
Text file src/github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1/0000_70_cluster-network-operator_01.crd.yaml

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    api-approved.openshift.io: https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/475
     6    include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
     7    include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
     8  name: networks.operator.openshift.io
    10  group: operator.openshift.io
    11  names:
    12    kind: Network
    13    listKind: NetworkList
    14    plural: networks
    15    singular: network
    16  scope: Cluster
    17  versions:
    18    - name: v1
    19      schema:
    20        openAPIV3Schema:
    21          description: "Network describes the cluster's desired network configuration. It is consumed by the cluster-network-operator. \n Compatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer)."
    22          type: object
    23          properties:
    24            apiVersion:
    25              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
    26              type: string
    27            kind:
    28              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    29              type: string
    30            metadata:
    31              type: object
    32            spec:
    33              description: NetworkSpec is the top-level network configuration object.
    34              type: object
    35              properties:
    36                additionalNetworks:
    37                  description: additionalNetworks is a list of extra networks to make available to pods when multiple networks are enabled.
    38                  type: array
    39                  items:
    40                    description: AdditionalNetworkDefinition configures an extra network that is available but not created by default. Instead, pods must request them by name. type must be specified, along with exactly one "Config" that matches the type.
    41                    type: object
    42                    properties:
    43                      name:
    44                        description: name is the name of the network. This will be populated in the resulting CRD This must be unique.
    45                        type: string
    46                      namespace:
    47                        description: namespace is the namespace of the network. This will be populated in the resulting CRD If not given the network will be created in the default namespace.
    48                        type: string
    49                      rawCNIConfig:
    50                        description: rawCNIConfig is the raw CNI configuration json to create in the NetworkAttachmentDefinition CRD
    51                        type: string
    52                      simpleMacvlanConfig:
    53                        description: SimpleMacvlanConfig configures the macvlan interface in case of type:NetworkTypeSimpleMacvlan
    54                        type: object
    55                        properties:
    56                          ipamConfig:
    57                            description: IPAMConfig configures IPAM module will be used for IP Address Management (IPAM).
    58                            type: object
    59                            properties:
    60                              staticIPAMConfig:
    61                                description: StaticIPAMConfig configures the static IP address in case of type:IPAMTypeStatic
    62                                type: object
    63                                properties:
    64                                  addresses:
    65                                    description: Addresses configures IP address for the interface
    66                                    type: array
    67                                    items:
    68                                      description: StaticIPAMAddresses provides IP address and Gateway for static IPAM addresses
    69                                      type: object
    70                                      properties:
    71                                        address:
    72                                          description: Address is the IP address in CIDR format
    73                                          type: string
    74                                        gateway:
    75                                          description: Gateway is IP inside of subnet to designate as the gateway
    76                                          type: string
    77                                  dns:
    78                                    description: DNS configures DNS for the interface
    79                                    type: object
    80                                    properties:
    81                                      domain:
    82                                        description: Domain configures the domainname the local domain used for short hostname lookups
    83                                        type: string
    84                                      nameservers:
    85                                        description: Nameservers points DNS servers for IP lookup
    86                                        type: array
    87                                        items:
    88                                          type: string
    89                                      search:
    90                                        description: Search configures priority ordered search domains for short hostname lookups
    91                                        type: array
    92                                        items:
    93                                          type: string
    94                                  routes:
    95                                    description: Routes configures IP routes for the interface
    96                                    type: array
    97                                    items:
    98                                      description: StaticIPAMRoutes provides Destination/Gateway pairs for static IPAM routes
    99                                      type: object
   100                                      properties:
   101                                        destination:
   102                                          description: Destination points the IP route destination
   103                                          type: string
   104                                        gateway:
   105                                          description: Gateway is the route's next-hop IP address If unset, a default gateway is assumed (as determined by the CNI plugin).
   106                                          type: string
   107                              type:
   108                                description: Type is the type of IPAM module will be used for IP Address Management(IPAM). The supported values are IPAMTypeDHCP, IPAMTypeStatic
   109                                type: string
   110                          master:
   111                            description: master is the host interface to create the macvlan interface from. If not specified, it will be default route interface
   112                            type: string
   113                          mode:
   114                            description: 'mode is the macvlan mode: bridge, private, vepa, passthru. The default is bridge'
   115                            type: string
   116                          mtu:
   117                            description: mtu is the mtu to use for the macvlan interface. if unset, host's kernel will select the value.
