
Text file src/github.com/openshift/api/route/v1/route.crd.yaml-patch

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/route/v1

     1- op: add
     2  path: /spec/versions/name=v1/schema/openAPIV3Schema/properties/spec/allOf
     3  value:
     4  # spec.path must be empty when using passthrough TLS.
     5  - anyOf:
     6    - properties:
     7        path:
     8          maxLength: 0
     9    - properties:
    10        tls:
    11          enum: [null]
    12    - not:
    13        properties:
    14          tls:
    15            properties:
    16              termination:
    17                enum: ["passthrough"]
    18  # spec.host must be nonempty for a wildcard route.
    19  - anyOf:
    20    - not:
    21        properties:
    22          host:
    23            maxLength: 0
    24    - not:
    25        properties:
    26          wildcardPolicy:
    27            enum: ["Subdomain"]
    28- op: add
    29  path: /spec/versions/name=v1/schema/openAPIV3Schema/properties/spec/properties/port/properties/targetPort
    30  value:
    31    # spec.port.targetPort cannot be the integer 0 or the empty string.  (Note
    32    # that negative integer values are allowed, as is the string "0".)
    33    allOf:
    34    - not:
    35        enum: [0]
    36    - not:
    37        enum: [""]
    38    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
    39- op: add
    40  path: /spec/versions/name=v1/schema/openAPIV3Schema/properties/spec/properties/tls/allOf
    41  value:
    42  # spec.tls.certificate, spec.tls.key, spec.tls.caCertificate, and
    43  # spec.tls.destinationCACertificate must omitted when using passthrough TLS.
    44  - anyOf:
    45    - properties:
    46        certificate:
    47          maxLength: 0
    48        key:
    49          maxLength: 0
    50        caCertificate:
    51          maxLength: 0
    52        destinationCACertificate:
    53          maxLength: 0
    54    - not:
    55        properties:
    56          termination:
    57            enum: ["passthrough"]
    58  # spec.tls.destinationCACertificate must be omitted when using edge-terminated
    59  # TLS.
    60  - anyOf:
    61    - properties:
    62        destinationCACertificate:
    63          maxLength: 0
    64    - not:
    65        properties:
    66          termination:
    67            enum: ["edge"]
    68  # Any insecure edge-termination policy may be used if we terminate TLS.
    69  - anyOf:
    70    - properties:
    71        insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy:
    72          enum: ["", "None", "Allow", "Redirect"]
    73    - not:
    74        properties:
    75          termination:
    76            enum: ["edge","reencrypt"]
    77  # Any insecure edge-termination policy *except* for "Allow" maybe used when
    78  # using passthrough TLS.
    79  - anyOf:
    80    - properties:
    81        insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy:
    82          enum: ["", "None", "Redirect"]
    83    - not:
    84        properties:
    85          termination:
    86            enum: ["passthrough"]

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