
Source file src/github.com/playwright-community/playwright-go/generated-interfaces.go

Documentation: github.com/playwright-community/playwright-go

     1  package playwright
     3  type BindingCall interface {
     4  	Call(f BindingCallFunction)
     5  }
     7  // A Browser is created via BrowserType.launch(). An example of using a `Browser` to create a `Page`:
     8  type Browser interface {
     9  	EventEmitter
    10  	// In case this browser is obtained using BrowserType.launch(), closes the browser and all of its pages (if any
    11  	// were opened).
    12  	// In case this browser is connected to, clears all created contexts belonging to this browser and disconnects from the
    13  	// browser server.
    14  	// The `Browser` object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore.
    15  	Close() error
    16  	// Returns an array of all open browser contexts. In a newly created browser, this will return zero browser contexts.
    17  	Contexts() []BrowserContext
    18  	// Indicates that the browser is connected.
    19  	IsConnected() bool
    20  	// Creates a new browser context. It won't share cookies/cache with other browser contexts.
    21  	NewContext(options ...BrowserNewContextOptions) (BrowserContext, error)
    22  	// Creates a new page in a new browser context. Closing this page will close the context as well.
    23  	// This is a convenience API that should only be used for the single-page scenarios and short snippets. Production code and
    24  	// testing frameworks should explicitly create Browser.newContext() followed by the
    25  	// BrowserContext.newPage() to control their exact life times.
    26  	NewPage(options ...BrowserNewContextOptions) (Page, error)
    27  	// > NOTE: CDP Sessions are only supported on Chromium-based browsers.
    28  	// Returns the newly created browser session.
    29  	NewBrowserCDPSession() (CDPSession, error)
    30  	// Returns the browser version.
    31  	Version() string
    32  }
    34  // The `CDPSession` instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol:
    35  // - protocol methods can be called with `session.send` method.
    36  // - protocol events can be subscribed to with `session.on` method.
    37  // Useful links:
    38  // - Documentation on DevTools Protocol can be found here:
    39  // [DevTools Protocol Viewer](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/).
    40  // - Getting Started with DevTools Protocol:
    41  // https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp/blob/master/README.md
    42  type CDPSession interface {
    43  	EventEmitter
    44  	// Detaches the CDPSession from the target. Once detached, the CDPSession object won't emit any events and can't be used to
    45  	// send messages.
    46  	Detach() error
    47  	Send(method string, params map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
    48  }
    50  // BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions.
    51  // If a page opens another page, e.g. with a `window.open` call, the popup will belong to the parent page's browser
    52  // context.
    53  // Playwright allows creating "incognito" browser contexts with Browser.newContext() method. "Incognito" browser
    54  // contexts don't write any browsing data to disk.
    55  type BrowserContext interface {
    56  	EventEmitter
    57  	// Adds cookies into this browser context. All pages within this context will have these cookies installed. Cookies can be
    58  	// obtained via BrowserContext.cookies().
    59  	AddCookies(cookies ...BrowserContextAddCookiesOptionsCookies) error
    60  	// Adds a script which would be evaluated in one of the following scenarios:
    61  	// - Whenever a page is created in the browser context or is navigated.
    62  	// - Whenever a child frame is attached or navigated in any page in the browser context. In this case, the script is
    63  	// evaluated in the context of the newly attached frame.
    64  	// The script is evaluated after the document was created but before any of its scripts were run. This is useful to amend
    65  	// the JavaScript environment, e.g. to seed `Math.random`.
    66  	// An example of overriding `Math.random` before the page loads:
    67  	// > NOTE: The order of evaluation of multiple scripts installed via BrowserContext.addInitScript() and
    68  	// Page.addInitScript() is not defined.
    69  	AddInitScript(script BrowserContextAddInitScriptOptions) error
    70  	// Returns the browser instance of the context. If it was launched as a persistent context null gets returned.
    71  	Browser() Browser
    72  	// Clears context cookies.
    73  	ClearCookies() error
    74  	// Clears all permission overrides for the browser context.
    75  	ClearPermissions() error
    76  	// Closes the browser context. All the pages that belong to the browser context will be closed.
    77  	// > NOTE: The default browser context cannot be closed.
    78  	Close() error
    79  	// If no URLs are specified, this method returns all cookies. If URLs are specified, only cookies that affect those URLs
    80  	// are returned.
    81  	Cookies(urls ...string) ([]*BrowserContextCookiesResult, error)
    82  	ExpectEvent(event string, cb func() error) (interface{}, error)
    83  	// The method adds a function called `name` on the `window` object of every frame in every page in the context. When
    84  	// called, the function executes `callback` and returns a [Promise] which resolves to the return value of `callback`. If
    85  	// the `callback` returns a [Promise], it will be awaited.
    86  	// The first argument of the `callback` function contains information about the caller: `{ browserContext: BrowserContext,
    87  	// page: Page, frame: Frame }`.
    88  	// See Page.exposeBinding() for page-only version.
    89  	// An example of exposing page URL to all frames in all pages in the context:
    90  	// An example of passing an element handle:
    91  	ExposeBinding(name string, binding BindingCallFunction, handle ...bool) error
    92  	// The method adds a function called `name` on the `window` object of every frame in every page in the context. When
    93  	// called, the function executes `callback` and returns a [Promise] which resolves to the return value of `callback`.
    94  	// If the `callback` returns a [Promise], it will be awaited.
    95  	// See Page.exposeFunction() for page-only version.
    96  	// An example of adding a `sha256` function to all pages in the context:
    97  	ExposeFunction(name string, binding ExposedFunction) error
    98  	// Grants specified permissions to the browser context. Only grants corresponding permissions to the given origin if
    99  	// specified.
   100  	GrantPermissions(permissions []string, options ...BrowserContextGrantPermissionsOptions) error
   101  	// > NOTE: CDP sessions are only supported on Chromium-based browsers.
   102  	// Returns the newly created session.
   103  	NewCDPSession(page Page) (CDPSession, error)
   104  	// Creates a new page in the browser context.
   105  	NewPage(options ...BrowserNewPageOptions) (Page, error)
   106  	// Returns all open pages in the context.
   107  	Pages() []Page
   108  	// This setting will change the default maximum navigation time for the following methods and related shortcuts:
   109  	// - Page.goBack()
   110  	// - Page.goForward()
   111  	// - Page.goto()
   112  	// - Page.reload()
   113  	// - Page.setContent()
   114  	// - Page.waitForNavigation()
   115  	// > NOTE: Page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout`] and [`method: Page.setDefaultTimeout() take priority over
   116  	// BrowserContext.setDefaultNavigationTimeout().
   117  	SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout float64)
   118  	// This setting will change the default maximum time for all the methods accepting `timeout` option.
   119  	// > NOTE: Page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout`], [`method: Page.setDefaultTimeout() and
   120  	// BrowserContext.setDefaultNavigationTimeout`] take priority over [`method: BrowserContext.setDefaultTimeout().
   121  	SetDefaultTimeout(timeout float64)
   122  	// The extra HTTP headers will be sent with every request initiated by any page in the context. These headers are merged
   123  	// with page-specific extra HTTP headers set with Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(). If page overrides a particular
   124  	// header, page-specific header value will be used instead of the browser context header value.
   125  	// > NOTE: BrowserContext.setExtraHTTPHeaders() does not guarantee the order of headers in the outgoing requests.
   126  	SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) error
   127  	// Sets the context's geolocation. Passing `null` or `undefined` emulates position unavailable.
   128  	// > NOTE: Consider using BrowserContext.grantPermissions() to grant permissions for the browser context pages to
   129  	// read its geolocation.
   130  	SetGeolocation(gelocation *SetGeolocationOptions) error
   131  	ResetGeolocation() error
   132  	// Routing provides the capability to modify network requests that are made by any page in the browser context. Once route
   133  	// is enabled, every request matching the url pattern will stall unless it's continued, fulfilled or aborted.
   134  	// > NOTE: Page.route() will not intercept requests intercepted by Service Worker. See
   135  	// [this](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/1090) issue. We recommend disabling Service Workers when using
   136  	// request interception. Via `await context.addInitScript(() => delete window.navigator.serviceWorker);`
   137  	// An example of a naive handler that aborts all image requests:
   138  	// or the same snippet using a regex pattern instead:
   139  	// It is possible to examine the request to decide the route action. For example, mocking all requests that contain some
   140  	// post data, and leaving all other requests as is:
   141  	// Page routes (set up with Page.route()) take precedence over browser context routes when request matches both
   142  	// handlers.
   143  	// To remove a route with its handler you can use BrowserContext.unroute().
   144  	// > NOTE: Enabling routing disables http cache.
   145  	Route(url interface{}, handler routeHandler) error
   146  	SetOffline(offline bool) error
   147  	// Returns storage state for this browser context, contains current cookies and local storage snapshot.
   148  	StorageState(path ...string) (*StorageState, error)
   149  	// Removes a route created with BrowserContext.route(). When `handler` is not specified, removes all routes for
   150  	// the `url`.
   151  	Unroute(url interface{}, handler ...routeHandler) error
   152  	// Waits for event to fire and passes its value into the predicate function. Returns when the predicate returns truthy
   153  	// value. Will throw an error if the context closes before the event is fired. Returns the event data value.
   154  	WaitForEvent(event string, predicate ...interface{}) interface{}
   155  	Tracing() Tracing
   156  	// > NOTE: Background pages are only supported on Chromium-based browsers.
   157  	// All existing background pages in the context.
   158  	BackgroundPages() []Page
   159  }
   161  // API for collecting and saving Playwright traces. Playwright traces can be opened in [Trace Viewer](./trace-viewer.md)
   162  // after Playwright script runs.
   163  // Start recording a trace before performing actions. At the end, stop tracing and save it to a file.
   164  type Tracing interface {
   165  	// Start tracing.
   166  	Start(options ...TracingStartOptions) error
   167  	// Stop tracing.
   168  	Stop(options ...TracingStopOptions) error
   169  	// Start a new trace chunk. If you'd like to record multiple traces on the same `BrowserContext`, use
   170  	// Tracing.start`] once, and then create multiple trace chunks with [`method: Tracing.startChunk() and
   171  	// Tracing.stopChunk().
   172  	StartChunk(options ...TracingStartChunkOptions) error
   173  	// Stop the trace chunk. See Tracing.startChunk() for more details about multiple trace chunks.
   174  	StopChunk(options ...TracingStopChunkOptions) error
   175  }
   177  // BrowserType provides methods to launch a specific browser instance or connect to an existing one. The following is a
   178  // typical example of using Playwright to drive automation:
   179  type BrowserType interface {
   180  	// A path where Playwright expects to find a bundled browser executable.
   181  	ExecutablePath() string
   182  	// Returns the browser instance.
   183  	// You can use `ignoreDefaultArgs` to filter out `--mute-audio` from default arguments:
   184  	// > **Chromium-only** Playwright can also be used to control the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers, but it works
   185  	// best with the version of Chromium it is bundled with. There is no guarantee it will work with any other version. Use
   186  	// `executablePath` option with extreme caution.
   187  	// >
   188  	// > If Google Chrome (rather than Chromium) is preferred, a
   189  	// [Chrome Canary](https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html) or
   190  	// [Dev Channel](https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel) build is suggested.
   191  	// >
   192  	// > Stock browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are suitable for tests that require proprietary media codecs for
   193  	// video playback. See
   194  	// [this article](https://www.howtogeek.com/202825/what%E2%80%99s-the-difference-between-chromium-and-chrome/) for other
   195  	// differences between Chromium and Chrome.
   196  	// [This article](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/lkgr/docs/chromium_browser_vs_google_chrome.md)
   197  	// describes some differences for Linux users.
   198  	Launch(options ...BrowserTypeLaunchOptions) (Browser, error)
   199  	// Returns the persistent browser context instance.
   200  	// Launches browser that uses persistent storage located at `userDataDir` and returns the only context. Closing this
   201  	// context will automatically close the browser.
   202  	LaunchPersistentContext(userDataDir string, options ...BrowserTypeLaunchPersistentContextOptions) (BrowserContext, error)
   203  	// Returns browser name. For example: `'chromium'`, `'webkit'` or `'firefox'`.
   204  	Name() string
   205  	// This methods attaches Playwright to an existing browser instance.
   206  	Connect(url string, options ...BrowserTypeConnectOptions) (Browser, error)
   207  	// This methods attaches Playwright to an existing browser instance using the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
   208  	// The default browser context is accessible via Browser.contexts().
   209  	// > NOTE: Connecting over the Chrome DevTools Protocol is only supported for Chromium-based browsers.
   210  	ConnectOverCDP(endpointURL string, options ...BrowserTypeConnectOverCDPOptions) (Browser, error)
   211  }
   213  // `ConsoleMessage` objects are dispatched by page via the [`event: Page.console`] event.
   214  type ConsoleMessage interface {
   215  	// List of arguments passed to a `console` function call. See also [`event: Page.console`].
   216  	Args() []JSHandle
   217  	Location() ConsoleMessageLocation
   218  	String() string
   219  	// The text of the console message.
