package logrusx import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "reflect" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) type Logger struct { *logrus.Entry leakSensitive bool opts []Option name string version string } var opts = otelhttptrace.WithPropagators(propagation.NewCompositeTextMapPropagator(propagation.TraceContext{}, propagation.Baggage{})) func (l *Logger) LeakSensitiveData() bool { return l.leakSensitive } func (l *Logger) Logrus() *logrus.Logger { return l.Entry.Logger } func (l *Logger) NewEntry() *Logger { ll := *l ll.Entry = logrus.NewEntry(l.Logger) return &ll } func (l *Logger) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Logger { ll := *l ll.Entry = l.Logger.WithContext(ctx) return &ll } func (l *Logger) WithRequest(r *http.Request) *Logger { headers := map[string]interface{}{} if ua := r.UserAgent(); len(ua) > 0 { headers["user-agent"] = ua } if cookie := l.maybeRedact(r.Header.Get("Cookie")); cookie != nil { headers["cookie"] = cookie } if auth := l.maybeRedact(r.Header.Get("Authorization")); auth != nil { headers["authorization"] = auth } for _, key := range []string{"Referer", "Origin", "Accept", "X-Request-ID", "If-None-Match", "X-Forwarded-For", "X-Forwarded-Proto", "Cache-Control", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language", "If-Modified-Since"} { if value := r.Header.Get(key); len(value) > 0 { headers[strings.ToLower(key)] = value } } scheme := "https" if r.TLS == nil { scheme = "http" } ll := l.WithField("http_request", map[string]interface{}{ "remote": r.RemoteAddr, "method": r.Method, "path": r.URL.EscapedPath(), "query": l.maybeRedact(r.URL.RawQuery), "scheme": scheme, "host": r.Host, "headers": headers, }) if _, _, spanCtx := otelhttptrace.Extract(r.Context(), r, opts); spanCtx.IsValid() { traces := map[string]string{} if spanCtx.HasTraceID() { traces["trace_id"] = spanCtx.TraceID.String() } if spanCtx.HasSpanID() { traces["span_id"] = spanCtx.SpanID.String() } ll = ll.WithField("otel", traces) } return ll } func (l *Logger) WithFields(f logrus.Fields) *Logger { ll := *l ll.Entry = l.Entry.WithFields(f) return &ll } func (l *Logger) WithField(key string, value interface{}) *Logger { ll := *l ll.Entry = l.Entry.WithField(key, value) return &ll } func (l *Logger) maybeRedact(value interface{}) interface{} { if fmt.Sprintf("%v", value) == "" || value == nil { return nil } if !l.leakSensitive { return `Value is sensitive and has been redacted. To see the value set config key "log.leak_sensitive_values = true" or environment variable "LOG_LEAK_SENSITIVE_VALUES=true".` } return value } func (l *Logger) WithSensitiveField(key string, value interface{}) *Logger { return l.WithField(key, l.maybeRedact(value)) } func (l *Logger) WithError(err error) *Logger { ctx := map[string]interface{}{"message": err.Error()} if l.Entry.Logger.IsLevelEnabled(logrus.TraceLevel) { if e, ok := err.(errorsx.StackTracer); ok { ctx["trace"] = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", e.StackTrace()) } else { ctx["trace"] = fmt.Sprintf("stack trace could not be recovered from error type %s", reflect.TypeOf(err)) } } if c := errorsx.ReasonCarrier(nil); errors.As(err, &c) { ctx["reason"] = c.Reason() } if c := errorsx.RequestIDCarrier(nil); errors.As(err, &c) && c.RequestID() != "" { ctx["request_id"] = c.RequestID() } if c := errorsx.DetailsCarrier(nil); errors.As(err, &c) && c.Details() != nil { ctx["details"] = c.Details() } if c := errorsx.StatusCarrier(nil); errors.As(err, &c) && c.Status() != "" { ctx["status"] = c.Status() } if c := errorsx.StatusCodeCarrier(nil); errors.As(err, &c) && c.StatusCode() != 0 { ctx["status_code"] = c.StatusCode() } if c := errorsx.DebugCarrier(nil); errors.As(err, &c) { ctx["debug"] = c.Debug() } return l.WithField("error", ctx) } var popLevelTranslations = map[logging.Level]logrus.Level{ // logging.SQL: logrus.TraceLevel, we never want to log SQL statements, see logging.Debug: logrus.DebugLevel, logging.Info: logrus.InfoLevel, logging.Warn: logrus.WarnLevel, logging.Error: logrus.ErrorLevel, } func (l *Logger) PopLogger(lvl logging.Level, s string, args ...interface{}) { level, ok := popLevelTranslations[lvl] if ok { l.WithField("source", "pop").Logf(level, s, args...) } }