1This repository factors out an opinionated selection of internal packages and functionality from the Go standard
2library. Currently this consists mostly of packages and testing code from within the Go tool implementation.
4This repo is [primarily maintained](https://github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/graphs/contributors) by long-time
5[Go contributors](https://github.com/golang/go/contributors) who are also currently
6[maintaining CUE](https://github.com/cue-lang/cue/graphs/contributors) (which is primarily written in Go
7and which relies upon several of the packages here).
9Contributions are welcome, but please open an issue for discussion first.
11## Packages
13Included are the following:
15- dirhash: calculate hashes over directory trees the same way that the Go tool does.
16- goproxytest: a GOPROXY implementation designed for test use.
17- gotooltest: Use the Go tool inside test scripts (see testscript below)
18- imports: list of known architectures and OSs, and support for reading import statements.
19- modfile: read and write `go.mod` files while preserving formatting and comments.
20- module: module paths and versions.
21- par: do work in parallel.
22- semver: semantic version parsing.
23- testenv: information on the current testing environment.
24- testscript: script-based testing based on txtar files
25- txtar: simple text-based file archives for testing.
27### testscript
29The most popular package here is the [testscript](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/testscript) package:
30 * Provides a shell-like test environment that is very nicely tuned for testing Go CLI commands.
31 * Extracted from the core Go team's internal testscript package ([cmd/go/internal/script](https://github.com/golang/go/tree/master/src/cmd/go/internal/script)),
32 which is [heavily used](https://github.com/golang/go/tree/master/src/cmd/go/testdata/script) to test the `go` command.
33 * Supports patterns for checking stderr/stdout, command pass/fail assertions, and so on.
34 * Integrates well with `go test`, including coverage support.
35 * Inputs and sample output files can use the simple [txtar](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/txtar)
36 text archive format, also used by the Go playground.
37 * Allows [automatically updating](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/testscript#Params)
38 golden files.
39 * Built-in support for Go concepts like build tags.
40 * Accompanied by a [testscript](https://github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/tree/master/cmd/testscript) command
41 for running standalone scripts with files embedded in txtar format.
43 A nice introduction to using testscripts is this [blog post](https://bitfieldconsulting.com/golang/test-scripts) series.
44 Both testscript and txtar were [originally created](https://github.com/golang/go/commit/5890e25b7ccb2d2249b2f8a02ef5dbc36047868b)
45 by Russ Cox.
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