package ff_test import ( "context" "flag" "os" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func TestParseBasics(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, testcase := range []struct { name string env map[string]string file string args []string opts []ff.Option want fftest.Vars }{ { name: "empty", args: []string{}, want: fftest.Vars{}, }, { name: "args only", args: []string{"-s", "foo", "-i", "123", "-b", "-d", "24m"}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "foo", I: 123, B: true, D: 24 * time.Minute}, }, { name: "file only", file: "testdata/1.conf", want: fftest.Vars{S: "bar", I: 99, B: true, D: time.Hour}, }, { name: "env only", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "baz", "TEST_PARSE_F": "0.99", "TEST_PARSE_D": "100s"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "baz", F: 0.99, D: 100 * time.Second}, }, { name: "file args", file: "testdata/2.conf", args: []string{"-s", "foo", "-i", "1234"}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "foo", I: 1234, D: 3 * time.Second}, }, { name: "env args", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "should be overridden", "TEST_PARSE_B": "true"}, args: []string{"-s", "explicit wins", "-i", "7"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "explicit wins", I: 7, B: true}, }, { name: "file env", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "env takes priority", "TEST_PARSE_B": "true"}, file: "testdata/3.conf", opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "env takes priority", I: 99, B: true, D: 34 * time.Second}, }, { name: "file env args", file: "testdata/4.conf", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "from env", "TEST_PARSE_I": "300", "TEST_PARSE_F": "0.15", "TEST_PARSE_B": "true"}, args: []string{"-s", "from arg", "-i", "100"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "from arg", I: 100, F: 0.15, B: true, D: time.Minute}, }, { name: "repeated args", args: []string{"-s", "foo", "-s", "bar", "-d", "1m", "-d", "1h", "-x", "1", "-x", "2", "-x", "3"}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "bar", D: time.Hour, X: []string{"1", "2", "3"}}, }, { name: "priority repeats", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "s.env", "TEST_PARSE_X": "x.env.1"}, file: "testdata/5.conf", args: []string{"-s", "s.arg.1", "-s", "s.arg.2", "-x", "x.arg.1", "-x", "x.arg.2"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "s.arg.2", X: []string{"x.arg.1", "x.arg.2"}}, // highest prio wins and no others are called }, { name: "PlainParser solo bool", file: "testdata/solo_bool.conf", want: fftest.Vars{S: "x", B: true}, }, { name: "PlainParser string with spaces", file: "testdata/spaces.conf", want: fftest.Vars{S: "i am the very model of a modern major general"}, }, { name: "default comma behavior", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "one,two,three", "TEST_PARSE_X": "one,two,three"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "one,two,three", X: []string{"one,two,three"}}, }, { name: "WithEnvVarSplit", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "one,two,three", "TEST_PARSE_X": "one,two,three"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE"), ff.WithEnvVarSplit(",")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "three", X: []string{"one", "two", "three"}}, }, { name: "WithEnvVarNoPrefix", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "foo", "S": "bar"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarNoPrefix()}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "bar"}, }, { name: "WithIgnoreUndefined env", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_UNDEFINED": "one", "TEST_PARSE_S": "one"}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE"), ff.WithIgnoreUndefined(true)}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "one"}, }, { name: "WithIgnoreUndefined file true", file: "testdata/undefined.conf", opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithIgnoreUndefined(true)}, want: fftest.Vars{S: "one"}, }, { name: "WithIgnoreUndefined file false", file: "testdata/undefined.conf", opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithIgnoreUndefined(false)}, want: fftest.Vars{WantParseErrorString: "config file flag"}, }, { name: "env var split comma whitespace", env: map[string]string{"TEST_PARSE_S": "one, two, three ", "TEST_PARSE_X": "one, two, three "}, opts: []ff.Option{ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TEST_PARSE"), ff.WithEnvVarSplit(",")}, want: fftest.Vars{S: " three ", X: []string{"one", " two", " three "}}, }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { if testcase.file != "" { testcase.opts = append(testcase.opts, ff.WithConfigFile(testcase.file), ff.WithConfigFileParser(ff.PlainParser)) } if len(testcase.env) > 0 { for k, v := range testcase.env { defer os.Setenv(k, os.Getenv(k)) os.Setenv(k, v) } } fs, vars := fftest.Pair() vars.ParseError = ff.Parse(fs, testcase.args, testcase.opts...) fftest.Compare(t, &testcase.want, vars) }) } } func TestParseIssue16(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, testcase := range []struct { name string data string want string }{ { name: "hash in value", data: "s bar#baz", want: "bar#baz", }, { name: "EOL comment with space", data: "s bar # baz", want: "bar", }, { name: "EOL comment no space", data: "s bar #baz", want: "bar", }, { name: "only comment with space", data: "# foo bar\n", want: "", }, { name: "only comment no space", data: "#foo bar\n", want: "", }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { filename, cleanup := fftest.TempFile(t, defer cleanup() fs, vars := fftest.Pair() vars.ParseError = ff.Parse(fs, []string{}, ff.WithConfigFile(filename), ff.WithConfigFileParser(ff.PlainParser), ) want := fftest.Vars{S: testcase.want} fftest.Compare(t, &want, vars) }) } } func TestParseConfigFile(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, testcase := range []struct { name string missing bool allowMissing bool parseError error }{ { name: "has config file", }, { name: "config file missing", missing: true, parseError: os.ErrNotExist, }, { name: "config file missing + allow missing", missing: true, allowMissing: true, }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { filename := "dummy" if !testcase.missing { var cleanup func() filename, cleanup = fftest.TempFile(t, "") defer cleanup() } options := []ff.Option{ff.WithConfigFile(filename), ff.WithConfigFileParser(ff.PlainParser)} if testcase.allowMissing { options = append(options, ff.WithAllowMissingConfigFile(true)) } fs, vars := fftest.Pair() vars.ParseError = ff.Parse(fs, []string{}, options...) want := fftest.Vars{WantParseErrorIs: testcase.parseError} fftest.Compare(t, &want, vars) }) } } func TestParseConfigFileVia(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( rootFS = flag.NewFlagSet("root", flag.ContinueOnError) config = rootFS.String("config-file", "", "") i = rootFS.Int("i", 0, "") s = rootFS.String("s", "", "") subFS = flag.NewFlagSet("subcommand", flag.ContinueOnError) d = subFS.Duration("d", time.Second, "") b = subFS.Bool("b", false, "") ) subCommand := &ffcli.Command{ Name: "subcommand", FlagSet: subFS, Options: []ff.Option{ ff.WithConfigFileParser(ff.PlainParser), ff.WithConfigFileVia(config), ff.WithIgnoreUndefined(true), }, Exec: func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { return nil }, } root := &ffcli.Command{ Name: "root", FlagSet: rootFS, Options: []ff.Option{ ff.WithConfigFileParser(ff.PlainParser), ff.WithConfigFileFlag("config-file"), ff.WithIgnoreUndefined(true), }, Exec: func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { return nil }, Subcommands: []*ffcli.Command{subCommand}, } err := root.ParseAndRun(context.Background(), []string{"-config-file", "testdata/1.conf", "subcommand", "-b"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if want, have := time.Hour, *d; want != have { t.Errorf("d: want %v, have %v", want, have) } if want, have := true, *b; want != have { t.Errorf("b: want %v, have %v", want, have) } if want, have := "bar", *s; want != have { t.Errorf("s: want %q, have %q", want, have) } if want, have := 99, *i; want != have { t.Errorf("i: want %d, have %d", want, have) } }