package dockertest import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // atexit := atexit.NewOnExit() // atexit.Add(func() { // dockertest.KillAll() // }) // atexit.Exit(testMain(m)) // func WrapCleanup var resources = []*dockertest.Resource{} var pool *dockertest.Pool // KillAllTestDatabases deletes all test databases. func KillAllTestDatabases() { pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("") if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, r := range resources { if err := pool.Purge(r); err != nil { panic(err) } } } // Register sets up OnExit. func Register() *OnExit { onexit := NewOnExit() onexit.Add(func() { KillAllTestDatabases() }) return onexit } // Parallel runs tasks in parallel. func Parallel(fs []func()) { wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(len(fs)) for _, f := range fs { go func(ff func()) { defer wg.Done() ff() }(f) } wg.Wait() } func connect(dialect, driver, dsn string) (db *sqlx.DB, err error) { if scheme := strings.Split(dsn, "://")[0]; scheme == "mysql" { dsn = strings.Replace(dsn, "mysql://", "", -1) } else if scheme == "cockroach" { dsn = strings.Replace(dsn, "cockroach://", "postgres://", 1) } err = resilience.Retry( logrusx.New("", ""), time.Second*5, time.Minute*5, func() (err error) { db, err = sqlx.Open(dialect, dsn) if err != nil { log.Printf("Connecting to database %s failed: %s", driver, err) return err } if err := db.Ping(); err != nil { log.Printf("Pinging database %s failed: %s", driver, err) return err } return nil }, ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Errorf("Unable to connect to %s (%s): %s", driver, dsn, err) } log.Printf("Connected to database %s", driver) return db, nil } func connectPop(t require.TestingT, url string) (c *pop.Connection) { require.NoError(t, resilience.Retry(logrusx.New("", ""), time.Second*5, time.Minute*5, func() error { var err error c, err = pop.NewConnection(&pop.ConnectionDetails{ URL: url, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("could not create pop connection") return err } if err := c.Open(); err != nil { // an Open error probably means we have a problem with the connections config log.Printf("could not open pop connection: %+v", err) return err } return c.RawQuery("select version()").Exec() })) return } // ## PostgreSQL ## func startPostgreSQL() (*dockertest.Resource, error) { pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not connect to docker") } resource, err := pool.Run("postgres", "11.8", []string{"POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret", "POSTGRES_DB=postgres"}) if err == nil { resources = append(resources, resource) } return resource, err } // RunTestPostgreSQL runs a PostgreSQL database and returns the URL to it. func RunTestPostgreSQL(t testing.TB) string { if dsn := os.Getenv("TEST_DATABASE_POSTGRESQL"); dsn != "" { t.Logf("Skipping Docker setup because environment variable TEST_DATABASE_POSTGRESQL is set to: %s", dsn) return dsn } u, err := RunPostgreSQL() require.NoError(t, err) return u } // RunPostgreSQL runs a PostgreSQL database and returns the URL to it. func RunPostgreSQL() (string, error) { resource, err := startPostgreSQL() if err != nil { return "", err } return fmt.Sprintf("postgres://postgres:secret@", resource.GetPort("5432/tcp")), nil } // ConnectToTestPostgreSQL connects to a PostgreSQL database. func ConnectToTestPostgreSQL() (*sqlx.DB, error) { if dsn := os.Getenv("TEST_DATABASE_POSTGRESQL"); dsn != "" { return connect("pgx", "postgres", dsn) } resource, err := startPostgreSQL() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not start resource") } db := bootstrap("postgres://postgres:secret@localhost:%s/postgres?sslmode=disable", "5432/tcp", "pgx", pool, resource) return db, nil } func ConnectToTestPostgreSQLPop(t testing.TB) *pop.Connection { url := RunTestPostgreSQL(t) return connectPop(t, url) } // ## MySQL ## func startMySQL() (*dockertest.Resource, error) { pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not connect to docker") } resource, err := pool.Run("mysql", "8.0", []string{"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret"}) if err == nil { resources = append(resources, resource) } return resource, err } // RunMySQL runs a RunMySQL database and returns the URL to it. func RunMySQL() (string, error) { resource, err := startMySQL() if err != nil { return "", err } return fmt.Sprintf("mysql://root:secret@(localhost:%s)/mysql?parseTime=true&multiStatements=true", resource.GetPort("3306/tcp")), nil } // RunTestMySQL runs a MySQL database and returns the URL to it. func RunTestMySQL(t testing.TB) string { if dsn := os.Getenv("TEST_DATABASE_MYSQL"); dsn != "" { t.Logf("Skipping Docker setup because environment variable TEST_DATABASE_MYSQL is set to: %s", dsn) return dsn } u, err := RunMySQL() require.NoError(t, err) return u } // ConnectToTestMySQL connects to a MySQL database. func ConnectToTestMySQL() (*sqlx.DB, error) { if dsn := os.Getenv("TEST_DATABASE_MYSQL"); dsn != "" { log.Println("Found mysql test