClosed MilestoneState = "CLOSED" // A milestone that has been closed.
   877  )
   879  // NotificationRestrictionSettingValue represents the possible values for the notification restriction setting.
   880  type NotificationRestrictionSettingValue string
   882  // The possible values for the notification restriction setting.
   883  const (
   884  	NotificationRestrictionSettingValueEnabled  NotificationRestrictionSettingValue = "ENABLED"  // The setting is enabled for the owner.
   885  	NotificationRestrictionSettingValueDisabled NotificationRestrictionSettingValue = "DISABLED" // The setting is disabled for the owner.
   886  )
   888  // OIDCProviderType represents the OIDC identity provider type.
   889  type OIDCProviderType string
   891  // The OIDC identity provider type.
   892  const (
   893  	OIDCProviderTypeAad OIDCProviderType = "AAD" // Azure Active Directory.
   894  )
   896  // OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState represents the state of an OAuth application when it was created.
   897  type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState string
   899  // The state of an OAuth application when it was created.
   900  const (
   901  	OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryStateActive          OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState = "ACTIVE"           // The OAuth application was active and allowed to have OAuth Accesses.
   902  	OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryStateSuspended       OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState = "SUSPENDED"        // The OAuth application was suspended from generating OAuth Accesses due to abuse or security concerns.
   903  	OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryStatePendingDeletion OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState = "PENDING_DELETION" // The OAuth application was in the process of being deleted.
   904  )
   906  // OperationType represents the corresponding operation type for the action.
   907  type OperationType string
   909  // The corresponding operation type for the action.
   910  const (
   911  	OperationTypeAccess         OperationType = "ACCESS"         // An existing resource was accessed.
   912  	OperationTypeAuthentication OperationType = "AUTHENTICATION" // A resource performed an authentication event.
   913  	OperationTypeCreate         OperationType = "CREATE"         // A new resource was created.
   914  	OperationTypeModify         OperationType = "MODIFY"         // An existing resource was modified.
   915  	OperationTypeRemove         OperationType = "REMOVE"         // An existing resource was removed.
   916  	OperationTypeRestore        OperationType = "RESTORE"        // An existing resource was restored.
   917  	OperationTypeTransfer       OperationType = "TRANSFER"       // An existing resource was transferred between multiple resources.
   918  )
   920  // OrderDirection represents possible directions in which to order a list of items when provided an `orderBy` argument.
   921  type OrderDirection string
   923  // Possible directions in which to order a list of items when provided an `orderBy` argument.
   924  const (
   925  	OrderDirectionAsc  OrderDirection = "ASC"  // Specifies an ascending order for a given `orderBy` argument.
   926  	OrderDirectionDesc OrderDirection = "DESC" // Specifies a descending order for a given `orderBy` argument.
   927  )
   929  // OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission represents the permissions available to members on an Organization.
   930  type OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission string
   932  // The permissions available to members on an Organization.
   933  const (
   934  	OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermissionRead  OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission = "READ"  // Can read and clone repositories.
   935  	OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermissionAdmin OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission = "ADMIN" // Can read, clone, push, and add collaborators to repositories.
   936  )
   938  // OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan represents the billing plans available for organizations.
   939  type OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan string
   941  // The billing plans available for organizations.
   942  const (
   943  	OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlanFree          OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan = "FREE"            // Free Plan.
   944  	OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlanBusiness      OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan = "BUSINESS"        // Team Plan.
   945  	OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlanBusinessPlus  OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan = "BUSINESS_PLUS"   // Enterprise Cloud Plan.
   946  	OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlanUnlimited     OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan = "UNLIMITED"       // Legacy Unlimited Plan.
   947  	OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlanTieredPerSeat OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan = "TIERED_PER_SEAT" // Tiered Per Seat Plan.
   948  )
   950  // OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderField represents properties by which enterprise owners can be ordered.
   951  type OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderField string
   953  // Properties by which enterprise owners can be ordered.
   954  const (
   955  	OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderFieldLogin OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderField = "LOGIN" // Order enterprise owners by login.
   956  )
   958  // OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason represents the reason a billing manager was removed from an Organization.
   959  type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason string
   961  // The reason a billing manager was removed from an Organization.
   962  const (
   963  	OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorRequirementNonCompliance          OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIREMENT_NON_COMPLIANCE"           // The organization required 2FA of its billing managers and this user did not have 2FA enabled.
   964  	OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReasonSamlExternalIdentityMissing                OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason = "SAML_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_MISSING"                  // SAML external identity missing.
   965  	OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReasonSamlSsoEnforcementRequiresExternalIdentity OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason = "SAML_SSO_ENFORCEMENT_REQUIRES_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY" // SAML SSO enforcement requires an external identity.
   966  )
   968  // OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType represents the type of membership a user has with an Organization.
   969  type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType string
   971  // The type of membership a user has with an Organization.
   972  const (
   973  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeSuspended           OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "SUSPENDED"            // A suspended member.
   974  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeDirectMember        OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "DIRECT_MEMBER"        // A direct member is a user that is a member of the Organization.
   975  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeAdmin               OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "ADMIN"                // Organization owners have full access and can change several settings, including the names of repositories that belong to the Organization and Owners team membership. In addition, organization owners can delete the organization and all of its repositories.
   976  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeBillingManager      OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "BILLING_MANAGER"      // A billing manager is a user who manages the billing settings for the Organization, such as updating payment information.
   977  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeUnaffiliated        OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "UNAFFILIATED"         // An unaffiliated collaborator is a person who is not a member of the Organization and does not have access to any repositories in the Organization.
   978  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeOutsideCollaborator OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "OUTSIDE_COLLABORATOR" // An outside collaborator is a person who isn't explicitly a member of the Organization, but who has Read, Write, or Admin permissions to one or more repositories in the organization.
   979  )
   981  // OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason represents the reason a member was removed from an Organization.
   982  type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason string
   984  // The reason a member was removed from an Organization.
   985  const (
   986  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorRequirementNonCompliance          OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIREMENT_NON_COMPLIANCE"           // The organization required 2FA of its billing managers and this user did not have 2FA enabled.
   987  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonSamlExternalIdentityMissing                OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "SAML_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_MISSING"                  // SAML external identity missing.
   988  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonSamlSsoEnforcementRequiresExternalIdentity OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "SAML_SSO_ENFORCEMENT_REQUIRES_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY" // SAML SSO enforcement requires an external identity.
   989  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonUserAccountDeleted                         OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "USER_ACCOUNT_DELETED"                            // User account has been deleted.
   990  	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorAccountRecovery                   OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY"                     // User was removed from organization during account recovery.
   991  )
   993  // OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType represents the type of membership a user has with an Organization.
   994  type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType string
   996  // The type of membership a user has with an Organization.
   997  const (
   998  	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipTypeOutsideCollaborator OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType = "OUTSIDE_COLLABORATOR" // An outside collaborator is a person who isn't explicitly a member of the Organization, but who has Read, Write, or Admin permissions to one or more repositories in the organization.
   999  	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipTypeUnaffiliated        OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType = "UNAFFILIATED"         // An unaffiliated collaborator is a person who is not a member of the Organization and does not have access to any repositories in the organization.
  1000  	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipTypeBillingManager      OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType = "BILLING_MANAGER"      // A billing manager is a user who manages the billing settings for the Organization, such as updating payment information.
  1001  )
  1003  // OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason represents the reason an outside collaborator was removed from an Organization.
  1004  type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason string
  1006  // The reason an outside collaborator was removed from an Organization.
  1007  const (
  1008  	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorRequirementNonCompliance OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIREMENT_NON_COMPLIANCE" // The organization required 2FA of its billing managers and this user did not have 2FA enabled.
  1009  	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReasonSamlExternalIdentityMissing       OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason = "SAML_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_MISSING"        // SAML external identity missing.
  1010  )
  1012  // OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission represents the default permission a repository can have in an Organization.
  1013  type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission string
  1015  // The default permission a repository can have in an Organization.
  1016  const (
  1017  	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionRead  OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "READ"  // Can read and clone repositories.
  1018  	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionWrite OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "WRITE" // Can read, clone and push to repositories.
  1019  	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionAdmin OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "ADMIN" // Can read, clone, push, and add collaborators to repositories.
  1020  	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionNone  OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "NONE"  // No default permission value.
  1021  )
  1023  // OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission represents the permissions available to members on an Organization.
  1024  type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission string
  1026  // The permissions available to members on an Organization.
  1027  const (
  1028  	OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermissionRead  OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission = "READ"  // Can read and clone repositories.
  1029  	OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermissionAdmin OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission = "ADMIN" // Can read, clone, push, and add collaborators to repositories.
  1030  )
  1032  // OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility represents the permissions available for repository creation on an Organization.
  1033  type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility string
  1035  // The permissions available for repository creation on an Organization.
  1036  const (
  1037  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityAll             OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "ALL"              // All organization members are restricted from creating any repositories.
  1038  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityPublic          OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"           // All organization members are restricted from creating public repositories.
  1039  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityNone            OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "NONE"             // All organization members are allowed to create any repositories.
  1040  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate         OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"          // All organization members are restricted from creating private repositories.
  1041  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityInternal        OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL"         // All organization members are restricted from creating internal repositories.
  1042  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityPublicInternal  OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC_INTERNAL"  // All organization members are restricted from creating public or internal repositories.
  1043  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityPrivateInternal OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE_INTERNAL" // All organization members are restricted from creating private or internal repositories.
  1044  	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityPublicPrivate   OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC_PRIVATE"   // All organization members are restricted from creating public or private repositories.
  1045  )
  1047  // OrganizationInvitationRole represents the possible organization invitation roles.
  1048  type OrganizationInvitationRole string
  1050  // The possible organization invitation roles.
  1051  const (
  1052  	OrganizationInvitationRoleDirectMember   OrganizationInvitationRole = "DIRECT_MEMBER"   // The user is invited to be a direct member of the organization.
  1053  	OrganizationInvitationRoleAdmin          OrganizationInvitationRole = "ADMIN"           // The user is invited to be an admin of the organization.
  1054  	OrganizationInvitationRoleBillingManager OrganizationInvitationRole = "BILLING_MANAGER" // The user is invited to be a billing manager of the organization.
  1055  	OrganizationInvitationRoleReinstate      OrganizationInvitationRole = "REINSTATE"       // The user's previous role will be reinstated.
  1056  )
  1058  // OrganizationInvitationSource represents the possible organization invitation sources.
  1059  type OrganizationInvitationSource string
  1061  // The possible organization invitation sources.
  1062  const (
  1063  	OrganizationInvitationSourceUnknown OrganizationInvitationSource = "UNKNOWN" // The invitation was sent before this feature was added.
  1064  	OrganizationInvitationSourceMember  OrganizationInvitationSource = "MEMBER"  // The invitation was created from the web interface or from API.
  1065  	OrganizationInvitationSourceSCIM    OrganizationInvitationSource = "SCIM"    // The invitation was created from SCIM.
  1066  )
  1068  // OrganizationInvitationType represents the possible organization invitation types.
  1069  type OrganizationInvitationType string
  1071  // The possible organization invitation types.
  1072  const (
  1073  	OrganizationInvitationTypeUser  OrganizationInvitationType = "USER"  // The invitation was to an existing user.
  1074  	OrganizationInvitationTypeEmail OrganizationInvitationType = "EMAIL" // The invitation was to an email address.
  1075  )
  1077  // OrganizationMemberRole represents the possible roles within an organization for its members.
  1078  type OrganizationMemberRole string
  1080  // The possible roles within an organization for its members.
  1081  const (
  1082  	OrganizationMemberRoleMember OrganizationMemberRole = "MEMBER" // The user is a member of the organization.
  1083  	OrganizationMemberRoleAdmin  OrganizationMemberRole = "ADMIN"  // The user is an administrator of the organization.
  1084  )
  1086  // OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue represents the possible values for the members can create repositories setting on an organization.
  1087  type OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue string
  1089  // The possible values for the members can create repositories setting on an organization.
  1090  const (
  1091  	OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValueAll      OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "ALL"      // Members will be able to create public and private repositories.
  1092  	OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValuePrivate  OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "PRIVATE"  // Members will be able to create only private repositories.
  1093  	OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValueInternal OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "INTERNAL" // Members will be able to create only internal repositories.
  1094  	OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValueDisabled OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue = "DISABLED" // Members will not be able to create public or private repositories.
  1095  )
  1097  // OrganizationMigrationState represents the Octoshift Organization migration state.
  1098  type OrganizationMigrationState string
  1100  // The Octoshift Organization migration state.
  1101  const (
  1102  	OrganizationMigrationStateNotStarted        OrganizationMigrationState = "NOT_STARTED"         // The Octoshift migration has not started.
  1103  	OrganizationMigrationStateQueued            OrganizationMigrationState = "QUEUED"              // The Octoshift migration has been queued.
  1104  	OrganizationMigrationStateInProgress        OrganizationMigrationState = "IN_PROGRESS"         // The Octoshift migration is in progress.
  1105  	OrganizationMigrationStatePreRepoMigration  OrganizationMigrationState = "PRE_REPO_MIGRATION"  // The Octoshift migration is performing pre repository migrations.
  1106  	OrganizationMigrationStateRepoMigration     OrganizationMigrationState = "REPO_MIGRATION"      // The Octoshift org migration is performing repository migrations.
  1107  	OrganizationMigrationStatePostRepoMigration OrganizationMigrationState = "POST_REPO_MIGRATION" // The Octoshift migration is performing post repository migrations.
  1108  	OrganizationMigrationStateSucceeded         OrganizationMigrationState = "SUCCEEDED"           // The Octoshift migration has succeeded.
  1109  	OrganizationMigrationStateFailed            OrganizationMigrationState = "FAILED"              // The Octoshift migration has failed.
