
Text file src/github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1/0000_70_console-operator.crd.yaml

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    api-approved.openshift.io: https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/486
     6    include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed: "true"
     7    include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
     8    include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
     9  name: consoles.operator.openshift.io
    11  group: operator.openshift.io
    12  names:
    13    kind: Console
    14    listKind: ConsoleList
    15    plural: consoles
    16    singular: console
    17  scope: Cluster
    18  versions:
    19    - name: v1
    20      schema:
    21        openAPIV3Schema:
    22          description: "Console provides a means to configure an operator to manage the console. \n Compatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer)."
    23          type: object
    24          required:
    25            - spec
    26          properties:
    27            apiVersion:
    28              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
    29              type: string
    30            kind:
    31              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    32              type: string
    33            metadata:
    34              type: object
    35            spec:
    36              description: ConsoleSpec is the specification of the desired behavior of the Console.
    37              type: object
    38              properties:
    39                customization:
    40                  description: customization is used to optionally provide a small set of customization options to the web console.
    41                  type: object
    42                  properties:
    43                    addPage:
    44                      description: addPage allows customizing actions on the Add page in developer perspective.
    45                      type: object
    46                      properties:
    47                        disabledActions:
    48                          description: disabledActions is a list of actions that are not shown to users. Each action in the list is represented by its ID.
    49                          type: array
    50                          minItems: 1
    51                          items:
    52                            type: string
    53                    brand:
    54                      description: brand is the default branding of the web console which can be overridden by providing the brand field.  There is a limited set of specific brand options. This field controls elements of the console such as the logo. Invalid value will prevent a console rollout.
    55                      type: string
    56                      pattern: ^$|^(ocp|origin|okd|dedicated|online|azure)$
    57                    customLogoFile:
    58                      description: 'customLogoFile replaces the default OpenShift logo in the masthead and about dialog. It is a reference to a ConfigMap in the openshift-config namespace. This can be created with a command like ''oc create configmap custom-logo --from-file=/path/to/file -n openshift-config''. Image size must be less than 1 MB due to constraints on the ConfigMap size. The ConfigMap key should include a file extension so that the console serves the file with the correct MIME type. Recommended logo specifications: Dimensions: Max height of 68px and max width of 200px SVG format preferred'
    59                      type: object
    60                      properties:
    61                        key:
    62                          description: Key allows pointing to a specific key/value inside of the configmap.  This is useful for logical file references.
    63                          type: string
    64                        name:
    65                          type: string
    66                    customProductName:
    67                      description: customProductName is the name that will be displayed in page titles, logo alt text, and the about dialog instead of the normal OpenShift product name.
    68                      type: string
    69                    developerCatalog:
    70                      description: developerCatalog allows to configure the shown developer catalog categories (filters) and types (sub-catalogs).
    71                      type: object
    72                      properties:
    73                        categories:
    74                          description: categories which are shown in the developer catalog.
    75                          type: array
    76                          items:
    77                            description: DeveloperConsoleCatalogCategory for the developer console catalog.
    78                            type: object
    79                            required:
    80                              - id
    81                              - label
    82                            properties:
    83                              id:
    84                                description: ID is an identifier used in the URL to enable deep linking in console. ID is required and must have 1-32 URL safe (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and _) characters.
    85                                type: string
    86                                maxLength: 32
    87                                minLength: 1
    88                                pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$
    89                              label:
    90                                description: label defines a category display label. It is required and must have 1-64 characters.
    91                                type: string
    92                                maxLength: 64
    93                                minLength: 1
    94                              subcategories:
    95                                description: subcategories defines a list of child categories.
    96                                type: array
    97                                items:
    98                                  description: DeveloperConsoleCatalogCategoryMeta are the key identifiers of a developer catalog category.
    99                                  type: object
   100                                  required:
   101                                    - id
   102                                    - label
   103                                  properties:
   104                                    id:
   105                                      description: ID is an identifier used in the URL to enable deep linking in console. ID is required and must have 1-32 URL safe (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and _) characters.
   106                                      type: string
   107                                      maxLength: 32
   108                                      minLength: 1
   109                                      pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$
   110                                    label:
   111                                      description: label defines a category display label. It is required and must have 1-64 characters.
   112                                      type: string
   113                                      maxLength: 64
   114                                      minLength: 1
   115                                    tags:
   116                                      description: tags is a list of strings that will match the category. A selected category show all items which has at least one overlapping tag between category and item.