   118                            type: integer
   119                            format: int32
   120                            minimum: 0
   121                      type:
   122                        description: type is the type of network The supported values are NetworkTypeRaw, NetworkTypeSimpleMacvlan
   123                        type: string
   124                clusterNetwork:
   125                  description: clusterNetwork is the IP address pool to use for pod IPs. Some network providers, e.g. OpenShift SDN, support multiple ClusterNetworks. Others only support one. This is equivalent to the cluster-cidr.
   126                  type: array
   127                  items:
   128                    description: ClusterNetworkEntry is a subnet from which to allocate PodIPs. A network of size HostPrefix (in CIDR notation) will be allocated when nodes join the cluster. If the HostPrefix field is not used by the plugin, it can be left unset. Not all network providers support multiple ClusterNetworks
   129                    type: object
   130                    properties:
   131                      cidr:
   132                        type: string
   133                      hostPrefix:
   134                        type: integer
   135                        format: int32
   136                        minimum: 0
   137                defaultNetwork:
   138                  description: defaultNetwork is the "default" network that all pods will receive
   139                  type: object
   140                  properties:
   141                    kuryrConfig:
   142                      description: KuryrConfig configures the kuryr plugin
   143                      type: object
   144                      properties:
   145                        controllerProbesPort:
   146                          description: The port kuryr-controller will listen for readiness and liveness requests.
   147                          type: integer
   148                          format: int32
   149                          minimum: 0
   150                        daemonProbesPort:
   151                          description: The port kuryr-daemon will listen for readiness and liveness requests.
   152                          type: integer
   153                          format: int32
   154                          minimum: 0
   155                        enablePortPoolsPrepopulation:
   156                          description: enablePortPoolsPrepopulation when true will make Kuryr prepopulate each newly created port pool with a minimum number of ports. Kuryr uses Neutron port pooling to fight the fact that it takes a significant amount of time to create one. It creates a number of ports when the first pod that is configured to use the dedicated network for pods is created in a namespace, and keeps them ready to be attached to pods. Port prepopulation is disabled by default.
   157                          type: boolean
   158                        mtu:
   159                          description: mtu is the MTU that Kuryr should use when creating pod networks in Neutron. The value has to be lower or equal to the MTU of the nodes network and Neutron has to allow creation of tenant networks with such MTU. If unset Pod networks will be created with the same MTU as the nodes network has. This also affects the services network created by cluster-network-operator.
   160                          type: integer
   161                          format: int32
   162                          minimum: 0
   163                        openStackServiceNetwork:
   164                          description: openStackServiceNetwork contains the CIDR of network from which to allocate IPs for OpenStack Octavia's Amphora VMs. Please note that with Amphora driver Octavia uses two IPs from that network for each loadbalancer - one given by OpenShift and second for VRRP connections. As the first one is managed by OpenShift's and second by Neutron's IPAMs, those need to come from different pools. Therefore `openStackServiceNetwork` needs to be at least twice the size of `serviceNetwork`, and whole `serviceNetwork` must be overlapping with `openStackServiceNetwork`. cluster-network-operator will then make sure VRRP IPs are taken from the ranges inside `openStackServiceNetwork` that are not overlapping with `serviceNetwork`, effectivly preventing conflicts. If not set cluster-network-operator will use `serviceNetwork` expanded by decrementing the prefix size by 1.
   165                          type: string
   166                        poolBatchPorts:
   167                          description: poolBatchPorts sets a number of ports that should be created in a single batch request to extend the port pool. The default is 3. For more information about port pools see enablePortPoolsPrepopulation setting.
   168                          type: integer
   169                          minimum: 0
   170                        poolMaxPorts:
   171                          description: poolMaxPorts sets a maximum number of free ports that are being kept in a port pool. If the number of ports exceeds this setting, free ports will get deleted. Setting 0 will disable this upper bound, effectively preventing pools from shrinking and this is the default value. For more information about port pools see enablePortPoolsPrepopulation setting.
