package jsonschemax import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/big" "regexp" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) const recursiveSchema = `{ "$schema": "", "$id": "test.json", "definitions": { "foo": { "type": "object", "properties": { "bars": { "type": "string", "format": "email", "pattern": ".*" }, "bar": { "$ref": "#/definitions/bar" } } }, "bar": { "type": "object", "properties": { "foos": { "type": "string", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 10 }, "foo": { "$ref": "#/definitions/foo" } } } }, "type": "object", "properties": { "bar": { "$ref": "#/definitions/bar" } } }` func readFile(t *testing.T, path string) string { schema, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) require.NoError(t, err) return string(schema) } func assertEqualPaths(t *testing.T, expected byName, actual byName) { for i := range expected { t.Run("path="+expected[i].Name, func(t *testing.T) { e := expected[i] // because default if not given is -1 if e.MinLength == 0 { e.MinLength = -1 } if e.MaxLength == 0 { e.MaxLength = -1 } a := actual[i] assert.Equal(t, e.Pattern, a.Pattern, fmt.Sprintf("path: %s\n", e.Name)) e.Pattern = nil a.Pattern = nil if e.Minimum != nil { assert.NotNil(t, a.Minimum) assert.Equal(t, e.Minimum.String(), e.Minimum.String(), fmt.Sprintf("path: %s\n", e.Name)) } else { assert.Nil(t, a.Minimum) } if e.Maximum != nil { assert.NotNil(t, a.Maximum) assert.Equal(t, e.Maximum.String(), e.Maximum.String(), fmt.Sprintf("path: %s\n", e.Name)) } else { assert.Nil(t, a.Maximum) } e.Minimum = nil a.Minimum = nil e.Maximum = nil a.Maximum = nil assert.Equal(t, e, a) }) } } const fooExtensionName = "fooExtension" type ( extensionConfig struct { NotAJSONSchemaKey string `json:"not-a-json-schema-key"` } ) func fooExtensionCompile(_ jsonschema.CompilerContext, m map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) { if raw, ok := m[fooExtensionName]; ok { var b bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(raw); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } var e extensionConfig if err := json.NewDecoder(&b).Decode(&e); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return &e, nil } return nil, nil } func fooExtensionValidate(_ jsonschema.ValidationContext, _, _ interface{}) error { return nil } func (ec *extensionConfig) EnhancePath(p Path) map[string]interface{} { if ec.NotAJSONSchemaKey != "" { fmt.Printf("enhancing path: %s with custom property %s\n", p.Name, ec.NotAJSONSchemaKey) return map[string]interface{}{ ec.NotAJSONSchemaKey: p.Name, } } return nil } func TestListPathsWithRecursion(t *testing.T) { for k, tc := range []struct { recursion uint8 expected byName }{ { recursion: 5, expected: byName{ Path{ Name: "", Default: interface{}(nil), Type: "", TypeHint: String, MaxLength: 10, MinLength: 1, }, Path{ Name: "", Default: interface{}(nil), Type: "", Format: "email", TypeHint: String, Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(".*"), MaxLength: -1, MinLength: -1, }, Path{ Name: "", Default: interface{}(nil), Type: "", TypeHint: String, MaxLength: 10, MinLength: 1, }, Path{ Name: "", Default: interface{}(nil), Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "email", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(".*"), MaxLength: -1, MinLength: -1, }, Path{ Name: "bar.foos", Default: interface{}(nil), Type: "", TypeHint: String, MaxLength: 10, MinLength: 1, }, }, }, } { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("case=%d", k), func(t *testing.T) { c := jsonschema.NewCompiler() require.NoError(t, c.AddResource("test.json", bytes.NewBufferString(recursiveSchema))) actual, err := ListPathsWithRecursion("test.json", c, tc.recursion) require.NoError(t, err) assertEqualPaths(t, tc.expected, actual) }) } } func TestListPaths(t *testing.T) { for k, tc := range []struct { schema string expectErr bool expected byName extension *jsonschema.Extension }{ { schema: readFile(t, "./stub/.oathkeeper.schema.json"), expected: byName{ Path{Name: "access_rules.repositories", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.anonymous.config.subject", Default: "anonymous", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.anonymous.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.cookie_session.config.check_session_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "authenticators.cookie_session.config.only", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.cookie_session.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.allowed_algorithms", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.jwks_urls", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.required_scope", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.scope_strategy", Default: "none", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Enum: []interface{}{"hierarchic", "exact", "wildcard", "none"}}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.target_audience", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.token_from.header", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.token_from.query_parameter", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.config.trusted_issuers", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.jwt.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.noop.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_client_credentials.config.required_scope", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_client_credentials.config.token_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_client_credentials.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.introspection_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.pre_authorization.client_id", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.pre_authorization.client_secret", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.pre_authorization.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.pre_authorization.scope", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.pre_authorization.token_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.required_scope", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.scope_strategy", Default: "none", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Enum: []interface{}{"hierarchic", "exact", "wildcard", "none"}}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.target_audience", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.token_from", Type: map[string]interface{}{}, TypeHint: JSON}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.token_from.header", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.token_from.query_parameter", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.config.trusted_issuers", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "authenticators.oauth2_introspection.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authenticators.unauthorized.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authorizers.allow.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authorizers.deny.