  1110  	OrganizationMigrationStatePendingValidation OrganizationMigrationState = "PENDING_VALIDATION"  // The Octoshift migration needs to have its credentials validated.
  1111  	OrganizationMigrationStateFailedValidation  OrganizationMigrationState = "FAILED_VALIDATION"   // The Octoshift migration has invalid credentials.
  1112  )
  1114  // OrganizationOrderField represents properties by which organization connections can be ordered.
  1115  type OrganizationOrderField string
  1117  // Properties by which organization connections can be ordered.
  1118  const (
  1119  	OrganizationOrderFieldCreatedAt OrganizationOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order organizations by creation time.
  1120  	OrganizationOrderFieldLogin     OrganizationOrderField = "LOGIN"      // Order organizations by login.
  1121  )
  1123  // PackageFileOrderField represents properties by which package file connections can be ordered.
  1124  type PackageFileOrderField string
  1126  // Properties by which package file connections can be ordered.
  1127  const (
  1128  	PackageFileOrderFieldCreatedAt PackageFileOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order package files by creation time.
  1129  )
  1131  // PackageOrderField represents properties by which package connections can be ordered.
  1132  type PackageOrderField string
  1134  // Properties by which package connections can be ordered.
  1135  const (
  1136  	PackageOrderFieldCreatedAt PackageOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order packages by creation time.
  1137  )
  1139  // PackageType represents the possible types of a package.
  1140  type PackageType string
  1142  // The possible types of a package.
  1143  const (
  1144  	PackageTypeNpm      PackageType = "NPM"      // An npm package.
  1145  	PackageTypeRubygems PackageType = "RUBYGEMS" // A rubygems package.
  1146  	PackageTypeMaven    PackageType = "MAVEN"    // A maven package.
  1147  	PackageTypeDocker   PackageType = "DOCKER"   // A docker image.
  1148  	PackageTypeDebian   PackageType = "DEBIAN"   // A debian package.
  1149  	PackageTypeNuget    PackageType = "NUGET"    // A nuget package.
  1150  	PackageTypePypi     PackageType = "PYPI"     // A python package.
  1151  )
  1153  // PackageVersionOrderField represents properties by which package version connections can be ordered.
  1154  type PackageVersionOrderField string
  1156  // Properties by which package version connections can be ordered.
  1157  const (
  1158  	PackageVersionOrderFieldCreatedAt PackageVersionOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order package versions by creation time.
  1159  )
  1161  // PatchStatus represents the possible types of patch statuses.
  1162  type PatchStatus string
  1164  // The possible types of patch statuses.
  1165  const (
  1166  	PatchStatusAdded    PatchStatus = "ADDED"    // The file was added. Git status 'A'.
  1167  	PatchStatusDeleted  PatchStatus = "DELETED"  // The file was deleted. Git status 'D'.
  1168  	PatchStatusRenamed  PatchStatus = "RENAMED"  // The file was renamed. Git status 'R'.
  1169  	PatchStatusCopied   PatchStatus = "COPIED"   // The file was copied. Git status 'C'.
  1170  	PatchStatusModified PatchStatus = "MODIFIED" // The file's contents were changed. Git status 'M'.
  1171  	PatchStatusChanged  PatchStatus = "CHANGED"  // The file's type was changed. Git status 'T'.
  1172  )
  1174  // PinnableItemType represents represents items that can be pinned to a profile page or dashboard.
  1175  type PinnableItemType string
  1177  // Represents items that can be pinned to a profile page or dashboard.
  1178  const (
  1179  	PinnableItemTypeRepository   PinnableItemType = "REPOSITORY"   // A repository.
  1180  	PinnableItemTypeGist         PinnableItemType = "GIST"         // A gist.
  1181  	PinnableItemTypeIssue        PinnableItemType = "ISSUE"        // An issue.
  1182  	PinnableItemTypeProject      PinnableItemType = "PROJECT"      // A project.
  1183  	PinnableItemTypePullRequest  PinnableItemType = "PULL_REQUEST" // A pull request.
  1184  	PinnableItemTypeUser         PinnableItemType = "USER"         // A user.
  1185  	PinnableItemTypeOrganization PinnableItemType = "ORGANIZATION" // An organization.
  1186  	PinnableItemTypeTeam         PinnableItemType = "TEAM"         // A team.
  1187  )
  1189  // PinnedDiscussionGradient represents preconfigured gradients that may be used to style discussions pinned within a repository.
  1190  type PinnedDiscussionGradient string
  1192  // Preconfigured gradients that may be used to style discussions pinned within a repository.
  1193  const (
  1194  	PinnedDiscussionGradientRedOrange   PinnedDiscussionGradient = "RED_ORANGE"   // A gradient of red to orange.
  1195  	PinnedDiscussionGradientBlueMint    PinnedDiscussionGradient = "BLUE_MINT"    // A gradient of blue to mint.
  1196  	PinnedDiscussionGradientBluePurple  PinnedDiscussionGradient = "BLUE_PURPLE"  // A gradient of blue to purple.
  1197  	PinnedDiscussionGradientPinkBlue    PinnedDiscussionGradient = "PINK_BLUE"    // A gradient of pink to blue.
  1198  	PinnedDiscussionGradientPurpleCoral PinnedDiscussionGradient = "PURPLE_CORAL" // A gradient of purple to coral.
  1199  )
  1201  // PinnedDiscussionPattern represents preconfigured background patterns that may be used to style discussions pinned within a repository.
  1202  type PinnedDiscussionPattern string
  1204  // Preconfigured background patterns that may be used to style discussions pinned within a repository.
  1205  const (
  1206  	PinnedDiscussionPatternDotFill   PinnedDiscussionPattern = "DOT_FILL"   // A solid dot pattern.
  1207  	PinnedDiscussionPatternPlus      PinnedDiscussionPattern = "PLUS"       // A plus sign pattern.
  1208  	PinnedDiscussionPatternZap       PinnedDiscussionPattern = "ZAP"        // A lightning bolt pattern.
  1209  	PinnedDiscussionPatternChevronUp PinnedDiscussionPattern = "CHEVRON_UP" // An upward-facing chevron pattern.
  1210  	PinnedDiscussionPatternDot       PinnedDiscussionPattern = "DOT"        // A hollow dot pattern.
  1211  	PinnedDiscussionPatternHeartFill PinnedDiscussionPattern = "HEART_FILL" // A heart pattern.
  1212  )
  1214  // PinnedEnvironmentOrderField represents properties by which pinned environments connections can be ordered.
  1215  type PinnedEnvironmentOrderField string
  1217  // Properties by which pinned environments connections can be ordered.
  1218  const (
  1219  	PinnedEnvironmentOrderFieldPosition PinnedEnvironmentOrderField = "POSITION" // Order pinned environments by position.
  1220  )
  1222  // ProjectCardArchivedState represents the possible archived states of a project card.
  1223  type ProjectCardArchivedState string
  1225  // The possible archived states of a project card.
  1226  const (
  1227  	ProjectCardArchivedStateArchived    ProjectCardArchivedState = "ARCHIVED"     // A project card that is archived.
  1228  	ProjectCardArchivedStateNotArchived ProjectCardArchivedState = "NOT_ARCHIVED" // A project card that is not archived.
  1229  )
  1231  // ProjectCardState represents various content states of a ProjectCard.
  1232  type ProjectCardState string
  1234  // Various content states of a ProjectCard.
  1235  const (
  1236  	ProjectCardStateContentOnly ProjectCardState = "CONTENT_ONLY" // The card has content only.
  1237  	ProjectCardStateNoteOnly    ProjectCardState = "NOTE_ONLY"    // The card has a note only.
  1238  	ProjectCardStateRedacted    ProjectCardState = "REDACTED"     // The card is redacted.
  1239  )
  1241  // ProjectColumnPurpose represents the semantic purpose of the column - todo, in progress, or done.
  1242  type ProjectColumnPurpose string
  1244  // The semantic purpose of the column - todo, in progress, or done.
  1245  const (
  1246  	ProjectColumnPurposeTodo       ProjectColumnPurpose = "TODO"        // The column contains cards still to be worked on.
  1247  	ProjectColumnPurposeInProgress ProjectColumnPurpose = "IN_PROGRESS" // The column contains cards which are currently being worked on.
  1248  	ProjectColumnPurposeDone       ProjectColumnPurpose = "DONE"        // The column contains cards which are complete.
  1249  )
  1251  // ProjectOrderField represents properties by which project connections can be ordered.
  1252  type ProjectOrderField string
  1254  // Properties by which project connections can be ordered.
  1255  const (
  1256  	ProjectOrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order projects by creation time.
  1257  	ProjectOrderFieldUpdatedAt ProjectOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order projects by update time.
  1258  	ProjectOrderFieldName      ProjectOrderField = "NAME"       // Order projects by name.
  1259  )
  1261  // ProjectState represents state of the project; either 'open' or 'closed'.
  1262  type ProjectState string
  1264  // State of the project; either 'open' or 'closed'.
  1265  const (
  1266  	ProjectStateOpen   ProjectState = "OPEN"   // The project is open.
  1267  	ProjectStateClosed ProjectState = "CLOSED" // The project is closed.
  1268  )
  1270  // ProjectTemplate represents gitHub-provided templates for Projects.
  1271  type ProjectTemplate string
  1273  // GitHub-provided templates for Projects.
  1274  const (
  1275  	ProjectTemplateBasicKanban            ProjectTemplate = "BASIC_KANBAN"             // Create a board with columns for To do, In progress and Done.
  1276  	ProjectTemplateAutomatedKanbanV2      ProjectTemplate = "AUTOMATED_KANBAN_V2"      // Create a board with v2 triggers to automatically move cards across To do, In progress and Done columns.
  1277  	ProjectTemplateAutomatedReviewsKanban ProjectTemplate = "AUTOMATED_REVIEWS_KANBAN" // Create a board with triggers to automatically move cards across columns with review automation.
  1278  	ProjectTemplateBugTriage              ProjectTemplate = "BUG_TRIAGE"               // Create a board to triage and prioritize bugs with To do, priority, and Done columns.
  1279  )
  1281  // ProjectV2CustomFieldType represents the type of a project field.
  1282  type ProjectV2CustomFieldType string
  1284  // The type of a project field.
  1285  const (
  1286  	ProjectV2CustomFieldTypeText         ProjectV2CustomFieldType = "TEXT"          // Text.
  1287  	ProjectV2CustomFieldTypeSingleSelect ProjectV2CustomFieldType = "SINGLE_SELECT" // Single Select.
  1288  	ProjectV2CustomFieldTypeNumber       ProjectV2CustomFieldType = "NUMBER"        // Number.
  1289  	ProjectV2CustomFieldTypeDate         ProjectV2CustomFieldType = "DATE"          // Date.
  1290  )
  1292  // ProjectV2FieldOrderField represents properties by which project v2 field connections can be ordered.
  1293  type ProjectV2FieldOrderField string
  1295  // Properties by which project v2 field connections can be ordered.
  1296  const (
  1297  	ProjectV2FieldOrderFieldPosition  ProjectV2FieldOrderField = "POSITION"   // Order project v2 fields by position.
  1298  	ProjectV2FieldOrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectV2FieldOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order project v2 fields by creation time.
  1299  	ProjectV2FieldOrderFieldName      ProjectV2FieldOrderField = "NAME"       // Order project v2 fields by name.
  1300  )
  1302  // ProjectV2FieldType represents the type of a project field.
  1303  type ProjectV2FieldType string
  1305  // The type of a project field.
  1306  const (
  1307  	ProjectV2FieldTypeAssignees          ProjectV2FieldType = "ASSIGNEES"            // Assignees.
  1308  	ProjectV2FieldTypeLinkedPullRequests ProjectV2FieldType = "LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS" // Linked Pull Requests.
  1309  	ProjectV2FieldTypeReviewers          ProjectV2FieldType = "REVIEWERS"            // Reviewers.
  1310  	ProjectV2FieldTypeLabels             ProjectV2FieldType = "LABELS"               // Labels.
  1311  	ProjectV2FieldTypeMilestone          ProjectV2FieldType = "MILESTONE"            // Milestone.
  1312  	ProjectV2FieldTypeRepository         ProjectV2FieldType = "REPOSITORY"           // Repository.
  1313  	ProjectV2FieldTypeTitle              ProjectV2FieldType = "TITLE"                // Title.
  1314  	ProjectV2FieldTypeText               ProjectV2FieldType = "TEXT"                 // Text.
  1315  	ProjectV2FieldTypeSingleSelect       ProjectV2FieldType = "SINGLE_SELECT"        // Single Select.
  1316  	ProjectV2FieldTypeNumber             ProjectV2FieldType = "NUMBER"               // Number.
  1317  	ProjectV2FieldTypeDate               ProjectV2FieldType = "DATE"                 // Date.
  1318  	ProjectV2FieldTypeIteration          ProjectV2FieldType = "ITERATION"            // Iteration.
  1319  	ProjectV2FieldTypeTracks             ProjectV2FieldType = "TRACKS"               // Tracks.
  1320  	ProjectV2FieldTypeTrackedBy          ProjectV2FieldType = "TRACKED_BY"           // Tracked by.
  1321  )
  1323  // ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderField represents properties by which project v2 item field value connections can be ordered.
  1324  type ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderField string
  1326  // Properties by which project v2 item field value connections can be ordered.
  1327  const (
  1328  	ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderFieldPosition ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderField = "POSITION" // Order project v2 item field values by the their position in the project.
  1329  )
  1331  // ProjectV2ItemOrderField represents properties by which project v2 item connections can be ordered.
  1332  type ProjectV2ItemOrderField string
  1334  // Properties by which project v2 item connections can be ordered.
  1335  const (
  1336  	ProjectV2ItemOrderFieldPosition ProjectV2ItemOrderField = "POSITION" // Order project v2 items by the their position in the project.