   172                          type: integer
   173                          minimum: 0
   174                        poolMinPorts:
   175                          description: poolMinPorts sets a minimum number of free ports that should be kept in a port pool. If the number of ports is lower than this setting, new ports will get created and added to pool. The default is 1. For more information about port pools see enablePortPoolsPrepopulation setting.
   176                          type: integer
   177                          minimum: 1
   178                    openshiftSDNConfig:
   179                      description: openShiftSDNConfig configures the openshift-sdn plugin
   180                      type: object
   181                      properties:
   182                        enableUnidling:
   183                          description: enableUnidling controls whether or not the service proxy will support idling and unidling of services. By default, unidling is enabled.
   184                          type: boolean
   185                        mode:
   186                          description: mode is one of "Multitenant", "Subnet", or "NetworkPolicy"
   187                          type: string
   188                        mtu:
   189                          description: mtu is the mtu to use for the tunnel interface. Defaults to 1450 if unset. This must be 50 bytes smaller than the machine's uplink.
   190                          type: integer
   191                          format: int32
   192                          minimum: 0
   193                        useExternalOpenvswitch:
   194                          description: 'useExternalOpenvswitch used to control whether the operator would deploy an OVS DaemonSet itself or expect someone else to start OVS. As of 4.6, OVS is always run as a system service, and this flag is ignored. DEPRECATED: non-functional as of 4.6'
   195                          type: boolean
   196                        vxlanPort:
   197                          description: vxlanPort is the port to use for all vxlan packets. The default is 4789.
   198                          type: integer
   199                          format: int32
   200                          minimum: 0
   201                    ovnKubernetesConfig:
   202                      description: ovnKubernetesConfig configures the ovn-kubernetes plugin.
   203                      type: object
   204                      properties:
   205                        egressIPConfig:
   206                          description: egressIPConfig holds the configuration for EgressIP options.
   207                          type: object
   208                          properties:
   209                            reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds:
   210                              description: reachabilityTotalTimeout configures the EgressIP node reachability check total timeout in seconds. If the EgressIP node cannot be reached within this timeout, the node is declared down. Setting a large value may cause the EgressIP feature to react slowly to node changes. In particular, it may react slowly for EgressIP nodes that really have a genuine problem and are unreachable. When omitted, this means the user has no opinion and the platform is left to choose a reasonable default, which is subject to change over time. The current default is 1 second. A value of 0 disables the EgressIP node's reachability check.
   211                              type: integer
   212                              format: int32
   213                              maximum: 60
   214                              minimum: 0
   215                        gatewayConfig:
   216                          description: gatewayConfig holds the configuration for node gateway options.
   217                          type: object
   218                          properties:
   219                            routingViaHost:
   220                              description: RoutingViaHost allows pod egress traffic to exit via the ovn-k8s-mp0 management port into the host before sending it out. If this is not set, traffic will always egress directly from OVN to outside without touching the host stack. Setting this to true means hardware offload will not be supported. Default is false if GatewayConfig is specified.
   221                              type: boolean
   222                              default: false
   223                        genevePort:
   224                          description: geneve port is the UDP port to be used by geneve encapulation. Default is 6081
   225                          type: integer
   226                          format: int32
   227                          minimum: 1
   228                        hybridOverlayConfig:
   229                          description: HybridOverlayConfig configures an additional overlay network for peers that are not using OVN.
   230                          type: object
   231                          properties:
   232                            hybridClusterNetwork:
   233                              description: HybridClusterNetwork defines a network space given to nodes on an additional overlay network.
   234                              type: array
   235                              items:
   236                                description: ClusterNetworkEntry is a subnet from which to allocate PodIPs. A network of size HostPrefix (in CIDR notation) will be allocated when nodes join the cluster. If the HostPrefix field is not used by the plugin, it can be left unset. Not all network providers support multiple ClusterNetworks
   237                                type: object
   238                                properties:
   239                                  cidr:
   240                                    type: string
   241                                  hostPrefix:
   242                                    type: integer
   243                                    format: int32
   244                                    minimum: 0
   245                            hybridOverlayVXLANPort:
   246                              description: HybridOverlayVXLANPort defines the VXLAN port number to be used by the additional overlay network. Default is 4789
   247                              type: integer
   248                              format: int32
   249                        ipsecConfig:
   250                          description: ipsecConfig enables and configures IPsec for pods on the pod network within the cluster.