   220  	Text() string
   221  	// One of the following values: `'log'`, `'debug'`, `'info'`, `'error'`, `'warning'`, `'dir'`, `'dirxml'`, `'table'`,
   222  	// `'trace'`, `'clear'`, `'startGroup'`, `'startGroupCollapsed'`, `'endGroup'`, `'assert'`, `'profile'`, `'profileEnd'`,
   223  	// `'count'`, `'timeEnd'`.
   224  	Type() string
   225  }
   227  // `Dialog` objects are dispatched by page via the [`event: Page.dialog`] event.
   228  // An example of using `Dialog` class:
   229  // > NOTE: Dialogs are dismissed automatically, unless there is a [`event: Page.dialog`] listener. When listener is
   230  // present, it **must** either Dialog.accept`] or [`method: Dialog.dismiss() the dialog - otherwise the page will
   231  // [freeze](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/EventLoop#never_blocking) waiting for the dialog, and
   232  // actions like click will never finish.
   233  type Dialog interface {
   234  	// Returns when the dialog has been accepted.
   235  	Accept(texts ...string) error
   236  	// If dialog is prompt, returns default prompt value. Otherwise, returns empty string.
   237  	DefaultValue() string
   238  	// Returns when the dialog has been dismissed.
   239  	Dismiss() error
   240  	// A message displayed in the dialog.
   241  	Message() string
   242  	// Returns dialog's type, can be one of `alert`, `beforeunload`, `confirm` or `prompt`.
   243  	Type() string
   244  }
   246  // `Download` objects are dispatched by page via the [`event: Page.download`] event.
   247  // All the downloaded files belonging to the browser context are deleted when the browser context is closed.
   248  // Download event is emitted once the download starts. Download path becomes available once download completes:
   249  type Download interface {
   250  	// Deletes the downloaded file. Will wait for the download to finish if necessary.
   251  	Delete() error
   252  	// Returns download error if any. Will wait for the download to finish if necessary.
   253  	Failure() (string, error)
   254  	// Returns path to the downloaded file in case of successful download. The method will wait for the download to finish if
   255  	// necessary. The method throws when connected remotely.
   256  	// Note that the download's file name is a random GUID, use Download.suggestedFilename() to get suggested file
   257  	// name.
   258  	Path() (string, error)
   259  	// Copy the download to a user-specified path. It is safe to call this method while the download is still in progress. Will
   260  	// wait for the download to finish if necessary.
   261  	SaveAs(path string) error
   262  	String() string
   263  	// Returns suggested filename for this download. It is typically computed by the browser from the
   264  	// [`Content-Disposition`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Disposition) response header
   265  	// or the `download` attribute. See the spec on [whatwg](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#downloading-resources). Different
   266  	// browsers can use different logic for computing it.
   267  	SuggestedFilename() string
   268  	// Returns downloaded url.
   269  	URL() string
   270  	// Get the page that the download belongs to.
   271  	Page() Page
   272  	// Cancels a download. Will not fail if the download is already finished or canceled. Upon successful cancellations,
   273  	// `download.failure()` would resolve to `'canceled'`.
   274  	Cancel() error
   275  }
   277  // ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. ElementHandles can be created with the Page.querySelector()
   278  // method.
   279  // > NOTE: The use of ElementHandle is discouraged, use `Locator` objects and web-first assertions instead.
   280  // ElementHandle prevents DOM element from garbage collection unless the handle is disposed with
   281  // JSHandle.dispose(). ElementHandles are auto-disposed when their origin frame gets navigated.
   282  // ElementHandle instances can be used as an argument in Page.evalOnSelector`] and [`method: Page.evaluate()
   283  // methods.
   284  // The difference between the `Locator` and ElementHandle is that the ElementHandle points to a particular element, while
   285  // `Locator` captures the logic of how to retrieve an element.
   286  // In the example below, handle points to a particular DOM element on page. If that element changes text or is used by
   287  // React to render an entirely different component, handle is still pointing to that very DOM element. This can lead to
   288  // unexpected behaviors.
   289  // With the locator, every time the `element` is used, up-to-date DOM element is located in the page using the selector. So
   290  // in the snippet below, underlying DOM element is going to be located twice.
   291  type ElementHandle interface {
   292  	JSHandle
   293  	// This method returns the bounding box of the element, or `null` if the element is not visible. The bounding box is
   294  	// calculated relative to the main frame viewport - which is usually the same as the browser window.
   295  	// Scrolling affects the returned bonding box, similarly to
   296  	// [Element.getBoundingClientRect](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect). That
   297  	// means `x` and/or `y` may be negative.
   298  	// Elements from child frames return the bounding box relative to the main frame, unlike the
   299  	// [Element.getBoundingClientRect](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect).
   300  	// Assuming the page is static, it is safe to use bounding box coordinates to perform input. For example, the following
   301  	// snippet should click the center of the element.
   302  	BoundingBox() (*Rect, error)
   303  	// This method checks the element by performing the following steps:
   304  	// 1. Ensure that element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already checked,
   305  	// this method returns immediately.
   306  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   307  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   308  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   309  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   310  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked. If not, this method throws.
   311  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   312  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   313  	// zero timeout disables this.
   314  	Check(options ...ElementHandleCheckOptions) error
   315  	// This method checks or unchecks an element by performing the following steps:
   316  	// 1. Ensure that element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws.
   317  	// 1. If the element already has the right checked state, this method returns immediately.
   318  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   319  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   320  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   321  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   322  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   323  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked or unchecked. If not, this method throws.
   324  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   325  	// zero timeout disables this.
   326  	SetChecked(checked bool, options ...ElementHandleSetCheckedOptions) error
   327  	// This method clicks the element by performing the following steps:
   328  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   329  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   330  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   331  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   332  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   333  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   334  	// zero timeout disables this.
   335  	Click(options ...ElementHandleClickOptions) error
   336  	// Returns the content frame for element handles referencing iframe nodes, or `null` otherwise
   337  	ContentFrame() (Frame, error)
   338  	// This method double clicks the element by performing the following steps:
   339  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   340  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   341  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to double click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   342  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set. Note that if the
   343  	// first click of the `dblclick()` triggers a navigation event, this method will throw.
   344  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   345  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   346  	// zero timeout disables this.
   347  	// > NOTE: `elementHandle.dblclick()` dispatches two `click` events and a single `dblclick` event.
   348  	Dblclick(options ...ElementHandleDblclickOptions) error
   349  	// The snippet below dispatches the `click` event on the element. Regardless of the visibility state of the element,
   350  	// `click` is dispatched. This is equivalent to calling
   351  	// [element.click()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/click).
   352  	// Under the hood, it creates an instance of an event based on the given `type`, initializes it with `eventInit` properties
   353  	// and dispatches it on the element. Events are `composed`, `cancelable` and bubble by default.
   354  	// Since `eventInit` is event-specific, please refer to the events documentation for the lists of initial properties:
   355  	// - [DragEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DragEvent/DragEvent)
   356  	// - [FocusEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FocusEvent/FocusEvent)
   357  	// - [KeyboardEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/KeyboardEvent)
   358  	// - [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/MouseEvent)
   359  	// - [PointerEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PointerEvent/PointerEvent)
   360  	// - [TouchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent/TouchEvent)
   361  	// - [Event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/Event)
   362  	// You can also specify `JSHandle` as the property value if you want live objects to be passed into the event:
   363  	DispatchEvent(typ string, initObjects ...interface{}) error
   364  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
   365  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector in the `ElementHandle`s subtree and passes it as a first
   366  	// argument to `expression`. See [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details. If no elements match the
   367  	// selector, the method throws an error.
   368  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then ElementHandle.evalOnSelector() would wait for the promise to resolve
   369  	// and return its value.
   370  	// Examples:
   371  	EvalOnSelector(selector string, expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
   372  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
   373  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified selector in the `ElementHandle`'s subtree and passes an array of
   374  	// matched elements as a first argument to `expression`. See [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details.
   375  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then ElementHandle.evalOnSelectorAll() would wait for the promise to
   376  	// resolve and return its value.
   377  	// Examples:
   378  	// ```html
   379  	// <div class="feed">
   380  	// <div class="tweet">Hello!</div>
   381  	// <div class="tweet">Hi!</div>
   382  	// </div>
   383  	// ```
   384  	EvalOnSelectorAll(selector string, expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
   385  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, focuses the element, fills it and triggers an `input`
   386  	// event after filling. Note that you can pass an empty string to clear the input field.
   387  	// If the target element is not an `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element, this method throws an error.
   388  	// However, if the element is inside the `<label>` element that has an associated
   389  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be filled
   390  	// instead.
   391  	// To send fine-grained keyboard events, use ElementHandle.type().
   392  	Fill(value string, options ...ElementHandleFillOptions) error
   393  	// Calls [focus](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus) on the element.
   394  	Focus() error
   395  	// Returns element attribute value.
   396  	GetAttribute(name string) (string, error)
   397  	// This method hovers over the element by performing the following steps:
   398  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   399  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   400  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to hover over the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   401  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   402  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   403  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   404  	// zero timeout disables this.
   405  	Hover(options ...ElementHandleHoverOptions) error
   406  	// Returns the `element.innerHTML`.
   407  	InnerHTML() (string, error)
   408  	// Returns the `element.innerText`.
   409  	InnerText() (string, error)
   410  	// Returns whether the element is checked. Throws if the element is not a checkbox or radio input.
   411  	IsChecked() (bool, error)
   412  	// Returns whether the element is disabled, the opposite of [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
   413  	IsDisabled() (bool, error)
   414  	// Returns whether the element is [editable](./actionability.md#editable).
   415  	IsEditable() (bool, error)
   416  	// Returns whether the element is [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
   417  	IsEnabled() (bool, error)
   418  	// Returns whether the element is hidden, the opposite of [visible](./actionability.md#visible).
   419  	IsHidden() (bool, error)
   420  	// Returns whether the element is [visible](./actionability.md#visible).
   421  	IsVisible() (bool, error)
   422  	// Returns the frame containing the given element.
   423  	OwnerFrame() (Frame, error)
   424  	// Focuses the element, and then uses Keyboard.down`] and [`method: Keyboard.up().
   425  	// `key` can specify the intended [keyboardEvent.key](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key)
   426  	// value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the `key` values can be found
   427  	// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values). Examples of the keys are:
   428  	// `F1` - `F12`, `Digit0`- `Digit9`, `KeyA`- `KeyZ`, `Backquote`, `Minus`, `Equal`, `Backslash`, `Backspace`, `Tab`,
   429  	// `Delete`, `Escape`, `ArrowDown`, `End`, `Enter`, `Home`, `Insert`, `PageDown`, `PageUp`, `ArrowRight`, `ArrowUp`, etc.
   430  	// Following modification shortcuts are also supported: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`, `ShiftLeft`.
   431  	// Holding down `Shift` will type the text that corresponds to the `key` in the upper case.
   432  	// If `key` is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values `a` and `A` will generate different respective
   433  	// texts.
   434  	// Shortcuts such as `key: "Control+o"` or `key: "Control+Shift+T"` are supported as well. When specified with the
   435  	// modifier, modifier is pressed and being held while the subsequent key is being pressed.
   436  	Press(key string, options ...ElementHandlePressOptions) error
   437  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector in the `ElementHandle`'s subtree. See
   438  	// [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details. If no elements match the selector, returns `null`.
   439  	QuerySelector(selector string) (ElementHandle, error)
   440  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified selector in the `ElementHandle`s subtree. See
   441  	// [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details. If no elements match the selector, returns empty array.
   442  	QuerySelectorAll(selector string) ([]ElementHandle, error)
   443  	// Returns the buffer with the captured screenshot.
   444  	// This method waits for the [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, then scrolls element into view before taking a
   445  	// screenshot. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error.
   446  	Screenshot(options ...ElementHandleScreenshotOptions) ([]byte, error)
   447  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, then tries to scroll element into view, unless it is
   448  	// completely visible as defined by
   449  	// [IntersectionObserver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API)'s `ratio`.
   450  	// Throws when `elementHandle` does not point to an element
   451  	// [connected](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/isConnected) to a Document or a ShadowRoot.
   452  	ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(options ...ElementHandleScrollIntoViewIfNeededOptions) error
   453  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, waits until all specified options are present in the
   454  	// `<select>` element and selects these options.
   455  	// If the target element is not a `<select>` element, this method throws an error. However, if the element is inside the
   456  	// `<label>` element that has an associated
   457  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be used instead.
   458  	// Returns the array of option values that have been successfully selected.
   459  	// Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been selected.
   460  	SelectOption(values SelectOptionValues, options ...ElementHandleSelectOptionOptions) ([]string, error)
   461  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, then focuses the element and selects all its text
   462  	// content.
   463  	SelectText(options ...ElementHandleSelectTextOptions) error
   464  	// This method expects `elementHandle` to point to an
   465  	// [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input).
   466  	// Sets the value of the file input to these file paths or files. If some of the `filePaths` are relative paths, then they
   467  	// are resolved relative to the the current working directory. For empty array, clears the selected files.