   117                                      type: array
   118                                      items:
   119                                        type: string
   120                              tags:
   121                                description: tags is a list of strings that will match the category. A selected category show all items which has at least one overlapping tag between category and item.
   122                                type: array
   123                                items:
   124                                  type: string
   125                        types:
   126                          description: types allows enabling or disabling of sub-catalog types that user can see in the Developer catalog. When omitted, all the sub-catalog types will be shown.
   127                          type: object
   128                          required:
   129                            - state
   130                          properties:
   131                            disabled:
   132                              description: 'disabled is a list of developer catalog types (sub-catalogs IDs) that are not shown to users. Types (sub-catalogs) are added via console plugins, the available types (sub-catalog IDs) are available in the console on the cluster configuration page, or when editing the YAML in the console. Example: "Devfile", "HelmChart", "BuilderImage" If the list is empty or all the available sub-catalog types are added, then the complete developer catalog should be hidden.'
   133                              type: array
   134                              items:
   135                                type: string
   136                              x-kubernetes-list-type: set
   137                            enabled:
   138                              description: 'enabled is a list of developer catalog types (sub-catalogs IDs) that will be shown to users. Types (sub-catalogs) are added via console plugins, the available types (sub-catalog IDs) are available in the console on the cluster configuration page, or when editing the YAML in the console. Example: "Devfile", "HelmChart", "BuilderImage" If the list is non-empty, a new type will not be shown to the user until it is added to list. If the list is empty the complete developer catalog will be shown.'
   139                              type: array
   140                              items:
   141                                type: string
   142                              x-kubernetes-list-type: set
   143                            state:
   144                              description: state defines if a list of catalog types should be enabled or disabled.
   145                              type: string
   146                              default: Enabled
   147                              enum:
   148                                - Enabled
   149                                - Disabled
   150                          x-kubernetes-validations:
   151                            - rule: 'self.state == ''Enabled'' ? true : !has(self.enabled)'
   152                              message: enabled is forbidden when state is not Enabled
   153                            - rule: 'self.state == ''Disabled'' ? true : !has(self.disabled)'
   154                              message: disabled is forbidden when state is not Disabled
   155                    documentationBaseURL:
   156                      description: documentationBaseURL links to external documentation are shown in various sections of the web console.  Providing documentationBaseURL will override the default documentation URL. Invalid value will prevent a console rollout.
   157                      type: string
   158                      pattern: ^$|^((https):\/\/?)[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|\/?))\/$
   159                    perspectives:
   160                      description: perspectives allows enabling/disabling of perspective(s) that user can see in the Perspective switcher dropdown.
   161                      type: array
   162                      items:
   163                        description: Perspective defines a perspective that cluster admins want to show/hide in the perspective switcher dropdown
   164                        type: object
   165                        required:
   166                          - id
   167                          - visibility
   168                        properties:
   169                          id:
   170                            description: 'id defines the id of the perspective. Example: "dev", "admin". The available perspective ids can be found in the code snippet section next to the yaml editor. Incorrect or unknown ids will be ignored.'
   171                            type: string
   172                          pinnedResources:
   173                            description: pinnedResources defines the list of default pinned resources that users will see on the perspective navigation if they have not customized these pinned resources themselves. The list of available Kubernetes resources could be read via `kubectl api-resources`. The console will also provide a configuration UI and a YAML snippet that will list the available resources that can be pinned to the navigation. Incorrect or unknown resources will be ignored.
   174                            type: array
   175                            maxItems: 100
   176                            items:
   177                              description: PinnedResourceReference includes the group, version and type of resource
   178                              type: object
   179                              required:
   180                                - group
   181                                - resource
   182                                - version
   183                              properties:
   184                                group:
   185                                  description: 'group is the API Group of the Resource. Enter empty string for the core group. This value should consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters, hyphens and periods. Example: "", "apps", "build.openshift.io", etc.'
   186                                  type: string
   187                                  pattern: ^$|^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$
   188                                resource:
   189                                  description: 'resource is the type that is being referenced. It is normally the plural form of the resource kind in lowercase. This value should consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Example: "deployments", "deploymentconfigs", "pods", etc.'
   190                                  type: string
   191                                  pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$
   192                                version:
   193                                  description: 'version is the API Version of the Resource. This value should consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters. Example: "v1", "v1beta1", etc.'
