package configx import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ( OptionModifier func(p *Provider) ) func WithContext(ctx context.Context) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.originalContext = ctx for _, o := range ConfigOptionsFromContext(ctx) { o(p) } } } func WithConfigFiles(files ...string) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.files = append(p.files, files...) } } func WithImmutables(immutables ...string) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.immutables = append(p.immutables, immutables...) } } func WithFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.flags = flags } } func WithLogger(l *logrusx.Logger) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.logger = l } } func SkipValidation() OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.skipValidation = true } } func WithValue(key string, value interface{}) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.forcedValues = append(p.forcedValues, tuple{Key: key, Value: value}) } } func WithValues(values map[string]interface{}) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { for key, value := range values { p.forcedValues = append(p.forcedValues, tuple{Key: key, Value: value}) } } } func WithBaseValues(values map[string]interface{}) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { for key, value := range values { p.baseValues = append(p.baseValues, tuple{Key: key, Value: value}) } } } func OmitKeysFromTracing(keys ...string) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.excludeFieldsFromTracing = keys } } func AttachWatcher(watcher func(event watcherx.Event, err error)) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.onChanges = append(p.onChanges, watcher) } } func WithLogrusWatcher(l *logrusx.Logger) OptionModifier { return AttachWatcher(LogrusWatcher(l)) } func LogrusWatcher(l *logrusx.Logger) func(e watcherx.Event, err error) { return func(e watcherx.Event, err error) { l.WithField("file", e.Source()). WithField("event", e.String()). WithField("event_type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", e)). Info("A change to a configuration file was detected.") if et := new(jsonschema.ValidationError); errors.As(err, &et) { l.WithField("event", fmt.Sprintf("%#v", et)). Errorf("The changed configuration is invalid and could not be loaded. Rolling back to the last working configuration revision. Please address the validation errors before restarting the process.") } else if et := new(ImmutableError); errors.As(err, &et) { l.WithError(err). WithField("key", et.Key). WithField("old_value", fmt.Sprintf("%v", et.From)). WithField("new_value", fmt.Sprintf("%v", et.To)). Errorf("A configuration value marked as immutable has changed. Rolling back to the last working configuration revision. To reload the values please restart the process.") } else if err != nil { l.WithError(err).Errorf("An error occurred while watching config file %s", e.Source()) } else { l.WithField("file", e.Source()). WithField("event", e). WithField("event_type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", e)). Info("Configuration change processed successfully.") } } } func WithStderrValidationReporter() OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.onValidationError = func(k *koanf.Koanf, err error) { p.printHumanReadableValidationErrors(k, os.Stderr, err) } } } func WithStandardValidationReporter(w io.Writer) OptionModifier { return func(p *Provider) { p.onValidationError = func(k *koanf.Koanf, err error) { p.printHumanReadableValidationErrors(k, w, err) } } }