   468  	SetInputFiles(files []InputFile, options ...ElementHandleSetInputFilesOptions) error
   469  	// This method taps the element by performing the following steps:
   470  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   471  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   472  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.touchscreen`] to tap the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   473  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   474  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   475  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   476  	// zero timeout disables this.
   477  	// > NOTE: `elementHandle.tap()` requires that the `hasTouch` option of the browser context be set to true.
   478  	Tap(options ...ElementHandleTapOptions) error
   479  	// Returns the `node.textContent`.
   480  	TextContent() (string, error)
   481  	// Focuses the element, and then sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text.
   482  	// To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use ElementHandle.press().
   483  	// An example of typing into a text field and then submitting the form:
   484  	Type(value string, options ...ElementHandleTypeOptions) error
   485  	// This method checks the element by performing the following steps:
   486  	// 1. Ensure that element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already
   487  	// unchecked, this method returns immediately.
   488  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   489  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   490  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   491  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   492  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now unchecked. If not, this method throws.
   493  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   494  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   495  	// zero timeout disables this.
   496  	Uncheck(options ...ElementHandleUncheckOptions) error
   497  	// Returns when the element satisfies the `state`.
   498  	// Depending on the `state` parameter, this method waits for one of the [actionability](./actionability.md) checks to pass.
   499  	// This method throws when the element is detached while waiting, unless waiting for the `"hidden"` state.
   500  	// - `"visible"` Wait until the element is [visible](./actionability.md#visible).
   501  	// - `"hidden"` Wait until the element is [not visible](./actionability.md#visible) or
   502  	// [not attached](./actionability.md#attached). Note that waiting for hidden does not throw when the element detaches.
   503  	// - `"stable"` Wait until the element is both [visible](./actionability.md#visible) and
   504  	// [stable](./actionability.md#stable).
   505  	// - `"enabled"` Wait until the element is [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
   506  	// - `"disabled"` Wait until the element is [not enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
   507  	// - `"editable"` Wait until the element is [editable](./actionability.md#editable).
   508  	// If the element does not satisfy the condition for the `timeout` milliseconds, this method will throw.
   509  	WaitForElementState(state string, options ...ElementHandleWaitForElementStateOptions) error
   510  	// Returns element specified by selector when it satisfies `state` option. Returns `null` if waiting for `hidden` or
   511  	// `detached`.
   512  	// Wait for the `selector` relative to the element handle to satisfy `state` option (either appear/disappear from dom, or
   513  	// become visible/hidden). If at the moment of calling the method `selector` already satisfies the condition, the method
   514  	// will return immediately. If the selector doesn't satisfy the condition for the `timeout` milliseconds, the function will
   515  	// throw.
   516  	// > NOTE: This method does not work across navigations, use Page.waitForSelector() instead.
   517  	WaitForSelector(selector string, options ...ElementHandleWaitForSelectorOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
   518  	// Returns `input.value` for `<input>` or `<textarea>` or `<select>` element. Throws for non-input elements.
   519  	InputValue(options ...ElementHandleInputValueOptions) (string, error)
   520  }
   522  type EventEmitter interface {
   523  	Emit(name string, payload ...interface{})
   524  	ListenerCount(name string) int
   525  	On(name string, handler interface{})
   526  	Once(name string, handler interface{})
   527  	RemoveListener(name string, handler interface{})
   528  }
   530  // `FileChooser` objects are dispatched by the page in the [`event: Page.fileChooser`] event.
   531  type FileChooser interface {
   532  	// Returns input element associated with this file chooser.
   533  	Element() ElementHandle
   534  	// Returns whether this file chooser accepts multiple files.
   535  	IsMultiple() bool
   536  	// Returns page this file chooser belongs to.
   537  	Page() Page
   538  	// Sets the value of the file input this chooser is associated with. If some of the `filePaths` are relative paths, then
   539  	// they are resolved relative to the the current working directory. For empty array, clears the selected files.
   540  	SetFiles(files []InputFile, options ...ElementHandleSetInputFilesOptions) error
   541  }
   543  // At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the Page.mainFrame() and
   544  // Frame.childFrames() methods.
   545  // `Frame` object's lifecycle is controlled by three events, dispatched on the page object:
   546  // - [`event: Page.frameAttached`] - fired when the frame gets attached to the page. A Frame can be attached to the page
   547  // only once.
   548  // - [`event: Page.frameNavigated`] - fired when the frame commits navigation to a different URL.
   549  // - [`event: Page.frameDetached`] - fired when the frame gets detached from the page.  A Frame can be detached from the
   550  // page only once.
   551  // An example of dumping frame tree:
   552  type Frame interface {
   553  	// This method checks or unchecks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   554  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   555  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws.
   556  	// 1. If the element already has the right checked state, this method returns immediately.
   557  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   558  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   559  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   560  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   561  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   562  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked or unchecked. If not, this method throws.
   563  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   564  	// zero timeout disables this.
   565  	SetChecked(selector string, checked bool, options ...FrameSetCheckedOptions) error
   566  	// Returns the added tag when the script's onload fires or when the script content was injected into frame.
   567  	// Adds a `<script>` tag into the page with the desired url or content.
   568  	AddScriptTag(options PageAddScriptTagOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
   569  	// Returns the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame.
   570  	// Adds a `<link rel="stylesheet">` tag into the page with the desired url or a `<style type="text/css">` tag with the
   571  	// content.
   572  	AddStyleTag(options PageAddStyleTagOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
   573  	// This method checks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   574  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   575  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already
   576  	// checked, this method returns immediately.
   577  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   578  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   579  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   580  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   581  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   582  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked. If not, this method throws.
   583  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   584  	// zero timeout disables this.
   585  	Check(selector string, options ...FrameCheckOptions) error
   586  	ChildFrames() []Frame
   587  	// This method clicks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   588  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   589  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   590  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   591  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   592  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   593  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   594  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   595  	// zero timeout disables this.
   596  	Click(selector string, options ...PageClickOptions) error
   597  	// Gets the full HTML contents of the frame, including the doctype.
   598  	Content() (string, error)
   599  	// This method double clicks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   600  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   601  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   602  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   603  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   604  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to double click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   605  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set. Note that if the
   606  	// first click of the `dblclick()` triggers a navigation event, this method will throw.
   607  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   608  	// zero timeout disables this.
   609  	// > NOTE: `frame.dblclick()` dispatches two `click` events and a single `dblclick` event.
   610  	Dblclick(selector string, options ...FrameDblclickOptions) error
   611  	// The snippet below dispatches the `click` event on the element. Regardless of the visibility state of the element,
   612  	// `click` is dispatched. This is equivalent to calling
   613  	// [element.click()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/click).
   614  	// Under the hood, it creates an instance of an event based on the given `type`, initializes it with `eventInit` properties
   615  	// and dispatches it on the element. Events are `composed`, `cancelable` and bubble by default.
   616  	// Since `eventInit` is event-specific, please refer to the events documentation for the lists of initial properties:
   617  	// - [DragEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DragEvent/DragEvent)
   618  	// - [FocusEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FocusEvent/FocusEvent)
   619  	// - [KeyboardEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/KeyboardEvent)
   620  	// - [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/MouseEvent)
   621  	// - [PointerEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PointerEvent/PointerEvent)
   622  	// - [TouchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent/TouchEvent)
   623  	// - [Event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/Event)
   624  	// You can also specify `JSHandle` as the property value if you want live objects to be passed into the event:
   625  	DispatchEvent(selector, typ string, eventInit interface{}, options ...PageDispatchEventOptions) error
   626  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
   627  	// If the function passed to the Frame.evaluate`] returns a [Promise], then [`method: Frame.evaluate() would wait
   628  	// for the promise to resolve and return its value.
   629  	// If the function passed to the Frame.evaluate() returns a non-[Serializable] value, then
   630  	// Frame.evaluate() returns `undefined`. Playwright also supports transferring some additional values that are
   631  	// not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`.
   632  	// A string can also be passed in instead of a function.
   633  	// `ElementHandle` instances can be passed as an argument to the Frame.evaluate():
   634  	Evaluate(expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
   635  	// Returns the return value of `expression` as a `JSHandle`.
   636  	// The only difference between Frame.evaluate`] and [`method: Frame.evaluateHandle() is that
   637  	// Frame.evaluateHandle() returns `JSHandle`.
   638  	// If the function, passed to the Frame.evaluateHandle(), returns a [Promise], then
   639  	// Frame.evaluateHandle() would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
   640  	// A string can also be passed in instead of a function.
   641  	// `JSHandle` instances can be passed as an argument to the Frame.evaluateHandle():
   642  	EvaluateHandle(expression string, options ...interface{}) (JSHandle, error)
   643  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
   644  	// > NOTE: This method does not wait for the element to pass actionability checks and therefore can lead to the flaky
   645  	// tests. Use Locator.evaluate(), other `Locator` helper methods or web-first assertions instead.
   646  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector within the frame and passes it as a first argument to
   647  	// `expression`. See [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details. If no elements match the selector, the
   648  	// method throws an error.
   649  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then Frame.evalOnSelector() would wait for the promise to resolve and
   650  	// return its value.
   651  	// Examples:
   652  	EvalOnSelector(selector string, expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
   653  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
   654  	// > NOTE: In most cases, Locator.evaluateAll(), other `Locator` helper methods and web-first assertions do a
   655  	// better job.
   656  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified selector within the frame and passes an array of matched elements
   657  	// as a first argument to `expression`. See [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details.
   658  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then Frame.evalOnSelectorAll() would wait for the promise to resolve and
   659  	// return its value.
   660  	// Examples:
   661  	EvalOnSelectorAll(selector string, expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
   662  	// This method waits for an element matching `selector`, waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, focuses the
   663  	// element, fills it and triggers an `input` event after filling. Note that you can pass an empty string to clear the input
   664  	// field.
   665  	// If the target element is not an `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element, this method throws an error.
   666  	// However, if the element is inside the `<label>` element that has an associated
   667  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be filled
   668  	// instead.
   669  	// To send fine-grained keyboard events, use Frame.type().
   670  	Fill(selector string, value string, options ...FrameFillOptions) error
   671  	// This method fetches an element with `selector` and focuses it. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method
   672  	// waits until a matching element appears in the DOM.
   673  	Focus(selector string, options ...FrameFocusOptions) error
   674  	// Returns the `frame` or `iframe` element handle which corresponds to this frame.
   675  	// This is an inverse of ElementHandle.contentFrame(). Note that returned handle actually belongs to the parent
   676  	// frame.
   677  	// This method throws an error if the frame has been detached before `frameElement()` returns.
   678  	FrameElement() (ElementHandle, error)
   679  	// Returns element attribute value.
   680  	GetAttribute(selector string, name string, options ...PageGetAttributeOptions) (string, error)
   681  	// Returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
   682  	// last redirect.
   683  	// The method will throw an error if:
   684  	// - there's an SSL error (e.g. in case of self-signed certificates).
   685  	// - target URL is invalid.
   686  	// - the `timeout` is exceeded during navigation.
   687  	// - the remote server does not respond or is unreachable.
   688  	// - the main resource failed to load.
   689  	// The method will not throw an error when any valid HTTP status code is returned by the remote server, including 404 "Not
   690  	// Found" and 500 "Internal Server Error".  The status code for such responses can be retrieved by calling
   691  	// Response.status().
   692  	// > NOTE: The method either throws an error or returns a main resource response. The only exceptions are navigation to
   693  	// `about:blank` or navigation to the same URL with a different hash, which would succeed and return `null`.
   694  	// > NOTE: Headless mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. See the
   695  	// [upstream issue](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=761295).
   696  	Goto(url string, options ...PageGotoOptions) (Response, error)
   697  	// This method hovers over an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   698  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   699  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   700  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   701  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   702  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to hover over the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   703  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   704  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   705  	// zero timeout disables this.
   706  	Hover(selector string, options ...PageHoverOptions) error
   707  	// Returns `element.innerHTML`.
   708  	InnerHTML(selector string, options ...PageInnerHTMLOptions) (string, error)
   709  	// Returns `element.innerText`.
   710  	InnerText(selector string, options ...PageInnerTextOptions) (string, error)
   711  	// Returns `true` if the frame has been detached, or `false` otherwise.
   712  	IsDetached() bool
   713  	// Returns whether the element is checked. Throws if the element is not a checkbox or radio input.
   714  	IsChecked(selector string, options ...FrameIsCheckedOptions) (bool, error)
   715  	// Returns whether the element is disabled, the opposite of [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
   716  	IsDisabled(selector string, options ...FrameIsDisabledOptions) (bool, error)
   717  	// Returns whether the element is [editable](./actionability.md#editable).
   718  	IsEditable(selector string, options ...FrameIsEditableOptions) (bool, error)
   719  	// Returns whether the element is [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
   720  	IsEnabled(selector string, options ...FrameIsEnabledOptions) (bool, error)
   721  	// Returns whether the element is hidden, the opposite of [visible](./actionability.md#visible).  `selector` that does not
   722  	// match any elements is considered hidden.
   723  	IsHidden(selector string, options ...FrameIsHiddenOptions) (bool, error)
   724  	// Returns whether the element is [visible](./actionability.md#visible). `selector` that does not match any elements is
   725  	// considered not visible.