  1337  )
  1339  // ProjectV2ItemType represents the type of a project item.
  1340  type ProjectV2ItemType string
  1342  // The type of a project item.
  1343  const (
  1344  	ProjectV2ItemTypeIssue       ProjectV2ItemType = "ISSUE"        // Issue.
  1345  	ProjectV2ItemTypePullRequest ProjectV2ItemType = "PULL_REQUEST" // Pull Request.
  1346  	ProjectV2ItemTypeDraftIssue  ProjectV2ItemType = "DRAFT_ISSUE"  // Draft Issue.
  1347  	ProjectV2ItemTypeRedacted    ProjectV2ItemType = "REDACTED"     // Redacted Item.
  1348  )
  1350  // ProjectV2OrderField represents properties by which projects can be ordered.
  1351  type ProjectV2OrderField string
  1353  // Properties by which projects can be ordered.
  1354  const (
  1355  	ProjectV2OrderFieldTitle     ProjectV2OrderField = "TITLE"      // The project's title.
  1356  	ProjectV2OrderFieldNumber    ProjectV2OrderField = "NUMBER"     // The project's number.
  1357  	ProjectV2OrderFieldUpdatedAt ProjectV2OrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // The project's date and time of update.
  1358  	ProjectV2OrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectV2OrderField = "CREATED_AT" // The project's date and time of creation.
  1359  )
  1361  // ProjectV2PermissionLevel represents the possible roles of a collaborator on a project.
  1362  type ProjectV2PermissionLevel string
  1364  // The possible roles of a collaborator on a project.
  1365  const (
  1366  	ProjectV2PermissionLevelRead  ProjectV2PermissionLevel = "READ"  // The collaborator can view the project.
  1367  	ProjectV2PermissionLevelWrite ProjectV2PermissionLevel = "WRITE" // The collaborator can view and edit the project.
  1368  	ProjectV2PermissionLevelAdmin ProjectV2PermissionLevel = "ADMIN" // The collaborator can view, edit, and maange the settings of the project.
  1369  )
  1371  // ProjectV2Roles represents the possible roles of a collaborator on a project.
  1372  type ProjectV2Roles string
  1374  // The possible roles of a collaborator on a project.
  1375  const (
  1376  	ProjectV2RolesNone   ProjectV2Roles = "NONE"   // The collaborator has no direct access to the project.
  1377  	ProjectV2RolesReader ProjectV2Roles = "READER" // The collaborator can view the project.
  1378  	ProjectV2RolesWriter ProjectV2Roles = "WRITER" // The collaborator can view and edit the project.
  1379  	ProjectV2RolesAdmin  ProjectV2Roles = "ADMIN"  // The collaborator can view, edit, and maange the settings of the project.
  1380  )
  1382  // ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor represents the display color of a single-select field option.
  1383  type ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor string
  1385  // The display color of a single-select field option.
  1386  const (
  1387  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorGray   ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "GRAY"   // GRAY.
  1388  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorBlue   ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "BLUE"   // BLUE.
  1389  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorGreen  ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "GREEN"  // GREEN.
  1390  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorYellow ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "YELLOW" // YELLOW.
  1391  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorOrange ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "ORANGE" // ORANGE.
  1392  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorRed    ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "RED"    // RED.
  1393  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorPink   ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "PINK"   // PINK.
  1394  	ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColorPurple ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor = "PURPLE" // PURPLE.
  1395  )
  1397  // ProjectV2State represents the possible states of a project v2.
  1398  type ProjectV2State string
  1400  // The possible states of a project v2.
  1401  const (
  1402  	ProjectV2StateOpen   ProjectV2State = "OPEN"   // A project v2 that is still open.
  1403  	ProjectV2StateClosed ProjectV2State = "CLOSED" // A project v2 that has been closed.
  1404  )
  1406  // ProjectV2StatusUpdateOrderField represents properties by which project v2 status updates can be ordered.
  1407  type ProjectV2StatusUpdateOrderField string
  1409  // Properties by which project v2 status updates can be ordered.
  1410  const (
  1411  	ProjectV2StatusUpdateOrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectV2StatusUpdateOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Allows chronological ordering of project v2 status updates.
  1412  )
  1414  // ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus represents the possible statuses of a project v2.
  1415  type ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus string
  1417  // The possible statuses of a project v2.
  1418  const (
  1419  	ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatusInactive ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus = "INACTIVE"  // A project v2 that is inactive.
  1420  	ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatusOnTrack  ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus = "ON_TRACK"  // A project v2 that is on track with no risks.
  1421  	ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatusAtRisk   ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus = "AT_RISK"   // A project v2 that is at risk and encountering some challenges.
  1422  	ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatusOffTrack ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus = "OFF_TRACK" // A project v2 that is off track and needs attention.
  1423  	ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatusComplete ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus = "COMPLETE"  // A project v2 that is complete.
  1424  )
  1426  // ProjectV2ViewLayout represents the layout of a project v2 view.
  1427  type ProjectV2ViewLayout string
  1429  // The layout of a project v2 view.
  1430  const (
  1431  	ProjectV2ViewLayoutBoardLayout   ProjectV2ViewLayout = "BOARD_LAYOUT"   // Board layout.
  1432  	ProjectV2ViewLayoutTableLayout   ProjectV2ViewLayout = "TABLE_LAYOUT"   // Table layout.
  1433  	ProjectV2ViewLayoutRoadmapLayout ProjectV2ViewLayout = "ROADMAP_LAYOUT" // Roadmap layout.
  1434  )
  1436  // ProjectV2ViewOrderField represents properties by which project v2 view connections can be ordered.
  1437  type ProjectV2ViewOrderField string
  1439  // Properties by which project v2 view connections can be ordered.
  1440  const (
  1441  	ProjectV2ViewOrderFieldPosition  ProjectV2ViewOrderField = "POSITION"   // Order project v2 views by position.
  1442  	ProjectV2ViewOrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectV2ViewOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order project v2 views by creation time.
  1443  	ProjectV2ViewOrderFieldName      ProjectV2ViewOrderField = "NAME"       // Order project v2 views by name.
  1444  )
  1446  // ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField represents properties by which project workflows can be ordered.
  1447  type ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField string
  1449  // Properties by which project workflows can be ordered.
  1450  const (
  1451  	ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderFieldName      ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField = "NAME"       // The name of the workflow.
  1452  	ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderFieldNumber    ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField = "NUMBER"     // The number of the workflow.
  1453  	ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderFieldUpdatedAt ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // The date and time of the workflow update.
  1454  	ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // The date and time of the workflow creation.
  1455  )
  1457  // PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod represents the possible methods for updating a pull request's head branch with the base branch.
  1458  type PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod string
  1460  // The possible methods for updating a pull request's head branch with the base branch.
  1461  const (
  1462  	PullRequestBranchUpdateMethodMerge  PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod = "MERGE"  // Update branch via merge.
  1463  	PullRequestBranchUpdateMethodRebase PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod = "REBASE" // Update branch via rebase.
  1464  )
  1466  // PullRequestMergeMethod represents represents available types of methods to use when merging a pull request.
  1467  type PullRequestMergeMethod string
  1469  // Represents available types of methods to use when merging a pull request.
  1470  const (
  1471  	PullRequestMergeMethodMerge  PullRequestMergeMethod = "MERGE"  // Add all commits from the head branch to the base branch with a merge commit.
  1472  	PullRequestMergeMethodSquash PullRequestMergeMethod = "SQUASH" // Combine all commits from the head branch into a single commit in the base branch.
  1473  	PullRequestMergeMethodRebase PullRequestMergeMethod = "REBASE" // Add all commits from the head branch onto the base branch individually.
  1474  )
  1476  // PullRequestOrderField represents properties by which pull_requests connections can be ordered.
  1477  type PullRequestOrderField string
  1479  // Properties by which pull_requests connections can be ordered.
  1480  const (
  1481  	PullRequestOrderFieldCreatedAt PullRequestOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order pull_requests by creation time.
  1482  	PullRequestOrderFieldUpdatedAt PullRequestOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order pull_requests by update time.
  1483  )
  1485  // PullRequestReviewCommentState represents the possible states of a pull request review comment.
  1486  type PullRequestReviewCommentState string
  1488  // The possible states of a pull request review comment.
  1489  const (
  1490  	PullRequestReviewCommentStatePending   PullRequestReviewCommentState = "PENDING"   // A comment that is part of a pending review.
  1491  	PullRequestReviewCommentStateSubmitted PullRequestReviewCommentState = "SUBMITTED" // A comment that is part of a submitted review.
  1492  )
  1494  // PullRequestReviewDecision represents the review status of a pull request.
  1495  type PullRequestReviewDecision string
  1497  // The review status of a pull request.
  1498  const (
  1499  	PullRequestReviewDecisionChangesRequested PullRequestReviewDecision = "CHANGES_REQUESTED" // Changes have been requested on the pull request.
  1500  	PullRequestReviewDecisionApproved         PullRequestReviewDecision = "APPROVED"          // The pull request has received an approving review.
  1501  	PullRequestReviewDecisionReviewRequired   PullRequestReviewDecision = "REVIEW_REQUIRED"   // A review is required before the pull request can be merged.
  1502  )
  1504  // PullRequestReviewEvent represents the possible events to perform on a pull request review.
  1505  type PullRequestReviewEvent string
  1507  // The possible events to perform on a pull request review.
  1508  const (
  1509  	PullRequestReviewEventComment        PullRequestReviewEvent = "COMMENT"         // Submit general feedback without explicit approval.
  1510  	PullRequestReviewEventApprove        PullRequestReviewEvent = "APPROVE"         // Submit feedback and approve merging these changes.
  1511  	PullRequestReviewEventRequestChanges PullRequestReviewEvent = "REQUEST_CHANGES" // Submit feedback that must be addressed before merging.
  1512  	PullRequestReviewEventDismiss        PullRequestReviewEvent = "DISMISS"         // Dismiss review so it now longer effects merging.
  1513  )
  1515  // PullRequestReviewState represents the possible states of a pull request review.
  1516  type PullRequestReviewState string
  1518  // The possible states of a pull request review.
  1519  const (
  1520  	PullRequestReviewStatePending          PullRequestReviewState = "PENDING"           // A review that has not yet been submitted.
  1521  	PullRequestReviewStateCommented        PullRequestReviewState = "COMMENTED"         // An informational review.
  1522  	PullRequestReviewStateApproved         PullRequestReviewState = "APPROVED"          // A review allowing the pull request to merge.
  1523  	PullRequestReviewStateChangesRequested PullRequestReviewState = "CHANGES_REQUESTED" // A review blocking the pull request from merging.
  1524  	PullRequestReviewStateDismissed        PullRequestReviewState = "DISMISSED"         // A review that has been dismissed.
  1525  )
  1527  // PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType represents the possible subject types of a pull request review comment.
  1528  type PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType string
  1530  // The possible subject types of a pull request review comment.
  1531  const (
  1532  	PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectTypeLine PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType = "LINE" // A comment that has been made against the line of a pull request.
  1533  	PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectTypeFile PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType = "FILE" // A comment that has been made against the file of a pull request.
  1534  )
  1536  // PullRequestState represents the possible states of a pull request.
  1537  type PullRequestState string
  1539  // The possible states of a pull request.
  1540  const (
  1541  	PullRequestStateOpen   PullRequestState = "OPEN"   // A pull request that is still open.
  1542  	PullRequestStateClosed PullRequestState = "CLOSED" // A pull request that has been closed without being merged.
  1543  	PullRequestStateMerged PullRequestState = "MERGED" // A pull request that has been closed by being merged.
  1544  )
  1546  // PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType represents the possible item types found in a timeline.
  1547  type PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType string
  1549  // The possible item types found in a timeline.
  1550  const (
  1551  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestCommit                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_COMMIT"                   // Represents a Git commit part of a pull request.
  1552  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestCommitCommentThread    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_COMMIT_COMMENT_THREAD"    // Represents a commit comment thread part of a pull request.
  1553  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestReview                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW"                   // A review object for a given pull request.
  1554  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestReviewThread           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW_THREAD"            // A threaded list of comments for a given pull request.
  1555  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestRevisionMarker         PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVISION_MARKER"          // Represents the latest point in the pull request timeline for which the viewer has seen the pull request's commits.
  1556  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAutomaticBaseChangeFailedEvent    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "AUTOMATIC_BASE_CHANGE_FAILED_EVENT"    // Represents a 'automatic_base_change_failed' event on a given pull request.
  1557  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAutomaticBaseChangeSucceededEvent PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "AUTOMATIC_BASE_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED_EVENT" // Represents a 'automatic_base_change_succeeded' event on a given pull request.
  1558  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAutoMergeDisabledEvent            PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "AUTO_MERGE_DISABLED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'auto_merge_disabled' event on a given pull request.
  1559  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAutoMergeEnabledEvent             PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "AUTO_MERGE_ENABLED_EVENT"              // Represents a 'auto_merge_enabled' event on a given pull request.
  1560  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAutoRebaseEnabledEvent            PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "AUTO_REBASE_ENABLED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'auto_rebase_enabled' event on a given pull request.
  1561  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAutoSquashEnabledEvent            PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "AUTO_SQUASH_ENABLED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'auto_squash_enabled' event on a given pull request.
  1562  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeBaseRefChangedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "BASE_REF_CHANGED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'base_ref_changed' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1563  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeBaseRefForcePushedEvent           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "BASE_REF_FORCE_PUSHED_EVENT"           // Represents a 'base_ref_force_pushed' event on a given pull request.
  1564  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeBaseRefDeletedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "BASE_REF_DELETED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'base_ref_deleted' event on a given pull request.
  1565  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDeployedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DEPLOYED_EVENT"                        // Represents a 'deployed' event on a given pull request.
  1566  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGED_EVENT"  // Represents a 'deployment_environment_changed' event on a given pull request.
  1567  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeHeadRefDeletedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "HEAD_REF_DELETED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'head_ref_deleted' event on a given pull request.