   251                          type: object
   252                        mtu:
   253                          description: mtu is the MTU to use for the tunnel interface. This must be 100 bytes smaller than the uplink mtu. Default is 1400
   254                          type: integer
   255                          format: int32
   256                          minimum: 0
   257                        policyAuditConfig:
   258                          description: policyAuditConfig is the configuration for network policy audit events. If unset, reported defaults are used.
   259                          type: object
   260                          properties:
   261                            destination:
   262                              description: 'destination is the location for policy log messages. Regardless of this config, persistent logs will always be dumped to the host at /var/log/ovn/ however Additionally syslog output may be configured as follows. Valid values are: - "libc" -> to use the libc syslog() function of the host node''s journdald process - "udp:host:port" -> for sending syslog over UDP - "unix:file" -> for using the UNIX domain socket directly - "null" -> to discard all messages logged to syslog The default is "null"'
   263                              type: string
   264                              default: "null"
   265                            maxFileSize:
   266                              description: maxFilesSize is the max size an ACL_audit log file is allowed to reach before rotation occurs Units are in MB and the Default is 50MB
   267                              type: integer
   268                              format: int32
   269                              default: 50
   270                              minimum: 1
   271                            rateLimit:
   272                              description: rateLimit is the approximate maximum number of messages to generate per-second per-node. If unset the default of 20 msg/sec is used.
   273                              type: integer
   274                              format: int32
   275                              default: 20
   276                              minimum: 1
   277                            syslogFacility:
   278                              description: syslogFacility the RFC5424 facility for generated messages, e.g. "kern". Default is "local0"
   279                              type: string
   280                              default: local0
   281                        v4InternalSubnet:
   282                          description: v4InternalSubnet is a v4 subnet used internally by ovn-kubernetes in case the default one is being already used by something else. It must not overlap with any other subnet being used by OpenShift or by the node network. The size of the subnet must be larger than the number of nodes. The value cannot be changed after installation. Default is
   283                          type: string
   284                        v6InternalSubnet:
   285                          description: v6InternalSubnet is a v6 subnet used internally by ovn-kubernetes in case the default one is being already used by something else. It must not overlap with any other subnet being used by OpenShift or by the node network. The size of the subnet must be larger than the number of nodes. The value cannot be changed after installation. Default is fd98::/48
   286                          type: string
   287                    type:
   288                      description: type is the type of network All NetworkTypes are supported except for NetworkTypeRaw
   289                      type: string
   290                deployKubeProxy:
   291                  description: deployKubeProxy specifies whether or not a standalone kube-proxy should be deployed by the operator. Some network providers include kube-proxy or similar functionality. If unset, the plugin will attempt to select the correct value, which is false when OpenShift SDN and ovn-kubernetes are used and true otherwise.
   292                  type: boolean
   293                disableMultiNetwork:
   294                  description: disableMultiNetwork specifies whether or not multiple pod network support should be disabled. If unset, this property defaults to 'false' and multiple network support is enabled.
   295                  type: boolean
   296                disableNetworkDiagnostics:
   297                  description: disableNetworkDiagnostics specifies whether or not PodNetworkConnectivityCheck CRs from a test pod to every node, apiserver and LB should be disabled or not. If unset, this property defaults to 'false' and network diagnostics is enabled. Setting this to 'true' would reduce the additional load of the pods performing the checks.
   298                  type: boolean
   299                  default: false
   300                exportNetworkFlows:
   301                  description: exportNetworkFlows enables and configures the export of network flow metadata from the pod network by using protocols NetFlow, SFlow or IPFIX. Currently only supported on OVN-Kubernetes plugin. If unset, flows will not be exported to any collector.
   302                  type: object
   303                  properties:
   304                    ipfix:
   305                      description: ipfix defines IPFIX configuration.
   306                      type: object
   307                      properties:
   308                        collectors:
   309                          description: ipfixCollectors is list of strings formatted as ip:port with a maximum of ten items
   310                          type: array
   311                          maxItems: 10
   312                          minItems: 1
   313                          items:
   314                            type: string
   315                            pattern: ^(([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]):([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$
   316                    netFlow:
   317                      description: netFlow defines the NetFlow configuration.