   726  	IsVisible(selector string, options ...FrameIsVisibleOptions) (bool, error)
   727  	// The method returns an element locator that can be used to perform actions in the frame. Locator is resolved to the
   728  	// element immediately before performing an action, so a series of actions on the same locator can in fact be performed on
   729  	// different DOM elements. That would happen if the DOM structure between those actions has changed.
   730  	Locator(selector string, options ...FrameLocatorOptions) (Locator, error)
   731  	// Returns frame's name attribute as specified in the tag.
   732  	// If the name is empty, returns the id attribute instead.
   733  	// > NOTE: This value is calculated once when the frame is created, and will not update if the attribute is changed later.
   734  	Name() string
   735  	// Returns the page containing this frame.
   736  	Page() Page
   737  	// Parent frame, if any. Detached frames and main frames return `null`.
   738  	ParentFrame() Frame
   739  	// `key` can specify the intended [keyboardEvent.key](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key)
   740  	// value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the `key` values can be found
   741  	// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values). Examples of the keys are:
   742  	// `F1` - `F12`, `Digit0`- `Digit9`, `KeyA`- `KeyZ`, `Backquote`, `Minus`, `Equal`, `Backslash`, `Backspace`, `Tab`,
   743  	// `Delete`, `Escape`, `ArrowDown`, `End`, `Enter`, `Home`, `Insert`, `PageDown`, `PageUp`, `ArrowRight`, `ArrowUp`, etc.
   744  	// Following modification shortcuts are also supported: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`, `ShiftLeft`.
   745  	// Holding down `Shift` will type the text that corresponds to the `key` in the upper case.
   746  	// If `key` is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values `a` and `A` will generate different respective
   747  	// texts.
   748  	// Shortcuts such as `key: "Control+o"` or `key: "Control+Shift+T"` are supported as well. When specified with the
   749  	// modifier, modifier is pressed and being held while the subsequent key is being pressed.
   750  	Press(selector, key string, options ...PagePressOptions) error
   751  	// Returns the ElementHandle pointing to the frame element.
   752  	// > NOTE: The use of `ElementHandle` is discouraged, use `Locator` objects and web-first assertions instead.
   753  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector within the frame. See
   754  	// [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details. If no elements match the selector, returns `null`.
   755  	QuerySelector(selector string) (ElementHandle, error)
   756  	// Returns the ElementHandles pointing to the frame elements.
   757  	// > NOTE: The use of `ElementHandle` is discouraged, use `Locator` objects instead.
   758  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified selector within the frame. See
   759  	// [Working with selectors](./selectors.md) for more details. If no elements match the selector, returns empty array.
   760  	QuerySelectorAll(selector string) ([]ElementHandle, error)
   761  	SetContent(content string, options ...PageSetContentOptions) error
   762  	// This method waits for an element matching `selector`, waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, waits until
   763  	// all specified options are present in the `<select>` element and selects these options.
   764  	// If the target element is not a `<select>` element, this method throws an error. However, if the element is inside the
   765  	// `<label>` element that has an associated
   766  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be used instead.
   767  	// Returns the array of option values that have been successfully selected.
   768  	// Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been selected.
   769  	SelectOption(selector string, values SelectOptionValues, options ...FrameSelectOptionOptions) ([]string, error)
   770  	// This method expects `selector` to point to an
   771  	// [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input).
   772  	// Sets the value of the file input to these file paths or files. If some of the `filePaths` are relative paths, then they
   773  	// are resolved relative to the the current working directory. For empty array, clears the selected files.
   774  	SetInputFiles(selector string, files []InputFile, options ...FrameSetInputFilesOptions) error
   775  	// This method taps an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   776  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   777  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   778  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   779  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   780  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.touchscreen`] to tap the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   781  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   782  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   783  	// zero timeout disables this.
   784  	// > NOTE: `frame.tap()` requires that the `hasTouch` option of the browser context be set to true.
   785  	Tap(selector string, options ...FrameTapOptions) error
   786  	// Returns `element.textContent`.
   787  	TextContent(selector string, options ...FrameTextContentOptions) (string, error)
   788  	// Returns the page title.
   789  	Title() (string, error)
   790  	// Sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text. `frame.type` can be used to
   791  	// send fine-grained keyboard events. To fill values in form fields, use Frame.fill().
   792  	// To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use Keyboard.press().
   793  	Type(selector, text string, options ...PageTypeOptions) error
   794  	// Returns frame's url.
   795  	URL() string
   796  	// This method checks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
   797  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
   798  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already
   799  	// unchecked, this method returns immediately.
   800  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
   801  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
   802  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   803  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   804  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   805  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now unchecked. If not, this method throws.
   806  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   807  	// zero timeout disables this.
   808  	Uncheck(selector string, options ...FrameUncheckOptions) error
   809  	WaitForEvent(event string, predicate ...interface{}) interface{}
   810  	// Returns when the `expression` returns a truthy value, returns that value.
   811  	// The Frame.waitForFunction() can be used to observe viewport size change:
   812  	// To pass an argument to the predicate of `frame.waitForFunction` function:
   813  	WaitForFunction(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...FrameWaitForFunctionOptions) (JSHandle, error)
   814  	// Waits for the required load state to be reached.
   815  	// This returns when the frame reaches a required load state, `load` by default. The navigation must have been committed
   816  	// when this method is called. If current document has already reached the required state, resolves immediately.
   817  	WaitForLoadState(given ...string)
   818  	// Waits for the frame navigation and returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation
   819  	// will resolve with the response of the last redirect. In case of navigation to a different anchor or navigation due to
   820  	// History API usage, the navigation will resolve with `null`.
   821  	// This method waits for the frame to navigate to a new URL. It is useful for when you run code which will indirectly cause
   822  	// the frame to navigate. Consider this example:
   823  	// > NOTE: Usage of the [History API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API) to change the URL is
   824  	// considered a navigation.
   825  	WaitForNavigation(options ...PageWaitForNavigationOptions) (Response, error)
   826  	// Waits for the frame to navigate to the given URL.
   827  	WaitForURL(url string, options ...FrameWaitForURLOptions) error
   828  	// Returns when element specified by selector satisfies `state` option. Returns `null` if waiting for `hidden` or
   829  	// `detached`.
   830  	// > NOTE: Playwright automatically waits for element to be ready before performing an action. Using `Locator` objects and
   831  	// web-first assertions make the code wait-for-selector-free.
   832  	// Wait for the `selector` to satisfy `state` option (either appear/disappear from dom, or become visible/hidden). If at
   833  	// the moment of calling the method `selector` already satisfies the condition, the method will return immediately. If the
   834  	// selector doesn't satisfy the condition for the `timeout` milliseconds, the function will throw.
   835  	// This method works across navigations:
   836  	WaitForSelector(selector string, options ...PageWaitForSelectorOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
   837  	// Waits for the given `timeout` in milliseconds.
   838  	// Note that `frame.waitForTimeout()` should only be used for debugging. Tests using the timer in production are going to
   839  	// be flaky. Use signals such as network events, selectors becoming visible and others instead.
   840  	WaitForTimeout(timeout float64)
   841  	// Returns `input.value` for the selected `<input>` or `<textarea>` or `<select>` element. Throws for non-input elements.
   842  	InputValue(selector string, options ...FrameInputValueOptions) (string, error)
   843  	DragAndDrop(source, target string, options ...FrameDragAndDropOptions) error
   844  }
   846  // JSHandle represents an in-page JavaScript object. JSHandles can be created with the Page.evaluateHandle()
   847  // method.
   848  // JSHandle prevents the referenced JavaScript object being garbage collected unless the handle is exposed with
   849  // JSHandle.dispose(). JSHandles are auto-disposed when their origin frame gets navigated or the parent context
   850  // gets destroyed.
   851  // JSHandle instances can be used as an argument in Page.evalOnSelector`], [`method: Page.evaluate() and
   852  // Page.evaluateHandle() methods.
   853  type JSHandle interface {
   854  	// Returns either `null` or the object handle itself, if the object handle is an instance of `ElementHandle`.
   855  	AsElement() ElementHandle
   856  	// The `jsHandle.dispose` method stops referencing the element handle.
   857  	Dispose() error
   858  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
   859  	// This method passes this handle as the first argument to `expression`.
   860  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then `handle.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
   861  	// Examples:
   862  	Evaluate(expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
   863  	// Returns the return value of `expression` as a `JSHandle`.
   864  	// This method passes this handle as the first argument to `expression`.
   865  	// The only difference between `jsHandle.evaluate` and `jsHandle.evaluateHandle` is that `jsHandle.evaluateHandle` returns
   866  	// `JSHandle`.
   867  	// If the function passed to the `jsHandle.evaluateHandle` returns a [Promise], then `jsHandle.evaluateHandle` would wait
   868  	// for the promise to resolve and return its value.
   869  	// See Page.evaluateHandle() for more details.
   870  	EvaluateHandle(expression string, options ...interface{}) (JSHandle, error)
   871  	// The method returns a map with **own property names** as keys and JSHandle instances for the property values.
   872  	GetProperties() (map[string]JSHandle, error)
   873  	// Fetches a single property from the referenced object.
   874  	GetProperty(name string) (JSHandle, error)
   875  	// Returns a JSON representation of the object. If the object has a `toJSON` function, it **will not be called**.
   876  	// > NOTE: The method will return an empty JSON object if the referenced object is not stringifiable. It will throw an
   877  	// error if the object has circular references.
   878  	JSONValue() (interface{}, error)
   879  	String() string
   880  }
   882  // Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard. The high level api is Keyboard.type(), which takes
   883  // raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page.
   884  // For finer control, you can use Keyboard.down`], [`method: Keyboard.up`], and [`method: Keyboard.insertText()
   885  // to manually fire events as if they were generated from a real keyboard.
   886  // An example of holding down `Shift` in order to select and delete some text:
   887  // An example of pressing uppercase `A`
   888  // An example to trigger select-all with the keyboard
   889  type Keyboard interface {
   890  	// Dispatches a `keydown` event.
   891  	// `key` can specify the intended [keyboardEvent.key](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key)
   892  	// value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the `key` values can be found
   893  	// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values). Examples of the keys are:
   894  	// `F1` - `F12`, `Digit0`- `Digit9`, `KeyA`- `KeyZ`, `Backquote`, `Minus`, `Equal`, `Backslash`, `Backspace`, `Tab`,
   895  	// `Delete`, `Escape`, `ArrowDown`, `End`, `Enter`, `Home`, `Insert`, `PageDown`, `PageUp`, `ArrowRight`, `ArrowUp`, etc.
   896  	// Following modification shortcuts are also supported: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`, `ShiftLeft`.
   897  	// Holding down `Shift` will type the text that corresponds to the `key` in the upper case.
   898  	// If `key` is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values `a` and `A` will generate different respective
   899  	// texts.
   900  	// If `key` is a modifier key, `Shift`, `Meta`, `Control`, or `Alt`, subsequent key presses will be sent with that modifier
   901  	// active. To release the modifier key, use Keyboard.up().
   902  	// After the key is pressed once, subsequent calls to Keyboard.down() will have
   903  	// [repeat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/repeat) set to true. To release the key, use
   904  	// Keyboard.up().
   905  	// > NOTE: Modifier keys DO influence `keyboard.down`. Holding down `Shift` will type the text in upper case.
   906  	Down(key string) error
   907  	// Dispatches only `input` event, does not emit the `keydown`, `keyup` or `keypress` events.
   908  	// > NOTE: Modifier keys DO NOT effect `keyboard.insertText`. Holding down `Shift` will not type the text in upper case.
   909  	InsertText(text string) error
   910  	// `key` can specify the intended [keyboardEvent.key](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key)
   911  	// value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the `key` values can be found
   912  	// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values). Examples of the keys are:
   913  	// `F1` - `F12`, `Digit0`- `Digit9`, `KeyA`- `KeyZ`, `Backquote`, `Minus`, `Equal`, `Backslash`, `Backspace`, `Tab`,
   914  	// `Delete`, `Escape`, `ArrowDown`, `End`, `Enter`, `Home`, `Insert`, `PageDown`, `PageUp`, `ArrowRight`, `ArrowUp`, etc.
   915  	// Following modification shortcuts are also supported: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`, `ShiftLeft`.
   916  	// Holding down `Shift` will type the text that corresponds to the `key` in the upper case.
   917  	// If `key` is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values `a` and `A` will generate different respective
   918  	// texts.
   919  	// Shortcuts such as `key: "Control+o"` or `key: "Control+Shift+T"` are supported as well. When specified with the
   920  	// modifier, modifier is pressed and being held while the subsequent key is being pressed.
   921  	// Shortcut for Keyboard.down`] and [`method: Keyboard.up().
   922  	Press(key string, options ...KeyboardPressOptions) error
   923  	// Sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text.
   924  	// To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use Keyboard.press().
   925  	// > NOTE: Modifier keys DO NOT effect `keyboard.type`. Holding down `Shift` will not type the text in upper case.
   926  	// > NOTE: For characters that are not on a US keyboard, only an `input` event will be sent.