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "authorizers.keto_engine_acp_ory.config.base_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "authorizers.keto_engine_acp_ory.config.flavor", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authorizers.keto_engine_acp_ory.config.required_action", Default: "unset", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authorizers.keto_engine_acp_ory.config.required_resource", Default: "unset", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authorizers.keto_engine_acp_ory.config.subject", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "authorizers.keto_engine_acp_ory.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "log.format", Default: "text", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Enum: []interface{}{"text", "json"}}, Path{Name: "log.level", Default: "info", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Enum: []interface{}{"panic", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug"}}, Path{Name: "mutators.cookie.config.cookies", Type: map[string]interface{}{}, TypeHint: JSON}, Path{Name: "mutators.cookie.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "mutators.header.config.headers", Type: map[string]interface{}{}, TypeHint: JSON}, Path{Name: "mutators.header.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "mutators.hydrator.config.api.auth.basic.password", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "mutators.hydrator.config.api.auth.basic.username", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "mutators.hydrator.config.api.retry.delay_in_milliseconds", Default: float64(3), Type: float64(0), TypeHint: Int, Minimum: big.NewFloat(0)}, Path{Name: "mutators.hydrator.config.api.retry.number_of_retries", Default: float64(100), Type: float64(0), TypeHint: Float, Minimum: big.NewFloat(0)}, Path{Name: "mutators.hydrator.config.api.url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "mutators.hydrator.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "mutators.id_token.config.issuer_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "mutators.id_token.config.jwks_url", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Format: "uri"}, Path{Name: "mutators.id_token.config.ttl", Default: "1m", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Pattern: regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9]+(ns|us|ms|s|m|h)$")}, Path{Name: "mutators.id_token.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "mutators.noop.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "profiling", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Enum: []interface{}{"cpu", "mem"}}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.allow_credentials", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.allowed_headers", Default: []interface{}{"Authorization", "Content-Type"}, MinLength: 1, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.allowed_methods", Default: []interface{}{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"}, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.allowed_origins", Default: []interface{}{"*"}, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.debug", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.exposed_headers", Default: []interface{}{"Content-Type"}, MinLength: 1, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.api.cors.max_age", Default: float64(0), Type: float64(0), TypeHint: Float}, Path{Name: "", Default: "", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.api.port", Default: float64(4456), Type: float64(0), TypeHint: Float}, Path{Name: "serve.api.tls.cert.base64", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.api.tls.cert.path", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.api.tls.key.base64", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.api.tls.key.path", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.allow_credentials", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.allowed_headers", Default: []interface{}{"Authorization", "Content-Type"}, MinLength: 1, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.allowed_methods", Default: []interface{}{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"}, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.allowed_origins", Default: []interface{}{"*"}, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.debug", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.enabled", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.exposed_headers", Default: []interface{}{"Content-Type"}, MinLength: 1, Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.cors.max_age", Default: float64(0), Type: float64(0), TypeHint: Float}, Path{Name: "", Default: "", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.port", Default: float64(4455), Type: float64(0), TypeHint: Float}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.timeout.idle", Default: "120s", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Pattern: regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9]+(ns|us|ms|s|m|h)$")}, Path{Name: "", Default: "5s", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Pattern: regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9]+(ns|us|ms|s|m|h)$")}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.timeout.write", Default: "120s", Type: "", TypeHint: String, Pattern: regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9]+(ns|us|ms|s|m|h)$")}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.tls.cert.base64", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.tls.cert.path", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.tls.key.base64", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, Path{Name: "serve.proxy.tls.key.path", Type: "", TypeHint: String}, }, }, { schema: readFile(t, "./stub/config.schema.json"), expected: []Path{ { Name: "dsn", Default: nil, TypeHint: String, Type: "", }, }, }, { // this should fail because of recursion schema: recursiveSchema, expectErr: true, }, { schema: `{ "$schema": "", "$id": "test.json", "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "list": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "foo": { "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "bar": { "type": "boolean", "default": "asdf", "readOnly": true } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "boolean" } } } ] }`, expected: byName{ { Name: "bar", Default: "asdf", Type: false, TypeHint: Bool, ReadOnly: true, }, { Name: "foo", Default: false, Type: false, TypeHint: Bool, }, { Name: "list", Type: []string{}, TypeHint: StringSlice, }, }, }, { schema: `{ "$schema": "", "$id": "test.json", "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "boolean" }, "bar": { "type": "string", "fooExtension": { "not-a-json-schema-key": "foobar" } } } }`, extension: &jsonschema.Extension{ Meta: nil, Compile: fooExtensionCompile, Validate: fooExtensionValidate, }, expected: byName{ { Name: "bar", Type: "", TypeHint: String, CustomProperties: map[string]interface{}{ "foobar": "bar", }, }, { Name: "foo", Type: false, TypeHint: Bool, }, }, }, } { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("case=%d", k), func(t *testing.T) { c := jsonschema.NewCompiler() if tc.extension != nil { c.Extensions[fooExtensionName] = *tc.extension } require.NoError(t, c.AddResource("test.json", bytes.NewBufferString(tc.schema))) actual, err := ListPaths("test.json", c) if tc.expectErr { require.Error(t, err, "%+v", actual) return } require.NoError(t, err) assertEqualPaths(t, tc.expected, actual) }) } }