  1568  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeHeadRefForcePushedEvent           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "HEAD_REF_FORCE_PUSHED_EVENT"           // Represents a 'head_ref_force_pushed' event on a given pull request.
  1569  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeHeadRefRestoredEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "HEAD_REF_RESTORED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'head_ref_restored' event on a given pull request.
  1570  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMergedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MERGED_EVENT"                          // Represents a 'merged' event on a given pull request.
  1571  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReviewDismissedEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REVIEW_DISMISSED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'review_dismissed' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1572  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReviewRequestedEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REVIEW_REQUESTED_EVENT"                // Represents an 'review_requested' event on a given pull request.
  1573  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReviewRequestRemovedEvent         PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REVIEW_REQUEST_REMOVED_EVENT"          // Represents an 'review_request_removed' event on a given pull request.
  1574  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReadyForReviewEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "READY_FOR_REVIEW_EVENT"                // Represents a 'ready_for_review' event on a given pull request.
  1575  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertToDraftEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERT_TO_DRAFT_EVENT"                // Represents a 'convert_to_draft' event on a given pull request.
  1576  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAddedToMergeQueueEvent            PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ADDED_TO_MERGE_QUEUE_EVENT"            // Represents an 'added_to_merge_queue' event on a given pull request.
  1577  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeRemovedFromMergeQueueEvent        PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REMOVED_FROM_MERGE_QUEUE_EVENT"        // Represents a 'removed_from_merge_queue' event on a given pull request.
  1578  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeIssueComment                      PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ISSUE_COMMENT"                         // Represents a comment on an Issue.
  1579  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeCrossReferencedEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CROSS_REFERENCED_EVENT"                // Represents a mention made by one issue or pull request to another.
  1580  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAddedToProjectEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ADDED_TO_PROJECT_EVENT"                // Represents a 'added_to_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1581  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAssignedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ASSIGNED_EVENT"                        // Represents an 'assigned' event on any assignable object.
  1582  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeClosedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CLOSED_EVENT"                          // Represents a 'closed' event on any `Closable`.
  1583  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeCommentDeletedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "COMMENT_DELETED_EVENT"                 // Represents a 'comment_deleted' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1584  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeConnectedEvent                    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CONNECTED_EVENT"                       // Represents a 'connected' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1585  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertedNoteToIssueEvent         PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERTED_NOTE_TO_ISSUE_EVENT"         // Represents a 'converted_note_to_issue' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1586  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertedToDiscussionEvent        PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERTED_TO_DISCUSSION_EVENT"         // Represents a 'converted_to_discussion' event on a given issue.
  1587  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDemilestonedEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DEMILESTONED_EVENT"                    // Represents a 'demilestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1588  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDisconnectedEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DISCONNECTED_EVENT"                    // Represents a 'disconnected' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1589  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeLabeledEvent                      PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "LABELED_EVENT"                         // Represents a 'labeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1590  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeLockedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "LOCKED_EVENT"                          // Represents a 'locked' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1591  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMarkedAsDuplicateEvent            PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT"             // Represents a 'marked_as_duplicate' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1592  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMentionedEvent                    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MENTIONED_EVENT"                       // Represents a 'mentioned' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1593  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMilestonedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MILESTONED_EVENT"                      // Represents a 'milestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1594  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMovedColumnsInProjectEvent        PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MOVED_COLUMNS_IN_PROJECT_EVENT"        // Represents a 'moved_columns_in_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1595  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePinnedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PINNED_EVENT"                          // Represents a 'pinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1596  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReferencedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REFERENCED_EVENT"                      // Represents a 'referenced' event on a given `ReferencedSubject`.
  1597  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeRemovedFromProjectEvent           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REMOVED_FROM_PROJECT_EVENT"            // Represents a 'removed_from_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1598  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeRenamedTitleEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "RENAMED_TITLE_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'renamed' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1599  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReopenedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REOPENED_EVENT"                        // Represents a 'reopened' event on any `Closable`.
  1600  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeSubscribedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "SUBSCRIBED_EVENT"                      // Represents a 'subscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.
  1601  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeTransferredEvent                  PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "TRANSFERRED_EVENT"                     // Represents a 'transferred' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1602  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnassignedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNASSIGNED_EVENT"                      // Represents an 'unassigned' event on any assignable object.
  1603  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlabeledEvent                    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLABELED_EVENT"                       // Represents an 'unlabeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1604  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlockedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLOCKED_EVENT"                        // Represents an 'unlocked' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1605  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUserBlockedEvent                  PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "USER_BLOCKED_EVENT"                    // Represents a 'user_blocked' event on a given user.
  1606  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent          PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT"           // Represents an 'unmarked_as_duplicate' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1607  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnpinnedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNPINNED_EVENT"                        // Represents an 'unpinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
  1608  	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnsubscribedEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNSUBSCRIBED_EVENT"                    // Represents an 'unsubscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.
  1609  )
  1611  // PullRequestUpdateState represents the possible target states when updating a pull request.
  1612  type PullRequestUpdateState string
  1614  // The possible target states when updating a pull request.
  1615  const (
  1616  	PullRequestUpdateStateOpen   PullRequestUpdateState = "OPEN"   // A pull request that is still open.
  1617  	PullRequestUpdateStateClosed PullRequestUpdateState = "CLOSED" // A pull request that has been closed without being merged.
  1618  )
  1620  // ReactionContent represents emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments.
  1621  type ReactionContent string
  1623  // Emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments.
  1624  const (
  1625  	ReactionContentThumbsUp   ReactionContent = "THUMBS_UP"   // Represents the `:+1:` emoji.
  1626  	ReactionContentThumbsDown ReactionContent = "THUMBS_DOWN" // Represents the `:-1:` emoji.
  1627  	ReactionContentLaugh      ReactionContent = "LAUGH"       // Represents the `:laugh:` emoji.
  1628  	ReactionContentHooray     ReactionContent = "HOORAY"      // Represents the `:hooray:` emoji.
  1629  	ReactionContentConfused   ReactionContent = "CONFUSED"    // Represents the `:confused:` emoji.
  1630  	ReactionContentHeart      ReactionContent = "HEART"       // Represents the `:heart:` emoji.
  1631  	ReactionContentRocket     ReactionContent = "ROCKET"      // Represents the `:rocket:` emoji.
  1632  	ReactionContentEyes       ReactionContent = "EYES"        // Represents the `:eyes:` emoji.
  1633  )
  1635  // ReactionOrderField represents a list of fields that reactions can be ordered by.
  1636  type ReactionOrderField string
  1638  // A list of fields that reactions can be ordered by.
  1639  const (
  1640  	ReactionOrderFieldCreatedAt ReactionOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Allows ordering a list of reactions by when they were created.
  1641  )
  1643  // RefOrderField represents properties by which ref connections can be ordered.
  1644  type RefOrderField string
  1646  // Properties by which ref connections can be ordered.
  1647  const (
  1648  	RefOrderFieldTagCommitDate RefOrderField = "TAG_COMMIT_DATE" // Order refs by underlying commit date if the ref prefix is refs/tags/.
  1649  	RefOrderFieldAlphabetical  RefOrderField = "ALPHABETICAL"    // Order refs by their alphanumeric name.
  1650  )
  1652  // ReleaseOrderField represents properties by which release connections can be ordered.
  1653  type ReleaseOrderField string
  1655  // Properties by which release connections can be ordered.
  1656  const (
  1657  	ReleaseOrderFieldCreatedAt ReleaseOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order releases by creation time.
  1658  	ReleaseOrderFieldName      ReleaseOrderField = "NAME"       // Order releases alphabetically by name.
  1659  )
  1661  // RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.
  1662  type RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility string
  1664  // The privacy of a repository.
  1665  const (
  1666  	RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1667  	RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1668  	RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1669  )
  1671  // RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.
  1672  type RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility string
  1674  // The privacy of a repository.
  1675  const (
  1676  	RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1677  	RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1678  	RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1679  )
  1681  // RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.
  1682  type RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility string
  1684  // The privacy of a repository.
  1685  const (
  1686  	RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1687  	RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1688  	RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1689  )
  1691  // RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType represents the merge options available for pull requests to this repository.
  1692  type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType string
  1694  // The merge options available for pull requests to this repository.
  1695  const (
  1696  	RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeTypeMerge  RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType = "MERGE"  // The pull request is added to the base branch in a merge commit.
  1697  	RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeTypeRebase RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType = "REBASE" // Commits from the pull request are added onto the base branch individually without a merge commit.
  1698  	RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeTypeSquash RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType = "SQUASH" // The pull request's commits are squashed into a single commit before they are merged to the base branch.
  1699  )
  1701  // RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.
  1702  type RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility string
  1704  // The privacy of a repository.
  1705  const (
  1706  	RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1707  	RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1708  	RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1709  )
  1711  // RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.
  1712  type RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility string
  1714  // The privacy of a repository.
  1715  const (
  1716  	RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1717  	RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1718  	RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1719  )
  1721  // RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.
  1722  type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility string
  1724  // The privacy of a repository.
  1725  const (
  1726  	RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1727  	RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1728  	RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1729  )
  1731  // ReportedContentClassifiers represents the reasons a piece of content can be reported or minimized.
  1732  type ReportedContentClassifiers string
  1734  // The reasons a piece of content can be reported or minimized.
  1735  const (
  1736  	ReportedContentClassifiersSpam      ReportedContentClassifiers = "SPAM"      // A spammy piece of content.
  1737  	ReportedContentClassifiersAbuse     ReportedContentClassifiers = "ABUSE"     // An abusive or harassing piece of content.
  1738  	ReportedContentClassifiersOffTopic  ReportedContentClassifiers = "OFF_TOPIC" // An irrelevant piece of content.
  1739  	ReportedContentClassifiersOutdated  ReportedContentClassifiers = "OUTDATED"  // An outdated piece of content.
  1740  	ReportedContentClassifiersDuplicate ReportedContentClassifiers = "DUPLICATE" // A duplicated piece of content.
  1741  	ReportedContentClassifiersResolved  ReportedContentClassifiers = "RESOLVED"  // The content has been resolved.
  1742  )
  1744  // RepositoryAffiliation represents the affiliation of a user to a repository.
  1745  type RepositoryAffiliation string
  1747  // The affiliation of a user to a repository.
  1748  const (
  1749  	RepositoryAffiliationOwner              RepositoryAffiliation = "OWNER"               // Repositories that are owned by the authenticated user.
  1750  	RepositoryAffiliationCollaborator       RepositoryAffiliation = "COLLABORATOR"        // Repositories that the user has been added to as a collaborator.
  1751  	RepositoryAffiliationOrganizationMember RepositoryAffiliation = "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER" // Repositories that the user has access to through being a member of an organization. This includes every repository on every team that the user is on.
  1752  )
  1754  // RepositoryContributionType represents the reason a repository is listed as 'contributed'.
  1755  type RepositoryContributionType string
  1757  // The reason a repository is listed as 'contributed'.
  1758  const (
  1759  	RepositoryContributionTypeCommit            RepositoryContributionType = "COMMIT"              // Created a commit.
  1760  	RepositoryContributionTypeIssue             RepositoryContributionType = "ISSUE"               // Created an issue.
  1761  	RepositoryContributionTypePullRequest       RepositoryContributionType = "PULL_REQUEST"        // Created a pull request.
  1762  	RepositoryContributionTypeRepository        RepositoryContributionType = "REPOSITORY"          // Created the repository.
  1763  	RepositoryContributionTypePullRequestReview RepositoryContributionType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW" // Reviewed a pull request.
  1764  )
  1766  // RepositoryInteractionLimit represents a repository interaction limit.
  1767  type RepositoryInteractionLimit string
  1769  // A repository interaction limit.
  1770  const (
  1771  	RepositoryInteractionLimitExistingUsers     RepositoryInteractionLimit = "EXISTING_USERS"     // Users that have recently created their account will be unable to interact with the repository.
  1772  	RepositoryInteractionLimitContributorsOnly  RepositoryInteractionLimit = "CONTRIBUTORS_ONLY"  // Users that have not previously committed to a repository’s default branch will be unable to interact with the repository.
  1773  	RepositoryInteractionLimitCollaboratorsOnly RepositoryInteractionLimit = "COLLABORATORS_ONLY" // Users that are not collaborators will not be able to interact with the repository.
  1774  	RepositoryInteractionLimitNoLimit           RepositoryInteractionLimit = "NO_LIMIT"           // No interaction limits are enabled.
  1775  )
  1777  // RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry represents the length for a repository interaction limit to be enabled for.
  1778  type RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry string
  1780  // The length for a repository interaction limit to be enabled for.
  1781  const (
  1782  	RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiryOneDay    RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry = "ONE_DAY"    // The interaction limit will expire after 1 day.
  1783  	RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiryThreeDays RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry = "THREE_DAYS" // The interaction limit will expire after 3 days.
  1784  	RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiryOneWeek   RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry = "ONE_WEEK"   // The interaction limit will expire after 1 week.
  1785  	RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiryOneMonth  RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry = "ONE_MONTH"  // The interaction limit will expire after 1 month.
  1786  	RepositoryInteractionLimitExpirySixMonths RepositoryInteractionLimitExpiry = "SIX_MONTHS" // The interaction limit will expire after 6 months.
  1787  )
  1789  // RepositoryInteractionLimitOrigin represents indicates where an interaction limit is configured.
  1790  type RepositoryInteractionLimitOrigin string
  1792  // Indicates where an interaction limit is configured.
  1793  const (
  1794  	RepositoryInteractionLimitOriginRepository   RepositoryInteractionLimitOrigin = "REPOSITORY"   // A limit that is configured at the repository level.
  1795  	RepositoryInteractionLimitOriginOrganization RepositoryInteractionLimitOrigin = "ORGANIZATION" // A limit that is configured at the organization level.
