
Text file src/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/.circleci/config.yml

Documentation: github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/.circleci

     2version: 2.1
     4  prometheus: prometheus/prometheus@0.16.0
     5  go: circleci/go@1.7.3
     7  test_frontend:
     8    # We need to use a machine executor because the front-end validation runs
     9    # containers with mounted volumes which isn't supported with the docker
    10    # executor (even with setup_remote_docker).
    11    machine:
    12      image: ubuntu-2204:current
    13    steps:
    14      - checkout
    15      - run: sudo service docker restart
    16      - run:
    17          name: Remove existing Go installation
    18          command: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
    19      # Whenever the Go version is updated here, .promu.yml should also be updated.
    20      - go/install:
    21          version: "1.19"
    22      - run:
    23          name: Remove generated code
    24          command: make clean
    25      - run:
    26          name: Generate front-end code
    27          command: make all
    28          working_directory: ~/project/ui/app
    29          environment:
    30            JUNIT_DIR: ~/test-results
    31      - run:
    32          name: Generate assets
    33          command: make assets
    34      - run:
    35          name: Generate API v2 code
    36          command: make apiv2
    37      - run: git diff --exit-code
    38      - store_test_results:
    39          path: ~/test-results
    40      - run:
    41          name: Save assets
    42          command: make assets-tarball
    43      - persist_to_workspace:
    44          root: .
    45          paths:
    46            - .tarballs
    47  test:
    48    docker:
    49      # Whenever the Go version is updated here, .promu.yml should also be updated.
    50      - image: quay.io/prometheus/golang-builder:1.19-base
    51      # maildev containers are for running the email tests against a "real" SMTP server.
    52      # See notify/email_test.go for details.
    53      - image: maildev/maildev:1.1.0
    54        name: maildev-noauth
    55        entrypoint: bin/maildev
    56        command:
    57          - -v
    58      - image: maildev/maildev:1.1.0
    59        name: maildev-auth
    60        entrypoint: bin/maildev
    61        command:
    62          - -v
    63          - --incoming-user
    64          - user
    65          - --incoming-pass
    66          - pass
    67    environment:
    68      EMAIL_NO_AUTH_CONFIG: /tmp/smtp_no_auth.yml
    69      EMAIL_AUTH_CONFIG: /tmp/smtp_auth.yml
    70    steps:
    71      - prometheus/setup_environment
    72      - go/load-cache:
    73          key: v1-go-mod
    74      - run:
    75          command: |
    76            cat \<<EOF > $EMAIL_NO_AUTH_CONFIG
    77            smarthost: maildev-noauth:1025
    78            server: http://maildev-noauth:1080/
    79            EOF
    80            cat \<<EOF > $EMAIL_AUTH_CONFIG
    81            smarthost: maildev-auth:1025
    82            server: http://maildev-auth:1080/
    83            username: user
    84            password: pass
    85            EOF
    86      - run:
    87          command: make
    88          environment:
    89            # By default Go uses GOMAXPROCS but a Circle CI executor has many
    90            # cores (> 30) while the CPU and RAM resources are throttled. If we
    91            # don't limit this to the number of allocated cores, the job is
    92            # likely to get OOMed and killed.
    93            GOOPTS: "-p 2"
    94      - prometheus/check_proto:
    95          version: "3.15.8"
    96      - prometheus/store_artifact:
    97          file: alertmanager
    98      - prometheus/store_artifact:
    99          file: amtool
   100      - go/save-cache:
   101          key: v1-go-mod
   102      - store_test_results:
   103          path: test-results
   104  mixin:
   105    docker:
   106      # Whenever the Go version is updated here, .promu.yml should also be updated.
   107      - image: quay.io/prometheus/golang-builder:1.19-base
   108    steps:
   109      - checkout
   110      - run: go install github.com/monitoring-mixins/mixtool/cmd/mixtool@latest
   111      - run: go install github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnetfmt@latest
   112      - run: go install github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb@latest
   113      - run: make -C doc/alertmanager-mixin lint
   115  version: 2
   116  alertmanager:
   117    jobs:
   118      - test_frontend:
   119          filters:
   120            tags:
   121              only: /.*/
   122      - test:
   123          filters:
   124            tags:
   125              only: /.*/
   126      - prometheus/build:
   127          name: build
   128          parallelism: 3
   129          promu_opts: "-p linux/amd64 -p windows/amd64 -p linux/arm64 -p darwin/amd64 -p darwin/arm64 -p linux/386"
   130          filters:
   131            tags:
   132              ignore: /^v2(\.[0-9]+){2}(-.+|[^-.]*)$/
   133            branches:
   134              ignore: /^(main|release-.*|.*build-all.*)$/
   135      - prometheus/build:
   136          name: build_all
   137          parallelism: 12
   138          filters:
   139            branches:
   140              only: /^(main|release-.*|.*build-all.*)$/
   141            tags:
   142              only: /^v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){2}(-.+|[^-.]*)$/
   143      - mixin:
   144          filters:
   145            tags:
   146              only: /.*/
   147      - prometheus/publish_main:
   148          context: org-context
   149          requires:
   150            - test_frontend
   151            - test
   152            - build_all
   153          docker_version: "20.10.18"
   154          filters:
   155            branches:
   156              only: main
   157      - prometheus/publish_release:
   158          context: org-context
   159          requires:
   160            - test_frontend
   161            # don't make the test job a requirement because it fails constantly
   162            # on release-0.25.
   163            #- test
   164            - build_all
   165          docker_version: "20.10.18"
   166          filters:
   167            tags:
   168              only: /^v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){2}(-.+|[^-.]*)$/
   169            branches:
   170              ignore: /.*/

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