
Text file src/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/config/testdata/conf.good.yml

Documentation: github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/config/testdata

     2  # The smarthost and SMTP sender used for mail notifications.
     3  smtp_smarthost: 'localhost:25'
     4  smtp_from: 'alertmanager@example.org'
     5  smtp_auth_username: 'alertmanager'
     6  smtp_auth_password: "multiline\nmysecret"
     7  smtp_hello: "host.example.org"
     8  slack_api_url: "http://mysecret.example.com/"
     9  http_config:
    10    proxy_url: ''
    11# The directory from which notification templates are read.
    13  - '/etc/alertmanager/template/*.tmpl'
    14# The root route on which each incoming alert enters.
    16  # The labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example,
    17  # multiple alerts coming in for cluster=A and alertname=LatencyHigh would
    18  # be batched into a single group.
    19  group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service']
    20  # When a new group of alerts is created by an incoming alert, wait at
    21  # least 'group_wait' to send the initial notification.
    22  # This way ensures that you get multiple alerts for the same group that start
    23  # firing shortly after another are batched together on the first
    24  # notification.
    25  group_wait: 30s
    26  # When the first notification was sent, wait 'group_interval' to send a batch
    27  # of new alerts that started firing for that group.
    28  group_interval: 5m
    29  # If an alert has successfully been sent, wait 'repeat_interval' to
    30  # resend them.
    31  repeat_interval: 3h
    32  # A default receiver
    33  receiver: team-X-mails
    34  # All the above attributes are inherited by all child routes and can
    35  # overwritten on each.
    37  # The child route trees.
    38  routes:
    39    # This routes performs a regular expression match on alert labels to
    40    # catch alerts that are related to a list of services.
    41    - match_re:
    42        service: ^(foo1|foo2|baz)$
    43      receiver: team-X-mails
    44      # The service has a sub-route for critical alerts, any alerts
    45      # that do not match, i.e. severity != critical, fall-back to the
    46      # parent node and are sent to 'team-X-mails'
    47      routes:
    48        - match:
    49            severity: critical
    50          receiver: team-X-pager
    51    - match:
    52        service: files
    53      receiver: team-Y-mails
    54      routes:
    55        - match:
    56            severity: critical
    57          receiver: team-Y-pager
    58    # This route handles all alerts coming from a database service. If there's
    59    # no team to handle it, it defaults to the DB team.
    60    - match:
    61        service: database
    62      receiver: team-DB-pager
    63      # Also group alerts by affected database.
    64      group_by: [alertname, cluster, database]
    65      routes:
    66        - match:
    67            owner2: team-X
    68          receiver: team-X-pager
    69          continue: true
    70        - match:
    71            owner: team-Y
    72          receiver: team-Y-pager
    73          # continue: true
    74# Inhibition rules allow to mute a set of alerts given that another alert is
    75# firing.
    76# We use this to mute any warning-level notifications if the same alert is
    77# already critical.
    79  - source_match:
    80      severity: 'critical'
    81    target_match:
    82      severity: 'warning'
    83    # Apply inhibition if the alertname is the same.
    84    equal: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service']
    86  - name: 'team-X-mails'
    87    email_configs:
    88      - to: 'team-X+alerts@example.org'
    89  - name: 'team-X-pager'
    90    email_configs:
    91      - to: 'team-X+alerts-critical@example.org'
    92    pagerduty_configs:
    93      - routing_key: "mysecret"
    94  - name: 'team-Y-mails'
    95    email_configs:
    96      - to: 'team-Y+alerts@example.org'
    97  - name: 'team-Y-pager'
    98    pagerduty_configs:
    99      - routing_key: "mysecret"
   100  - name: 'team-DB-pager'
   101    pagerduty_configs:
   102      - routing_key: "mysecret"
   103  - name: victorOps-receiver
   104    victorops_configs:
   105      - api_key: mysecret
   106        routing_key: Sample_route
   107  - name: opsGenie-receiver
   108    opsgenie_configs:
   109      - api_key: mysecret
   110  - name: pushover-receiver
   111    pushover_configs:
   112      - token: mysecret
   113        user_key: key
   114  - name: slack-receiver
   115    slack_configs:
   116      - channel: '#my-channel'
   117        image_url: 'http://some.img.com/img.png'

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