  1796  	RepositoryInteractionLimitOriginUser         RepositoryInteractionLimitOrigin = "USER"         // A limit that is configured at the user-wide level.
  1797  )
  1799  // RepositoryInvitationOrderField represents properties by which repository invitation connections can be ordered.
  1800  type RepositoryInvitationOrderField string
  1802  // Properties by which repository invitation connections can be ordered.
  1803  const (
  1804  	RepositoryInvitationOrderFieldCreatedAt RepositoryInvitationOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order repository invitations by creation time.
  1805  )
  1807  // RepositoryLockReason represents the possible reasons a given repository could be in a locked state.
  1808  type RepositoryLockReason string
  1810  // The possible reasons a given repository could be in a locked state.
  1811  const (
  1812  	RepositoryLockReasonMoving                RepositoryLockReason = "MOVING"                 // The repository is locked due to a move.
  1813  	RepositoryLockReasonBilling               RepositoryLockReason = "BILLING"                // The repository is locked due to a billing related reason.
  1814  	RepositoryLockReasonRename                RepositoryLockReason = "RENAME"                 // The repository is locked due to a rename.
  1815  	RepositoryLockReasonMigrating             RepositoryLockReason = "MIGRATING"              // The repository is locked due to a migration.
  1816  	RepositoryLockReasonTradeRestriction      RepositoryLockReason = "TRADE_RESTRICTION"      // The repository is locked due to a trade controls related reason.
  1817  	RepositoryLockReasonTransferringOwnership RepositoryLockReason = "TRANSFERRING_OWNERSHIP" // The repository is locked due to an ownership transfer.
  1818  )
  1820  // RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection represents possible directions in which to order a list of repository migrations when provided an `orderBy` argument.
  1821  type RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection string
  1823  // Possible directions in which to order a list of repository migrations when provided an `orderBy` argument.
  1824  const (
  1825  	RepositoryMigrationOrderDirectionAsc  RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection = "ASC"  // Specifies an ascending order for a given `orderBy` argument.
  1826  	RepositoryMigrationOrderDirectionDesc RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection = "DESC" // Specifies a descending order for a given `orderBy` argument.
  1827  )
  1829  // RepositoryMigrationOrderField represents properties by which repository migrations can be ordered.
  1830  type RepositoryMigrationOrderField string
  1832  // Properties by which repository migrations can be ordered.
  1833  const (
  1834  	RepositoryMigrationOrderFieldCreatedAt RepositoryMigrationOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order mannequins why when they were created.
  1835  )
  1837  // RepositoryOrderField represents properties by which repository connections can be ordered.
  1838  type RepositoryOrderField string
  1840  // Properties by which repository connections can be ordered.
  1841  const (
  1842  	RepositoryOrderFieldCreatedAt  RepositoryOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order repositories by creation time.
  1843  	RepositoryOrderFieldUpdatedAt  RepositoryOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order repositories by update time.
  1844  	RepositoryOrderFieldPushedAt   RepositoryOrderField = "PUSHED_AT"  // Order repositories by push time.
  1845  	RepositoryOrderFieldName       RepositoryOrderField = "NAME"       // Order repositories by name.
  1846  	RepositoryOrderFieldStargazers RepositoryOrderField = "STARGAZERS" // Order repositories by number of stargazers.
  1847  )
  1849  // RepositoryPermission represents the access level to a repository.
  1850  type RepositoryPermission string
  1852  // The access level to a repository.
  1853  const (
  1854  	RepositoryPermissionAdmin    RepositoryPermission = "ADMIN"    // Can read, clone, and push to this repository. Can also manage issues, pull requests, and repository settings, including adding collaborators.
  1855  	RepositoryPermissionMaintain RepositoryPermission = "MAINTAIN" // Can read, clone, and push to this repository. They can also manage issues, pull requests, and some repository settings.
  1856  	RepositoryPermissionWrite    RepositoryPermission = "WRITE"    // Can read, clone, and push to this repository. Can also manage issues and pull requests.
  1857  	RepositoryPermissionTriage   RepositoryPermission = "TRIAGE"   // Can read and clone this repository. Can also manage issues and pull requests.
  1858  	RepositoryPermissionRead     RepositoryPermission = "READ"     // Can read and clone this repository. Can also open and comment on issues and pull requests.
  1859  )
  1861  // RepositoryPrivacy represents the privacy of a repository.
  1862  type RepositoryPrivacy string
  1864  // The privacy of a repository.
  1865  const (
  1866  	RepositoryPrivacyPublic  RepositoryPrivacy = "PUBLIC"  // Public.
  1867  	RepositoryPrivacyPrivate RepositoryPrivacy = "PRIVATE" // Private.
  1868  )
  1870  // RepositoryRuleOrderField represents properties by which repository rule connections can be ordered.
  1871  type RepositoryRuleOrderField string
  1873  // Properties by which repository rule connections can be ordered.
  1874  const (
  1875  	RepositoryRuleOrderFieldUpdatedAt RepositoryRuleOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order repository rules by updated time.
  1876  	RepositoryRuleOrderFieldCreatedAt RepositoryRuleOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order repository rules by created time.
  1877  	RepositoryRuleOrderFieldType      RepositoryRuleOrderField = "TYPE"       // Order repository rules by type.
  1878  )
  1880  // RepositoryRuleType represents the rule types supported in rulesets.
  1881  type RepositoryRuleType string
  1883  // The rule types supported in rulesets.
  1884  const (
  1885  	RepositoryRuleTypeCreation                       RepositoryRuleType = "CREATION"                          // Only allow users with bypass permission to create matching refs.
  1886  	RepositoryRuleTypeUpdate                         RepositoryRuleType = "UPDATE"                            // Only allow users with bypass permission to update matching refs.
  1887  	RepositoryRuleTypeDeletion                       RepositoryRuleType = "DELETION"                          // Only allow users with bypass permissions to delete matching refs.
  1888  	RepositoryRuleTypeRequiredLinearHistory          RepositoryRuleType = "REQUIRED_LINEAR_HISTORY"           // Prevent merge commits from being pushed to matching refs.
  1889  	RepositoryRuleTypeMergeQueue                     RepositoryRuleType = "MERGE_QUEUE"                       // Merges must be performed via a merge queue.
  1890  	RepositoryRuleTypeRequiredReviewThreadResolution RepositoryRuleType = "REQUIRED_REVIEW_THREAD_RESOLUTION" // When enabled, all conversations on code must be resolved before a pull request can be merged into a branch that matches this rule.
  1891  	RepositoryRuleTypeRequiredDeployments            RepositoryRuleType = "REQUIRED_DEPLOYMENTS"              // Choose which environments must be successfully deployed to before refs can be pushed into a ref that matches this rule.
  1892  	RepositoryRuleTypeRequiredSignatures             RepositoryRuleType = "REQUIRED_SIGNATURES"               // Commits pushed to matching refs must have verified signatures.
  1893  	RepositoryRuleTypePullRequest                    RepositoryRuleType = "PULL_REQUEST"                      // Require all commits be made to a non-target branch and submitted via a pull request before they can be merged.
  1894  	RepositoryRuleTypeRequiredStatusChecks           RepositoryRuleType = "REQUIRED_STATUS_CHECKS"            // Choose which status checks must pass before the ref is updated. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another ref where the checks pass.
  1895  	RepositoryRuleTypeRequiredWorkflowStatusChecks   RepositoryRuleType = "REQUIRED_WORKFLOW_STATUS_CHECKS"   // Require all commits be made to a non-target branch and submitted via a pull request and required workflow checks to pass before they can be merged.
  1896  	RepositoryRuleTypeNonFastForward                 RepositoryRuleType = "NON_FAST_FORWARD"                  // Prevent users with push access from force pushing to refs.
  1897  	RepositoryRuleTypeAuthorization                  RepositoryRuleType = "AUTHORIZATION"                     // Authorization.
  1898  	RepositoryRuleTypeTag                            RepositoryRuleType = "TAG"                               // Tag.
  1899  	RepositoryRuleTypeMergeQueueLockedRef            RepositoryRuleType = "MERGE_QUEUE_LOCKED_REF"            // Merge queue locked ref.
  1900  	RepositoryRuleTypeLockBranch                     RepositoryRuleType = "LOCK_BRANCH"                       // Branch is read-only. Users cannot push to the branch.
  1901  	RepositoryRuleTypeMaxRefUpdates                  RepositoryRuleType = "MAX_REF_UPDATES"                   // Max ref updates.
  1902  	RepositoryRuleTypeCommitMessagePattern           RepositoryRuleType = "COMMIT_MESSAGE_PATTERN"            // Commit message pattern.
  1903  	RepositoryRuleTypeCommitAuthorEmailPattern       RepositoryRuleType = "COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL_PATTERN"       // Commit author email pattern.
  1904  	RepositoryRuleTypeCommitterEmailPattern          RepositoryRuleType = "COMMITTER_EMAIL_PATTERN"           // Committer email pattern.
  1905  	RepositoryRuleTypeBranchNamePattern              RepositoryRuleType = "BRANCH_NAME_PATTERN"               // Branch name pattern.
  1906  	RepositoryRuleTypeTagNamePattern                 RepositoryRuleType = "TAG_NAME_PATTERN"                  // Tag name pattern.
  1907  	RepositoryRuleTypeFilePathRestriction            RepositoryRuleType = "FILE_PATH_RESTRICTION"             // Prevent commits that include changes in specified file paths from being pushed to the commit graph. NOTE: This rule is in beta and subject to change.
  1908  	RepositoryRuleTypeMaxFilePathLength              RepositoryRuleType = "MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTH"              // Prevent commits that include file paths that exceed a specified character limit from being pushed to the commit graph. NOTE: This rule is in beta and subject to change.
  1909  	RepositoryRuleTypeFileExtensionRestriction       RepositoryRuleType = "FILE_EXTENSION_RESTRICTION"        // Prevent commits that include files with specified file extensions from being pushed to the commit graph. NOTE: This rule is in beta and subject to change.
  1910  	RepositoryRuleTypeMaxFileSize                    RepositoryRuleType = "MAX_FILE_SIZE"                     // Prevent commits that exceed a specified file size limit from being pushed to the commit. NOTE: This rule is in beta and subject to change.
  1911  	RepositoryRuleTypeWorkflows                      RepositoryRuleType = "WORKFLOWS"                         // Require all changes made to a targeted branch to pass the specified workflows before they can be merged.
  1912  	RepositoryRuleTypeSecretScanning                 RepositoryRuleType = "SECRET_SCANNING"                   // Secret scanning.
  1913  	RepositoryRuleTypeWorkflowUpdates                RepositoryRuleType = "WORKFLOW_UPDATES"                  // Workflow files cannot be modified.
  1914  	RepositoryRuleTypeCodeScanning                   RepositoryRuleType = "CODE_SCANNING"                     // Choose which tools must provide code scanning results before the reference is updated. When configured, code scanning must be enabled and have results for both the commit and the reference being updated.
  1915  )
  1917  // RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassMode represents the bypass mode for a specific actor on a ruleset.
  1918  type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassMode string
  1920  // The bypass mode for a specific actor on a ruleset.
  1921  const (
  1922  	RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassModeAlways      RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassMode = "ALWAYS"       // The actor can always bypass rules.
  1923  	RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassModePullRequest RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassMode = "PULL_REQUEST" // The actor can only bypass rules via a pull request.
  1924  )
  1926  // RepositoryRulesetTarget represents the targets supported for rulesets. NOTE: The push target is in beta and subject to change.
  1927  type RepositoryRulesetTarget string
  1929  // The targets supported for rulesets. NOTE: The push target is in beta and subject to change.
  1930  const (
  1931  	RepositoryRulesetTargetBranch RepositoryRulesetTarget = "BRANCH" // Branch.
  1932  	RepositoryRulesetTargetTag    RepositoryRulesetTarget = "TAG"    // Tag.
  1933  	RepositoryRulesetTargetPush   RepositoryRulesetTarget = "PUSH"   // Push.
  1934  )
  1936  // RepositoryVisibility represents the repository's visibility level.
  1937  type RepositoryVisibility string
  1939  // The repository's visibility level.
  1940  const (
  1941  	RepositoryVisibilityPrivate  RepositoryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
  1942  	RepositoryVisibilityPublic   RepositoryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
  1943  	RepositoryVisibilityInternal RepositoryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
  1944  )
  1946  // RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope represents the possible scopes of an alert's dependency.
  1947  type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope string
  1949  // The possible scopes of an alert's dependency.
  1950  const (
  1951  	RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScopeRuntime     RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope = "RUNTIME"     // A dependency that is leveraged during application runtime.
  1952  	RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScopeDevelopment RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope = "DEVELOPMENT" // A dependency that is only used in development.
  1953  )
  1955  // RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState represents the possible states of an alert.
  1956  type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState string
  1958  // The possible states of an alert.
  1959  const (
  1960  	RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertStateOpen          RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState = "OPEN"           // An alert that is still open.
  1961  	RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertStateFixed         RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState = "FIXED"          // An alert that has been resolved by a code change.
  1962  	RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertStateDismissed     RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState = "DISMISSED"      // An alert that has been manually closed by a user.
  1963  	RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertStateAutoDismissed RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState = "AUTO_DISMISSED" // An alert that has been automatically closed by Dependabot.
  1964  )
  1966  // RequestableCheckStatusState represents the possible states that can be requested when creating a check run.
  1967  type RequestableCheckStatusState string
  1969  // The possible states that can be requested when creating a check run.
  1970  const (
  1971  	RequestableCheckStatusStateQueued     RequestableCheckStatusState = "QUEUED"      // The check suite or run has been queued.
  1972  	RequestableCheckStatusStateInProgress RequestableCheckStatusState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The check suite or run is in progress.
  1973  	RequestableCheckStatusStateCompleted  RequestableCheckStatusState = "COMPLETED"   // The check suite or run has been completed.
