#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Version and checksums for godel. Values are populated by the godel "dist" task. VERSION=2.40.0 DARWIN_AMD64_CHECKSUM=c0ddf9c67b8bbad9bb362687f79437ca1bf9e9076bc36b212d1be2b659bf23bd DARWIN_ARM64_CHECKSUM=2de3ff5e61ebba985e2ab80fbc4ca0add0db34cac5fa4b7776c1b50d1e53463b LINUX_AMD64_CHECKSUM=d489cd497218e68a5bd26ad6efa73ff6775e94b653b232585061ad07efdbd684 LINUX_ARM64_CHECKSUM=c1e03926e7f032e895b25e320f490c3ea696e505b44b27cb5b9014bcd24c4d16 # Downloads file at URL to destination path using wget or curl. Prints an error and exits if wget or curl is not present. function download { local url=$1 local dst=$2 # determine whether wget, curl or both are present set +e command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1 local wget_exists=$? command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 local curl_exists=$? set -e # if one of wget or curl is not present, exit with error if [ "$wget_exists" -ne 0 -a "$curl_exists" -ne 0 ]; then echo "wget or curl must be present to download distribution. Install one of these programs and try again or install the distribution manually." exit 1 fi if [ "$wget_exists" -eq 0 ]; then # attempt download using wget echo "Downloading $url to $dst..." local progress_opt="" if wget --help | grep -q '\--show-progress'; then progress_opt="-q --show-progress" fi set +e wget -O "$dst" $progress_opt "$url" rv=$? set -e if [ "$rv" -eq 0 ]; then # success return fi echo "Download failed using command: wget -O $dst $progress_opt $url" # curl does not exist, so nothing more to try: exit if [ "$curl_exists" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Download failed using wget and curl was not found. Verify that the distribution URL is correct and try again or install the distribution manually." exit 1 fi # curl exists, notify that download will be attempted using curl echo "Attempting download using curl..." fi # attempt download using curl echo "Downloading $url to $dst..." set +e curl -f -L -o "$dst" "$url" rv=$? set -e if [ "$rv" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Download failed using command: curl -f -L -o $dst $url" if [ "$wget_exists" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Download failed using wget and curl. Verify that the distribution URL is correct and try again or install the distribution manually." else echo "Download failed using curl and wget was not found. Verify that the distribution URL is correct and try again or install the distribution manually." fi exit 1 fi } # verifies that the provided checksum matches the computed SHA-256 checksum of the specified file. If not, echoes an # error and exits. function verify_checksum { local file=$1 local expected_checksum=$2 local computed_checksum=$(compute_sha256 $file) if [ "$expected_checksum" != "$computed_checksum" ]; then echo "SHA-256 checksum for $file did not match expected value." echo "Expected: $expected_checksum" echo "Actual: $computed_checksum" exit 1 fi } # computes the SHA-256 hash of the provided file. Uses openssl, shasum or sha1sum program. function compute_sha256 { local file=$1 if command -v openssl >/dev/null 2>&1; then # print SHA-256 hash using openssl openssl dgst -sha256 "$file" | sed -E 's/SHA256\(.*\)= //' elif command -v shasum >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Darwin systems ship with "shasum" utility shasum -a 256 "$file" | sed -E 's/[[:space:]]+.+//' elif command -v sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Most Linux systems ship with sha256sum utility sha256sum "$file" | sed -E 's/[[:space:]]+.+//' else echo "Could not find program to calculate SHA-256 checksum for file" exit 1 fi } # Verifies that the tgz file at the provided path contains the paths/files that would be expected in a valid gödel # distribution with the provided version. function verify_dist_tgz_valid { local tgz_path=$1 local version=$2 local expected_paths=("godel-$version/" "godel-$version/bin/darwin-amd64/godel" "godel-$version/bin/darwin-arm64/godel" "godel-$version/bin/linux-amd64/godel" "godel-$version/bin/linux-arm64/godel" "godel-$version/wrapper/godelw" "godel-$version/wrapper/godel/config/") local files=($(tar -tf "$tgz_path")) # this is a double-for loop, but fine since $expected_paths is small and bash doesn't have good primitives for set/map/list manipulation for curr_line in "${files[@]}"; do # if all expected paths have been found, terminate if [[ ${#expected_paths[*]} == 0 ]]; then break fi # check for expected path and splice out if match is found idx=0 for curr_expected in "${expected_paths[@]}"; do if [ "$curr_expected" = "$curr_line" ]; then expected_paths=(${expected_paths[@]:0:idx} ${expected_paths[@]:$(($idx + 1))}) break fi idx=$idx+1 done done # if any expected paths still remain, raise error and exit if [[ ${#expected_paths[*]} > 0 ]]; then echo "Required paths were not present in $tgz_path: ${expected_paths[@]}" exit 1 fi } # Verifies that the gödel binary in the distribution reports the expected version when called with the "version" # argument. Assumes that a valid gödel distribution directory for the given version exists in the provided directory. function verify_godel_version { local base_dir=$1 local version=$2 local os=$3 local arch=$4 local expected_output="godel version $version" local version_output=$($base_dir/godel-$version/bin/$os-$arch/godel version) if [ "$expected_output" != "$version_output" ]; then echo "Version reported by godel executable did not match expected version: expected \"$expected_output\", was \"$version_output\"" exit 1 fi } # directory of godelw script SCRIPT_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd) # use $GODEL_HOME or default value GODEL_BASE_DIR=${GODEL_HOME:-$HOME/.godel} # determine OS OS="" EXPECTED_CHECKSUM="" case "$(uname)-$(uname -m)" in Darwin-x86_64) OS=darwin ARCH=amd64 EXPECTED_CHECKSUM=$DARWIN_AMD64_CHECKSUM ;; Darwin-arm64) OS=darwin ARCH=arm64 EXPECTED_CHECKSUM=$DARWIN_ARM64_CHECKSUM ;; Linux-x86_64) OS=linux ARCH=amd64 EXPECTED_CHECKSUM=$LINUX_AMD64_CHECKSUM ;; Linux-aarch64) OS=linux ARCH=arm64 EXPECTED_CHECKSUM=$LINUX_ARM64_CHECKSUM ;; *) echo "Unsupported operating system-architecture: $(uname)-$(uname -m)" exit 1 ;; esac # path to godel binary CMD=$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION/bin/$OS-$ARCH/godel # godel binary is not present -- download distribution if [ ! -f "$CMD" ]; then # get download URL PROPERTIES_FILE=$SCRIPT_HOME/godel/config/godel.properties if [ ! -f "$PROPERTIES_FILE" ]; then echo "Properties file must exist at $PROPERTIES_FILE" exit 1 fi DOWNLOAD_URL=$(cat "$PROPERTIES_FILE" | sed -E -n "s/^distributionURL=//p") if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_URL" ]; then echo "Value for property \"distributionURL\" was empty in $PROPERTIES_FILE" exit 1 fi DOWNLOAD_CHECKSUM=$(cat "$PROPERTIES_FILE" | sed -E -n "s/^distributionSHA256=//p") # create downloads directory if it does not already exist mkdir -p "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/downloads" # download tgz and verify its contents # Download to unique location that includes PID ($$) and use trap ensure that temporary download file is cleaned up # if script is terminated before the file is moved to its destination. DOWNLOAD_DST=$GODEL_BASE_DIR/downloads/godel-$VERSION-$$.tgz download "$DOWNLOAD_URL" "$DOWNLOAD_DST" trap 'rm -rf "$DOWNLOAD_DST"' EXIT if [ -n "$DOWNLOAD_CHECKSUM" ]; then verify_checksum "$DOWNLOAD_DST" "$DOWNLOAD_CHECKSUM" fi verify_dist_tgz_valid "$DOWNLOAD_DST" "$VERSION" # create temporary directory for unarchiving, unarchive downloaded file and verify directory TMP_DIST_DIR=$(mktemp -d "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/tmp_XXXXXX" 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/tmp_XXXXXX") trap 'rm -rf "$TMP_DIST_DIR"' EXIT tar zxvf "$DOWNLOAD_DST" -C "$TMP_DIST_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1 verify_godel_version "$TMP_DIST_DIR" "$VERSION" "$OS" "$ARCH" # rename downloaded file to remove PID portion mv "$DOWNLOAD_DST" "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/downloads/godel-$VERSION.tgz" # if destination directory for distribution already exists, remove it if [ -d "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION" ]; then rm -rf "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION" fi # ensure that parent directory of destination exists mkdir -p "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists" # move expanded distribution directory to destination location. The location of the unarchived directory is known to # be in the same directory tree as the destination, so "mv" should always work. mv "$TMP_DIST_DIR/godel-$VERSION" "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION" # edge case cleanup: if the destination directory "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION" was created prior to the # "mv" operation above, then the move operation will move the source directory into the destination directory. In # this case, remove the directory. It should always be safe to remove this directory because if the directory # existed in the distribution and was non-empty, then the move operation would fail (because non-empty directories # cannot be overwritten by mv). All distributions of a given version are also assumed to be identical. The only # instance in which this would not work is if the distribution purposely contained an empty directory that matched # the name "godel-$VERSION", and this is assumed to never be true. if [ -d "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION/godel-$VERSION" ]; then rm -rf "$GODEL_BASE_DIR/dists/godel-$VERSION/godel-$VERSION" fi fi verify_checksum "$CMD" "$EXPECTED_CHECKSUM" # execute command $CMD --wrapper "$SCRIPT_HOME/$(basename "$0")" "$@"