package playwright import ( "errors" "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" ) type locatorImpl struct { frame *frameImpl selector string options *LocatorLocatorOptions } func newLocator(frame *frameImpl, selector string, options ...LocatorLocatorOptions) (*locatorImpl, error) { var option *LocatorLocatorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option = &options[0] if option.HasText != nil { switch hasText := option.HasText.(type) { case *regexp.Regexp: selector += fmt.Sprintf(" >> :scope:text-matches(%s)", convertRegexp(hasText)) case string: selector += fmt.Sprintf(" >> :scope:has-text('%s')", hasText) } } if option.Has != nil { has := option.Has.(*locatorImpl) if frame != has.frame { return nil, errors.New("inner 'has' locator must belong to the same frame") } selector += " >> has=" + has.selector } } return &locatorImpl{frame: frame, selector: selector, options: option}, nil } func convertRegexp(reg *regexp.Regexp) string { matches := regexp.MustCompile(`\(\?([imsU]+)\)(.+)`).FindStringSubmatch(reg.String()) var pattern, flags string if len(matches) == 3 { pattern = matches[2] flags = matches[1] } else { pattern = reg.String() } return fmt.Sprintf("'%s', '%s'", pattern, flags) } func (l *locatorImpl) AllInnerTexts() ([]string, error) { innerTexts, err := l.frame.EvalOnSelectorAll(l.selector, "ee => => e.innerText)") if err != nil { return nil, err } texts := innerTexts.([]interface{}) result := make([]string, len(texts)) for i := range texts { result[i] = texts[i].(string) } return result, nil } func (l *locatorImpl) AllTextContents() ([]string, error) { textContents, err := l.frame.EvalOnSelectorAll(l.selector, "ee => => e.textContent || '')") if err != nil { return nil, err } texts := textContents.([]interface{}) result := make([]string, len(texts)) for i := range texts { result[i] = texts[i].(string) } return result, nil } func (l *locatorImpl) BoundingBox(options ...LocatorBoundingBoxOptions) (*Rect, error) { var option PageWaitForSelectorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } result, err := l.withElement(func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error) { return handle.BoundingBox() }, option) if err != nil { return nil, err } return result.(*Rect), nil } func (l *locatorImpl) Check(options ...FrameCheckOptions) error { return l.frame.Check(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Click(options ...PageClickOptions) error { return l.frame.Click(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Count() (int, error) { return l.frame.queryCount(l.selector) } func (l *locatorImpl) Dblclick(options ...FrameDblclickOptions) error { return l.frame.Dblclick(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) DispatchEvent(typ string, eventInit interface{}, options ...PageDispatchEventOptions) error { return l.frame.DispatchEvent(l.selector, typ, eventInit, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) DragTo(target Locator, options ...FrameDragAndDropOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.DragAndDrop(l.selector, target.(*locatorImpl).selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) ElementHandle(options ...LocatorElementHandleOptions) (ElementHandle, error) { option := PageWaitForSelectorOptions{ State: WaitForSelectorStateAttached, Strict: Bool(true), } if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } return l.frame.WaitForSelector(l.selector, option) } func (l *locatorImpl) ElementHandles() ([]ElementHandle, error) { return l.frame.QuerySelectorAll(l.selector) } func (l *locatorImpl) Evaluate(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...LocatorEvaluateOptions) (interface{}, error) { var option PageWaitForSelectorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } return l.withElement(func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error) { return handle.Evaluate(expression, arg) }, option) } func (l *locatorImpl) EvaluateAll(expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return l.frame.EvalOnSelectorAll(l.selector, expression, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) EvaluateHandle(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...LocatorEvaluateHandleOptions) (interface{}, error) { var option PageWaitForSelectorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } return l.withElement(func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error) { return handle.EvaluateHandle(expression, arg) }, option) } func (l *locatorImpl) Fill(value string, options ...FrameFillOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Fill(l.selector, value, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) First() (Locator, error) { return newLocator(l.frame, l.selector+" >> nth=0") } func (l *locatorImpl) Focus(options ...FrameFocusOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Focus(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) GetAttribute(name string, options ...PageGetAttributeOptions) (string, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.GetAttribute(l.selector, name, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Highlight() error { return l.frame.highlight(l.selector) } func (l *locatorImpl) Hover(options ...PageHoverOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Hover(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) InnerHTML(options ...PageInnerHTMLOptions) (string, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.InnerHTML(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) InnerText(options ...PageInnerTextOptions) (string, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.InnerText(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) InputValue(options ...FrameInputValueOptions) (string, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.InputValue(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) IsChecked(options ...FrameIsCheckedOptions) (bool, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.IsChecked(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) IsDisabled(options ...FrameIsDisabledOptions) (bool, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.IsDisabled(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) IsEditable(options ...FrameIsEditableOptions) (bool, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.IsEditable(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) IsEnabled(options ...FrameIsEnabledOptions) (bool, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.IsEnabled(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) IsHidden(options ...FrameIsHiddenOptions) (bool, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.IsHidden(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) IsVisible(options ...FrameIsVisibleOptions) (bool, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.IsVisible(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Last() (Locator, error) { return newLocator(l.frame, l.selector+" >> nth=-1") } func (l *locatorImpl) Locator(selector string) (Locator, error) { return newLocator(l.frame, l.selector+" >> "+selector) } func (l *locatorImpl) Nth(index int) (Locator, error) { return newLocator(l.frame, l.selector+" >> nth="+strconv.Itoa(index)) } func (l *locatorImpl) Page() Page { return l.frame.Page() } func (l *locatorImpl) Press(key string, options ...PagePressOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Press(l.selector, key, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Screenshot(options ...LocatorScreenshotOptions) ([]byte, error) { var option PageWaitForSelectorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } result, err := l.withElement(func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error) { var screenshotOption ElementHandleScreenshotOptions if len(options) == 1 { screenshotOption = ElementHandleScreenshotOptions(options[0]) } return handle.Screenshot(screenshotOption) }, option) if err != nil { return nil, err } return result.([]byte), nil } func (l *locatorImpl) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(options ...LocatorScrollIntoViewIfNeededOptions) error { var option PageWaitForSelectorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } _, err := l.withElement(func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error) { var opt ElementHandleScrollIntoViewIfNeededOptions if len(options) == 1 { opt.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } return nil, handle.ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(opt) }, option) return err } func (l *locatorImpl) SelectOption(values SelectOptionValues, options ...FrameSelectOptionOptions) ([]string, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.SelectOption(l.selector, values, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) SelectText(options ...LocatorSelectTextOptions) error { var option PageWaitForSelectorOptions if len(options) == 1 { option.Timeout = options[0].Timeout } _, err := l.withElement(func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error) { var opt ElementHandleSelectTextOptions if len(options) == 1 { opt = ElementHandleSelectTextOptions(options[0]) } return nil, handle.SelectText(opt) }, option) return err } func (l *locatorImpl) SetChecked(checked bool, options ...FrameSetCheckedOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.SetChecked(l.selector, checked, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) SetInputFiles(files []InputFile, options ...FrameSetInputFilesOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.SetInputFiles(l.selector, files, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Tap(options ...FrameTapOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Tap(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) TextContent(options ...FrameTextContentOptions) (string, error) { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.TextContent(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Type(text string, options ...PageTypeOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Type(l.selector, text, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) Uncheck(options ...FrameUncheckOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } return l.frame.Uncheck(l.selector, options...) } func (l *locatorImpl) WaitFor(options ...PageWaitForSelectorOptions) error { if len(options) == 1 { options[0].Strict = Bool(true) } _, err := l.frame.WaitForSelector(l.selector, options...) return err } func (l *locatorImpl) withElement( callback func(handle ElementHandle) (interface{}, error), options ...PageWaitForSelectorOptions, ) (interface{}, error) { handle, err := l.frame.WaitForSelector(l.selector, options...) if err != nil { return nil, err } result, err := callback(handle) if err != nil { return nil, err } return result, nil }