   194                                  type: string
   195                                  pattern: ^[a-z0-9]+$
   196                          visibility:
   197                            description: visibility defines the state of perspective along with access review checks if needed for that perspective.
   198                            type: object
   199                            required:
   200                              - state
   201                            properties:
   202                              accessReview:
   203                                description: accessReview defines required and missing access review checks.
   204                                type: object
   205                                minProperties: 1
   206                                properties:
   207                                  missing:
   208                                    description: missing defines a list of permission checks. The perspective will only be shown when at least one check fails. When omitted, the access review is skipped and the perspective will not be shown unless it is required to do so based on the configuration of the required access review list.
   209                                    type: array
   210                                    items:
   211                                      description: ResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface
   212                                      type: object
   213                                      properties:
   214                                        group:
   215                                          description: Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
   216                                          type: string
   217                                        name:
   218                                          description: Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
   219                                          type: string
   220                                        namespace:
   221                                          description: Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
   222                                          type: string
   223                                        resource:
   224                                          description: Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
   225                                          type: string
   226                                        subresource:
   227                                          description: Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
   228                                          type: string
   229                                        verb:
   230                                          description: 'Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.'
   231                                          type: string
   232                                        version:
   233                                          description: Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
   234                                          type: string
   235                                  required:
   236                                    description: required defines a list of permission checks. The perspective will only be shown when all checks are successful. When omitted, the access review is skipped and the perspective will not be shown unless it is required to do so based on the configuration of the missing access review list.
   237                                    type: array
   238                                    items:
   239                                      description: ResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface
   240                                      type: object
   241                                      properties:
   242                                        group:
   243                                          description: Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
   244                                          type: string
   245                                        name:
   246                                          description: Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
   247                                          type: string
   248                                        namespace:
   249                                          description: Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
   250                                          type: string
   251                                        resource:
   252                                          description: Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
   253                                          type: string
   254                                        subresource:
   255                                          description: Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
   256                                          type: string
   257                                        verb:
   258                                          description: 'Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.'
   259                                          type: string
   260                                        version:
   261                                          description: Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
   262                                          type: string
   263                              state:
   264                                description: state defines the perspective is enabled or disabled or access review check is required.
   265                                type: string
   266                                enum:
   267                                  - Enabled
   268                                  - Disabled
   269                                  - AccessReview
   270                            x-kubernetes-validations:
   271                              - rule: 'self.state == ''AccessReview'' ?  has(self.accessReview) : !has(self.accessReview)'
   272                                message: accessReview configuration is required when state is AccessReview, and forbidden otherwise
   273                        x-kubernetes-validations:
   274                          - rule: 'has(self.id) && self.id != ''dev''? !has(self.pinnedResources) : true'
   275                            message: pinnedResources is allowed only for dev and forbidden for other perspectives
   276                      x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
   277                        - id
   278                      x-kubernetes-list-type: map
   279                    projectAccess:
   280                      description: projectAccess allows customizing the available list of ClusterRoles in the Developer perspective Project access page which can be used by a project admin to specify roles to other users and restrict access within the project. If set, the list will replace the default ClusterRole options.
   281                      type: object
   282                      properties:
   283                        availableClusterRoles:
   284                          description: availableClusterRoles is the list of ClusterRole names that are assignable to users through the project access tab.
   285                          type: array
   286                          items:
   287                            type: string
   288                    quickStarts:
   289                      description: quickStarts allows customization of available ConsoleQuickStart resources in console.
   290                      type: object
   291                      properties:
   292                        disabled:
   293                          description: disabled is a list of ConsoleQuickStart resource names that are not shown to users.
   294                          type: array
   295                          items:
   296                            type: string
   297                logLevel:
   298                  description: "logLevel is an intent based logging for an overall component.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for their operands. \n Valid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\"."
   299                  type: string
   300                  default: Normal
   301                  enum:
   302                    - ""
   303                    - Normal
   304                    - Debug
   305                    - Trace
   306                    - TraceAll
   307                managementState:
   308                  description: managementState indicates whether and how the operator should manage the component
   309                  type: string
   310                  pattern: ^(Managed|Unmanaged|Force|Removed)$
   311                observedConfig:
   312                  description: observedConfig holds a sparse config that controller has observed from the cluster state.  It exists in spec because it is an input to the level for the operator
   313                  type: object
   314                  nullable: true
   315                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   316                operatorLogLevel:
   317                  description: "operatorLogLevel is an intent based logging for the operator itself.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for themselves. \n Valid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\"."
