package main /* This example uses a more advanced transform function that simulates a bit how Git stores objects: * places hash-like keys under the objects directory * any other key is placed in the base directory. If the key * contains slashes, these are converted to subdirectories */ import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "" ) var hex40 = regexp.MustCompile("[0-9a-fA-F]{40}") func hexTransform(s string) *diskv.PathKey { if hex40.MatchString(s) { return &diskv.PathKey{Path: []string{"objects", s[0:2]}, FileName: s, } } folders := strings.Split(s, "/") lfolders := len(folders) if lfolders > 1 { return &diskv.PathKey{Path: folders[:lfolders-1], FileName: folders[lfolders-1], } } return &diskv.PathKey{Path: []string{}, FileName: s, } } func hexInverseTransform(pathKey *diskv.PathKey) string { if hex40.MatchString(pathKey.FileName) { return pathKey.FileName } if len(pathKey.Path) == 0 { return pathKey.FileName } return strings.Join(pathKey.Path, "/") + "/" + pathKey.FileName } func main() { d := diskv.New(diskv.Options{ BasePath: "my-data-dir", AdvancedTransform: hexTransform, InverseTransform: hexInverseTransform, CacheSizeMax: 1024 * 1024, }) // Write some text to the key "alpha/beta/gamma". key := "1bd88421b055327fcc8660c76c4894c4ea4c95d7" d.WriteString(key, "¡Hola!") // will be stored in "/objects/1b/1bd88421b055327fcc8660c76c4894c4ea4c95d7" d.WriteString("refs/heads/master", "some text") // will be stored in "/refs/heads/master" fmt.Println("Enumerating All keys:") c := d.Keys(nil) for key := range c { value := d.ReadString(key) fmt.Printf("Key: %s, Value: %s\n", key, value) } }