# Please find the documentation for this file at # https://www.ory.sh/oathkeeper/docs/configuration log: level: debug format: json profiling: cpu serve: proxy: port: 1234 host: timeout: read: 1s write: 2s idle: 3s cors: enabled: true allowed_origins: - https://example.com - https://*.example.com allowed_methods: - POST - GET - PUT - PATCH - DELETE allowed_headers: - Authorization - Content-Type exposed_headers: - Content-Type allow_credentials: true max_age: 10 debug: true tls: key: path: /path/to/key.pem base64: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBFTkNSWVBURUQgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLVxuTUlJRkRqQkFCZ2txaGtpRzl3MEJCUTB3... cert: path: /path/to/cert.pem base64: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tXG5NSUlEWlRDQ0FrMmdBd0lCQWdJRVY1eE90REFOQmdr... api: port: 1235 host: timeout: read: 1s write: 2s idle: 3s cors: enabled: true allowed_origins: - https://example.org - https://*.example.org allowed_methods: - GET - PUT - PATCH - DELETE allowed_headers: - Authorization - Content-Type exposed_headers: - Content-Type allow_credentials: true max_age: 10 debug: true tls: key: path: /path/to/key.pem base64: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBFTkNSWVBURUQgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLVxuTUlJRkRqQkFCZ2txaGtpRzl3MEJCUTB3... cert: path: /path/to/cert.pem base64: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tXG5NSUlEWlRDQ0FrMmdBd0lCQWdJRVY1eE90REFOQmdr... prometheus: port: 9000 host: localhost metrics_path: /metrics collapse_request_paths: true # Configures Access Rules access_rules: # Locations (list of URLs) where access rules should be fetched from on boot. # It is expected that the documents at those locations return a JSON or YAML Array containing ORY Oathkeeper Access Rules. repositories: # If the URL Scheme is `file://`, the access rules (an array of access rules is expected) will be # fetched from the local file system. - file://path/to/rules.json # If the URL Scheme is `inline://`, the access rules (an array of access rules is expected) # are expected to be a base64 encoded (with padding!) JSON/YAML string (base64_encode(`[{"id":"foo-rule","authenticators":[....]}]`)): - inline://W3siaWQiOiJmb28tcnVsZSIsImF1dGhlbnRpY2F0b3JzIjpbXX1d # If the URL Scheme is `http://` or `https://`, the access rules (an array of access rules is expected) will be # fetched from the provided HTTP(s) location. - https://path-to-my-rules/rules.json # Optional fields describing matching strategy, defaults to "regexp". matching_strategy: glob errors: fallback: - json handlers: redirect: enabled: true config: to: http://path-to/redirect json: enabled: true config: verbose: true when: - error: - unauthorized - forbidden - internal_server_error request: header: content_type: - application/json accept: - application/json cidr: - # All authenticators can be configured under this configuration key authenticators: # Configures the anonymous authenticator anonymous: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # Sets the anonymous username. Defaults to "anonymous". Common names include "guest", "anon", "anonymous", "unknown". subject: guest # Configures the cookie session authenticator cookie_session: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # Sets the origin to proxy requests to. If the response is a 200 with body `{ "subject": "...", "extra": {} }` # The request will pass the subject through successfully, otherwise it will be marked as unauthorized check_session_url: https://session-store-host # Sets a list of possible cookies to look for on incoming requests, and will fallthrough to the next authenticator if # none of the passed cookies are set on the request only: - sessionid # Configures the jwt authenticator jwt: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The URL where ORY Oathkeeper can retrieve JSON Web Keys from for validating the JSON Web # Token. Usually something like "https://my-keys.com/.well-known/jwks.json". The response of that endpoint must # return a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS). jwks_urls: - https://my-website.com/.well-known/jwks.json - https://my-other-website.com/.well-known/jwks.json - file://path/to/local/jwks.json # Sets the strategy to be used to validate/match the scope. Supports "hierarchic", "exact", "wildcard", "none". Defaults # to "none". scope_strategy: wildcard # Configures the noop authenticator noop: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true # Configures the oauth2_client_credentials authenticator oauth2_client_credentials: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint that will be used to validate the client credentials. token_url: https://my-website.com/oauth2/token # Configures the oauth2_introspection authenticator oauth2_introspection: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection endpoint. introspection_url: https://my-website.com/oauth2/introspection # Sets the strategy to be used to validate/match the token scope. Supports "hierarchic", "exact", "wildcard", "none". Defaults # to "none". scope_strategy: exact # Enable pre-authorization in cases where the OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection endpoint is protected by OAuth 2.0 Bearer # Tokens that can be retrieved using the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grant. pre_authorization: # Enable pre-authorization. Defaults to false. enabled: true # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The OAuth 2.0 Client ID to be used for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant. client_id: some_id # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The OAuth 2.0 Client Secret to be used for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant. client_secret: some_secret # The OAuth 2.0 Scope to be requested during the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant. scope: - foo - bar # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint where the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant will be performed. token_url: https://my-website.com/oauth2/token # Configures the unauthorized authenticator unauthorized: # Set enabled to true if the authenticator should be enabled and false to disable the authenticator. Defaults to false. enabled: true # All authorizers can be configured under this configuration key authorizers: # Configures the allow authorizer allow: # Set enabled to true if the authorizer should be enabled and false to disable the authorizer. Defaults to false. enabled: true # Configures the deny authorizer deny: # Set enabled to true if the authorizer should be enabled and false to disable the authorizer. Defaults to false. enabled: true # Configures the keto_engine_acp_ory authorizer keto_engine_acp_ory: # Set enabled to true if the authorizer should be enabled and false to disable the authorizer. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - The base URL of ORY Keto, typically something like http(s)://[:]/ base_url: http://my-keto/ required_action: unknown required_resource: unknown # Configures the remote authorizer remote: # Set enabled to true if the authorizer should be enabled and false to disable the authorizer. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: remote: https://host/path headers: {} # Configures the remote_json authorizer remote_json: # Set enabled to true if the authorizer should be enabled and false to disable the authorizer. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: remote: https://host/path payload: "{}" # All mutators can be configured under this configuration key mutators: header: enabled: true config: headers: foo: bar # Configures the cookie mutator cookie: # Set enabled to true if the mutator should be enabled and false to disable the mutator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: cookies: foo: bar # Configures the hydrator mutator hydrator: # Set enabled to true if the mutator should be enabled and false to disable the mutator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: api: url: https://some-url/ # Configures the id_token mutator id_token: # Set enabled to true if the mutator should be enabled and false to disable the mutator. Defaults to false. enabled: true config: # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - Sets the "iss" value of the ID Token. issuer_url: https://my-oathkeeper/ # REQUIRED IF ENABLED - Sets the URL where keys should be fetched from. Supports remote locations (http, https) as # well as local filesystem paths. jwks_url: https://fetch-keys/from/this/location.json # jwks_url: file:///from/this/absolute/location.json # jwks_url: file://../from/this/relative/location.json # Sets the time-to-live of the ID token. Defaults to one minute. Valid time units are: s (second), m (minute), h (hour). ttl: 1h # Configures the noop mutator noop: # Set enabled to true if the mutator should be enabled and false to disable the mutator. Defaults to false. enabled: true