   318                      type: object
   319                      properties:
   320                        collectors:
   321                          description: netFlow defines the NetFlow collectors that will consume the flow data exported from OVS. It is a list of strings formatted as ip:port with a maximum of ten items
   322                          type: array
   323                          maxItems: 10
   324                          minItems: 1
   325                          items:
   326                            type: string
   327                            pattern: ^(([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]):([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$
   328                    sFlow:
   329                      description: sFlow defines the SFlow configuration.
   330                      type: object
   331                      properties:
   332                        collectors:
   333                          description: sFlowCollectors is list of strings formatted as ip:port with a maximum of ten items
   334                          type: array
   335                          maxItems: 10
   336                          minItems: 1
   337                          items:
   338                            type: string
   339                            pattern: ^(([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]):([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$
   340                kubeProxyConfig:
   341                  description: kubeProxyConfig lets us configure desired proxy configuration. If not specified, sensible defaults will be chosen by OpenShift directly. Not consumed by all network providers - currently only openshift-sdn.
   342                  type: object
   343                  properties:
   344                    bindAddress:
   345                      description: The address to "bind" on Defaults to
   346                      type: string
   347                    iptablesSyncPeriod:
   348                      description: 'An internal kube-proxy parameter. In older releases of OCP, this sometimes needed to be adjusted in large clusters for performance reasons, but this is no longer necessary, and there is no reason to change this from the default value. Default: 30s'
   349                      type: string
   350                    proxyArguments:
   351                      description: Any additional arguments to pass to the kubeproxy process
   352                      type: object
   353                      additionalProperties:
   354                        description: ProxyArgumentList is a list of arguments to pass to the kubeproxy process
   355                        type: array
   356                        items:
   357                          type: string
   358                logLevel:
   359                  description: "logLevel is an intent based logging for an overall component.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for their operands. \n Valid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\"."
   360                  type: string
   361                  default: Normal
   362                  enum:
   363                    - ""
   364                    - Normal
   365                    - Debug
   366                    - Trace
   367                    - TraceAll
   368                managementState:
   369                  description: managementState indicates whether and how the operator should manage the component
   370                  type: string
   371                  pattern: ^(Managed|Unmanaged|Force|Removed)$
   372                migration:
   373                  description: migration enables and configures the cluster network migration. The migration procedure allows to change the network type and the MTU.
   374                  type: object
   375                  properties:
   376                    features:
   377                      description: features contains the features migration configuration. Set this to migrate feature configuration when changing the cluster default network provider. if unset, the default operation is to migrate all the configuration of supported features.
   378                      type: object
   379                      properties:
   380                        egressFirewall:
   381                          description: egressFirewall specifies whether or not the Egress Firewall configuration is migrated automatically when changing the cluster default network provider. If unset, this property defaults to 'true' and Egress Firewall configure is migrated.
   382                          type: boolean
   383                          default: true
   384                        egressIP:
   385                          description: egressIP specifies whether or not the Egress IP configuration is migrated automatically when changing the cluster default network provider. If unset, this property defaults to 'true' and Egress IP configure is migrated.
   386                          type: boolean
   387                          default: true
   388                        multicast:
   389                          description: multicast specifies whether or not the multicast configuration is migrated automatically when changing the cluster default network provider. If unset, this property defaults to 'true' and multicast configure is migrated.
   390                          type: boolean
   391                          default: true
   392                    mtu:
   393                      description: mtu contains the MTU migration configuration. Set this to allow changing the MTU values for the default network. If unset, the operation of changing the MTU for the default network will be rejected.
   394                      type: object
   395                      properties:
   396                        machine:
   397                          description: machine contains MTU migration configuration for the machine's uplink. Needs to be migrated along with the default network MTU unless the current uplink MTU already accommodates the default network MTU.
   398                          type: object
   399                          properties:
   400                            from:
   401                              description: from is the MTU to migrate from.
   402                              type: integer
   403                              format: int32
   404                              minimum: 0
   405                            to:
   406                              description: to is the MTU to migrate to.
   407                              type: integer
   408                              format: int32
   409                              minimum: 0
   410                        network:
   411                          description: network contains information about MTU migration for the default network. Migrations are only allowed to MTU values lower than the machine's uplink MTU by the minimum appropriate offset.
