
Source file src/github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1/types.go

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1

     1  package v1
     3  import (
     4  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
     5  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
     6  )
     8  // MyOperatorResource is an example operator configuration type
     9  //
    10  // Compatibility level 4: No compatibility is provided, the API can change at any point for any reason. These capabilities should not be used by applications needing long term support.
    11  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:internal
    12  type MyOperatorResource struct {
    13  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    15  	// metadata is the standard object's metadata.
    16  	// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata
    17  	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`
    19  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    20  	// +required
    21  	Spec   MyOperatorResourceSpec   `json:"spec"`
    22  	Status MyOperatorResourceStatus `json:"status"`
    23  }
    25  type MyOperatorResourceSpec struct {
    26  	OperatorSpec `json:",inline"`
    27  }
    29  type MyOperatorResourceStatus struct {
    30  	OperatorStatus `json:",inline"`
    31  }
    33  // +kubebuilder:validation:Pattern=`^(Managed|Unmanaged|Force|Removed)$`
    34  type ManagementState string
    36  var (
    37  	// Force means that the operator is actively managing its resources but will not block an upgrade
    38  	// if unmet prereqs exist. This state puts the operator at risk for unsuccessful upgrades
    39  	Force ManagementState = "Force"
    40  	// Managed means that the operator is actively managing its resources and trying to keep the component active.
    41  	// It will only upgrade the component if it is safe to do so
    42  	Managed ManagementState = "Managed"
    43  	// Unmanaged means that the operator will not take any action related to the component
    44  	// Some operators might not support this management state as it might damage the cluster and lead to manual recovery.
    45  	Unmanaged ManagementState = "Unmanaged"
    46  	// Removed means that the operator is actively managing its resources and trying to remove all traces of the component
    47  	// Some operators (like kube-apiserver-operator) might not support this management state as removing the API server will
    48  	// brick the cluster.
    49  	Removed ManagementState = "Removed"
    50  )
    52  // OperatorSpec contains common fields operators need.  It is intended to be anonymous included
    53  // inside of the Spec struct for your particular operator.
    54  type OperatorSpec struct {
    55  	// managementState indicates whether and how the operator should manage the component
    56  	ManagementState ManagementState `json:"managementState"`
    58  	// logLevel is an intent based logging for an overall component.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a
    59  	// simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for their operands.
    60  	//
    61  	// Valid values are: "Normal", "Debug", "Trace", "TraceAll".
    62  	// Defaults to "Normal".
    63  	// +optional
    64  	// +kubebuilder:default=Normal
    65  	LogLevel LogLevel `json:"logLevel,omitempty"`
    67  	// operatorLogLevel is an intent based logging for the operator itself.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a
    68  	// simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for themselves.
    69  	//
    70  	// Valid values are: "Normal", "Debug", "Trace", "TraceAll".
    71  	// Defaults to "Normal".
    72  	// +optional
    73  	// +kubebuilder:default=Normal
    74  	OperatorLogLevel LogLevel `json:"operatorLogLevel,omitempty"`
    76  	// unsupportedConfigOverrides overrides the final configuration that was computed by the operator.
    77  	// Red Hat does not support the use of this field.
    78  	// Misuse of this field could lead to unexpected behavior or conflict with other configuration options.
    79  	// Seek guidance from the Red Hat support before using this field.
    80  	// Use of this property blocks cluster upgrades, it must be removed before upgrading your cluster.
    81  	// +optional
    82  	// +nullable
    83  	// +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields
    84  	UnsupportedConfigOverrides runtime.RawExtension `json:"unsupportedConfigOverrides"`
    86  	// observedConfig holds a sparse config that controller has observed from the cluster state.  It exists in spec because
    87  	// it is an input to the level for the operator
    88  	// +optional
    89  	// +nullable
    90  	// +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields
    91  	ObservedConfig runtime.RawExtension `json:"observedConfig"`
    92  }
    94  // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum="";Normal;Debug;Trace;TraceAll
    95  type LogLevel string
    97  var (
    98  	// Normal is the default.  Normal, working log information, everything is fine, but helpful notices for auditing or common operations.  In kube, this is probably glog=2.
    99  	Normal LogLevel = "Normal"
   101  	// Debug is used when something went wrong.  Even common operations may be logged, and less helpful but more quantity of notices.  In kube, this is probably glog=4.
   102  	Debug LogLevel = "Debug"
   104  	// Trace is used when something went really badly and even more verbose logs are needed.  Logging every function call as part of a common operation, to tracing execution of a query.  In kube, this is probably glog=6.
   105  	Trace LogLevel = "Trace"
   107  	// TraceAll is used when something is broken at the level of API content/decoding.  It will dump complete body content.  If you turn this on in a production cluster
   108  	// prepare from serious performance issues and massive amounts of logs.  In kube, this is probably glog=8.
   109  	TraceAll LogLevel = "TraceAll"
   110  )
   112  type OperatorStatus struct {
   113  	// observedGeneration is the last generation change you've dealt with
   114  	// +optional
   115  	ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`
   117  	// conditions is a list of conditions and their status
   118  	// +optional
   119  	Conditions []OperatorCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
   121  	// version is the level this availability applies to