  1974  	RequestableCheckStatusStateWaiting    RequestableCheckStatusState = "WAITING"     // The check suite or run is in waiting state.
  1975  	RequestableCheckStatusStatePending    RequestableCheckStatusState = "PENDING"     // The check suite or run is in pending state.
  1976  )
  1978  // RoleInOrganization represents possible roles a user may have in relation to an organization.
  1979  type RoleInOrganization string
  1981  // Possible roles a user may have in relation to an organization.
  1982  const (
  1983  	RoleInOrganizationOwner        RoleInOrganization = "OWNER"         // A user with full administrative access to the organization.
  1984  	RoleInOrganizationDirectMember RoleInOrganization = "DIRECT_MEMBER" // A user who is a direct member of the organization.
  1985  	RoleInOrganizationUnaffiliated RoleInOrganization = "UNAFFILIATED"  // A user who is unaffiliated with the organization.
  1986  )
  1988  // RuleEnforcement represents the level of enforcement for a rule or ruleset.
  1989  type RuleEnforcement string
  1991  // The level of enforcement for a rule or ruleset.
  1992  const (
  1993  	RuleEnforcementDisabled RuleEnforcement = "DISABLED" // Do not evaluate or enforce rules.
  1994  	RuleEnforcementActive   RuleEnforcement = "ACTIVE"   // Rules will be enforced.
  1995  	RuleEnforcementEvaluate RuleEnforcement = "EVALUATE" // Allow admins to test rules before enforcing them. Admins can view insights on the Rule Insights page (`evaluate` is only available with GitHub Enterprise).
  1996  )
  1998  // SamlDigestAlgorithm represents the possible digest algorithms used to sign SAML requests for an identity provider.
  1999  type SamlDigestAlgorithm string
  2001  // The possible digest algorithms used to sign SAML requests for an identity provider.
  2002  const (
  2003  	SamlDigestAlgorithmSha1   SamlDigestAlgorithm = "SHA1"   // SHA1.
  2004  	SamlDigestAlgorithmSha256 SamlDigestAlgorithm = "SHA256" // SHA256.
  2005  	SamlDigestAlgorithmSha384 SamlDigestAlgorithm = "SHA384" // SHA384.
  2006  	SamlDigestAlgorithmSha512 SamlDigestAlgorithm = "SHA512" // SHA512.
  2007  )
  2009  // SamlSignatureAlgorithm represents the possible signature algorithms used to sign SAML requests for a Identity Provider.
  2010  type SamlSignatureAlgorithm string
  2012  // The possible signature algorithms used to sign SAML requests for a Identity Provider.
  2013  const (
  2014  	SamlSignatureAlgorithmRsaSha1   SamlSignatureAlgorithm = "RSA_SHA1"   // RSA-SHA1.
  2015  	SamlSignatureAlgorithmRsaSha256 SamlSignatureAlgorithm = "RSA_SHA256" // RSA-SHA256.
  2016  	SamlSignatureAlgorithmRsaSha384 SamlSignatureAlgorithm = "RSA_SHA384" // RSA-SHA384.
  2017  	SamlSignatureAlgorithmRsaSha512 SamlSignatureAlgorithm = "RSA_SHA512" // RSA-SHA512.
  2018  )
  2020  // SavedReplyOrderField represents properties by which saved reply connections can be ordered.
  2021  type SavedReplyOrderField string
  2023  // Properties by which saved reply connections can be ordered.
  2024  const (
  2025  	SavedReplyOrderFieldUpdatedAt SavedReplyOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order saved reply by when they were updated.
  2026  )
  2028  // SearchType represents represents the individual results of a search.
  2029  type SearchType string
  2031  // Represents the individual results of a search.
  2032  const (
  2033  	SearchTypeIssue      SearchType = "ISSUE"      // Returns results matching issues in repositories.
  2034  	SearchTypeRepository SearchType = "REPOSITORY" // Returns results matching repositories.
  2035  	SearchTypeUser       SearchType = "USER"       // Returns results matching users and organizations on GitHub.
  2036  	SearchTypeDiscussion SearchType = "DISCUSSION" // Returns matching discussions in repositories.
  2037  )
  2039  // SecurityAdvisoryClassification represents classification of the advisory.
  2040  type SecurityAdvisoryClassification string
  2042  // Classification of the advisory.
  2043  const (
  2044  	SecurityAdvisoryClassificationGeneral SecurityAdvisoryClassification = "GENERAL" // Classification of general advisories.
  2045  	SecurityAdvisoryClassificationMalware SecurityAdvisoryClassification = "MALWARE" // Classification of malware advisories.
  2046  )
  2048  // SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem represents the possible ecosystems of a security vulnerability's package.
  2049  type SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem string
  2051  // The possible ecosystems of a security vulnerability's package.
  2052  const (
  2053  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemComposer SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "COMPOSER" // PHP packages hosted at packagist.org.
  2054  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemErlang   SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "ERLANG"   // Erlang/Elixir packages hosted at hex.pm.
  2055  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemActions  SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "ACTIONS"  // GitHub Actions.
  2056  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemGo       SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "GO"       // Go modules.
  2057  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemMaven    SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "MAVEN"    // Java artifacts hosted at the Maven central repository.
  2058  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemNpm      SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "NPM"      // JavaScript packages hosted at npmjs.com.
  2059  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemNuget    SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "NUGET"    // .NET packages hosted at the NuGet Gallery.
  2060  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemPip      SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "PIP"      // Python packages hosted at PyPI.org.
  2061  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemPub      SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "PUB"      // Dart packages hosted at pub.dev.
  2062  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemRubygems SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "RUBYGEMS" // Ruby gems hosted at RubyGems.org.
  2063  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemRust     SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "RUST"     // Rust crates.
  2064  	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemSwift    SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "SWIFT"    // Swift packages.
  2065  )
  2067  // SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType represents identifier formats available for advisories.
  2068  type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType string
  2070  // Identifier formats available for advisories.
  2071  const (
  2072  	SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierTypeCve  SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType = "CVE"  // Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Identifier.
  2073  	SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierTypeGhsa SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType = "GHSA" // GitHub Security Advisory ID.
  2074  )
  2076  // SecurityAdvisoryOrderField represents properties by which security advisory connections can be ordered.
  2077  type SecurityAdvisoryOrderField string
  2079  // Properties by which security advisory connections can be ordered.
  2080  const (
  2081  	SecurityAdvisoryOrderFieldPublishedAt SecurityAdvisoryOrderField = "PUBLISHED_AT" // Order advisories by publication time.
  2082  	SecurityAdvisoryOrderFieldUpdatedAt   SecurityAdvisoryOrderField = "UPDATED_AT"   // Order advisories by update time.
  2083  )
  2085  // SecurityAdvisorySeverity represents severity of the vulnerability.
  2086  type SecurityAdvisorySeverity string
  2088  // Severity of the vulnerability.
  2089  const (
  2090  	SecurityAdvisorySeverityLow      SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "LOW"      // Low.
  2091  	SecurityAdvisorySeverityModerate SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "MODERATE" // Moderate.
  2092  	SecurityAdvisorySeverityHigh     SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "HIGH"     // High.
  2093  	SecurityAdvisorySeverityCritical SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "CRITICAL" // Critical.
  2094  )
  2096  // SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField represents properties by which security vulnerability connections can be ordered.
  2097  type SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField string
  2099  // Properties by which security vulnerability connections can be ordered.
  2100  const (
  2101  	SecurityVulnerabilityOrderFieldUpdatedAt SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order vulnerability by update time.
  2102  )
  2104  // SocialAccountProvider represents software or company that hosts social media accounts.
  2105  type SocialAccountProvider string
  2107  // Software or company that hosts social media accounts.
  2108  const (
  2109  	SocialAccountProviderGeneric   SocialAccountProvider = "GENERIC"   // Catch-all for social media providers that do not yet have specific handling.
  2110  	SocialAccountProviderFacebook  SocialAccountProvider = "FACEBOOK"  // Social media and networking website.
  2111  	SocialAccountProviderHometown  SocialAccountProvider = "HOMETOWN"  // Fork of Mastodon with a greater focus on local posting.
  2112  	SocialAccountProviderInstagram SocialAccountProvider = "INSTAGRAM" // Social media website with a focus on photo and video sharing.
  2113  	SocialAccountProviderLinkedIn  SocialAccountProvider = "LINKEDIN"  // Professional networking website.
  2114  	SocialAccountProviderMastodon  SocialAccountProvider = "MASTODON"  // Open-source federated microblogging service.
  2115  	SocialAccountProviderReddit    SocialAccountProvider = "REDDIT"    // Social news aggregation and discussion website.
  2116  	SocialAccountProviderTwitch    SocialAccountProvider = "TWITCH"    // Live-streaming service.
  2117  	SocialAccountProviderTwitter   SocialAccountProvider = "TWITTER"   // Microblogging website.
  2118  	SocialAccountProviderYouTube   SocialAccountProvider = "YOUTUBE"   // Online video platform.
  2119  	SocialAccountProviderNpm       SocialAccountProvider = "NPM"       // JavaScript package registry.
  2120  )
  2122  // SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField represents properties by which sponsor and lifetime value connections can be ordered.
  2123  type SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField string
  2125  // Properties by which sponsor and lifetime value connections can be ordered.
  2126  const (
  2127  	SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderFieldSponsorLogin     SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField = "SPONSOR_LOGIN"     // Order results by the sponsor's login (username).
  2128  	SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderFieldSponsorRelevance SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField = "SPONSOR_RELEVANCE" // Order results by the sponsor's relevance to the viewer.
  2129  	SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderFieldLifetimeValue    SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField = "LIFETIME_VALUE"    // Order results by how much money the sponsor has paid in total.
  2130  )
  2132  // SponsorOrderField represents properties by which sponsor connections can be ordered.
  2133  type SponsorOrderField string
  2135  // Properties by which sponsor connections can be ordered.
  2136  const (
  2137  	SponsorOrderFieldLogin     SponsorOrderField = "LOGIN"     // Order sponsorable entities by login (username).
  2138  	SponsorOrderFieldRelevance SponsorOrderField = "RELEVANCE" // Order sponsors by their relevance to the viewer.
  2139  )
  2141  // SponsorableOrderField represents properties by which sponsorable connections can be ordered.
  2142  type SponsorableOrderField string
  2144  // Properties by which sponsorable connections can be ordered.
  2145  const (
  2146  	SponsorableOrderFieldLogin SponsorableOrderField = "LOGIN" // Order sponsorable entities by login (username).
  2147  )
  2149  // SponsorsActivityAction represents the possible actions that GitHub Sponsors activities can represent.
  2150  type SponsorsActivityAction string
  2152  // The possible actions that GitHub Sponsors activities can represent.
  2153  const (
  2154  	SponsorsActivityActionNewSponsorship       SponsorsActivityAction = "NEW_SPONSORSHIP"        // The activity was starting a sponsorship.
  2155  	SponsorsActivityActionCancelledSponsorship SponsorsActivityAction = "CANCELLED_SPONSORSHIP"  // The activity was cancelling a sponsorship.
  2156  	SponsorsActivityActionTierChange           SponsorsActivityAction = "TIER_CHANGE"            // The activity was changing the sponsorship tier, either directly by the sponsor or by a scheduled/pending change.
  2157  	SponsorsActivityActionRefund               SponsorsActivityAction = "REFUND"                 // The activity was funds being refunded to the sponsor or GitHub.
  2158  	SponsorsActivityActionPendingChange        SponsorsActivityAction = "PENDING_CHANGE"         // The activity was scheduling a downgrade or cancellation.
  2159  	SponsorsActivityActionSponsorMatchDisabled SponsorsActivityAction = "SPONSOR_MATCH_DISABLED" // The activity was disabling matching for a previously matched sponsorship.
  2160  )
  2162  // SponsorsActivityOrderField represents properties by which GitHub Sponsors activity connections can be ordered.
  2163  type SponsorsActivityOrderField string
  2165  // Properties by which GitHub Sponsors activity connections can be ordered.
  2166  const (
  2167  	SponsorsActivityOrderFieldTimestamp SponsorsActivityOrderField = "TIMESTAMP" // Order activities by when they happened.
  2168  )
  2170  // SponsorsActivityPeriod represents the possible time periods for which Sponsors activities can be requested.
  2171  type SponsorsActivityPeriod string
  2173  // The possible time periods for which Sponsors activities can be requested.
  2174  const (
  2175  	SponsorsActivityPeriodDay   SponsorsActivityPeriod = "DAY"   // The previous calendar day.
  2176  	SponsorsActivityPeriodWeek  SponsorsActivityPeriod = "WEEK"  // The previous seven days.
  2177  	SponsorsActivityPeriodMonth SponsorsActivityPeriod = "MONTH" // The previous thirty days.
  2178  	SponsorsActivityPeriodAll   SponsorsActivityPeriod = "ALL"   // Don't restrict the activity to any date range, include all activity.
  2179  )
  2181  // SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode represents represents countries or regions for billing and residence for a GitHub Sponsors profile.
  2182  type SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode string
  2184  // Represents countries or regions for billing and residence for a GitHub Sponsors profile.
  2185  const (
  2186  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AF" // Afghanistan.
  2187  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAX SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AX" // Åland.
  2188  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AL" // Albania.
  2189  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeDZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "DZ" // Algeria.
  2190  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AS" // American Samoa.
  2191  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AD" // Andorra.
  2192  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AO" // Angola.
  2193  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AI" // Anguilla.
  2194  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAQ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AQ" // Antarctica.
  2195  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AG" // Antigua and Barbuda.
  2196  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AR" // Argentina.
  2197  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AM" // Armenia.
  2198  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AW" // Aruba.
  2199  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AU" // Australia.
  2200  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AT" // Austria.
  2201  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AZ" // Azerbaijan.
  2202  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BS" // Bahamas.