database config, skipping dockertest...") return connect("mysql", "mysql", dsn) } resource, err := startMySQL() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not start resource") } db := bootstrap("root:secret@(localhost:%s)/mysql?parseTime=true", "3306/tcp", "mysql", pool, resource) return db, nil } func ConnectToTestMySQLPop(t testing.TB) *pop.Connection { url := RunTestMySQL(t) return connectPop(t, url) } // ## CockroachDB func startCockroachDB(version string) (*dockertest.Resource, error) { pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not connect to docker") } resource, err := pool.RunWithOptions(&dockertest.RunOptions{ Repository: "cockroachdb/cockroach", Tag: stringsx.Coalesce(version, "v20.2.5"), Cmd: []string{"start-single-node", "--insecure"}, }) if err == nil { resources = append(resources, resource) } return resource, err } // RunCockroachDB runs a CockroachDB database and returns the URL to it. func RunCockroachDB() (string, error) { return RunCockroachDBWithVersion("") } // RunCockroachDB runs a CockroachDB database and returns the URL to it. func RunCockroachDBWithVersion(version string) (string, error) { resource, err := startCockroachDB(version) if err != nil { return "", err } return fmt.Sprintf("cockroach://root@localhost:%s/defaultdb?sslmode=disable", resource.GetPort("26257/tcp")), nil } // RunTestCockroachDB runs a CockroachDB database and returns the URL to it. func RunTestCockroachDB(t testing.TB) string { return RunTestCockroachDBWithVersion(t, "") } // RunTestCockroachDB runs a CockroachDB database and returns the URL to it. func RunTestCockroachDBWithVersion(t testing.TB, version string) string { if dsn := os.Getenv("TEST_DATABASE_COCKROACHDB"); dsn != "" { t.Logf("Skipping Docker setup because environment variable TEST_DATABASE_COCKROACHDB is set to: %s", dsn) return dsn } u, err := RunCockroachDBWithVersion(version) require.NoError(t, err) return u } // ConnectToTestCockroachDB connects to a CockroachDB database. func ConnectToTestCockroachDB() (*sqlx.DB, error) { if dsn := os.Getenv("TEST_DATABASE_COCKROACHDB"); dsn != "" { log.Println("Found cockroachdb test database config, skipping dockertest...") return connect("pgx", "cockroach", dsn) } resource, err := startCockroachDB("") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not start resource") } db := bootstrap("postgres://root@localhost:%s/defaultdb?sslmode=disable", "26257/tcp", "pgx", pool, resource) return db, nil } func ConnectToTestCockroachDBPop(t testing.TB) *pop.Connection { url := RunTestCockroachDB(t) return connectPop(t, url) } func bootstrap(u, port, d string, pool *dockertest.Pool, resource *dockertest.Resource) (db *sqlx.DB) { if err := resilience.Retry(logrusx.New("", ""), time.Second*5, time.Minute*5, func() error { var err error db, err = sqlx.Open(d, fmt.Sprintf(u, resource.GetPort(port))) if err != nil { return err } return db.Ping() }); err != nil { if pErr := pool.Purge(resource); pErr != nil { log.Fatalf("Could not connect to docker and unable to remove image: %s - %s", err, pErr) } log.Fatalf("Could not connect to docker: %s", err) } return } var comments = regexp.MustCompile("(--[^\n]*\n)|(?s:/\\*.+\\*/)") func StripDump(d string) string { d = comments.ReplaceAllLiteralString(d, "") d = strings.TrimPrefix(d, "Command \"dump\" is deprecated, cockroach dump will be removed in a subsequent release.\r\nFor details, see:\r\n") d = strings.ReplaceAll(d, "\r\n", "") d = strings.ReplaceAll(d, "\t", " ") d = strings.ReplaceAll(d, "\n", " ") return d } func DumpSchema(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, db string) string { var containerPort string var cmd []string cases := stringsx.RegisteredCases{} switch db { case cases.AddCase("postgres"): containerPort = "5432" cmd = []string{"pg_dump", "-U", "postgres", "-s", "-T", "hydra_*_migration", "-T", "schema_migration"} case cases.AddCase("mysql"): containerPort = "3306" cmd = []string{"/usr/bin/mysqldump", "-u", "root", "--password=secret", "mysql"} case cases.AddCase("cockroach"): containerPort = "26257" cmd = []string{"./cockroach", "dump", "defaultdb", "--insecure", "--dump-mode=schema"} default: t.Log(cases.ToUnknownCaseErr(db)) t.FailNow() return "" } cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv) require.NoError(t, err) containers, err := cli.ContainerList(ctx, types.ContainerListOptions{ Quiet: true, Filters: filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("expose", containerPort)), }) require.NoError(t, err) if len(containers) != 1 { t.Logf("Ambiguous amount of %s containers: %d", db, len(containers)) t.FailNow() } process, err := cli.ContainerExecCreate(ctx, containers[0].ID, types.ExecConfig{ Tty: true, AttachStdout: true, Cmd: cmd, }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err := cli.ContainerExecAttach(ctx, process.ID, types.ExecStartCheck{ Tty: true, }) require.NoError(t, err) dump, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Reader) require.NoError(t, err, "%s", dump) return StripDump(string(dump)) }