OpenShift Client in Go ============================== Go clients for speaking to an OpenShift cluster. Versions track OpenShift releases. See [](/ for detailed installation instructions. ## Table of Contents - [Updating Dependencies and Code Generation](#updating-dependencies-and-code-generation) - [How to use it](#how-to-use-it) - [Compatibility](#compatibility) ### Updating Dependencies and Code Generation To pull in updates from openshift/api, run the following: ``` $ go get $ go mod tidy $ go mod vendor $ go mod verify ``` To update the code generation, run the following: Note: `GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor` needs to be set in the environment. ``` $ make generate ``` ### How to use it See [examples](/examples). ### Compatibility openshift/client-go is backwards compatible with prior server versions back to v3.6 when we switched to API groups. It is not compatible before that. Keep in mind that using a newer client is generally safe, but the server will strip newer fields it doesn't understand from objects. That means that if you're trying to use a new feature on an old server, the server will do the best it can, but you still won't have the new feature. Using an older client can be risky if you issue updates (not patches) to existing resources. The older client will remove newer fields on updates. You will not have this problem if you issue patches instead of updates.