  2203  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BH" // Bahrain.
  2204  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BD" // Bangladesh.
  2205  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBB SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BB" // Barbados.
  2206  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BY" // Belarus.
  2207  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BE" // Belgium.
  2208  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BZ" // Belize.
  2209  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBJ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BJ" // Benin.
  2210  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BM" // Bermuda.
  2211  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BT" // Bhutan.
  2212  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BO" // Bolivia.
  2213  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBQ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BQ" // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
  2214  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BA" // Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  2215  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BW" // Botswana.
  2216  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBV SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BV" // Bouvet Island.
  2217  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BR" // Brazil.
  2218  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IO" // British Indian Ocean Territory.
  2219  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BN" // Brunei Darussalam.
  2220  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BG" // Bulgaria.
  2221  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BF" // Burkina Faso.
  2222  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BI" // Burundi.
  2223  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KH" // Cambodia.
  2224  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CM" // Cameroon.
  2225  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CA" // Canada.
  2226  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCV SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CV" // Cape Verde.
  2227  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KY" // Cayman Islands.
  2228  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CF" // Central African Republic.
  2229  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TD" // Chad.
  2230  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CL" // Chile.
  2231  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CN" // China.
  2232  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCX SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CX" // Christmas Island.
  2233  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CC" // Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
  2234  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CO" // Colombia.
  2235  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KM" // Comoros.
  2236  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CG" // Congo (Brazzaville).
  2237  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CD" // Congo (Kinshasa).
  2238  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CK" // Cook Islands.
  2239  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CR" // Costa Rica.
  2240  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CI" // Côte d'Ivoire.
  2241  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeHR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "HR" // Croatia.
  2242  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CW" // Curaçao.
  2243  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CY" // Cyprus.
  2244  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CZ" // Czech Republic.
  2245  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeDK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "DK" // Denmark.
  2246  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeDJ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "DJ" // Djibouti.
  2247  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeDM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "DM" // Dominica.
  2248  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeDO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "DO" // Dominican Republic.
  2249  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeEC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "EC" // Ecuador.
  2250  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeEG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "EG" // Egypt.
  2251  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSV SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SV" // El Salvador.
  2252  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGQ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GQ" // Equatorial Guinea.
  2253  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeER SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ER" // Eritrea.
  2254  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeEE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "EE" // Estonia.
  2255  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeET SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ET" // Ethiopia.
  2256  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeFK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "FK" // Falkland Islands.
  2257  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeFO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "FO" // Faroe Islands.
  2258  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeFJ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "FJ" // Fiji.
  2259  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeFI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "FI" // Finland.
  2260  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeFR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "FR" // France.
  2261  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GF" // French Guiana.
  2262  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PF" // French Polynesia.
  2263  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TF" // French Southern Lands.
  2264  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GA" // Gabon.
  2265  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GM" // Gambia.
  2266  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GE" // Georgia.
  2267  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeDE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "DE" // Germany.
  2268  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GH" // Ghana.
  2269  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GI" // Gibraltar.
  2270  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GR" // Greece.
  2271  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GL" // Greenland.
  2272  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GD" // Grenada.
  2273  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGP SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GP" // Guadeloupe.
  2274  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GU" // Guam.
  2275  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GT" // Guatemala.
  2276  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GG" // Guernsey.
  2277  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GN" // Guinea.
  2278  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GW" // Guinea-Bissau.
  2279  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GY" // Guyana.
  2280  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeHT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "HT" // Haiti.
  2281  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeHM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "HM" // Heard and McDonald Islands.
  2282  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeHN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "HN" // Honduras.
  2283  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeHK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "HK" // Hong Kong.
  2284  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeHU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "HU" // Hungary.
  2285  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IS" // Iceland.
  2286  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IN" // India.
  2287  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeID SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ID" // Indonesia.
  2288  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IR" // Iran.
  2289  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIQ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IQ" // Iraq.
  2290  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IE" // Ireland.
  2291  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IM" // Isle of Man.
  2292  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IL" // Israel.
  2293  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeIT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "IT" // Italy.
  2294  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeJM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "JM" // Jamaica.
  2295  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeJP SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "JP" // Japan.
  2296  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeJE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "JE" // Jersey.
  2297  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeJO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "JO" // Jordan.
  2298  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KZ" // Kazakhstan.
  2299  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KE" // Kenya.
  2300  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KI" // Kiribati.
  2301  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KR" // Korea, South.
  2302  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KW" // Kuwait.
  2303  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KG" // Kyrgyzstan.
  2304  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LA" // Laos.
  2305  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLV SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LV" // Latvia.
  2306  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLB SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LB" // Lebanon.
  2307  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LS" // Lesotho.
  2308  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LR" // Liberia.
  2309  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LY" // Libya.
  2310  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LI" // Liechtenstein.
  2311  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LT" // Lithuania.
  2312  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LU" // Luxembourg.
  2313  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MO" // Macau.
  2314  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MK" // Macedonia.
  2315  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MG" // Madagascar.
  2316  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MW" // Malawi.
  2317  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MY" // Malaysia.
  2318  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMV SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MV" // Maldives.
  2319  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeML SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ML" // Mali.
  2320  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MT" // Malta.
  2321  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MH" // Marshall Islands.
  2322  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMQ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MQ" // Martinique.
  2323  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MR" // Mauritania.
  2324  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MU" // Mauritius.
  2325  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeYT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "YT" // Mayotte.
  2326  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMX SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MX" // Mexico.
  2327  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeFM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "FM" // Micronesia.
  2328  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MD" // Moldova.
  2329  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MC" // Monaco.
  2330  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MN" // Mongolia.
  2331  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeME SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ME" // Montenegro.
  2332  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MS" // Montserrat.
  2333  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MA" // Morocco.
  2334  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MZ" // Mozambique.
  2335  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MM" // Myanmar.
  2336  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NA" // Namibia.
  2337  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NR" // Nauru.
  2338  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNP SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NP" // Nepal.
  2339  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NL" // Netherlands.
  2340  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NC" // New Caledonia.
  2341  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NZ" // New Zealand.
  2342  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NI" // Nicaragua.
  2343  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NE" // Niger.
  2344  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NG" // Nigeria.
  2345  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NU" // Niue.
  2346  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NF" // Norfolk Island.
  2347  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMP SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MP" // Northern Mariana Islands.
  2348  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeNO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "NO" // Norway.
  2349  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeOM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "OM" // Oman.
  2350  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PK" // Pakistan.
  2351  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PW" // Palau.
  2352  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PS" // Palestine.
  2353  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PA" // Panama.
  2354  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PG" // Papua New Guinea.
  2355  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PY" // Paraguay.
  2356  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PE" // Peru.
  2357  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PH" // Philippines.
  2358  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PN" // Pitcairn.
  2359  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PL" // Poland.
  2360  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PT" // Portugal.
  2361  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PR" // Puerto Rico.
  2362  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeQA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "QA" // Qatar.
  2363  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeRE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "RE" // Reunion.
  2364  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeRO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "RO" // Romania.
  2365  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeRU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "RU" // Russian Federation.
  2366  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeRW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "RW" // Rwanda.
  2367  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeBL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "BL" // Saint Barthélemy.
  2368  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SH" // Saint Helena.
  2369  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeKN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "KN" // Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  2370  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LC" // Saint Lucia.
  2371  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeMF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "MF" // Saint Martin (French part).
  2372  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodePM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "PM" // Saint Pierre and Miquelon.
  2373  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VC" // Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  2374  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeWS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "WS" // Samoa.
  2375  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SM" // San Marino.
  2376  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeST SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ST" // Sao Tome and Principe.
  2377  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SA" // Saudi Arabia.
  2378  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SN" // Senegal.
  2379  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeRS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "RS" // Serbia.
  2380  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SC" // Seychelles.
  2381  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SL" // Sierra Leone.
  2382  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SG" // Singapore.
  2383  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSX SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SX" // Sint Maarten (Dutch part).
  2384  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SK" // Slovakia.
  2385  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SI" // Slovenia.
  2386  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSB SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SB" // Solomon Islands.
  2387  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SO" // Somalia.
  2388  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeZA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ZA" // South Africa.
  2389  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GS" // South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.
  2390  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SS" // South Sudan.
  2391  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeES SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ES" // Spain.
  2392  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeLK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "LK" // Sri Lanka.
  2393  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSD SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SD" // Sudan.
  2394  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SR" // Suriname.
  2395  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSJ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SJ" // Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands.
  2396  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SZ" // Swaziland.
  2397  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeSE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "SE" // Sweden.
  2398  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeCH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "CH" // Switzerland.
  2399  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TW" // Taiwan.
  2400  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTJ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TJ" // Tajikistan.
  2401  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TZ" // Tanzania.
  2402  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TH" // Thailand.
  2403  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTL SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TL" // Timor-Leste.
  2404  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TG" // Togo.
  2405  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTK SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TK" // Tokelau.
  2406  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTO SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TO" // Tonga.
  2407  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTT SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TT" // Trinidad and Tobago.
  2408  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TN" // Tunisia.
  2409  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTR SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TR" // Türkiye.
  2410  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TM" // Turkmenistan.
  2411  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTC SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TC" // Turks and Caicos Islands.
  2412  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeTV SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "TV" // Tuvalu.
  2413  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeUG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "UG" // Uganda.
  2414  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeUA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "UA" // Ukraine.
  2415  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeAE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "AE" // United Arab Emirates.
  2416  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeGB SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "GB" // United Kingdom.
  2417  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeUM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "UM" // United States Minor Outlying Islands.
  2418  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeUS SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "US" // United States of America.
  2419  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeUY SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "UY" // Uruguay.
  2420  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeUZ SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "UZ" // Uzbekistan.
  2421  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVU SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VU" // Vanuatu.
  2422  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVA SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VA" // Vatican City.
  2423  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VE" // Venezuela.
  2424  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVN SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VN" // Vietnam.
  2425  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVG SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VG" // Virgin Islands, British.
  2426  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeVI SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "VI" // Virgin Islands, U.S.
  2427  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeWF SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "WF" // Wallis and Futuna Islands.
  2428  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeEH SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "EH" // Western Sahara.
  2429  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeYE SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "YE" // Yemen.
  2430  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeZM SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ZM" // Zambia.
  2431  	SponsorsCountryOrRegionCodeZW SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode = "ZW" // Zimbabwe.
  2432  )
  2434  // SponsorsGoalKind represents the different kinds of goals a GitHub Sponsors member can have.
  2435  type SponsorsGoalKind string
  2437  // The different kinds of goals a GitHub Sponsors member can have.
  2438  const (
  2439  	SponsorsGoalKindTotalSponsorsCount       SponsorsGoalKind = "TOTAL_SPONSORS_COUNT"       // The goal is about reaching a certain number of sponsors.
  2440  	SponsorsGoalKindMonthlySponsorshipAmount SponsorsGoalKind = "MONTHLY_SPONSORSHIP_AMOUNT" // The goal is about getting a certain amount in USD from sponsorships each month.
  2441  )
  2443  // SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableType represents the different kinds of records that can be featured on a GitHub Sponsors profile page.
  2444  type SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableType string
  2446  // The different kinds of records that can be featured on a GitHub Sponsors profile page.
  2447  const (
  2448  	SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableTypeRepository SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableType = "REPOSITORY" // A repository owned by the user or organization with the GitHub Sponsors profile.
  2449  	SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableTypeUser       SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableType = "USER"       // A user who belongs to the organization with the GitHub Sponsors profile.
  2450  )
  2452  // SponsorsTierOrderField represents properties by which Sponsors tiers connections can be ordered.
  2453  type SponsorsTierOrderField string
  2455  // Properties by which Sponsors tiers connections can be ordered.
  2456  const (
  2457  	SponsorsTierOrderFieldCreatedAt           SponsorsTierOrderField = "CREATED_AT"             // Order tiers by creation time.
  2458  	SponsorsTierOrderFieldMonthlyPriceInCents SponsorsTierOrderField = "MONTHLY_PRICE_IN_CENTS" // Order tiers by their monthly price in cents.
  2459  )
  2461  // SponsorshipNewsletterOrderField represents properties by which sponsorship update connections can be ordered.
  2462  type SponsorshipNewsletterOrderField string
  2464  // Properties by which sponsorship update connections can be ordered.
  2465  const (
  2466  	SponsorshipNewsletterOrderFieldCreatedAt SponsorshipNewsletterOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order sponsorship newsletters by when they were created.
  2467  )
  2469  // SponsorshipOrderField represents properties by which sponsorship connections can be ordered.
  2470  type SponsorshipOrderField string
  2472  // Properties by which sponsorship connections can be ordered.
  2473  const (
  2474  	SponsorshipOrderFieldCreatedAt SponsorshipOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order sponsorship by creation time.
  2475  )
  2477  // SponsorshipPaymentSource represents how payment was made for funding a GitHub Sponsors sponsorship.
  2478  type SponsorshipPaymentSource string
  2480  // How payment was made for funding a GitHub Sponsors sponsorship.
  2481  const (
  2482  	SponsorshipPaymentSourceGitHub  SponsorshipPaymentSource = "GITHUB"  // Payment was made through GitHub.
  2483  	SponsorshipPaymentSourcePatreon SponsorshipPaymentSource = "PATREON" // Payment was made through Patreon.
  2484  )
  2486  // SponsorshipPrivacy represents the privacy of a sponsorship.
  2487  type SponsorshipPrivacy string
  2489  // The privacy of a sponsorship.
  2490  const (
  2491  	SponsorshipPrivacyPublic  SponsorshipPrivacy = "PUBLIC"  // Public.
  2492  	SponsorshipPrivacyPrivate SponsorshipPrivacy = "PRIVATE" // Private.
  2493  )
  2495  // SquashMergeCommitMessage represents the possible default commit messages for squash merges.
  2496  type SquashMergeCommitMessage string
  2498  // The possible default commit messages for squash merges.