   318                  type: string
   319                  default: Normal
   320                  enum:
   321                    - ""
   322                    - Normal
   323                    - Debug
   324                    - Trace
   325                    - TraceAll
   326                plugins:
   327                  description: plugins defines a list of enabled console plugin names.
   328                  type: array
   329                  items:
   330                    type: string
   331                providers:
   332                  description: providers contains configuration for using specific service providers.
   333                  type: object
   334                  properties:
   335                    statuspage:
   336                      description: statuspage contains ID for statuspage.io page that provides status info about.
   337                      type: object
   338                      properties:
   339                        pageID:
   340                          description: pageID is the unique ID assigned by Statuspage for your page. This must be a public page.
   341                          type: string
   342                route:
   343                  description: route contains hostname and secret reference that contains the serving certificate. If a custom route is specified, a new route will be created with the provided hostname, under which console will be available. In case of custom hostname uses the default routing suffix of the cluster, the Secret specification for a serving certificate will not be needed. In case of custom hostname points to an arbitrary domain, manual DNS configurations steps are necessary. The default console route will be maintained to reserve the default hostname for console if the custom route is removed. If not specified, default route will be used. DEPRECATED
   344                  type: object
   345                  properties:
   346                    hostname:
   347                      description: hostname is the desired custom domain under which console will be available.
   348                      type: string
   349                    secret:
   350                      description: 'secret points to secret in the openshift-config namespace that contains custom certificate and key and needs to be created manually by the cluster admin. Referenced Secret is required to contain following key value pairs: - "tls.crt" - to specifies custom certificate - "tls.key" - to specifies private key of the custom certificate If the custom hostname uses the default routing suffix of the cluster, the Secret specification for a serving certificate will not be needed.'
   351                      type: object
   352                      required:
   353                        - name
   354                      properties:
   355                        name:
   356                          description: name is the metadata.name of the referenced secret
   357                          type: string
   358                unsupportedConfigOverrides:
   359                  description: unsupportedConfigOverrides overrides the final configuration that was computed by the operator. Red Hat does not support the use of this field. Misuse of this field could lead to unexpected behavior or conflict with other configuration options. Seek guidance from the Red Hat support before using this field. Use of this property blocks cluster upgrades, it must be removed before upgrading your cluster.
   360                  type: object
   361                  nullable: true
   362                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   363            status:
   364              description: ConsoleStatus defines the observed status of the Console.
   365              type: object
   366              properties:
   367                conditions:
   368                  description: conditions is a list of conditions and their status
   369                  type: array
   370                  items:
   371                    description: OperatorCondition is just the standard condition fields.
   372                    type: object
   373                    properties:
   374                      lastTransitionTime:
   375                        type: string
   376                        format: date-time
   377                      message:
   378                        type: string
   379                      reason:
   380                        type: string
   381                      status:
   382                        type: string
   383                      type:
   384                        type: string
   385                generations:
   386                  description: generations are used to determine when an item needs to be reconciled or has changed in a way that needs a reaction.
   387                  type: array
   388                  items:
   389                    description: GenerationStatus keeps track of the generation for a given resource so that decisions about forced updates can be made.
   390                    type: object
   391                    properties:
   392                      group:
   393                        description: group is the group of the thing you're tracking
   394                        type: string
   395                      hash:
   396                        description: hash is an optional field set for resources without generation that are content sensitive like secrets and configmaps
   397                        type: string
   398                      lastGeneration:
   399                        description: lastGeneration is the last generation of the workload controller involved
   400                        type: integer
   401                        format: int64
   402                      name:
   403                        description: name is the name of the thing you're tracking
   404                        type: string
   405                      namespace:
   406                        description: namespace is where the thing you're tracking is
   407                        type: string
   408                      resource:
   409                        description: resource is the resource type of the thing you're tracking
   410                        type: string
   411                observedGeneration:
   412                  description: observedGeneration is the last generation change you've dealt with
   413                  type: integer
   414                  format: int64
   415                readyReplicas:
   416                  description: readyReplicas indicates how many replicas are ready and at the desired state
   417                  type: integer
   418                  format: int32
   419                version:
   420                  description: version is the level this availability applies to
   421                  type: string
   422      served: true
   423      storage: true
   424      subresources:
   425        status: {}

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