/* * Copyright © 2015-2018 Aeneas Rekkas * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @author Aeneas Rekkas * @copyright 2015-2018 Aeneas Rekkas * @license Apache-2.0 * */ package fosite_test import ( "bytes" "io/ioutil" "net/url" "strings" "testing" "github.com/ory/fosite" "github.com/ory/fosite/internal" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) func TestIsLocalhost(t *testing.T) { for k, c := range []struct { expect bool rawurl string }{ {expect: false, rawurl: "https://foo.bar"}, {expect: true, rawurl: "https://localhost"}, {expect: true, rawurl: "https://localhost:1234"}, {expect: true, rawurl: ""}, {expect: true, rawurl: ""}, {expect: true, rawurl: "https://test.localhost:1234"}, {expect: true, rawurl: "https://test.localhost"}, } { u, _ := url.Parse(c.rawurl) assert.Equal(t, c.expect, fosite.IsLocalhost(u), "case %d", k) } } // rfc6749 10.6. // Authorization Code Redirection URI Manipulation // The authorization server MUST require public clients and SHOULD require confidential clients // to register their redirection URIs. If a redirection URI is provided // in the request, the authorization server MUST validate it against the // registered value. // // rfc6819 // Threat: Authorization "code" Leakage through Counterfeit Client // The authorization server may also enforce the usage and validation // of pre-registered redirect URIs (see Section func TestDoesClientWhiteListRedirect(t *testing.T) { for k, c := range []struct { client fosite.Client url string isError bool expected string }{ { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "https://foo.com/cb", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"wta://auth"}}, url: "wta://auth", expected: "wta://auth", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"wta:///auth"}}, url: "wta:///auth", expected: "wta:///auth", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"wta://foo/auth"}}, url: "wta://foo/auth", expected: "wta://foo/auth", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"https://bar.com/cb"}}, url: "https://foo.com/cb", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"https://bar.com/cb"}}, url: "", isError: false, expected: "https://bar.com/cb", }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"https://bar.com/cb"}}, url: "https://bar.com/cb", isError: false, expected: "https://bar.com/cb", }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"https://bar.com/cb"}}, url: "https://bar.com/cb123", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"http://[::1]"}}, url: "http://[::1]:1024", expected: "http://[::1]:1024", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"http://[::1]"}}, url: "http://[::1]:1024/cb", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"http://[::1]/cb"}}, url: "http://[::1]:1024/cb", expected: "http://[::1]:1024/cb", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"http://[::1]"}}, url: "http://foo.bar/bar", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", expected: "", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", expected: "", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", expected: "", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", expected: "", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "http://foo.bar/bar", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: ":/invalid.uri)bar", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", expected: "", isError: false, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"https://www.ory.sh/cb"}}, url: "", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{""}}, url: "https://www.ory.sh/cb", isError: true, }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"web+application://callback"}}, url: "web+application://callback", isError: false, expected: "web+application://callback", }, { client: &fosite.DefaultClient{RedirectURIs: []string{"https://google.com/?foo=bar%20foo+baz"}}, url: "https://google.com/?foo=bar%20foo+baz", isError: false, expected: "https://google.com/?foo=bar%20foo+baz", }, } { redir, err := fosite.MatchRedirectURIWithClientRedirectURIs(c.url, c.client) assert.Equal(t, c.isError, err != nil, "%d: %+v", k, c) if err == nil { require.NotNil(t, redir, "%d", k) assert.Equal(t, c.expected, redir.String(), "%d", k) } t.Logf("Passed test case %d", k) } } func TestIsRedirectURISecure(t *testing.T) { for d, c := range []struct { u string err bool }{ {u: "http://google.com", err: true}, {u: "https://google.com", err: false}, {u: "http://localhost", err: false}, {u: "http://test.localhost", err: false}, {u: "", err: false}, {u: "http://[::1]/", err: false}, {u: "", err: false}, {u: "http://[::1]:8080/", err: false}, {u: "http://testlocalhost", err: true}, {u: "wta://auth", err: false}, } { uu, err := url.Parse(c.u) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, !c.err, fosite.IsRedirectURISecure(uu), "case %d", d) } } func TestWriteAuthorizeFormPostResponse(t *testing.T) { for d, c := range []struct { parameters url.Values check func(code string, state string, customParams url.Values, d int) }{ { parameters: url.Values{"code": {"lshr755nsg39fgur"}, "state": {"924659540232"}}, check: func(code string, state string, customParams url.Values, d int) { assert.Equal(t, "lshr755nsg39fgur", code, "case %d", d) assert.Equal(t, "924659540232", state, "case %d", d) }, }, { parameters: url.Values{"code": {"lshr75*ns-39f+ur"}, "state": {"9a:* <&)"}}, check: func(code string, state string, customParams url.Values, d int) { assert.Equal(t, "lshr75*ns-39f+ur", code, "case %d", d) assert.Equal(t, "9a:* <&)", state, "case %d", d) }, }, { parameters: url.Values{"code": {"1234"}, "custom": {"test2", "test3"}}, check: func(code string, state string, customParams url.Values, d int) { assert.Equal(t, "1234", code, "case %d", d) assert.Equal(t, []string{"test2", "test3"}, customParams["custom"], "case %d", d) }, }, { parameters: url.Values{"code": {"1234"}, "custom": {"Bold"}}, check: func(code string, state string, customParams url.Values, d int) { assert.Equal(t, "1234", code, "case %d", d) assert.Equal(t, "Bold", customParams.Get("custom"), "case %d", d) }, }, } { var responseBuffer bytes.Buffer redirectURL := "https://localhost:8080/cb" //parameters := fosite.WriteAuthorizeFormPostResponse(redirectURL, c.parameters, fosite.FormPostDefaultTemplate, &responseBuffer) code, state, _, _, customParams, _, err := internal.ParseFormPostResponse(redirectURL, ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(responseBuffer.Bytes()))) assert.NoError(t, err, "case %d", d) c.check(code, state, customParams, d) } } func TestIsRedirectURISecureStrict(t *testing.T) { for d, c := range []struct { u string err bool }{ {u: "http://google.com", err: true}, {u: "https://google.com", err: false}, {u: "http://localhost", err: false}, {u: "http://test.localhost", err: false}, {u: "", err: false}, {u: "http://[::1]/", err: false}, {u: "", err: false}, {u: "http://[::1]:8080/", err: false}, {u: "http://testlocalhost", err: true}, {u: "wta://auth", err: true}, } { uu, err := url.Parse(c.u) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, !c.err, fosite.IsRedirectURISecureStrict(uu), "case %d", d) } } func TestURLSetFragment(t *testing.T) { for d, c := range []struct { u string a string f url.Values }{ {u: "http://google.com", a: "http://google.com#code=567060896", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896"}}}, {u: "http://google.com", a: "http://google.com#code=567060896&scope=read", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896"}, "scope": []string{"read"}}}, {u: "http://google.com", a: "http://google.com#code=567060896&scope=read%20mail", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896j"}, "scope": []string{"read mail"}}}, {u: "http://google.com", a: "http://google.com#code=567060896&scope=read+write", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896"}, "scope": []string{"read+write"}}}, {u: "http://google.com", a: "http://google.com#code=567060896&scope=api:*", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896"}, "scope": []string{"api:*"}}}, {u: "https://google.com?foo=bar", a: "https://google.com?foo=bar#code=567060896", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896"}}}, {u: "http://localhost?foo=bar&baz=foo", a: "http://localhost?foo=bar&baz=foo#code=567060896", f: url.Values{"code": []string{"567060896"}}}, } { uu, err := url.Parse(c.u) require.NoError(t, err) fosite.URLSetFragment(uu, c.f) tURL, err := url.Parse(uu.String()) require.NoError(t, err) r := ParseURLFragment(tURL.Fragment) assert.Equal(t, c.f.Get("code"), r.Get("code"), "case %d", d) assert.Equal(t, c.f.Get("scope"), r.Get("scope"), "case %d", d) } } func ParseURLFragment(fragment string) url.Values { r := url.Values{} kvs := strings.Split(fragment, "&") for _, kv := range kvs { kva := strings.Split(kv, "=") r.Add(kva[0], kva[1]) } return r }