  2499  const (
  2500  	SquashMergeCommitMessagePrBody         SquashMergeCommitMessage = "PR_BODY"         // Default to the pull request's body.
  2501  	SquashMergeCommitMessageCommitMessages SquashMergeCommitMessage = "COMMIT_MESSAGES" // Default to the branch's commit messages.
  2502  	SquashMergeCommitMessageBlank          SquashMergeCommitMessage = "BLANK"           // Default to a blank commit message.
  2503  )
  2505  // SquashMergeCommitTitle represents the possible default commit titles for squash merges.
  2506  type SquashMergeCommitTitle string
  2508  // The possible default commit titles for squash merges.
  2509  const (
  2510  	SquashMergeCommitTitlePrTitle         SquashMergeCommitTitle = "PR_TITLE"           // Default to the pull request's title.
  2511  	SquashMergeCommitTitleCommitOrPrTitle SquashMergeCommitTitle = "COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE" // Default to the commit's title (if only one commit) or the pull request's title (when more than one commit).
  2512  )
  2514  // StarOrderField represents properties by which star connections can be ordered.
  2515  type StarOrderField string
  2517  // Properties by which star connections can be ordered.
  2518  const (
  2519  	StarOrderFieldStarredAt StarOrderField = "STARRED_AT" // Allows ordering a list of stars by when they were created.
  2520  )
  2522  // StatusState represents the possible commit status states.
  2523  type StatusState string
  2525  // The possible commit status states.
  2526  const (
  2527  	StatusStateExpected StatusState = "EXPECTED" // Status is expected.
  2528  	StatusStateError    StatusState = "ERROR"    // Status is errored.
  2529  	StatusStateFailure  StatusState = "FAILURE"  // Status is failing.
  2530  	StatusStatePending  StatusState = "PENDING"  // Status is pending.
  2531  	StatusStateSuccess  StatusState = "SUCCESS"  // Status is successful.
  2532  )
  2534  // SubscriptionState represents the possible states of a subscription.
  2535  type SubscriptionState string
  2537  // The possible states of a subscription.
  2538  const (
  2539  	SubscriptionStateUnsubscribed SubscriptionState = "UNSUBSCRIBED" // The User is only notified when participating or @mentioned.
  2540  	SubscriptionStateSubscribed   SubscriptionState = "SUBSCRIBED"   // The User is notified of all conversations.
  2541  	SubscriptionStateIgnored      SubscriptionState = "IGNORED"      // The User is never notified.
  2542  )
  2544  // TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField represents properties by which team discussion comment connections can be ordered.
  2545  type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField string
  2547  // Properties by which team discussion comment connections can be ordered.
  2548  const (
  2549  	TeamDiscussionCommentOrderFieldNumber TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField = "NUMBER" // Allows sequential ordering of team discussion comments (which is equivalent to chronological ordering).
  2550  )
  2552  // TeamDiscussionOrderField represents properties by which team discussion connections can be ordered.
  2553  type TeamDiscussionOrderField string
  2555  // Properties by which team discussion connections can be ordered.
  2556  const (
  2557  	TeamDiscussionOrderFieldCreatedAt TeamDiscussionOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Allows chronological ordering of team discussions.
  2558  )
  2560  // TeamMemberOrderField represents properties by which team member connections can be ordered.
  2561  type TeamMemberOrderField string
  2563  // Properties by which team member connections can be ordered.
  2564  const (
  2565  	TeamMemberOrderFieldLogin     TeamMemberOrderField = "LOGIN"      // Order team members by login.
  2566  	TeamMemberOrderFieldCreatedAt TeamMemberOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order team members by creation time.
  2567  )
  2569  // TeamMemberRole represents the possible team member roles; either 'maintainer' or 'member'.
  2570  type TeamMemberRole string
  2572  // The possible team member roles; either 'maintainer' or 'member'.
  2573  const (
  2574  	TeamMemberRoleMaintainer TeamMemberRole = "MAINTAINER" // A team maintainer has permission to add and remove team members.
  2575  	TeamMemberRoleMember     TeamMemberRole = "MEMBER"     // A team member has no administrative permissions on the team.
  2576  )
  2578  // TeamMembershipType represents defines which types of team members are included in the returned list. Can be one of IMMEDIATE, CHILD_TEAM or ALL.
  2579  type TeamMembershipType string
  2581  // Defines which types of team members are included in the returned list. Can be one of IMMEDIATE, CHILD_TEAM or ALL.
  2582  const (
  2583  	TeamMembershipTypeImmediate TeamMembershipType = "IMMEDIATE"  // Includes only immediate members of the team.
  2584  	TeamMembershipTypeChildTeam TeamMembershipType = "CHILD_TEAM" // Includes only child team members for the team.
  2585  	TeamMembershipTypeAll       TeamMembershipType = "ALL"        // Includes immediate and child team members for the team.
  2586  )
  2588  // TeamNotificationSetting represents the possible team notification values.
  2589  type TeamNotificationSetting string
  2591  // The possible team notification values.
  2592  const (
  2593  	TeamNotificationSettingNotificationsEnabled  TeamNotificationSetting = "NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED"  // Everyone will receive notifications when the team is @mentioned.
  2594  	TeamNotificationSettingNotificationsDisabled TeamNotificationSetting = "NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED" // No one will receive notifications.
  2595  )
  2597  // TeamOrderField represents properties by which team connections can be ordered.
  2598  type TeamOrderField string
  2600  // Properties by which team connections can be ordered.
  2601  const (
  2602  	TeamOrderFieldName TeamOrderField = "NAME" // Allows ordering a list of teams by name.
  2603  )
  2605  // TeamPrivacy represents the possible team privacy values.
  2606  type TeamPrivacy string
  2608  // The possible team privacy values.
  2609  const (
  2610  	TeamPrivacySecret  TeamPrivacy = "SECRET"  // A secret team can only be seen by its members.
  2611  	TeamPrivacyVisible TeamPrivacy = "VISIBLE" // A visible team can be seen and @mentioned by every member of the organization.
  2612  )
  2614  // TeamRepositoryOrderField represents properties by which team repository connections can be ordered.
  2615  type TeamRepositoryOrderField string
  2617  // Properties by which team repository connections can be ordered.
  2618  const (
  2619  	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldCreatedAt  TeamRepositoryOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order repositories by creation time.
  2620  	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldUpdatedAt  TeamRepositoryOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order repositories by update time.
  2621  	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldPushedAt   TeamRepositoryOrderField = "PUSHED_AT"  // Order repositories by push time.
  2622  	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldName       TeamRepositoryOrderField = "NAME"       // Order repositories by name.
  2623  	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldPermission TeamRepositoryOrderField = "PERMISSION" // Order repositories by permission.
  2624  	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldStargazers TeamRepositoryOrderField = "STARGAZERS" // Order repositories by number of stargazers.
  2625  )
  2627  // TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm represents the possible team review assignment algorithms.
  2628  type TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm string
  2630  // The possible team review assignment algorithms.
  2631  const (
  2632  	TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithmRoundRobin  TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm = "ROUND_ROBIN"  // Alternate reviews between each team member.
  2633  	TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithmLoadBalance TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm = "LOAD_BALANCE" // Balance review load across the entire team.
  2634  )
  2636  // TeamRole represents the role of a user on a team.
  2637  type TeamRole string
  2639  // The role of a user on a team.
  2640  const (
  2641  	TeamRoleAdmin  TeamRole = "ADMIN"  // User has admin rights on the team.
  2642  	TeamRoleMember TeamRole = "MEMBER" // User is a member of the team.
  2643  )
  2645  // ThreadSubscriptionFormAction represents the possible states of a thread subscription form action.
  2646  type ThreadSubscriptionFormAction string
  2648  // The possible states of a thread subscription form action.
  2649  const (
  2650  	ThreadSubscriptionFormActionNone        ThreadSubscriptionFormAction = "NONE"        // The User cannot subscribe or unsubscribe to the thread.
  2651  	ThreadSubscriptionFormActionSubscribe   ThreadSubscriptionFormAction = "SUBSCRIBE"   // The User can subscribe to the thread.
  2652  	ThreadSubscriptionFormActionUnsubscribe ThreadSubscriptionFormAction = "UNSUBSCRIBE" // The User can unsubscribe to the thread.
  2653  )
  2655  // ThreadSubscriptionState represents the possible states of a subscription.
  2656  type ThreadSubscriptionState string
  2658  // The possible states of a subscription.
  2659  const (
  2660  	ThreadSubscriptionStateUnavailable              ThreadSubscriptionState = "UNAVAILABLE"                 // The subscription status is currently unavailable.
  2661  	ThreadSubscriptionStateDisabled                 ThreadSubscriptionState = "DISABLED"                    // The subscription status is currently disabled.
  2662  	ThreadSubscriptionStateIgnoringList             ThreadSubscriptionState = "IGNORING_LIST"               // The User is never notified because they are ignoring the list.
  2663  	ThreadSubscriptionStateSubscribedToThreadEvents ThreadSubscriptionState = "SUBSCRIBED_TO_THREAD_EVENTS" // The User is notified because they chose custom settings for this thread.
  2664  	ThreadSubscriptionStateIgnoringThread           ThreadSubscriptionState = "IGNORING_THREAD"             // The User is never notified because they are ignoring the thread.
  2665  	ThreadSubscriptionStateSubscribedToList         ThreadSubscriptionState = "SUBSCRIBED_TO_LIST"          // The User is notified becuase they are watching the list.
  2666  	ThreadSubscriptionStateSubscribedToThreadType   ThreadSubscriptionState = "SUBSCRIBED_TO_THREAD_TYPE"   // The User is notified because they chose custom settings for this thread.
  2667  	ThreadSubscriptionStateSubscribedToThread       ThreadSubscriptionState = "SUBSCRIBED_TO_THREAD"        // The User is notified because they are subscribed to the thread.
  2668  	ThreadSubscriptionStateNone                     ThreadSubscriptionState = "NONE"                        // The User is not recieving notifications from this thread.
  2669  )
  2671  // TopicSuggestionDeclineReason represents reason that the suggested topic is declined.
  2672  type TopicSuggestionDeclineReason string
  2674  // Reason that the suggested topic is declined.
  2675  const (
  2676  	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonNotRelevant        TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "NOT_RELEVANT"        // The suggested topic is not relevant to the repository.
  2677  	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonTooSpecific        TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "TOO_SPECIFIC"        // The suggested topic is too specific for the repository (e.g. #ruby-on-rails-version-4-2-1).
  2678  	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonPersonalPreference TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "PERSONAL_PREFERENCE" // The viewer does not like the suggested topic.
  2679  	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonTooGeneral         TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "TOO_GENERAL"         // The suggested topic is too general for the repository.
  2680  )
  2682  // TrackedIssueStates represents the possible states of a tracked issue.
  2683  type TrackedIssueStates string
  2685  // The possible states of a tracked issue.
  2686  const (
  2687  	TrackedIssueStatesOpen   TrackedIssueStates = "OPEN"   // The tracked issue is open.
  2688  	TrackedIssueStatesClosed TrackedIssueStates = "CLOSED" // The tracked issue is closed.
  2689  )
  2691  // UserBlockDuration represents the possible durations that a user can be blocked for.
  2692  type UserBlockDuration string
  2694  // The possible durations that a user can be blocked for.
  2695  const (
  2696  	UserBlockDurationOneDay    UserBlockDuration = "ONE_DAY"    // The user was blocked for 1 day.
  2697  	UserBlockDurationThreeDays UserBlockDuration = "THREE_DAYS" // The user was blocked for 3 days.
  2698  	UserBlockDurationOneWeek   UserBlockDuration = "ONE_WEEK"   // The user was blocked for 7 days.
  2699  	UserBlockDurationOneMonth  UserBlockDuration = "ONE_MONTH"  // The user was blocked for 30 days.
  2700  	UserBlockDurationPermanent UserBlockDuration = "PERMANENT"  // The user was blocked permanently.
  2701  )
  2703  // UserStatusOrderField represents properties by which user status connections can be ordered.
  2704  type UserStatusOrderField string
  2706  // Properties by which user status connections can be ordered.
  2707  const (
  2708  	UserStatusOrderFieldUpdatedAt UserStatusOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order user statuses by when they were updated.
  2709  )
  2711  // VerifiableDomainOrderField represents properties by which verifiable domain connections can be ordered.
  2712  type VerifiableDomainOrderField string
  2714  // Properties by which verifiable domain connections can be ordered.
  2715  const (
  2716  	VerifiableDomainOrderFieldDomain    VerifiableDomainOrderField = "DOMAIN"     // Order verifiable domains by the domain name.
  2717  	VerifiableDomainOrderFieldCreatedAt VerifiableDomainOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order verifiable domains by their creation date.
  2718  )
  2720  // WorkflowRunOrderField represents properties by which workflow run connections can be ordered.
  2721  type WorkflowRunOrderField string
  2723  // Properties by which workflow run connections can be ordered.
  2724  const (
  2725  	WorkflowRunOrderFieldCreatedAt WorkflowRunOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order workflow runs by most recently created.
  2726  )
  2728  // WorkflowState represents the possible states for a workflow.
  2729  type WorkflowState string
  2731  // The possible states for a workflow.
  2732  const (
  2733  	WorkflowStateActive             WorkflowState = "ACTIVE"              // The workflow is active.
  2734  	WorkflowStateDeleted            WorkflowState = "DELETED"             // The workflow was deleted from the git repository.
  2735  	WorkflowStateDisabledFork       WorkflowState = "DISABLED_FORK"       // The workflow was disabled by default on a fork.
  2736  	WorkflowStateDisabledInactivity WorkflowState = "DISABLED_INACTIVITY" // The workflow was disabled for inactivity in the repository.
  2737  	WorkflowStateDisabledManually   WorkflowState = "DISABLED_MANUALLY"   // The workflow was disabled manually.
  2738  )

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