   927  	Type(text string, options ...KeyboardTypeOptions) error
   928  	// Dispatches a `keyup` event.
   929  	Up(key string) error
   930  }
   932  // Locators are the central piece of Playwright's auto-waiting and retry-ability. In a nutshell, locators represent a way
   933  // to find element(s) on the page at any moment. Locator can be created with the Page.locator() method.
   934  // [Learn more about locators](./locators.md).
   935  type Locator interface {
   936  	// Returns an array of `node.innerText` values for all matching nodes.
   937  	AllInnerTexts() ([]string, error)
   938  	// Returns an array of `node.textContent` values for all matching nodes.
   939  	AllTextContents() ([]string, error)
   940  	// This method returns the bounding box of the element, or `null` if the element is not visible. The bounding box is
   941  	// calculated relative to the main frame viewport - which is usually the same as the browser window.
   942  	// Scrolling affects the returned bonding box, similarly to
   943  	// [Element.getBoundingClientRect](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect). That
   944  	// means `x` and/or `y` may be negative.
   945  	// Elements from child frames return the bounding box relative to the main frame, unlike the
   946  	// [Element.getBoundingClientRect](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect).
   947  	// Assuming the page is static, it is safe to use bounding box coordinates to perform input. For example, the following
   948  	// snippet should click the center of the element.
   949  	BoundingBox(options ...LocatorBoundingBoxOptions) (*Rect, error)
   950  	// This method checks the element by performing the following steps:
   951  	// 1. Ensure that element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already checked,
   952  	// this method returns immediately.
   953  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   954  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   955  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
   956  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   957  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked. If not, this method throws.
   958  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   959  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   960  	// zero timeout disables this.
   961  	Check(options ...FrameCheckOptions) error
   962  	// This method clicks the element by performing the following steps:
   963  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   964  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   965  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   966  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
   967  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   968  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   969  	// zero timeout disables this.
   970  	Click(options ...PageClickOptions) error
   971  	// Returns the number of elements matching given selector.
   972  	Count() (int, error)
   973  	// This method double clicks the element by performing the following steps:
   974  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
   975  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
   976  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to double click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
   977  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set. Note that if the
   978  	// first click of the `dblclick()` triggers a navigation event, this method will throw.
   979  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
   980  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
   981  	// zero timeout disables this.
   982  	// > NOTE: `element.dblclick()` dispatches two `click` events and a single `dblclick` event.
   983  	Dblclick(options ...FrameDblclickOptions) error
   984  	// The snippet below dispatches the `click` event on the element. Regardless of the visibility state of the element,
   985  	// `click` is dispatched. This is equivalent to calling
   986  	// [element.click()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/click).
   987  	// Under the hood, it creates an instance of an event based on the given `type`, initializes it with `eventInit` properties
   988  	// and dispatches it on the element. Events are `composed`, `cancelable` and bubble by default.
   989  	// Since `eventInit` is event-specific, please refer to the events documentation for the lists of initial properties:
   990  	// - [DragEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DragEvent/DragEvent)
   991  	// - [FocusEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FocusEvent/FocusEvent)
   992  	// - [KeyboardEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/KeyboardEvent)
   993  	// - [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/MouseEvent)
   994  	// - [PointerEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PointerEvent/PointerEvent)
   995  	// - [TouchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent/TouchEvent)
   996  	// - [Event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/Event)
   997  	// You can also specify `JSHandle` as the property value if you want live objects to be passed into the event:
   998  	DispatchEvent(typ string, eventInit interface{}, options ...PageDispatchEventOptions) error
   999  	DragTo(target Locator, options ...FrameDragAndDropOptions) error
  1000  	// Resolves given locator to the first matching DOM element. If no elements matching the query are visible, waits for them
  1001  	// up to a given timeout. If multiple elements match the selector, throws.
  1002  	ElementHandle(options ...LocatorElementHandleOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
  1003  	// Resolves given locator to all matching DOM elements.
  1004  	ElementHandles() ([]ElementHandle, error)
  1005  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
  1006  	// This method passes this handle as the first argument to `expression`.
  1007  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then `handle.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
  1008  	// Examples:
  1009  	Evaluate(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...LocatorEvaluateOptions) (interface{}, error)
  1010  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified locator and passes an array of matched elements as a first argument
  1011  	// to `expression`. Returns the result of `expression` invocation.
  1012  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then Locator.evaluateAll() would wait for the promise to resolve and
  1013  	// return its value.
  1014  	// Examples:
  1015  	EvaluateAll(expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1016  	// Returns the return value of `expression` as a `JSHandle`.
  1017  	// This method passes this handle as the first argument to `expression`.
  1018  	// The only difference between Locator.evaluate`] and [`method: Locator.evaluateHandle() is that
  1019  	// Locator.evaluateHandle() returns `JSHandle`.
  1020  	// If the function passed to the Locator.evaluateHandle() returns a [Promise], then
  1021  	// Locator.evaluateHandle() would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
  1022  	// See Page.evaluateHandle() for more details.
  1023  	EvaluateHandle(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...LocatorEvaluateHandleOptions) (interface{}, error)
  1024  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, focuses the element, fills it and triggers an `input`
  1025  	// event after filling. Note that you can pass an empty string to clear the input field.
  1026  	// If the target element is not an `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element, this method throws an error.
  1027  	// However, if the element is inside the `<label>` element that has an associated
  1028  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be filled
  1029  	// instead.
  1030  	// To send fine-grained keyboard events, use Locator.type().
  1031  	Fill(value string, options ...FrameFillOptions) error
  1032  	// Returns locator to the first matching element.
  1033  	First() (Locator, error)
  1034  	// Calls [focus](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus) on the element.
  1035  	Focus(options ...FrameFocusOptions) error
  1036  	// Returns element attribute value.
  1037  	GetAttribute(name string, options ...PageGetAttributeOptions) (string, error)
  1038  	// Highlight the corresponding element(s) on the screen. Useful for debugging, don't commit the code that uses
  1039  	// Locator.highlight().
  1040  	Highlight() error
  1041  	// This method hovers over the element by performing the following steps:
  1042  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
  1043  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1044  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to hover over the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
  1045  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1046  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
  1047  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1048  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1049  	Hover(options ...PageHoverOptions) error
  1050  	// Returns the `element.innerHTML`.
  1051  	InnerHTML(options ...PageInnerHTMLOptions) (string, error)
  1052  	// Returns the `element.innerText`.
  1053  	InnerText(options ...PageInnerTextOptions) (string, error)
  1054  	// Returns `input.value` for `<input>` or `<textarea>` or `<select>` element. Throws for non-input elements.
  1055  	InputValue(options ...FrameInputValueOptions) (string, error)
  1056  	// Returns whether the element is checked. Throws if the element is not a checkbox or radio input.
  1057  	IsChecked(options ...FrameIsCheckedOptions) (bool, error)
  1058  	// Returns whether the element is disabled, the opposite of [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
  1059  	IsDisabled(options ...FrameIsDisabledOptions) (bool, error)
  1060  	// Returns whether the element is [editable](./actionability.md#editable).
  1061  	IsEditable(options ...FrameIsEditableOptions) (bool, error)
  1062  	// Returns whether the element is [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
  1063  	IsEnabled(options ...FrameIsEnabledOptions) (bool, error)
  1064  	// Returns whether the element is hidden, the opposite of [visible](./actionability.md#visible).
  1065  	IsHidden(options ...FrameIsHiddenOptions) (bool, error)
  1066  	// Returns whether the element is [visible](./actionability.md#visible).
  1067  	IsVisible(options ...FrameIsVisibleOptions) (bool, error)
  1068  	// Returns locator to the last matching element.
  1069  	Last() (Locator, error)
  1070  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector in the `Locator`'s subtree.
  1071  	Locator(selector string) (Locator, error)
  1072  	// Returns locator to the n-th matching element.
  1073  	Nth(index int) (Locator, error)
  1074  	// A page this locator belongs to.
  1075  	Page() Page
  1076  	// Focuses the element, and then uses Keyboard.down`] and [`method: Keyboard.up().
  1077  	// `key` can specify the intended [keyboardEvent.key](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key)
  1078  	// value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the `key` values can be found
  1079  	// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values). Examples of the keys are:
  1080  	// `F1` - `F12`, `Digit0`- `Digit9`, `KeyA`- `KeyZ`, `Backquote`, `Minus`, `Equal`, `Backslash`, `Backspace`, `Tab`,
  1081  	// `Delete`, `Escape`, `ArrowDown`, `End`, `Enter`, `Home`, `Insert`, `PageDown`, `PageUp`, `ArrowRight`, `ArrowUp`, etc.
  1082  	// Following modification shortcuts are also supported: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`, `ShiftLeft`.
  1083  	// Holding down `Shift` will type the text that corresponds to the `key` in the upper case.
  1084  	// If `key` is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values `a` and `A` will generate different respective
  1085  	// texts.
  1086  	// Shortcuts such as `key: "Control+o"` or `key: "Control+Shift+T"` are supported as well. When specified with the
  1087  	// modifier, modifier is pressed and being held while the subsequent key is being pressed.
  1088  	Press(key string, options ...PagePressOptions) error
  1089  	// Returns the buffer with the captured screenshot.
  1090  	// This method waits for the [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, then scrolls element into view before taking a
  1091  	// screenshot. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error.
  1092  	Screenshot(options ...LocatorScreenshotOptions) ([]byte, error)
  1093  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, then tries to scroll element into view, unless it is
  1094  	// completely visible as defined by
  1095  	// [IntersectionObserver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API)'s `ratio`.
  1096  	ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(options ...LocatorScrollIntoViewIfNeededOptions) error
  1097  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, waits until all specified options are present in the
  1098  	// `<select>` element and selects these options.
  1099  	// If the target element is not a `<select>` element, this method throws an error. However, if the element is inside the
  1100  	// `<label>` element that has an associated
  1101  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be used instead.
  1102  	// Returns the array of option values that have been successfully selected.
  1103  	// Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been selected.
  1104  	SelectOption(values SelectOptionValues, options ...FrameSelectOptionOptions) ([]string, error)
  1105  	// This method waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, then focuses the element and selects all its text
  1106  	// content.
  1107  	SelectText(options ...LocatorSelectTextOptions) error
  1108  	// This method checks or unchecks an element by performing the following steps:
  1109  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws.
  1110  	// 1. If the element already has the right checked state, this method returns immediately.
  1111  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1112  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1113  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1114  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
  1115  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1116  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked or unchecked. If not, this method throws.
  1117  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1118  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1119  	SetChecked(checked bool, options ...FrameSetCheckedOptions) error
  1120  	// This method expects `element` to point to an
  1121  	// [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input).
  1122  	// Sets the value of the file input to these file paths or files. If some of the `filePaths` are relative paths, then they
  1123  	// are resolved relative to the the current working directory. For empty array, clears the selected files.
  1124  	SetInputFiles(files []InputFile, options ...FrameSetInputFilesOptions) error
  1125  	// This method taps the element by performing the following steps:
  1126  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
  1127  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1128  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.touchscreen`] to tap the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
  1129  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1130  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
  1131  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1132  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1133  	// > NOTE: `element.tap()` requires that the `hasTouch` option of the browser context be set to true.
  1134  	Tap(options ...FrameTapOptions) error
  1135  	// Returns the `node.textContent`.
  1136  	TextContent(options ...FrameTextContentOptions) (string, error)
  1137  	// Focuses the element, and then sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text.
  1138  	// To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use Locator.press().
  1139  	// An example of typing into a text field and then submitting the form:
  1140  	Type(text string, options ...PageTypeOptions) error
  1141  	// This method checks the element by performing the following steps:
  1142  	// 1. Ensure that element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already
  1143  	// unchecked, this method returns immediately.
  1144  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the element, unless `force` option is set.
  1145  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1146  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
  1147  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1148  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now unchecked. If not, this method throws.
  1149  	// If the element is detached from the DOM at any moment during the action, this method throws.
  1150  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1151  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1152  	Uncheck(options ...FrameUncheckOptions) error
  1153  	// Returns when element specified by locator satisfies the `state` option.
  1154  	// If target element already satisfies the condition, the method returns immediately. Otherwise, waits for up to `timeout`
  1155  	// milliseconds until the condition is met.
  1156  	WaitFor(options ...PageWaitForSelectorOptions) error
  1157  }
  1159  // The Mouse class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport.
  1160  // Every `page` object has its own Mouse, accessible with [`property: Page.mouse`].
  1161  type Mouse interface {
  1162  	// Shortcut for Mouse.move`], [`method: Mouse.down`], [`method: Mouse.up().
  1163  	Click(x, y float64, options ...MouseClickOptions) error
  1164  	// Shortcut for Mouse.move`], [`method: Mouse.down`], [`method: Mouse.up`], [`method: Mouse.down() and
  1165  	// Mouse.up().
  1166  	Dblclick(x, y float64, options ...MouseDblclickOptions) error
  1167  	// Dispatches a `mousedown` event.
  1168  	Down(options ...MouseDownOptions) error
  1169  	// Dispatches a `mousemove` event.
  1170  	Move(x float64, y float64, options ...MouseMoveOptions) error
  1171  	// Dispatches a `mouseup` event.