   122  	// +optional
   123  	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
   125  	// readyReplicas indicates how many replicas are ready and at the desired state
   126  	ReadyReplicas int32 `json:"readyReplicas"`
   128  	// generations are used to determine when an item needs to be reconciled or has changed in a way that needs a reaction.
   129  	// +optional
   130  	Generations []GenerationStatus `json:"generations,omitempty"`
   131  }
   133  // GenerationStatus keeps track of the generation for a given resource so that decisions about forced updates can be made.
   134  type GenerationStatus struct {
   135  	// group is the group of the thing you're tracking
   136  	Group string `json:"group"`
   137  	// resource is the resource type of the thing you're tracking
   138  	Resource string `json:"resource"`
   139  	// namespace is where the thing you're tracking is
   140  	Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
   141  	// name is the name of the thing you're tracking
   142  	Name string `json:"name"`
   143  	// lastGeneration is the last generation of the workload controller involved
   144  	LastGeneration int64 `json:"lastGeneration"`
   145  	// hash is an optional field set for resources without generation that are content sensitive like secrets and configmaps
   146  	Hash string `json:"hash"`
   147  }
   149  var (
   150  	// Available indicates that the operand is present and accessible in the cluster
   151  	OperatorStatusTypeAvailable = "Available"
   152  	// Progressing indicates that the operator is trying to transition the operand to a different state
   153  	OperatorStatusTypeProgressing = "Progressing"
   154  	// Degraded indicates that the operator (not the operand) is unable to fulfill the user intent
   155  	OperatorStatusTypeDegraded = "Degraded"
   156  	// PrereqsSatisfied indicates that the things this operator depends on are present and at levels compatible with the
   157  	// current and desired states.
   158  	OperatorStatusTypePrereqsSatisfied = "PrereqsSatisfied"
   159  	// Upgradeable indicates that the operator configuration itself (not prereqs) can be auto-upgraded by the CVO
   160  	OperatorStatusTypeUpgradeable = "Upgradeable"
   161  )
   163  // OperatorCondition is just the standard condition fields.
   164  type OperatorCondition struct {
   165  	Type               string          `json:"type"`
   166  	Status             ConditionStatus `json:"status"`
   167  	LastTransitionTime metav1.Time     `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
   168  	Reason             string          `json:"reason,omitempty"`
   169  	Message            string          `json:"message,omitempty"`
   170  }
   172  type ConditionStatus string
   174  const (
   175  	ConditionTrue    ConditionStatus = "True"
   176  	ConditionFalse   ConditionStatus = "False"
   177  	ConditionUnknown ConditionStatus = "Unknown"
   178  )
   180  // StaticPodOperatorSpec is spec for controllers that manage static pods.
   181  type StaticPodOperatorSpec struct {
   182  	OperatorSpec `json:",inline"`
   184  	// forceRedeploymentReason can be used to force the redeployment of the operand by providing a unique string.
   185  	// This provides a mechanism to kick a previously failed deployment and provide a reason why you think it will work
   186  	// this time instead of failing again on the same config.
   187  	ForceRedeploymentReason string `json:"forceRedeploymentReason"`
   189  	// failedRevisionLimit is the number of failed static pod installer revisions to keep on disk and in the api
   190  	// -1 = unlimited, 0 or unset = 5 (default)
   191  	FailedRevisionLimit int32 `json:"failedRevisionLimit,omitempty"`
   192  	// succeededRevisionLimit is the number of successful static pod installer revisions to keep on disk and in the api
   193  	// -1 = unlimited, 0 or unset = 5 (default)
   194  	SucceededRevisionLimit int32 `json:"succeededRevisionLimit,omitempty"`
   195  }
   197  // StaticPodOperatorStatus is status for controllers that manage static pods.  There are different needs because individual
   198  // node status must be tracked.
   199  type StaticPodOperatorStatus struct {
   200  	OperatorStatus `json:",inline"`
   202  	// latestAvailableRevision is the deploymentID of the most recent deployment
   203  	// +optional
   204  	LatestAvailableRevision int32 `json:"latestAvailableRevision,omitEmpty"`
   206  	// latestAvailableRevisionReason describe the detailed reason for the most recent deployment
   207  	// +optional
   208  	LatestAvailableRevisionReason string `json:"latestAvailableRevisionReason,omitEmpty"`
   210  	// nodeStatuses track the deployment values and errors across individual nodes
   211  	// +optional
   212  	NodeStatuses []NodeStatus `json:"nodeStatuses,omitempty"`
   213  }
   215  // NodeStatus provides information about the current state of a particular node managed by this operator.
   216  type NodeStatus struct {
   217  	// nodeName is the name of the node
   218  	NodeName string `json:"nodeName"`
   220  	// currentRevision is the generation of the most recently successful deployment
   221  	CurrentRevision int32 `json:"currentRevision"`
   222  	// targetRevision is the generation of the deployment we're trying to apply
   223  	TargetRevision int32 `json:"targetRevision,omitempty"`
   225  	// lastFailedRevision is the generation of the deployment we tried and failed to deploy.
   226  	LastFailedRevision int32 `json:"lastFailedRevision,omitempty"`
   227  	// lastFailedTime is the time the last failed revision failed the last time.
   228  	LastFailedTime *metav1.Time `json:"lastFailedTime,omitempty"`
   229  	// lastFailedReason is a machine readable failure reason string.
   230  	LastFailedReason string `json:"lastFailedReason,omitempty"`
   231  	// lastFailedCount is how often the installer pod of the last failed revision failed.
   232  	LastFailedCount int `json:"lastFailedCount,omitempty"`
   233  	// lastFallbackCount is how often a fallback to a previous revision happened.
   234  	LastFallbackCount int `json:"lastFallbackCount,omitempty"`
   235  	// lastFailedRevisionErrors is a list of human readable errors during the failed deployment referenced in lastFailedRevision.
   236  	LastFailedRevisionErrors []string `json:"lastFailedRevisionErrors,omitempty"`
   237  }

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