   412                          type: object
   413                          properties:
   414                            from:
   415                              description: from is the MTU to migrate from.
   416                              type: integer
   417                              format: int32
   418                              minimum: 0
   419                            to:
   420                              description: to is the MTU to migrate to.
   421                              type: integer
   422                              format: int32
   423                              minimum: 0
   424                    networkType:
   425                      description: networkType is the target type of network migration. Set this to the target network type to allow changing the default network. If unset, the operation of changing cluster default network plugin will be rejected. The supported values are OpenShiftSDN, OVNKubernetes
   426                      type: string
   427                observedConfig:
   428                  description: observedConfig holds a sparse config that controller has observed from the cluster state.  It exists in spec because it is an input to the level for the operator
   429                  type: object
   430                  nullable: true
   431                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   432                operatorLogLevel:
   433                  description: "operatorLogLevel is an intent based logging for the operator itself.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for themselves. \n Valid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\"."
   434                  type: string
   435                  default: Normal
   436                  enum:
   437                    - ""
   438                    - Normal
   439                    - Debug
   440                    - Trace
   441                    - TraceAll
   442                serviceNetwork:
   443                  description: serviceNetwork is the ip address pool to use for Service IPs Currently, all existing network providers only support a single value here, but this is an array to allow for growth.
   444                  type: array
   445                  items:
   446                    type: string
   447                unsupportedConfigOverrides:
   448                  description: unsupportedConfigOverrides overrides the final configuration that was computed by the operator. Red Hat does not support the use of this field. Misuse of this field could lead to unexpected behavior or conflict with other configuration options. Seek guidance from the Red Hat support before using this field. Use of this property blocks cluster upgrades, it must be removed before upgrading your cluster.
   449                  type: object
   450                  nullable: true
   451                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   452                useMultiNetworkPolicy:
   453                  description: useMultiNetworkPolicy enables a controller which allows for MultiNetworkPolicy objects to be used on additional networks as created by Multus CNI. MultiNetworkPolicy are similar to NetworkPolicy objects, but NetworkPolicy objects only apply to the primary interface. With MultiNetworkPolicy, you can control the traffic that a pod can receive over the secondary interfaces. If unset, this property defaults to 'false' and MultiNetworkPolicy objects are ignored. If 'disableMultiNetwork' is 'true' then the value of this field is ignored.
   454                  type: boolean
   455            status:
   456              description: NetworkStatus is detailed operator status, which is distilled up to the Network clusteroperator object.
   457              type: object
   458              properties:
   459                conditions:
   460                  description: conditions is a list of conditions and their status
   461                  type: array
   462                  items:
   463                    description: OperatorCondition is just the standard condition fields.
   464                    type: object
   465                    properties:
   466                      lastTransitionTime:
   467                        type: string
   468                        format: date-time
   469                      message:
   470                        type: string
   471                      reason:
   472                        type: string
   473                      status:
   474                        type: string
   475                      type:
   476                        type: string
   477                generations:
   478                  description: generations are used to determine when an item needs to be reconciled or has changed in a way that needs a reaction.
   479                  type: array
   480                  items:
   481                    description: GenerationStatus keeps track of the generation for a given resource so that decisions about forced updates can be made.
   482                    type: object
   483                    properties:
   484                      group:
   485                        description: group is the group of the thing you're tracking
   486                        type: string
   487                      hash:
   488                        description: hash is an optional field set for resources without generation that are content sensitive like secrets and configmaps
   489                        type: string
   490                      lastGeneration:
   491                        description: lastGeneration is the last generation of the workload controller involved
   492                        type: integer
   493                        format: int64
   494                      name:
   495                        description: name is the name of the thing you're tracking
   496                        type: string
   497                      namespace:
   498                        description: namespace is where the thing you're tracking is
   499                        type: string
   500                      resource:
   501                        description: resource is the resource type of the thing you're tracking
   502                        type: string
   503                observedGeneration:
   504                  description: observedGeneration is the last generation change you've dealt with
   505                  type: integer
   506                  format: int64
   507                readyReplicas:
   508                  description: readyReplicas indicates how many replicas are ready and at the desired state
   509                  type: integer
   510                  format: int32
   511                version:
   512                  description: version is the level this availability applies to
   513                  type: string
   514      served: true
   515      storage: true

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