  1172  	Up(options ...MouseUpOptions) error
  1173  }
  1175  // Page provides methods to interact with a single tab in a `Browser`, or an
  1176  // [extension background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) in Chromium. One `Browser`
  1177  // instance might have multiple `Page` instances.
  1178  // This example creates a page, navigates it to a URL, and then saves a screenshot:
  1179  // The Page class emits various events (described below) which can be handled using any of Node's native
  1180  // [`EventEmitter`](https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter) methods, such as `on`, `once` or
  1181  // `removeListener`.
  1182  // This example logs a message for a single page `load` event:
  1183  // To unsubscribe from events use the `removeListener` method:
  1184  type Page interface {
  1185  	EventEmitter
  1186  	// This method checks or unchecks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1187  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1188  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws.
  1189  	// 1. If the element already has the right checked state, this method returns immediately.
  1190  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1191  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1192  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1193  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
  1194  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1195  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked or unchecked. If not, this method throws.
  1196  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1197  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1198  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.setChecked().
  1199  	SetChecked(selector string, checked bool, options ...FrameSetCheckedOptions) error
  1200  	Mouse() Mouse
  1201  	Keyboard() Keyboard
  1202  	Touchscreen() Touchscreen
  1203  	// Adds a script which would be evaluated in one of the following scenarios:
  1204  	// - Whenever the page is navigated.
  1205  	// - Whenever the child frame is attached or navigated. In this case, the script is evaluated in the context of the newly
  1206  	// attached frame.
  1207  	// The script is evaluated after the document was created but before any of its scripts were run. This is useful to amend
  1208  	// the JavaScript environment, e.g. to seed `Math.random`.
  1209  	// An example of overriding `Math.random` before the page loads:
  1210  	// > NOTE: The order of evaluation of multiple scripts installed via BrowserContext.addInitScript() and
  1211  	// Page.addInitScript() is not defined.
  1212  	AddInitScript(script PageAddInitScriptOptions) error
  1213  	// Adds a `<script>` tag into the page with the desired url or content. Returns the added tag when the script's onload
  1214  	// fires or when the script content was injected into frame.
  1215  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.addScriptTag().
  1216  	AddScriptTag(options PageAddScriptTagOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
  1217  	// Adds a `<link rel="stylesheet">` tag into the page with the desired url or a `<style type="text/css">` tag with the
  1218  	// content. Returns the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame.
  1219  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.addStyleTag().
  1220  	AddStyleTag(options PageAddStyleTagOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
  1221  	// Brings page to front (activates tab).
  1222  	BringToFront() error
  1223  	// This method checks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1224  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1225  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already
  1226  	// checked, this method returns immediately.
  1227  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1228  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1229  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1230  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
  1231  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1232  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now checked. If not, this method throws.
  1233  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1234  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1235  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.check().
  1236  	Check(selector string, options ...FrameCheckOptions) error
  1237  	// This method clicks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1238  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1239  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1240  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1241  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1242  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
  1243  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1244  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1245  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1246  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.click().
  1247  	Click(selector string, options ...PageClickOptions) error
  1248  	// If `runBeforeUnload` is `false`, does not run any unload handlers and waits for the page to be closed. If
  1249  	// `runBeforeUnload` is `true` the method will run unload handlers, but will **not** wait for the page to close.
  1250  	// By default, `page.close()` **does not** run `beforeunload` handlers.
  1251  	// > NOTE: if `runBeforeUnload` is passed as true, a `beforeunload` dialog might be summoned and should be handled manually
  1252  	// via [`event: Page.dialog`] event.
  1253  	Close(options ...PageCloseOptions) error
  1254  	// Gets the full HTML contents of the page, including the doctype.
  1255  	Content() (string, error)
  1256  	// Get the browser context that the page belongs to.
  1257  	Context() BrowserContext
  1258  	// This method double clicks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1259  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1260  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1261  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1262  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1263  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to double click in the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
  1264  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set. Note that if the
  1265  	// first click of the `dblclick()` triggers a navigation event, this method will throw.
  1266  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1267  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1268  	// > NOTE: `page.dblclick()` dispatches two `click` events and a single `dblclick` event.
  1269  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.dblclick().
  1270  	Dblclick(expression string, options ...FrameDblclickOptions) error
  1271  	// The snippet below dispatches the `click` event on the element. Regardless of the visibility state of the element,
  1272  	// `click` is dispatched. This is equivalent to calling
  1273  	// [element.click()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/click).
  1274  	// Under the hood, it creates an instance of an event based on the given `type`, initializes it with `eventInit` properties
  1275  	// and dispatches it on the element. Events are `composed`, `cancelable` and bubble by default.
  1276  	// Since `eventInit` is event-specific, please refer to the events documentation for the lists of initial properties:
  1277  	// - [DragEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DragEvent/DragEvent)
  1278  	// - [FocusEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FocusEvent/FocusEvent)
  1279  	// - [KeyboardEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/KeyboardEvent)
  1280  	// - [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/MouseEvent)
  1281  	// - [PointerEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PointerEvent/PointerEvent)
  1282  	// - [TouchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent/TouchEvent)
  1283  	// - [Event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/Event)
  1284  	// You can also specify `JSHandle` as the property value if you want live objects to be passed into the event:
  1285  	DispatchEvent(selector string, typ string, options ...PageDispatchEventOptions) error
  1286  	// The method adds a function called `name` on the `window` object of every frame in this page. When called, the function
  1287  	// executes `callback` and returns a [Promise] which resolves to the return value of `callback`. If the `callback` returns
  1288  	// a [Promise], it will be awaited.
  1289  	// The first argument of the `callback` function contains information about the caller: `{ browserContext: BrowserContext,
  1290  	// page: Page, frame: Frame }`.
  1291  	// See BrowserContext.exposeBinding() for the context-wide version.
  1292  	// > NOTE: Functions installed via Page.exposeBinding() survive navigations.
  1293  	// An example of exposing page URL to all frames in a page:
  1294  	// An example of passing an element handle:
  1295  	ExposeBinding(name string, binding BindingCallFunction, handle ...bool) error
  1296  	// The method adds a function called `name` on the `window` object of every frame in the page. When called, the function
  1297  	// executes `callback` and returns a [Promise] which resolves to the return value of `callback`.
  1298  	// If the `callback` returns a [Promise], it will be awaited.
  1299  	// See BrowserContext.exposeFunction() for context-wide exposed function.
  1300  	// > NOTE: Functions installed via Page.exposeFunction() survive navigations.
  1301  	// An example of adding a `sha256` function to the page:
  1302  	ExposeFunction(name string, binding ExposedFunction) error
  1303  	// This method changes the `CSS media type` through the `media` argument, and/or the `'prefers-colors-scheme'` media
  1304  	// feature, using the `colorScheme` argument.
  1305  	EmulateMedia(options ...PageEmulateMediaOptions) error
  1306  	// Returns the value of the `expression` invocation.
  1307  	// If the function passed to the Page.evaluate`] returns a [Promise], then [`method: Page.evaluate() would wait
  1308  	// for the promise to resolve and return its value.
  1309  	// If the function passed to the Page.evaluate() returns a non-[Serializable] value, then
  1310  	// Page.evaluate() resolves to `undefined`. Playwright also supports transferring some additional values that are
  1311  	// not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`.
  1312  	// Passing argument to `expression`:
  1313  	// A string can also be passed in instead of a function:
  1314  	// `ElementHandle` instances can be passed as an argument to the Page.evaluate():
  1315  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.evaluate().
  1316  	Evaluate(expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1317  	// Returns the value of the `expression` invocation as a `JSHandle`.
  1318  	// The only difference between Page.evaluate`] and [`method: Page.evaluateHandle() is that
  1319  	// Page.evaluateHandle() returns `JSHandle`.
  1320  	// If the function passed to the Page.evaluateHandle`] returns a [Promise], then [`method: Page.evaluateHandle()
  1321  	// would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
  1322  	// A string can also be passed in instead of a function:
  1323  	// `JSHandle` instances can be passed as an argument to the Page.evaluateHandle():
  1324  	EvaluateHandle(expression string, options ...interface{}) (JSHandle, error)
  1325  	// > NOTE: This method does not wait for the element to pass actionability checks and therefore can lead to the flaky
  1326  	// tests. Use Locator.evaluate(), other `Locator` helper methods or web-first assertions instead.
  1327  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector within the page and passes it as a first argument to
  1328  	// `expression`. If no elements match the selector, the method throws an error. Returns the value of `expression`.
  1329  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then Page.evalOnSelector() would wait for the promise to resolve and
  1330  	// return its value.
  1331  	// Examples:
  1332  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.evalOnSelector().
  1333  	EvalOnSelector(selector string, expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1334  	// > NOTE: In most cases, Locator.evaluateAll(), other `Locator` helper methods and web-first assertions do a
  1335  	// better job.
  1336  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified selector within the page and passes an array of matched elements as
  1337  	// a first argument to `expression`. Returns the result of `expression` invocation.
  1338  	// If `expression` returns a [Promise], then Page.evalOnSelectorAll() would wait for the promise to resolve and
  1339  	// return its value.
  1340  	// Examples:
  1341  	EvalOnSelectorAll(selector string, expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1342  	ExpectConsoleMessage(cb func() error) (ConsoleMessage, error)
  1343  	ExpectDownload(cb func() error) (Download, error)
  1344  	ExpectEvent(event string, cb func() error, predicates ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1345  	ExpectFileChooser(cb func() error) (FileChooser, error)
  1346  	ExpectLoadState(state string, cb func() error) error
  1347  	ExpectNavigation(cb func() error, options ...PageWaitForNavigationOptions) (Response, error)
  1348  	ExpectPopup(cb func() error) (Page, error)
  1349  	ExpectRequest(url interface{}, cb func() error, options ...interface{}) (Request, error)
  1350  	ExpectResponse(url interface{}, cb func() error, options ...interface{}) (Response, error)
  1351  	ExpectWorker(cb func() error) (Worker, error)
  1352  	ExpectedDialog(cb func() error) (Dialog, error)
  1353  	// This method waits for an element matching `selector`, waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, focuses the
  1354  	// element, fills it and triggers an `input` event after filling. Note that you can pass an empty string to clear the input
  1355  	// field.
  1356  	// If the target element is not an `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element, this method throws an error.
  1357  	// However, if the element is inside the `<label>` element that has an associated
  1358  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be filled
  1359  	// instead.
  1360  	// To send fine-grained keyboard events, use Page.type().
  1361  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.fill().
  1362  	Fill(selector, text string, options ...FrameFillOptions) error
  1363  	// This method fetches an element with `selector` and focuses it. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method
  1364  	// waits until a matching element appears in the DOM.
  1365  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.focus().
  1366  	Focus(expression string, options ...FrameFocusOptions) error
  1367  	// Returns frame matching the specified criteria. Either `name` or `url` must be specified.
  1368  	Frame(options PageFrameOptions) Frame
  1369  	// An array of all frames attached to the page.
  1370  	Frames() []Frame
  1371  	// Returns element attribute value.
  1372  	GetAttribute(selector string, name string, options ...PageGetAttributeOptions) (string, error)
  1373  	// Returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
  1374  	// last redirect. If can not go back, returns `null`.
  1375  	// Navigate to the previous page in history.
  1376  	GoBack(options ...PageGoBackOptions) (Response, error)
  1377  	// Returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
  1378  	// last redirect. If can not go forward, returns `null`.
  1379  	// Navigate to the next page in history.
  1380  	GoForward(options ...PageGoForwardOptions) (Response, error)
  1381  	// Returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
  1382  	// last redirect.
  1383  	// The method will throw an error if:
  1384  	// - there's an SSL error (e.g. in case of self-signed certificates).
  1385  	// - target URL is invalid.
  1386  	// - the `timeout` is exceeded during navigation.
  1387  	// - the remote server does not respond or is unreachable.
  1388  	// - the main resource failed to load.
  1389  	// The method will not throw an error when any valid HTTP status code is returned by the remote server, including 404 "Not
  1390  	// Found" and 500 "Internal Server Error".  The status code for such responses can be retrieved by calling
  1391  	// Response.status().
  1392  	// > NOTE: The method either throws an error or returns a main resource response. The only exceptions are navigation to
  1393  	// `about:blank` or navigation to the same URL with a different hash, which would succeed and return `null`.
  1394  	// > NOTE: Headless mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. See the
  1395  	// [upstream issue](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=761295).
  1396  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.goto()
  1397  	Goto(url string, options ...PageGotoOptions) (Response, error)
  1398  	// This method hovers over an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1399  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1400  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1401  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1402  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1403  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to hover over the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
  1404  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1405  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1406  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1407  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.hover().
  1408  	Hover(selector string, options ...PageHoverOptions) error
  1409  	// Returns `element.innerHTML`.
  1410  	InnerHTML(selector string, options ...PageInnerHTMLOptions) (string, error)
  1411  	// Returns `element.innerText`.
  1412  	InnerText(selector string, options ...PageInnerTextOptions) (string, error)
  1413  	// Indicates that the page has been closed.
  1414  	IsClosed() bool
  1415  	// Returns whether the element is checked. Throws if the element is not a checkbox or radio input.
  1416  	IsChecked(selector string, options ...FrameIsCheckedOptions) (bool, error)
  1417  	// Returns whether the element is disabled, the opposite of [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
  1418  	IsDisabled(selector string, options ...FrameIsDisabledOptions) (bool, error)
  1419  	// Returns whether the element is [editable](./actionability.md#editable).
  1420  	IsEditable(selector string, options ...FrameIsEditableOptions) (bool, error)
  1421  	// Returns whether the element is [enabled](./actionability.md#enabled).
  1422  	IsEnabled(selector string, options ...FrameIsEnabledOptions) (bool, error)
  1423  	// Returns whether the element is hidden, the opposite of [visible](./actionability.md#visible).  `selector` that does not
  1424  	// match any elements is considered hidden.
  1425  	IsHidden(selector string, options ...FrameIsHiddenOptions) (bool, error)
  1426  	// Returns whether the element is [visible](./actionability.md#visible). `selector` that does not match any elements is
  1427  	// considered not visible.
  1428  	IsVisible(selector string, options ...FrameIsVisibleOptions) (bool, error)
  1429  	// The method returns an element locator that can be used to perform actions on the page. Locator is resolved to the
  1430  	// element immediately before performing an action, so a series of actions on the same locator can in fact be performed on
  1431  	// different DOM elements. That would happen if the DOM structure between those actions has changed.
  1432  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.locator().
  1433  	Locator(selector string, options ...PageLocatorOptions) (Locator, error)
  1434  	// The page's main frame. Page is guaranteed to have a main frame which persists during navigations.
  1435  	MainFrame() Frame
  1436  	// Returns the opener for popup pages and `null` for others. If the opener has been closed already the returns `null`.
  1437  	Opener() (Page, error)
  1438  	// Returns the PDF buffer.
  1439  	// > NOTE: Generating a pdf is currently only supported in Chromium headless.
  1440  	// `page.pdf()` generates a pdf of the page with `print` css media. To generate a pdf with `screen` media, call
  1441  	// Page.emulateMedia() before calling `page.pdf()`:
  1442  	// > NOTE: By default, `page.pdf()` generates a pdf with modified colors for printing. Use the
  1443  	// [`-webkit-print-color-adjust`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-print-color-adjust) property to
  1444  	// force rendering of exact colors.
  1445  	// The `width`, `height`, and `margin` options accept values labeled with units. Unlabeled values are treated as pixels.
  1446  	// A few examples:
  1447  	// - `page.pdf({width: 100})` - prints with width set to 100 pixels
  1448  	// - `page.pdf({width: '100px'})` - prints with width set to 100 pixels
  1449  	// - `page.pdf({width: '10cm'})` - prints with width set to 10 centimeters.
  1450  	// All possible units are:
  1451  	// - `px` - pixel
  1452  	// - `in` - inch
  1453  	// - `cm` - centimeter
  1454  	// - `mm` - millimeter
  1455  	// The `format` options are:
  1456  	// - `Letter`: 8.5in x 11in
  1457  	// - `Legal`: 8.5in x 14in
  1458  	// - `Tabloid`: 11in x 17in
  1459  	// - `Ledger`: 17in x 11in
  1460  	// - `A0`: 33.1in x 46.8in
  1461  	// - `A1`: 23.4in x 33.1in
  1462  	// - `A2`: 16.54in x 23.4in
  1463  	// - `A3`: 11.7in x 16.54in
  1464  	// - `A4`: 8.27in x 11.7in
  1465  	// - `A5`: 5.83in x 8.27in
  1466  	// - `A6`: 4.13in x 5.83in
  1467  	// > NOTE: `headerTemplate` and `footerTemplate` markup have the following limitations: > 1. Script tags inside templates
  1468  	// are not evaluated. > 2. Page styles are not visible inside templates.
  1469  	PDF(options ...PagePdfOptions) ([]byte, error)
  1470  	// Focuses the element, and then uses Keyboard.down`] and [`method: Keyboard.up().
  1471  	// `key` can specify the intended [keyboardEvent.key](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key)
  1472  	// value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the `key` values can be found
  1473  	// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values). Examples of the keys are:
  1474  	// `F1` - `F12`, `Digit0`- `Digit9`, `KeyA`- `KeyZ`, `Backquote`, `Minus`, `Equal`, `Backslash`, `Backspace`, `Tab`,
  1475  	// `Delete`, `Escape`, `ArrowDown`, `End`, `Enter`, `Home`, `Insert`, `PageDown`, `PageUp`, `ArrowRight`, `ArrowUp`, etc.
  1476  	// Following modification shortcuts are also supported: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`, `ShiftLeft`.
  1477  	// Holding down `Shift` will type the text that corresponds to the `key` in the upper case.
  1478  	// If `key` is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values `a` and `A` will generate different respective
  1479  	// texts.
  1480  	// Shortcuts such as `key: "Control+o"` or `key: "Control+Shift+T"` are supported as well. When specified with the
  1481  	// modifier, modifier is pressed and being held while the subsequent key is being pressed.
  1482  	Press(selector, key string, options ...PagePressOptions) error
  1483  	// > NOTE: The use of `ElementHandle` is discouraged, use `Locator` objects and web-first assertions instead.
  1484  	// The method finds an element matching the specified selector within the page. If no elements match the selector, the
  1485  	// return value resolves to `null`. To wait for an element on the page, use Locator.waitFor().
  1486  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.querySelector().
  1487  	QuerySelector(selector string) (ElementHandle, error)
  1488  	// > NOTE: The use of `ElementHandle` is discouraged, use `Locator` objects and web-first assertions instead.
  1489  	// The method finds all elements matching the specified selector within the page. If no elements match the selector, the
  1490  	// return value resolves to `[]`.
  1491  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.querySelectorAll().
  1492  	QuerySelectorAll(selector string) ([]ElementHandle, error)
  1493  	// This method reloads the current page, in the same way as if the user had triggered a browser refresh. Returns the main
  1494  	// resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect.
  1495  	Reload(options ...PageReloadOptions) (Response, error)
  1496  	// Routing provides the capability to modify network requests that are made by a page.
  1497  	// Once routing is enabled, every request matching the url pattern will stall unless it's continued, fulfilled or aborted.
  1498  	// > NOTE: The handler will only be called for the first url if the response is a redirect.
  1499  	// > NOTE: Page.route() will not intercept requests intercepted by Service Worker. See
  1500  	// [this](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/1090) issue. We recommend disabling Service Workers when using
  1501  	// request interception. Via `await context.addInitScript(() => delete window.navigator.serviceWorker);`
  1502  	// An example of a naive handler that aborts all image requests:
  1503  	// or the same snippet using a regex pattern instead:
  1504  	// It is possible to examine the request to decide the route action. For example, mocking all requests that contain some
  1505  	// post data, and leaving all other requests as is:
  1506  	// Page routes take precedence over browser context routes (set up with BrowserContext.route()) when request
  1507  	// matches both handlers.
  1508  	// To remove a route with its handler you can use Page.unroute().
  1509  	// > NOTE: Enabling routing disables http cache.
  1510  	Route(url interface{}, handler routeHandler) error
  1511  	// Returns the buffer with the captured screenshot.
  1512  	Screenshot(options ...PageScreenshotOptions) ([]byte, error)
  1513  	// This method waits for an element matching `selector`, waits for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks, waits until
  1514  	// all specified options are present in the `<select>` element and selects these options.
  1515  	// If the target element is not a `<select>` element, this method throws an error. However, if the element is inside the
  1516  	// `<label>` element that has an associated
  1517  	// [control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLLabelElement/control), the control will be used instead.
  1518  	// Returns the array of option values that have been successfully selected.
  1519  	// Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been selected.
  1520  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.selectOption().
  1521  	SelectOption(selector string, values SelectOptionValues, options ...FrameSelectOptionOptions) ([]string, error)
  1522  	SetContent(content string, options ...PageSetContentOptions) error
  1523  	// This setting will change the default maximum navigation time for the following methods and related shortcuts:
  1524  	// - Page.goBack()
  1525  	// - Page.goForward()
  1526  	// - Page.goto()
  1527  	// - Page.reload()
  1528  	// - Page.setContent()
  1529  	// - Page.waitForNavigation()
  1530  	// - Page.waitForURL()
  1531  	// > NOTE: Page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout`] takes priority over [`method: Page.setDefaultTimeout(),
  1532  	// BrowserContext.setDefaultTimeout`] and [`method: BrowserContext.setDefaultNavigationTimeout().
  1533  	SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout float64)
  1534  	// This setting will change the default maximum time for all the methods accepting `timeout` option.
  1535  	// > NOTE: Page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout`] takes priority over [`method: Page.setDefaultTimeout().
  1536  	SetDefaultTimeout(timeout float64)
  1537  	// The extra HTTP headers will be sent with every request the page initiates.
  1538  	// > NOTE: Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders() does not guarantee the order of headers in the outgoing requests.
  1539  	SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) error
  1540  	// This method expects `selector` to point to an
  1541  	// [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input).
  1542  	// Sets the value of the file input to these file paths or files. If some of the `filePaths` are relative paths, then they
  1543  	// are resolved relative to the the current working directory. For empty array, clears the selected files.
  1544  	SetInputFiles(selector string, files []InputFile, options ...FrameSetInputFilesOptions) error
  1545  	// In the case of multiple pages in a single browser, each page can have its own viewport size. However,
  1546  	// Browser.newContext() allows to set viewport size (and more) for all pages in the context at once.
  1547  	// Page.setViewportSize() will resize the page. A lot of websites don't expect phones to change size, so you
  1548  	// should set the viewport size before navigating to the page. Page.setViewportSize() will also reset `screen`
  1549  	// size, use Browser.newContext() with `screen` and `viewport` parameters if you need better control of these
  1550  	// properties.
  1551  	SetViewportSize(width, height int) error
  1552  	// This method taps an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1553  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1554  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1555  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1556  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1557  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.touchscreen`] to tap the center of the element, or the specified `position`.
  1558  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1559  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1560  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1561  	// > NOTE: Page.tap() requires that the `hasTouch` option of the browser context be set to true.
  1562  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.tap().
  1563  	Tap(selector string, options ...FrameTapOptions) error
  1564  	// Returns `element.textContent`.
  1565  	TextContent(selector string, options ...FrameTextContentOptions) (string, error)
  1566  	// Returns the page's title. Shortcut for main frame's Frame.title().
  1567  	Title() (string, error)
  1568  	// Sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text. `page.type` can be used to send
  1569  	// fine-grained keyboard events. To fill values in form fields, use Page.fill().
  1570  	// To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use Keyboard.press().
  1571  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.type().
  1572  	Type(selector, text string, options ...PageTypeOptions) error
  1573  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.url().
  1574  	URL() string
  1575  	// This method unchecks an element matching `selector` by performing the following steps:
  1576  	// 1. Find an element matching `selector`. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  1577  	// 1. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already
  1578  	// unchecked, this method returns immediately.
  1579  	// 1. Wait for [actionability](./actionability.md) checks on the matched element, unless `force` option is set. If the
  1580  	// element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  1581  	// 1. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  1582  	// 1. Use [`property: Page.mouse`] to click in the center of the element.
  1583  	// 1. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless `noWaitAfter` option is set.
  1584  	// 1. Ensure that the element is now unchecked. If not, this method throws.
  1585  	// When all steps combined have not finished during the specified `timeout`, this method throws a `TimeoutError`. Passing
  1586  	// zero timeout disables this.
  1587  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.uncheck().
  1588  	Uncheck(selector string, options ...FrameUncheckOptions) error
  1589  	// Removes a route created with Page.route(). When `handler` is not specified, removes all routes for the `url`.
  1590  	Unroute(url interface{}, handler ...routeHandler) error
  1591  	// Video object associated with this page.
  1592  	Video() Video
  1593  	ViewportSize() ViewportSize
  1594  	// Waits for event to fire and passes its value into the predicate function. Returns when the predicate returns truthy
  1595  	// value. Will throw an error if the page is closed before the event is fired. Returns the event data value.
  1596  	WaitForEvent(event string, predicate ...interface{}) interface{}
  1597  	// Returns when the `expression` returns a truthy value. It resolves to a JSHandle of the truthy value.
  1598  	// The Page.waitForFunction() can be used to observe viewport size change:
  1599  	// To pass an argument to the predicate of Page.waitForFunction() function:
  1600  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.waitForFunction().
  1601  	WaitForFunction(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...FrameWaitForFunctionOptions) (JSHandle, error)
  1602  	// Returns when the required load state has been reached.
  1603  	// This resolves when the page reaches a required load state, `load` by default. The navigation must have been committed
  1604  	// when this method is called. If current document has already reached the required state, resolves immediately.
  1605  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.waitForLoadState().
  1606  	WaitForLoadState(state ...string)
  1607  	// Waits for the main frame navigation and returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the
  1608  	// navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect. In case of navigation to a different anchor or
  1609  	// navigation due to History API usage, the navigation will resolve with `null`.
  1610  	// This resolves when the page navigates to a new URL or reloads. It is useful for when you run code which will indirectly
  1611  	// cause the page to navigate. e.g. The click target has an `onclick` handler that triggers navigation from a `setTimeout`.
  1612  	// Consider this example:
  1613  	// > NOTE: Usage of the [History API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API) to change the URL is
  1614  	// considered a navigation.
  1615  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.waitForNavigation().
  1616  	WaitForNavigation(options ...PageWaitForNavigationOptions) (Response, error)
  1617  	// Waits for the matching request and returns it. See [waiting for event](./events.md#waiting-for-event) for more details
  1618  	// about events.
  1619  	WaitForRequest(url interface{}, options ...interface{}) Request
  1620  	// Returns the matched response. See [waiting for event](./events.md#waiting-for-event) for more details about events.
  1621  	WaitForResponse(url interface{}, options ...interface{}) Response
  1622  	// Returns when element specified by selector satisfies `state` option. Returns `null` if waiting for `hidden` or
  1623  	// `detached`.
  1624  	// > NOTE: Playwright automatically waits for element to be ready before performing an action. Using `Locator` objects and
  1625  	// web-first assertions make the code wait-for-selector-free.
  1626  	// Wait for the `selector` to satisfy `state` option (either appear/disappear from dom, or become visible/hidden). If at
  1627  	// the moment of calling the method `selector` already satisfies the condition, the method will return immediately. If the
  1628  	// selector doesn't satisfy the condition for the `timeout` milliseconds, the function will throw.
  1629  	// This method works across navigations:
  1630  	WaitForSelector(selector string, options ...PageWaitForSelectorOptions) (ElementHandle, error)
  1631  	// Waits for the given `timeout` in milliseconds.
  1632  	// Note that `page.waitForTimeout()` should only be used for debugging. Tests using the timer in production are going to be
  1633  	// flaky. Use signals such as network events, selectors becoming visible and others instead.
  1634  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.waitForTimeout().
  1635  	WaitForTimeout(timeout float64)
  1636  	// This method returns all of the dedicated [WebWorkers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API)
  1637  	// associated with the page.
  1638  	// > NOTE: This does not contain ServiceWorkers
  1639  	Workers() []Worker
  1640  	DragAndDrop(source, target string, options ...FrameDragAndDropOptions) error
  1641  	// Pauses script execution. Playwright will stop executing the script and wait for the user to either press 'Resume' button
  1642  	// in the page overlay or to call `playwright.resume()` in the DevTools console.
  1643  	// User can inspect selectors or perform manual steps while paused. Resume will continue running the original script from
  1644  	// the place it was paused.
  1645  	// > NOTE: This method requires Playwright to be started in a headed mode, with a falsy `headless` value in the
  1646  	// BrowserType.launch().
  1647  	Pause() error
  1648  	// Returns `input.value` for the selected `<input>` or `<textarea>` or `<select>` element. Throws for non-input elements.
  1649  	InputValue(selector string, options ...FrameInputValueOptions) (string, error)
  1650  	// Waits for the main frame to navigate to the given URL.
  1651  	// Shortcut for main frame's Frame.waitForURL().
  1652  	WaitForURL(url string, options ...FrameWaitForURLOptions) error
  1653  }
  1655  // Whenever the page sends a request for a network resource the following sequence of events are emitted by `Page`:
  1656  // - [`event: Page.request`] emitted when the request is issued by the page.
  1657  // - [`event: Page.response`] emitted when/if the response status and headers are received for the request.
  1658  // - [`event: Page.requestFinished`] emitted when the response body is downloaded and the request is complete.
  1659  // If request fails at some point, then instead of `'requestfinished'` event (and possibly instead of 'response' event),
  1660  // the  [`event: Page.requestFailed`] event is emitted.
  1661  // > NOTE: HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful responses from HTTP standpoint, so request will
  1662  // complete with `'requestfinished'` event.
  1663  // If request gets a 'redirect' response, the request is successfully finished with the 'requestfinished' event, and a new
  1664  // request is  issued to a redirected url.
  1665  type Request interface {
  1666  	// An object with all the request HTTP headers associated with this request. The header names are lower-cased.
  1667  	AllHeaders() (map[string]string, error)
  1668  	// An array with all the request HTTP headers associated with this request. Unlike Request.allHeaders(), header
  1669  	// names are NOT lower-cased. Headers with multiple entries, such as `Set-Cookie`, appear in the array multiple times.
  1670  	HeadersArray() (HeadersArray, error)
  1671  	// Returns the value of the header matching the name. The name is case insensitive.
  1672  	HeaderValue(name string) (string, error)
  1673  	HeaderValues(name string) ([]string, error)
  1674  	// The method returns `null` unless this request has failed, as reported by `requestfailed` event.
  1675  	// Example of logging of all the failed requests:
  1676  	Failure() *RequestFailure
  1677  	// Returns the `Frame` that initiated this request.
  1678  	Frame() Frame
  1679  	// **DEPRECATED** Incomplete list of headers as seen by the rendering engine. Use Request.allHeaders() instead.
  1680  	Headers() map[string]string
  1681  	// Whether this request is driving frame's navigation.
  1682  	IsNavigationRequest() bool
  1683  	// Request's method (GET, POST, etc.)
  1684  	Method() string
  1685  	// Request's post body, if any.
  1686  	PostData() (string, error)
  1687  	// Request's post body in a binary form, if any.
  1688  	PostDataBuffer() ([]byte, error)
  1689  	// Returns parsed request's body for `form-urlencoded` and JSON as a fallback if any.
  1690  	// When the response is `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` then a key/value object of the values will be returned.
  1691  	// Otherwise it will be parsed as JSON.
  1692  	PostDataJSON(v interface{}) error
  1693  	// Request that was redirected by the server to this one, if any.
  1694  	// When the server responds with a redirect, Playwright creates a new `Request` object. The two requests are connected by
  1695  	// `redirectedFrom()` and `redirectedTo()` methods. When multiple server redirects has happened, it is possible to
  1696  	// construct the whole redirect chain by repeatedly calling `redirectedFrom()`.
  1697  	// For example, if the website `http://example.com` redirects to `https://example.com`:
  1698  	// If the website `https://google.com` has no redirects:
  1699  	RedirectedFrom() Request
  1700  	// New request issued by the browser if the server responded with redirect.
  1701  	// This method is the opposite of Request.redirectedFrom():
  1702  	RedirectedTo() Request
  1703  	// Contains the request's resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine. ResourceType will be one of the
  1704  	// following: `document`, `stylesheet`, `image`, `media`, `font`, `script`, `texttrack`, `xhr`, `fetch`, `eventsource`,
  1705  	// `websocket`, `manifest`, `other`.
  1706  	ResourceType() string
  1707  	// Returns the matching `Response` object, or `null` if the response was not received due to error.
  1708  	Response() (Response, error)
  1709  	// Returns resource timing information for given request. Most of the timing values become available upon the response,
  1710  	// `responseEnd` becomes available when request finishes. Find more information at
  1711  	// [Resource Timing API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PerformanceResourceTiming).
  1712  	Timing() *ResourceTiming
  1713  	// URL of the request.
  1714  	URL() string
  1715  	// Returns resource size information for given request.
  1716  	Sizes() (*RequestSizesResult, error)
  1717  }
  1719  // `Response` class represents responses which are received by page.
  1720  type Response interface {
  1721  	// An object with all the response HTTP headers associated with this response.
  1722  	AllHeaders() (map[string]string, error)
  1723  	// An array with all the request HTTP headers associated with this response. Unlike Response.allHeaders(), header
  1724  	// names are NOT lower-cased. Headers with multiple entries, such as `Set-Cookie`, appear in the array multiple times.
  1725  	HeadersArray() (HeadersArray, error)
  1726  	// Returns the value of the header matching the name. The name is case insensitive. If multiple headers have the same name
  1727  	// (except `set-cookie`), they are returned as a list separated by `, `. For `set-cookie`, the `\n` separator is used. If
  1728  	// no headers are found, `null` is returned.
  1729  	HeaderValue(name string) (string, error)
  1730  	// Returns all values of the headers matching the name, for example `set-cookie`. The name is case insensitive.
  1731  	HeaderValues(name string) ([]string, error)
  1732  	// Returns the buffer with response body.
  1733  	Body() ([]byte, error)
  1734  	// Waits for this response to finish, returns always `null`.
  1735  	Finished()
  1736  	// Returns the `Frame` that initiated this response.
  1737  	Frame() Frame
  1738  	// **DEPRECATED** Incomplete list of headers as seen by the rendering engine. Use Response.allHeaders() instead.
  1739  	Headers() map[string]string
  1740  	// Returns the JSON representation of response body.
  1741  	// This method will throw if the response body is not parsable via `JSON.parse`.
  1742  	JSON(v interface{}) error
  1743  	// Contains a boolean stating whether the response was successful (status in the range 200-299) or not.
  1744  	Ok() bool
  1745  	// Returns the matching `Request` object.
  1746  	Request() Request
  1747  	// Contains the status code of the response (e.g., 200 for a success).
  1748  	Status() int
  1749  	// Contains the status text of the response (e.g. usually an "OK" for a success).
  1750  	StatusText() string
  1751  	// Returns the text representation of response body.
  1752  	Text() (string, error)
  1753  	// Contains the URL of the response.
  1754  	URL() string
  1755  	// Returns SSL and other security information.
  1756  	SecurityDetails() (*ResponseSecurityDetailsResult, error)
  1757  	// Returns the IP address and port of the server.
  1758  	ServerAddr() (*ResponseServerAddrResult, error)
  1759  }
  1761  // Whenever a network route is set up with Page.route`] or [`method: BrowserContext.route(), the `Route` object
  1762  // allows to handle the route.
  1763  type Route interface {
  1764  	// Aborts the route's request.
  1765  	Abort(errorCode ...string) error
  1766  	// Continues route's request with optional overrides.
  1767  	Continue(options ...RouteContinueOptions) error
  1768  	// Fulfills route's request with given response.
  1769  	// An example of fulfilling all requests with 404 responses:
  1770  	// An example of serving static file:
  1771  	Fulfill(options RouteFulfillOptions) error
  1772  	// A request to be routed.
  1773  	Request() Request
  1774  }
  1776  // The Touchscreen class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport. Methods on the
  1777  // touchscreen can only be used in browser contexts that have been initialized with `hasTouch` set to true.
  1778  type Touchscreen interface {
  1779  	// Dispatches a `touchstart` and `touchend` event with a single touch at the position (`x`,`y`).
  1780  	Tap(x int, y int) error
  1781  }
  1783  // The `WebSocket` class represents websocket connections in the page.
  1784  type WebSocket interface {
  1785  	EventEmitter
  1786  	// Indicates that the web socket has been closed.
  1787  	IsClosed() bool
  1788  	// Contains the URL of the WebSocket.
  1789  	URL() string
  1790  	// Waits for event to fire and passes its value into the predicate function. Returns when the predicate returns truthy
  1791  	// value. Will throw an error if the webSocket is closed before the event is fired. Returns the event data value.
  1792  	WaitForEvent(event string, predicate ...interface{}) interface{}
  1793  }
  1795  // When browser context is created with the `recordVideo` option, each page has a video object associated with it.
  1796  type Video interface {
  1797  	// Returns the file system path this video will be recorded to. The video is guaranteed to be written to the filesystem
  1798  	// upon closing the browser context. This method throws when connected remotely.
  1799  	Path() (string, error)
  1800  	// Deletes the video file. Will wait for the video to finish if necessary.
  1801  	Delete() error
  1802  	// Saves the video to a user-specified path. It is safe to call this method while the video is still in progress, or after
  1803  	// the page has closed. This method waits until the page is closed and the video is fully saved.
  1804  	SaveAs(path string) error
  1805  }
  1807  // The Worker class represents a [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API). `worker`
  1808  // event is emitted on the page object to signal a worker creation. `close` event is emitted on the worker object when the
  1809  // worker is gone.
  1810  type Worker interface {
  1811  	EventEmitter
  1812  	// Returns the return value of `expression`.
  1813  	// If the function passed to the Worker.evaluate`] returns a [Promise], then [`method: Worker.evaluate() would
  1814  	// wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
  1815  	// If the function passed to the Worker.evaluate() returns a non-[Serializable] value, then
  1816  	// Worker.evaluate() returns `undefined`. Playwright also supports transferring some additional values that are
  1817  	// not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`.
  1818  	Evaluate(expression string, options ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1819  	// Returns the return value of `expression` as a `JSHandle`.
  1820  	// The only difference between Worker.evaluate`] and [`method: Worker.evaluateHandle() is that
  1821  	// Worker.evaluateHandle() returns `JSHandle`.
  1822  	// If the function passed to the Worker.evaluateHandle() returns a [Promise], then
  1823  	// Worker.evaluateHandle() would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
  1824  	EvaluateHandle(expression string, options ...interface{}) (JSHandle, error)
  1825  	URL() string
  1826  	WaitForEvent(event string, predicate ...interface{}) interface{}
  1827  	ExpectEvent(event string, cb func() error, predicates ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
  1828  }

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